Yoga for hernia of the lumbosacral spine

A herniated disc causes severe back pain and a lot of discomfort. For hernia of the lumbosacral spine, specialists often prescribe yoga therapy. With its help, you can achieve relaxation of all necessary muscle groups, restore blood flow in the damaged area and lymph outflow, which contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged cartilage tissue. Also, after performing asanas, there is an improvement in the functioning of all parts of the spinal column and an increase in the distance between the vertebrae.

Yoga as a prevention and treatment of spinal hernias

Protrusions and other problems in the spine are quite common. They often appear asymptomatically. In the initial stages, the pathology practically does not bother the person. But gradually pain and some other symptoms begin to appear.

Yoga for a hernia can be performed, but remember that extreme care must be taken so as not to harm the sore back. Many asanas are aimed not only at improving health, but also at treating many diseases.

Yoga for the spine should be performed with a competent approach, especially for those who have hernias. Movements are coordinated, slow and smooth. Yoga for a hernia can be performed for any part of the back, as well as for general purposes.

A herniated disc occurs as a result of injury or displacement of the disc core. This bulging contributes to compression of the nerve endings, as a result of which a person feels severe discomfort not only in the back, but often in the limbs.

It is important to start performing asanas at the initial stage of the onset of pathology, since severe degrees of the disease may require serious treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention, after which many physical exercises will be prohibited for a long time.

Spinal diseases are very common in pregnant women. Therefore, it is very important to start practicing it as early as possible, possibly in the early stages of pregnancy with the permission of the attending physician.

Features of performing asanas for spinal hernias

Yoga for spinal hernia is allowed, but it has its own characteristics. For a hernia, it is recommended to perform only the most basic and not difficult asanas. There are special exercises that are designed specifically for people with diseases of the spinal column.

Performing asanas for spinal hernias requires the supervision of a practitioner so that he can monitor the correctness of their execution. Many people notice an improvement in their body’s condition within a month after using certain asanas. An important rule is regularity of classes. Only with constant work is a significant health effect possible. Available asanas for such pathologies are:

  • tadasana;
  • savasana;
  • virabhadrasana;
  • baddha konasana.

Basic asanas are used for general strengthening of the body. And there are special asanas that are aimed specifically at the back area and spine.

It is very important not to create artificial excessive stress on the spine. When performing asanas, you need to monitor your condition and control your movements.

Principles of doing exercises

At its core, yoga is special exercises called asanas in yoga therapy. These exercises are aimed at improving the patient’s condition, both physical and psychological. With this treatment, these exercises help strengthen the spine, but in no case should you overwork, because complications may arise. For the best effect, the following principles must be observed when performing yoga exercises:

  • You must not injure your back, expose it to blows or shocks, you must avoid jumping;
  • you should stop practicing if yoga starts to cause pain;
  • it is necessary to perform all exercises strictly according to the class time schedule and in a comprehensive manner;
  • all exercises should be performed smoothly, breathing during yoga should be even and calm, this must be monitored;
  • movements that twist the spine are not recommended at the very beginning of the course;
  • beginners should increase the load gradually, starting from the very minimum;
  • to get rid of such a complex disease as a hernia, you need to be patient;
  • the set of classes should be completed with the Shavasana exercise (the body relaxes in the “corpse” pose).

For the best effect of yoga, you need to follow some rules. For example, jumping should be avoided.

Precautions and contraindications

Yoga for a hernia should be performed as gently as possible. You cannot make sudden movements and asanas that involve rapid transitions from position to position. If a person feels severe back pain, it is better to refrain from doing exercises.

If sudden, severe or aching pain appears during exercise, you must stop the exercise or reduce its intensity. While performing asanas, you should adhere to smooth transitions from position to position, and also ensure that your back is fairly straight.

It is in the morning that people with spinal problems feel maximum discomfort, so it is advisable to practice at this time. Yoga involves smooth, measured movements, which allows the back to get into good condition in a fairly short time.

