Conspiracy for rheumatoid arthritis - medications, folk remedies, symptoms and treatment, photo

If you did not cure the initial stage of arthritis, gout or osteoarthritis in time, you are now forced to cope with severe pain. Many people have to spend huge amounts of money on expensive medications just to alleviate their suffering. Therefore, we invite you to familiarize yourself with 15 strong white Spells for arthritis that work at a distance, which work instantly and act immediately. Find out how to read them at home without consequences.
  • Spell for a quick recovery
  • A spell to prevent your joints from aching at night
  • Ointment spell
  • Bread spell
  • Conspiracy to the Moon
  • Bathhouse plot
  • Conspiracy on strings
  • Coin spell
  • Spell on things
  • Spell for burdock
  • A spell to get rid of growths on joints
  • Conspiracy from Vanga
  • Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova
  • Conspiracy - Prayer for arthritis

Features of spell magic for pain in the joints of the phalanges of the fingers

Magic rites and rituals will help in getting rid of pain in the fingers.
Most rituals are performed using as the main attribute pain-relieving ointments prepared on the basis of medicinal plants according to folk recipes.

Another feature of conspiracies for arthritis or gout is the presence during the execution of an assistant who will help the performer perform complex manipulations if the mobility of the patient’s joints is limited.

The choice of an assistant must be taken responsibly. You should not invite a person who is skeptical about magic to the ritual.

Spell for tincture with golden mustache and aloe juice

We say the words of the spell for a medicinal drink

When people used to come to a healer, he, as a rule, wrote them out some kind of folk recipe and gave them a spell that had to be read while performing the folk treatment. The tincture of golden mustache and aloe juice was very popular. It's easy to prepare.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 50 grams of golden mustache
  • 50 grams of crushed aloe leaves
  • a glass of vodka.
  • All ingredients are placed in a glass of vodka and infused on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a week.

By the way, aloe leaves also need to be prepared correctly so that all the useful components in them work effectively. To do this, the aloe plant should not be watered for two weeks, then cut off the thickest leaves from it and put it in the freezer for two weeks. Only then can a tincture be prepared from these leaves.

This is the kind of spell that should be used for arthrosis, applying a compress at night. It will be much easier for you in the morning.

The power and principle of spells

The power of the energy flow directly depends on the motivation of the performer. The more the patient hopes for recovery with the help of a conspiracy, the faster the positive result will come.

In the process of performing ritual actions, the performer sends an energy impulse aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease.

Backed up by the power of the Higher powers, it not only relieves painful sensations, but also eliminates the factors that provoke the emergence and development of pathology.

To completely get rid of arthritis, you should perform more than one magical session. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can last from a week to several months.

For rapid recovery of joints

This spell is pronounced during the treatment of joints. While rubbing the ointment or cream into the sore spot, read the following words:

“Lord, I am sending a prayer to you and calling for help, help your servant (name) get rid of the pain. So that she doesn’t twist, twist or break my joints. So that the pain subsides and leaves my body. May God give me good health and strength of spirit. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Whenever you manipulate medications, read this plot. Joint pain will decrease and recovery will occur over time.

Rules for conducting rituals

Before you begin the ritual, you should carefully study each point of the instructions.

First, you should prepare the room: take out electrical appliances and gadgets, ensure the penetration of moonlight, limit the access of strangers and pets. It is not recommended to carry out the ceremony under artificial light; it is better to light church candles.

Next you need to prepare the paraphernalia. Each item should be selected in accordance with the instructions, without replacing with analogues. Ointments and decoctions of medicinal herbs used during rituals must be prepared in advance.

All conspiracies to eliminate pain must be read during the waning moon or on the full moon. After receiving the result, be sure to thank the Higher Powers for their help.

Preparing for the conspiracy

Do not rush to immediately begin performing the magical ritual. Please read the instructions carefully first. It is important to free the room in which you will read the plot from electrical appliances, gadgets and other distractions. Keep animals and unauthorized persons away.

It is extremely important to use only those items that are indicated in the plot instructions. If you are told to prepare the ointment, do it in advance. You should cast spells during the Waning Moon phase or during the Full Moon. Always end by expressing gratitude to a higher power.

Review of effective rituals

There are many conspiracies for joint pain. They can be either universal (affecting any affected area) or specific (affecting only the location of the disease).

For rapid recovery of joints

To get rid of arthritis or growths, before each procedure of rubbing in medicinal ointments, you should kneel in front of the icon and pray in random words for recovery.

For example, an appeal to the Lord might sound like this:

A ritual for the rapid recovery of joints.

So that your joints don't ache at night

Every evening before going to bed, the patient needs to drink a few sips of consecrated water, lie down in bed and stroke the sore spot clockwise with the fingertips of his right hand, saying:

Spell for pain at night.

Repeat the text 7 times. Then roll over onto your right side and, closing your eyes, imagine your joints being healthy. Try to fall asleep quickly.

