Arachnoid cyst of the sacral spine

Spinal cysts, like any other cysts, are formations filled with liquid content. Their walls can be the surrounding tissue (false cysts) or the epithelial lining (true cysts). The cause of congenital cysts is due to disturbances in the process of embryonic development, and acquired cysts are due to inflammation, injury or degenerative changes. They often become a diagnostic finding because in four out of five cases they are asymptomatic.

There are several types of cysts, differing in location, content composition and clinical manifestations:

  • perineural cyst. Occurs in the sheaths of the spinal nerves, in most cases in the lumbar region. Having reached large sizes, it can cause back pain along the compressed nerve roots, as well as sensory and motor disorders in the area of ​​their innervation. Particularly large formations provoke dysfunction of the pelvic organs, weakness and numbness in the lower extremities;
  • Tarlov cyst. Formed in the sacral region. Flows asymptomatically;
  • periarticular cyst. It is localized in the area of ​​intervertebral joints - in the articular capsule (synovial) or outside it (ganglionic). It is more common in the cervical and lumbar regions. Large periarticular cysts are accompanied by particularly pronounced and persistent symptoms of compression of the spinal cord roots;
  • aneurysmal cyst. It is located in the bone tissue of the vertebra, most often in the arches and processes, less often in the body. It is a consequence of circulatory disorders, filled with blood. It is distinguished by visible external manifestations - a swelling appears in the projection of the cyst, the skin over it has an increased temperature and a characteristic vascular pattern. Large aneurysmal cysts threaten vertebral fracture and bleeding, while small ones often resolve on their own.

Types of neoplasms

Today, doctors classify cysts depending on their shape, location, causes of appearance, size and structure. According to these factors, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Pararticular cyst. Most often, the disease occurs in older people and is localized in the intervertebral joints in the middle and upper parts of the spine.
  2. The cyst of the cervical spine is ganglionic. The peculiarity of this type of neoplasm is that it affects the cervical and lumbar spine. These areas bear the heaviest mechanical loads.
  3. Perineural formation. The anomaly is a congenital disorder. The location of the cyst is the lower spine.
  4. Arachnoid cyst or Tarlov cyst also refers to congenital pathologies. The peculiarity of this type of neoplasm is its location in the canal of the sacral part of the spine.
  5. Aneurysmal formations. Diagnosed rarely and more often in pediatric patients. The tumor forms in the body of the spinal column itself.

Depending on the degree of development of the perineural cyst of the spine, a treatment method is selected. In most cases, drug therapy, physical therapy, and cyst removal in combination are recommended.


The etiology of the disease is of a different nature. In utero, it appears due to negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman, or genetic abnormalities. But this rarely happens; in most cases, patients develop pathology during their lifetime as a result of the following factors:

Prognosis for metastases in the spine

  • Inflammatory process or infection in the spine.
  • Received spinal injury.
  • Constant load on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Severe lack of regular activity or exercise.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic processes.
  • Progressive osteochondrosis, protusion or intervertebral hernia.
  • Hemorrhages in the tissues of the spine.
  • Infection with parasites (pork tapeworm, echinococcus).
  • Development of the oncological process.

The female sex is more susceptible to the disease, since the muscles in the lumbar or sacral region are much weaker and do not cope well with increased loads. Injury to this area also often occurs as a result of professional activities or intense sports. Untreated inflammatory processes gradually develop into a cyst, which becomes a complication.

Important information! In the neck area, a cyst of this kind is rarely formed; in most cases it is diagnosed in the sacrum or lumbar region.

Complex of symptoms of a spinal cyst

Symptoms manifest differently depending on the etiology, volume and location of the tumor. Mostly, the problem makes itself felt after the cyst increases in size. While the tumor is small, it is usually discovered by chance. Main signs of pathology:

  • pain at the site of the cyst, radiating to other parts of the body and independent of the position the person is in;
  • severe headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • decreased sensitivity of the limbs and tingling sensation in the arms and legs;
  • bowel and bladder dysfunction;
  • gait disturbance and instability;
  • fast fatiguability.

The disease has a negative impact on the patient’s organs and systems. For this reason, it is most often recommended to undergo examination to detect other types of cysts.