It is forbidden to train on a full stomach, but performing asanas on an empty stomach is also not recommended. It is necessary to adhere to a time interval after eating of about 2 - 3 hours. Monitor your well-being during class. If tension appears in your back, it is best to stop exercising.

Complexes for the spine should be performed in a relaxed state. In addition, you should avoid exercising during illness, high fever, headaches and joint pain.

Spinal exercises should be performed under the strict supervision of a practitioner. If a person uses asanas independently at home, then it is necessary to first study the correctness of the technique.

Yoga and prevention of back diseases

Exercises help not only with existing diseases, but are also an excellent prevention for many ailments. For example, for problems with the spine, many asanas significantly improve a person’s condition. And for people who do not have back problems, they are an excellent preventive measure against their occurrence.

Regular exercise helps relieve pain from excessive physical activity, including the back. People who feel frequent fatigue after a hard day of work, and also have some defects such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and others, should regularly practice at least some asanas so that these diseases do not develop into more severe pathologies.

Sets of exercises stimulate blood circulation in tight areas of the back. During the day, not all muscles on the human body are connected to work. There are also those who practically do not participate in it. In this regard, clamps often appear in these places, especially if a person does not engage in physical activity. Practice will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of ailments in these areas.


Asanas are called poses in yoga. They do not require special effort from a person and do not force the body to strain more than it is capable of. Almost all poses have no contraindications for health.

Ardha Svanasana

To perform this pose, you need to stand against a wall, and a yoga mat is not useful for this exercise. The following actions are performed:

  • at a distance of 1 m from the wall you stand facing it;
  • place your hands on the wall shoulder-width apart above chest level or parallel to it, making an inclination;
  • your hands move down the wall, you bend over, inhaling and exhaling air evenly;
  • arms straighten so as to be parallel to the surface;
  • during inhalation, the spine should stretch (if there is a load on the lower back, you can bend your knees slightly);
  • After a few repetitions, you begin to return to the original position;
  • you stand up straight as you inhale;
  • the action is repeated several times.

How effective are yoga classes for spinal hernia?

The development of spinal column pathology can lead to a number of complications. Due to their lifestyle, many people acquire spinal diseases: osteochondrosis and other abnormalities. They can be treated with medication and regular exercise.

It is allowed to do yoga if you have a herniated disc, but you should be extremely careful. Yoga classes significantly improve a person’s well-being. Many people note the relief of pain from a vertebral hernia and the elimination of stiffness of movement. It should be remembered that classes are possible only with the permission of the attending physician, since severe forms of the disease require specialist supervision.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear while performing asanas, you must stop practicing and postpone them for some time. In order for the maximum effect of yoga, you should eat properly to provide the internal organs with the necessary amount of nutrients.

With regular exercise, it is possible to get rid of the problem within a few months. However, for moderate illness, such therapy may take a little time, but generally, treatment takes no more than a year. After which you can continue to exercise to maintain the effect.

Yoga Iyengar

Iyengar yoga pays special attention to body position. It must be correct for harmonious development and good anatomical structure. The main principle of this method is the static performance of asanas using various supports. Another distinctive feature is the individual approach to each student and a detailed explanation of the functions of each of the poses. Iyengar yoga treatment is widely used for intervertebral hernia.

Anyone can practice Iyengar yoga using any available means, such as stones, belts, stools, sheets, etc.

Yoga for hernias of various locations

It is very important to maintain balance when performing any asanas. In addition, inverted asanas are not recommended, as well as those that involve too sharp transitions and excessive stretching and bending.

The problem can appear in any part of the spine. Depending on which department it is located in, there are certain restrictions on the performance of some asanas. For example, if you have problems in the lumbar sector, you should refrain from asanas that require excessive extension of the spine. In a cervical one, you cannot make sudden head movements.

TOP 5 facts about hernia. Neurosurgeon's answer

Many people come to our clinic every day whose MRI scans have revealed herniations and protrusions of intervertebral discs. As a rule, people have many questions about what to do about it and how to continue living. In this article we will try to clearly answer the most frequently asked questions.

