Thoracic osteochondrosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Thoracic osteochondrosis is called if it is localized in the corresponding part of the spine. The disease is difficult to diagnose, since its symptoms are easily confused with other pathologies. Making a diagnosis on your own, much less starting treatment, is very dangerous.

The most common reasons for the development of this pathology are metabolic disorders and increased physical activity (especially on the back). Because of this, the nucleus pulposus (middle of the disc) begins to dry out, and its shell, the fibrous ring, becomes deformed, cracks appear, and it becomes thinner. Because of this, the nerve roots located in the spinal canal are pinched. The person is in pain.

The disease can affect not only intervertebral discs, but also joints and spinal ligaments, destroying them and reducing functionality.

How does thoracic osteochondrosis manifest?

Among all types of osteochondrosis, it is the thoracic one that has vague symptoms. But it is still possible to identify the main features:

  • chest pain, which intensifies at night, with a long stay in one position, cooling, turning, bending to the side, or heavy physical activity;
  • pain between the shoulder blades, when raising the right or left arm, bending;
  • increased pain with deep inhalation and exhalation;
  • painful sensations between the ribs while walking;
  • sensation as if the chest and back were being squeezed by a hoop.

During the acute course of the disease, the pain does not go away for 2-3 weeks. In this case, you should pay attention to additional symptoms. With osteochondrosis, the skin may become numb or a feeling of “pins and needles” may occur. The skin itself begins to peel off. At this time, the legs feel itching, burning, and sometimes cold. Nails become brittle.

The pathology also affects the digestive organs. A person may experience discomfort when swallowing or simply pain in the esophagus. Also, this type of osteochondrosis is accompanied by a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of pain syndrome

Pain radiates to the mammary gland, usually due to chest pathology, which is diagnosed very rarely. The discs and vertebrae in this area are reliably protected by a strong rib frame. They are rarely exposed to excessive stress, as they take little part in movement. But if a segment of the thoracic region is affected by osteochondrosis, then the clinical picture contains very specific symptoms, for example, chest pain, similar to an attack of angina.

Discomfort in the mammary gland rarely occurs due to compression of large or small blood vessels, although this may cause an increase in their intensity. Pain appears as a result of infringement of the spinal root:

  • sharp edges of osteophytes;
  • hernial protrusion;
  • inflammatory edema.

In response to pinching of the spinal root, muscle spasm occurs. By limiting mobility, the body tries to reduce the severity of pain. But tension in the skeletal muscles often only makes the situation worse. The pain spreads to the mammary gland, shoulders, forearms, and internal organs.

What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis like?

Diagnosis of this disease is very difficult, since the symptoms are easily confused with other pathologies. For example, angina or heart attack are also characterized by chest pain. However, after taking medications for the heart, the pain goes away, but in the case of osteochondrosis, it does not.

Sometimes radiating pain can lead to thoughts of appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder or gastritis. The sensations are similar to colitis and ulcers. Also, the symptoms resemble pathology of the mammary glands in women. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a specialist to make a correct diagnosis.


It is very difficult to differentiate thoracic osteochondrosis due to the similarity of its symptoms with the clinical manifestations of other diseases. Because of this, it was even called the “chameleon disease.” However, the specialists at the CELT clinic have extensive experience in correctly making this diagnosis and have a whole arsenal of modern equipment for this purpose.

Diagnostic studies are carried out in a complex and include the following:

  • examination by a Pain Clinic specialist, if required, by related specialists (cardiologist, gastroenterologist, nephropathologist, urologist, rheumatologist, etc.)
  • radiography;
  • ;
  • MRI.

Why does the disease occur?

Osteochondrosis is a common disease in people at risk. This includes those who work a lot at the computer and slouch at the same time. That's right - sit upright, lean on the back of the chair. The disease often occurs in drivers. If a person has previously received spinal injuries, there is an increased risk of developing pathology. Weak back muscles increase the load on the spine and can provoke the development of osteochondrosis. People who have scoliosis or other postural disorders are also at risk.