Prognosis after surgery

If the case was so advanced that the doctors decided to perform an operation, in the absence of primary complications in the patient, usually the formation no longer bothers him.

After timely treatment, very favorable prognoses are made. The functioning of internal organs and their sensitivity are restored, and the pain goes away.

After surgery, proper recommendations and rehabilitation are very important. Exercise can be done in moderation, choosing sports carefully. Swimming, skiing, and therapeutic exercises are recommended.

Complications after removal of a dental cyst

Compliance with the rules and recommendations during the rehabilitation period after removal of a dental cyst helps prevent the development of a number of complications.

Immediately after the operation, the patient needs to return to his normal lifestyle. Rehabilitation helps him with this.

The right approach will quickly restore physical health and remove discomfort. Rehabilitation is carried out comprehensively and regularly, no breaks are taken. Physiotherapy is supplemented by taking various medications.

The main reasons for the development of dangerous pathology

A cyst on the spinal column can occur due to:

  • inflammatory processes in the back areas;
  • getting injured;
  • strong physical activity;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • hemorrhages;
  • worm infections;
  • lower back pain.

In any case, the appearance of pain in the back should serve as an alarm bell for a person. To prevent further development of the disease and promptly begin treatment of a cyst in the cervical spine, you should consult a specialist doctor.

Methods for detecting cysts

A cerebrospinal fluid cyst is not determined by external examination or patient complaints. Anamnesis alone is not enough for the doctor to obtain an objective picture of the disease. Therefore, after the appearance of severe symptoms or discomfort in the back as a result of physical activity, the patient is prescribed a referral to undergo general tests and undergo instrumental research techniques. If a cyst is suspected, this is:

  • X-ray. A hollow formation in the spine is noticeable on the image, so the patient is referred to it first.
  • Ultrasonography. Spectral analysis makes it possible to determine with high accuracy the presence of free liquid and the mobility of the medium.
  • MRI. The technique allows us to identify the exact localization of the pathology, its size, and associated disorders.
  • Tomography. Diffusion-weighted examination is used to detect tumors of various types.
  • Histology. Particles of the cyst, which are taken during the sampling process in a special way, can be analyzed; this is not always prescribed.
  • Myelography. It is prescribed to check the functionality of the nerve endings in the spinal canal.
  • Electromyography. Its main task is to determine the general condition of the spinal cord. It is often performed using a contrast agent.
  • Puncture. It is done under anesthesia and using ultrasound to control the process. With its help, the nature of the formation is revealed, benign or not.

The results obtained are quite sufficient to identify the cyst, its size and concomitant diseases. Accurate diagnosis is important for determining a treatment regimen; a neurologist supervises the treatment.

Important information! If a cyst of the sacral spine is diagnosed, then the location of the disease must be specified when indicating the name of the disease. This is usually the Latin letter and number assigned to the vertebrae. For example, S(1-5) is the sacral region, L(1-5) is the lower back.

Chondroprotectors are an important part of complex drug therapy

Diagnosis of spinal cyst

Treatment of a perineural cyst of the spine is prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the patient. The diagnosis is made by a neurologist or neurosurgeon. Our clinic has a modern diagnostic complex, which allows us to detect a cyst in the lumbar spine at the initial stages and examine it as accurately as possible. After examination by a doctor, the patient is prescribed:

  • collection of general blood and urine tests;
  • puncture of affected cells;
  • taking an X-ray of the dorsal areas;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Ultrasound.

CT and MRI are considered today the most effective methods for studying tumors. These diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the location of the tumor and its size, as well as the possibility of growing into surrounding tissues.


Spinal cysts are treated comprehensively: it is aimed at reducing symptoms and preventing complications.

Conservative treatment is prescribed by a neurosurgeon and includes:

  • Taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Taking vitamins B and C, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Taking medications that improve microcirculation.
  • Taking medications that reduce dystrophic and degenerative processes in tissues.
  • Injecting painkillers directly into trigger points to relieve acute pain.

Conservative treatment is supplemented with bed rest and a diet rich in microelements and vitamins.