  1. What is a herniated disc, how does it differ from protrusion?

The spinal column (spine) consists of vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Intervertebral discs are elastic cushions located between the vertebrae. They increase the stability of the spine to vertical loads, absorb shock when running, walking, jumping, and are involved in ensuring mobility and flexibility of the spine.

The diameter of the intervertebral disc normally corresponds to the diameter of the vertebral body. In some pathological situations, the disc may bulge beyond the spine. A bulge of up to 5 mm (0.5 cm) is called a protrusion, a bulge of more than 5 mm (0.5 cm) is called a hernia.

  1. Is a herniated disc dangerous?

Disc bulge can occur in any direction (forward, backward, up, down). A forward bulge is called an anterior hernia (ventral hernia). This is an extremely rare condition. There are no important structures in front of the spine, so an anterior hernia is absolutely safe, does not cause any clinical symptoms, and does not require any treatment. Such a hernia on MRI is an incidental finding.

The situation is similar with regard to bulging of the intervertebral disc up or down. This bulge is called a Schmorl's hernia. Schmorl's hernias are also an accidental finding and do not require any treatment.

Posterior hernias are of greatest clinical interest. Posterior to the vertebral bodies are important structures such as the spinal cord, spinal cord membranes, and roots.

Depending on the location of the bulge, posterior hernias are divided into median, paramedian and foraminal.

Median and paramedian hernias bulge into the lumen of the spinal canal, where the spinal cord and its membranes (dural sac) are located. The reserve volume of space in the spinal canal is relatively large, so small hernias (up to 1 cm) may not cause any symptoms. Large hernias of this location cause narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal and can compress the spinal cord and its membranes. In this case, characteristic neurological symptoms develop and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics become difficult. It must be taken into account that the spinal cord ends at the level of the last thoracic vertebra, therefore median hernias of the lumbar spine, even large ones, are relatively safe.

Foraminal hernias are protrusions of the intervertebral disc towards the foraminal opening, where the nerve root passes. The reserve volume of space in this area is very small, so even relatively small hernias and even protrusions can cause neurological symptoms (radicular syndrome).

  1. Is it necessary to operate on a hernia?

Anterior hernias and Schmorl's hernias definitely do not require surgical treatment.

There are exactly three indications for surgical treatment of posterior hernias:

1. Progressive, rapidly increasing focal neurological symptoms (arm or leg failure, difficulty urinating).

2. Ineffectiveness of conservative treatment within 3 months.

3. Unbearable, intractable pain syndrome

In all other cases, surgical treatment is not indicated. Surgery is a last resort treatment when all other options have been exhausted. Surgery is always a risk, it requires a long rehabilitation, and there is no guarantee of a cure. Statistics clearly show that relief after surgical treatment occurs in 85% (quite effective treatment), but in 72% of cases, those who experience relief after surgery within five years experience complications. Such complications include: recurrent hernia, adhesions at the operation site, operated spine syndrome. Thus, in 72% of cases, after 5 years, the pain syndrome returns. And in this case, treating it becomes much more difficult, much more sophisticated.

  1. How to treat a hernia?

The question is formulated incorrectly; it is not the hernia that needs to be treated, but the person; a hernia is just a piece of cartilage tissue. In most cases, a person is worried not about the fact of having a hernia, but about pathological symptoms (pain, lumbago, numbness, weakness in the limbs, dizziness, etc.). Most often (95%) these symptoms are not associated with the presence of a hernia at all. It is necessary to look for the cause of the disease, it could be myofascial syndrome, facet syndrome, myositis, neuropathy, discitis, etc. Otherwise, how can one explain why a hernia has existed for many years, and the symptoms appeared yesterday, or why a friend has a huge hernia and does not hurt, but I have a small one? and such pain? In any case, it is not recommended to treat the disease on your own; consultation with a specialist is necessary, because each of these diseases requires its own special approach. It is extremely wrong to treat any back pain with NSAIDs, vitamins and muscle relaxants; it is necessary to look for the cause of the pain.