For ointment

You can use both medical ointment and a composition prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. For example, to relieve joint pain, a mixture of natural honey, vodka, grated black radish and table salt is often used.

Mix all components in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.3. Transfer the composition into a deep dark glass container. Having dipped the baby in the ointment, rub the area where the disease is localized and say the spell 3 times:

We read the words in ointment.

The mixture can be used repeatedly, but before each use it must be repeated.

For bread

Break off a small piece from an unfinished loaf of bread, put it in your mouth and chew it. Apply the resulting paste to the damaged joint and ask the sun, heaven and earth to take away the pain and give complete healing. The appeal can be expressed in any form.

For example:

Bread ritual.

Next, tie the mass with a bandage to the joint and leave for half an hour. During this time, all the negative energy will transfer to the bread. Then remove the crumb, wrap it in a bandage, take it outside and bury it.

To make the ritual more effective, it is recommended to use home-baked bread.

To the moon

The ceremony takes place at midnight. It is necessary to open all the curtains to ensure free penetration of moonlight into the room. Place and light a church candle on the table.

Place a glass of holy water nearby (you can use a jar of medicinal ointment). Fold your palms together and pray, making a request to the night luminary:

Ritual for the moon.

Soak a piece of natural fabric in the charmed water and wipe the affected areas.

Bath plot

If the patient is a woman, the ritual is performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, if a man - on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday.

Heat the bathhouse in the afternoon and prepare a birch broom. After 9 pm, the patient enters the steam room, puts his feet in a basin of hot water and whips himself with a broom on his shoulders and sides. At the same time, he repeats the spell several times:

We repeat the bath spell 7 times.

With threads

For the ritual you will need woolen threads of red or burgundy color. Weave a braid from 3 pieces 20-30 cm long, place it in front of you and read the spell:

Ritual with threads.

Tie the charmed attribute onto the sore joint and wear it for a day. When performing hygiene procedures, try not to get the “bracelet” wet. The next day, remove the braid, wrap it in a plastic bag and bury it away from the house.

With coins

The ritual is performed only on the full moon.

In the evening, take a matchbox of table salt and 3 coins of any denomination. Go to the crossroads, stand facing the moon, pour salt into your palm and throw it over your left shoulder.

Say the words out loud:

Ritual with coins.

Next, throw coins over your right shoulder and say:

We learn words by heart.

Having finished the actions, immediately go home. Along the way, do not talk or greet anyone.

On things

The ritual requires the patient's clothing. The thing must be placed on your knees and a spell must be read over it:

A ritual for things.

Take the charmed clothes outside the yard and bury them. Under no circumstances should the attribute be thrown into the street, as it is a carrier of negative energy. If a random passer-by finds it and picks it up, the next day he will show the first symptoms of the disease.

For arthritis

Pluck a large burdock leaf, grease the fuzzy side with vegetable oil and say the text of the prayer:

Ritual for arthritis.

Apply the burdock with the lubricated side to the damaged joint, wrap it with film, and wrap it in a warm scarf or scarf. Leave the compress for 5-6 hours. Repeat the procedure throughout the week.

From growths on the joints

Most often, growths appear on the bones of the big toes.

To resolve the “bumps” you need to perform the following ritual:

  1. Buy a piece of raw pork meat (loin). When purchasing from a seller, do not take change or haggle.
  2. When you get home, cut the meat into thin slices (like chops).
  3. Say each piece with the words: “Move, sickly, from hand and foot to pig meat.”
  4. Apply the fillet to the affected areas and wrap with a bandage.
  5. After an hour, remove the meat, wrap it in black cloth, take it out into the forest and bury it.

Author's rituals

Traditional healers and sorcerers Vanga and Natalya Stepanova, with the help of incantations and spells, relieved many people from joint pain. Their recommendations for performing rituals are used by patients in many countries.


The patient needs to go into the forest and choose the largest and strongest tree. Aspen is best suited for ritual. Press the painful part of the body against the trunk and pray in random words, addressing the plant.

For example:

Rite from Vanga.

Rub the sore joints on the surface of the trunk, bow low to the tree, cross yourself 3 times and leave without looking back.

Natalia Stepanova

Pour hot water into a basin and lay a new towel on the floor next to it. The patient should stand with his bare feet on the cloth, pick up a new poker, lower it into the water and slowly rotate it clockwise, saying:

Ritual from Stepanova.

Pour the water away from the porch of the house and cover it with soil.

Precautions and possible consequences

To treat joint diseases, choose white spells. Even if you violate the procedure, your health is not in danger. And incorrect execution of black rituals can be accompanied by a large number of side effects. For example, instead of the expected healing, the disease begins to progress.

Some black rites involve the “transfer” of a disease to an object that subsequently needs to be given to another person. In this way you harm his health, which is a great sin.

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