Of the physiotherapeutic methods in the treatment of spinal cysts, preference is given to:

  • therapeutic massage;
  • reflexology;
  • phonophoresis;
  • therapeutic exercises;

The doctor may prescribe fixation of the spine with a bandage, corset, or elastic belt.

Cysts of an infectious nature are treated together with an infectious disease specialist.

Surgical treatment is prescribed if the cyst increases in size, puts pressure on the spinal roots and spinal cord, on blood circulation and the functions of other organs.

The operation can be performed in two ways: minimally invasive - puncture of the cyst or excision of the formation with tissue.


With this pathology, the prognosis is not always favorable. The fact is that an arachnoid cyst has a tendency to recur. Even if it is cut out or dried out, it may reappear and begin to bother the patient.

Aspiration (drainage) is also a surgical procedure. For some, the relapse process takes several years, for others it takes a few days. In its absence and proper rehabilitation prescribed by a doctor, the disease never returns. That is, the prognosis is favorable.


Prevention of Tarlov cyst involves changing your daily lifestyle. It is necessary to correctly distribute the loads placed on the lumbar region. At the same time, strengthening sports activities will be useful.

In general, this benign tumor is a fairly harmless disease. But if it is neglected or not diagnosed in time, it can even lead to the development of cancer.

Self-medicating is not only frivolous, but also dangerous. To avoid the appearance of a tumor, you need to evenly distribute the sports load, do not overload the spine, go swimming and go for a massage at least once a year. Particular attention should be paid to the thoracic, lumbar and sacral regions.

Forecast and preventive measures

Most often, a spinal cord cyst is characterized by a slow development and does not affect the patient’s life expectancy. A person’s working capacity continues for a long period. However, if there are complications, there may be restrictions on self-care. In addition, the development of infection often leads to sepsis and intoxication of the body.

With syringobulbia, atrophy of the respiratory organs occurs, which often causes death.

Since the causes of this disease remain unclear, there are no methods of primary prevention. In turn, secondary measures are aimed at timely treatment, preventing burns, injuries, and infection of the body.

Features of this pathology

First, let's figure out what a cyst is. This is a kind of formation that appears as a result of disruption of the processes of cellular homeostasis. This is a sinus of various sizes that can be filled with certain contents. Its walls may or may not be lined with epithelium. As a rule, the contents of the cyst are capillary blood or periarticular fluid, if we are talking about the development of a formation in the area of ​​articular tissue. Sometimes it is also filled with waste products of various microorganisms, if the cause of development is infection.

Perineural cyst at level S2

On a note! Cysts can be classified according to several principles - how long ago they formed, location, causes of occurrence, etc. They can also be false or true, and differ in structure.

Perineural cyst of the spinal column, as a rule, develops in connective tissues (articular, cartilaginous fat) and is of fibrous origin. This disease is quite widespread. With a perineural cyst, a cavity is formed in the long, narrow canal where the spinal cord is located, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (also called cerebrospinal fluid) and has a round shape.

How to determine the location of the formation

On a note! If we translate the term “perineural” from Latin, it will literally mean “near the nerve,” since the word “peri” means “around” and “nervus” means nerve.

The main types of cystic formations


This is a fluid-filled bladder that causes the ovary to enlarge, leading to pain and sometimes infertility. The main reason for its appearance is hormonal imbalance. The disease often occurs without symptoms; when the formation is large, the cycle is disrupted, pain is felt in the lower abdomen, a false urge to urinate occurs, and bleeding occurs outside of menstruation. Methods of surgical treatment: oophorectomy (complete removal of the ovary), laparoscopic cystectomy (excision of the cyst), adenxectomy (surgery to remove the uterine appendages). In most cases, the choice is not classical surgery, but gentle endoscopic removal of the cyst while preserving the patient’s reproductive function.

Read more about ovarian cyst removal


Most often occurs in men aged 15-30 years. It is an opening in the area of ​​the gluteal fold, approximately 10 cm from the anus. Externally it looks like a fistula. It can be congenital or acquired - due to too much hair in this area. It manifests itself as pain when walking, sitting, redness of the tailbone, a feeling of discomfort and the presence of a foreign body in the area where it is located. At a later stage, pus is released from the hole.