  1. Can a hernia resolve?

Yes maybe. The process of resorption of a hernia is called resorption. Resorption occurs through three main mechanisms:

  1. Mechanical, spontaneous reduction
  2. Wrinkling and dehydration
  3. Phagocytosis and enzymatic destruction

This phenomenon is very common and there are many proven cases on this issue (for example,

These are the most common questions asked by patients. If you have any questions that are not covered in the article, you can always ask on the official website of the clinic or during a personal appointment.

Yoga for cervical disc herniation

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the following asanas are best suited:

  • savasana;
  • vrksasana;
  • varihardasana;

These asanas are aimed at relieving tension in the neck. Yoga for a spinal hernia should be performed with extreme caution. If the hernia is located in the cervical region, then great attention should be paid to the position of the head during practice.

To treat a hernia in the cervical spine, other additional treatment methods are often used, such as physical therapy and drug therapy. They can be used in combination with yoga therapy.

Basic methods of hernia treatment

All methods of treating intervertebral hernia can be divided into 2 groups : non-surgical (conservative) and surgical (surgical). In this case, conservative treatment can be non-drug and medicinal.

Non-surgical therapy includes the use of medications and folk remedies, acupressure, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, as well as homeosiniatry (introduction of modern homeopathic drugs into trigger zones or biologically active points).

Yoga for the thoracic spine

This pathology often appears in the thoracic region. In this place, its appearance is due to a specific lifestyle, the presence of scoliosis and insufficient exercise. For diseases of the thoracic spine, the following asanas can be performed:

  • tadasana;
  • balasana;
  • utthita parsvakonasana.

They are aimed at strengthening muscles, as well as relieving pain in this area. They are maximally balanced so that their performance is accessible to people with problems in the thoracic region.

Yoga for hernia of the lumbosacral spine

The most severe hernias are usually in the lumbar spine. Since their treatment is complicated by their unusual location, yoga for this problem should be treated with special care. The following asanas are available for performance:

  • supta padangusthasana;
  • ardha svanasana;
  • adho mukha savasana.

These asanas are aimed at relaxing the lower back. When performing them, it is necessary to ensure that the back is as straight as possible and there is no excessive tension in other parts of the spine.

Asanas for the treatment of intervertebral hernia (execution technique)

The most popular and effective asanas for intervertebral hernia are presented below.

Bharadvajasana on a chair

Bharadvajasana exercise must be performed without sudden movements.

Starting position : sit on a chair sideways so that your buttocks lie on the seat and your right thigh fits snugly against the back of the chair. Pull your torso upward, trying to move your shoulders back. Keep your feet and knees together. Now you can proceed directly to the exercise.

Exhale, turn your entire body towards the back, look over your shoulder (your head turns at the same time as your body). Hold the back of the chair with your hands, because... they are directly involved in the twisting process. Keep your legs motionless and your back relaxed.

Avoid sudden movements , breathe freely. Spend 20 to 30 seconds , then return to the starting position as you exhale.

Change position (press your left thigh against the back of the chair), repeat the exercise from the very beginning.

Savasana (corpse pose)

This exercise helps relax cramped muscles.

Lie on your back, slightly spread your arms and legs to form an angle of about 45 degrees . Keep your head in line with your spine. Breathe without tension, slowly and deeply. Try to relax as much as possible.

As you exhale, “release” your body, feel as if it is spreading across the floor. Proof of correct execution of the asana will be natural breathing (the feeling that you are breathing with your stomach). This means that your body has begun to restore energy.

You need to spend at least 5 minutes in Shavasana (this is a mandatory minimum). Try to relax as much as possible, watch your breathing, let go of all thoughts. Interesting fact: experienced yogis are able to replace night sleep with two hours of Shavasana.

Video: “How to do yoga during treatment for a herniated disc?”

Virabhadrasana (warrior pose)

This is how the Virabhadrasana exercise is performed

Stand straight, place your right foot against the wall and put your left foot forward . Place your feet apart. As you inhale, bend your left knee, raise your arms up with your palms in a bent position and move them back, parallel to your shoulders.