The disease is less common than the cervical and lumbar types. This is due to the fact that the thoracic spine is inactive. There are ribs and muscles around it, so it has extra protection.

Can the mammary gland hurt with osteochondrosis?

Most often, the mammary gland hurts with thoracic osteochondrosis or damage to the lower cervical vertebral segments. This happens due to the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs and the development of severe complications. Osteochondrosis is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic pathology that, if left untreated, slowly and steadily progresses. Damage to the discs causes them to become flattened, compacted, and lose their shock-absorbing properties. They are no longer able to prevent excess loads arising from static and dynamic movements.

Damage to the discs leads to the following pathological conditions:

  • spinal deformities;
  • proliferation of bone tissue, formation of osteophytes (bone growths);
  • displacement of discs with the formation of protrusion or hernia.

Since there are many sensitive nerve endings and blood vessels located near the spine, their pinching provokes severe back pain. They are not localized in one area, but spread to neighboring areas of the body, for example, the mammary glands.

Two “markers” of osteochondrosis: dorsago and dorsalgia

One of the most striking manifestations of the disease. Dorsago is also called thoracic lumbago. This is a shooting pain in the chest that occurs suddenly, especially after being in one position for a long time. The sensation makes it difficult for a person to breathe. If you try to turn your torso to the side, the pain will intensify.

Dorsalgia, on the contrary, is characterized by mild pain. Localized at the site of the affected intervertebral disc. It is more dull in nature and differs in duration (2-3 weeks). When you take deep breaths and bend over, the pain intensifies. If you walk for a short time, the pain goes away. At night they intensify.

Which doctor should I contact?

Patients with pain in the mammary gland usually turn to a mammologist, and if he is not on staff of the medical institution, to a therapist. Doctors will conduct an external examination and prescribe all the necessary general clinical and instrumental studies. If their results indicate a neurogenic origin of symptoms against the background of progressive osteochondrosis, then the patient will be referred to a neurologist or vertebrologist for further treatment.

You can contact these highly specialized doctors immediately if you suspect that pain in the mammary gland is caused by the destruction of intervertebral discs.

Osteochondrosis is treated by a vertebrologist.

How is this pathology treated?

Experienced doctors work at the Noosphere clinic. They know how to get rid of the disease using conservative methods. The course of treatment includes:

  1. Resonance wave UHF therapy. Resonance wave therapy is a method of therapeutic effects on the aquatic environment of the body with low-intensity, high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
  2. Fermatron injections. Fermatron intra-articular injections are an effective method of treating various diseases of the musculoskeletal system by introducing a drug (chondroprotector) into the affected joint.
  3. Rehabilitation on the Thera-Band simulator. Treatment of the spine and joints using the Thera-Band simulator will restore limb mobility in a short period of time without expensive treatment in specialized sanatoriums.
  4. Blockade of joints and spine. Joint blockade is a type of drug treatment of the spine and joints aimed at relieving acute pain, inflammation and muscle spasms.
  5. Drug treatment. Drug treatment of joints and spine at the Noosphere clinic is used in a wide range and in combination with physiotherapy. Intra-articular injections, blockades and droppers.

As a result of using all methods in combination, the following effect is achieved:

  • improves blood circulation and nutrition of intervertebral discs;
  • stops the destruction of discs, restores their structure;
  • relieves inflammation of nerve roots;
  • relaxes tense back and chest muscles;
  • restores the biomechanics of the spine;
  • prevents complications such as protrusions and hernias;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and respiratory muscles;
  • straightens posture;
  • stimulates the functioning of the immune system.

After treatment, it is very important to do home exercises. The attending physician will tell you how and when to do gymnastics. In each case, an individual course of treatment and home training program are selected.


Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis in CELT is prescribed on an individual basis. When developing a plan, our doctors take into account all the characteristics of the patient’s body, his age, and concomitant diseases. Conservative treatment, which is used in the vast majority of cases, can reduce or completely eliminate pain symptoms, relieve inflammation and swelling, and relieve stress on the nerve roots. Conservative treatment includes the following:

  • drug treatment;
  • exercise therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • spinal traction.

Therapeutic blockade is deservedly considered one of the most effective procedures for treating pain syndrome. For several years now, our specialists have been performing it for everyone who suffers from severe pain, and invariably achieve excellent results. Therapeutic blockade allows you to relieve pain by injecting medication directly into the affected area. A few minutes after the procedure, pain symptoms disappear, and the pain relief effect can last up to a year.

Surgical treatment is resorted to only in extreme cases, if conservative treatment does not bring the expected results.

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

How to prevent the development of pathology?

Our doctors recommend the following prevention methods:

  • during the day, lie down for 40-50 minutes - this will relieve the load on the spine;
  • if you work a lot at the computer, change your position, get up from your chair every 2 hours, bend a couple of times in different directions, stretch, straighten your shoulders;
  • engage in water sports: swimming, diving, water aerobics;
  • do not get too cold, keep your back warm;
  • Do the following exercise regularly: lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor and bend back. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.


Traditional medicine is used during the rehabilitation period, when the main treatment has already been carried out. They do not contain ingredients that have regenerative or pronounced analgesic properties. Therefore, it is advisable to use folk remedies to eliminate mild discomfort and prevent the progression of osteochondrosis.

The only exception is teas made from fresh medicinal raw materials (St. John's wort, elecampane, rosehip, lemon balm, oregano). They are prescribed to patients to improve their physical and psycho-emotional condition. Making tea is simple - pour a teaspoon of dry plant material into a glass of boiling water for an hour, cool, strain, drink 100 ml after meals 3 times a day.

Folk remedy for eliminating mild pain in osteochondrosisRecipe
CompressMash a fresh leaf of burdock or horseradish, grease it with honey and apply it to the area where the discs and vertebrae affected by the pathology are located. Place film and thick fabric on top, secure the bandage with a bandage. Keep the compress for 1-2 hours
Homemade ointmentIn a mortar, mix 50 g of medical petroleum jelly and baby cream, add a teaspoon of red pepper tincture, 2 drops of essential oils of thuja, pine, and fir. Transfer the ointment to a container with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Rub into the back if discomfort occurs.

Herbs are good because they are completely free of chemicals.

Nutrition rules

Proper nutrition during treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis is the lion's share of success. It is necessary to eat foods that contain substances necessary for the body at this time. For example, jellied meat, jelly and other dishes with gelatin help cartilage tissue to recover, as they contain chondoprotectors.

The abundance of protein is also important. Dairy products, meat and fish are animal sources of protein. Legumes (especially beans), nuts, seeds, eggplants and other vegetables are vegetable. Also, fresh fruits and vegetables are very useful for the proper functioning of the immune system and strengthening the body as a whole. Eating greens, broccoli, and celery will have a positive effect on treatment.

Dishes must be steamed or boiled.

Instead of bread made from white flour, you should choose whole grain, rye, or replace them with bread.
One of the main microelements necessary for the treatment of osteochondrosis is calcium, found in dairy products, almonds, greens and rose hips. Sunflower seeds, nuts, avocados and other magnesium-rich foods are essential in your daily diet. You should avoid concentrated broths, salted and smoked foods. An abundance of flour, sugar and seasonings is harmful, and preservation is also unacceptable.

Possible complications

Breast pain is a clinical manifestation that cannot cause complications. But the increased anxiety, restlessness, and psycho-emotional instability provoked by it can become a prerequisite for the development of pathologies. Osteochondrosis itself, if left untreated, leads not only to complications, but also to human disability.

The most dangerous consequences of a degenerative-dystrophic disease are the formation of an intervertebral hernia, vertebral artery syndrome, and radicular syndrome. And advanced discogenic myelopathy cannot be completely eliminated even by surgery.

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