Read more about the treatment of coccygeal cyst

Bartholin gland

Appears due to blockage of the gland duct due to infection or chronic inflammation. The formation has a capsule and is filled with secretion, which gradually gels. If it is large, it interferes with walking and sitting, makes intimate intimacy inaccessible, and can become infected and lead to an abscess. Usually reaches 2 cm, but there are formations up to 9 cm. The main causes are chronic bartholinitis, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, decreased local immunity.

Where and how to remove a Bartholin gland cyst


A hollow formation filled with non-inflammatory fluid - products of the activity of the cornea or conjunctiva. May originate from the cornea, iris, conjunctiva and other eye membranes. Causes: inflammation and trauma, congenital anomalies. The disease is manifested by pain, a feeling of fullness, blurred vision, and the presence of translucent dots in the field of vision.

Read more about surgical treatment of cysts in ophthalmology

Maxillary sinus

A cavity containing fluid and having a membrane attached to the wall (usually the lower) of the maxillary sinus. A cystic formation can be true (its walls consist of mucous membrane) or pseudocyst (the mucous membrane is split and fluid accumulates in it). It manifests itself as headache, difficulty breathing through the nose, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the eye and cheek area, mucus discharge from the nose and its flow down the wall of the pharynx, discharge of yellow transparent fluid from the nose, frequent sinusitis with suppuration. It is formed due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the nose, blockage of the excretory duct of the glands of the maxillary sinus, inflammation of the teeth, spreading to the roots.

Read more about the treatment of abscesses and cysts of the ENT organs

Mammary gland

A cavity bounded by a capsule of connective tissue and filled with fluid is formed in the ducts and can be single or multiple. It is formed due to an increase in the duct of the mammary gland, the accumulation of secretions in it. The lesion may be round, oval, or irregular in shape. The disease is asymptomatic for a long time; over time, pain and burning appear in the mammary gland, and may be accompanied by suppuration and inflammation. One of the varieties is a fatty cystic formation that occurs when the sebaceous gland of the skin is blocked and filled with secretions. The main provoking factors are mastitis, thyroid disease, inflammation of the genital organs, and ovarian dysfunction.

Learn more about symptoms and treatments

Uterus and cervix

These are dilated and clogged glands, inside of which secretions (mucus) accumulate. The disease occurs against the background of endocervitis, cervitis. Provoking factors: abortion, childbirth, infections, menopause, hormonal imbalance, use of an intrauterine device, infections. Nabothian cystic formations are localized in the vaginal area of ​​the uterus and are not removed until they reach a certain size. Retention occurs due to an excessive amount of secretion in the gland duct. The disease is often asymptomatic; its indirect signs are frequent inflammation.

Read more about surgical treatment of uterine and cervical cysts


A cystic formation is an accumulation of fluid in the substance or membranes of the brain. When large in size, it entails intracranial hypertension and puts pressure on the surrounding brain structures. Can form at any age. Depending on the location, cerebral (intracerebral) and arachnoid formations are distinguished. The first are found in the internal structures of the brain, in areas of necrosis. The second ones are in the meninges. Provoking factors: inflammatory diseases, trauma, including birth, cerebrovascular accident, parasites, complications after surgery. They manifest themselves as nausea, a feeling of pressure on the eyes, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, pulsation or noise in the head, and visual impairment.

Thyroid gland

Small formations (up to 5 mm) may not have pronounced symptoms. If the thyroid cyst has dense inclusions and a complicated structure, then special studies (for example, ultrasound), tests and biopsy are needed, because such a condition may be a sign of malignant degeneration.

Read more about surgical treatment of thyroid cysts


Cysts of the larynx can be located in any part of the larynx. They do not grow into the mucous membrane, but grow towards the lumen of the larynx and thereby narrow it. The cause of retention cysts is blockage of the excretory ducts of the laryngeal glands. There are cysts of the vocal cords that arise due to constant irritation.

More information about surgical treatment of laryngeal cyst (laryngocele)

You can find out the prices for cyst removal endoscopically or by another method, as well as the cost of preoperative diagnostics on our website or by calling honey. +7 (812) 435 55 55.

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