Feel your chest opening. Take the final position: elbows are located in line with the shoulders. Make sure your eyes are looking forward, your head is in a straight position, and there is no tension in your lower back. As you exhale, place your legs together . Repeat the exercise, changing the position of your legs.

Note! The exercise described is a simplified version of the real Virabhadrasana.

Bhujangasana (cobra)

The cobra exercise is the most famous exercise for back problems.

Lie on your stomach, place your palms on the floor, keep your feet shoulder-width apart . As you exhale, lift your upper body and lift your hands off the floor. Raise your body not too high with the help of your back muscles. If you can't lift your hands off the floor, don't do it. As you exhale, return to your starting position.

Trikonasana near the wall (triangle)

Pay attention to how the Trikonasana exercise is performed

Stand with your back to the wall, spread your feet about 1 meter apart, spread your arms to the sides . Inhale, and exhale, bend to the right (try to touch your foot with your right hand). Those who have difficulty bending can slide their hand down their leg.

At the same time, raise your left hand up and fix it perpendicular to the surface. Stay in this pose for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat these steps for the other side

Simplified version of Supta Baddha Konasana (Butterfly)

Supta Baddha can be performed with straight legs

Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides, palms up . As you inhale, lift your straightened lower limbs so that your pelvis remains on the floor. As you exhale, spread your lower limbs to the sides and remain in this position for several seconds. As you inhale, return to the starting position, placing your feet on the floor.

Balasana with pillow (child's pose)

Balasana with pillow

Sit on your heels, spread your knees to the sides and place a pillow in the middle . As you exhale, lower your chest and stomach onto the pillow, simultaneously turning your head to the side. place the upper limbs on the floor along the body or around the head. Relax, breathe evenly. Return to the starting position.

Video: “Reduction of the cervicothoracic vertebrae”

Yoga for intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is a fairly common phenomenon among both older people and young people. Recently, cases of this pathology have become more frequent. This is probably due to lifestyle and sedentary work. Pathology can appear in any part of the spine.

The following asanas are excellent for treating the problem:

  • ardha uttanasana;
  • virabhadrasana;

In order to perform a set of exercises for this disease, you can perform both basic and secondary asanas, combining and combining them with each other.

Yoga for protrusion of the lumbar spine

Initially, a protrusion is formed, after which a more serious problem may appear if treatment is not started in a timely manner. However, a person may have protrusion for many years. Yoga therapy is aimed at relieving tension and relaxing this area, as well as releasing pinched nerve endings as a result of the problem.

For vertebral hernia in this department, the following asanas are allowed:

  • urdhvahastasana;
  • baddha konasana;

These positions allow you to relax the lumbar region and relieve pinched nerve endings. It is necessary to perform the asana in a relaxed state, without straining the muscles of other parts of the back.

When not to do yoga

The practice can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many pathologies, including the spinal column. If you have existing pathologies, you cannot do yoga during severe pain. In addition, you should refrain from any physical activity during illness or at high temperatures.

Yoga for protrusion and hernia should be very soft, movements coordinated and smooth. Sudden movements are completely eliminated, as are sudden transitions.


Yoga can be practiced by people of different ages and genders, but these exercises also have their contraindications in the presence of a spinal hernia. You can start practicing yoga only after consulting a doctor. Contraindications for yoga are:

  • tingling sensations during exercise;
  • the appearance of pain;
  • the occurrence of dizziness and weakness;
  • little mobility.

If the symptoms described above occur, you should postpone the session or completely abandon yoga therapy. If these symptoms appear during a session, it is recommended to interrupt it immediately.

Asanas suitable for the treatment of hernia in the lower back

To cure pathologies of the lumbar region, the most common asanas are urdhvahastasana and baddha konasana. They are completely different in execution, however, they have a common focus - relieving pain and tension in the lumbar region.

The set of exercises should be selected individually, since often a hernia has a number of concomitant diseases, in which some asanas will be prohibited. Therefore, before starting asanas, especially for beginners, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to prevent possible complications.

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