X-ray of the lumbosacral spine: preparation, how to do it

An X-ray of the spine is performed in any clinic in the city if indicated. This is one of the most informative methods that doctors use to make an accurate diagnosis in the absence of severe symptoms. Its distinctive features are ease of implementation, painlessness, and absence of side effects. But in the process, the body is exposed to radiation, which, if repeated frequently, leads to the development of various pathological processes. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to take pictures more than once a year.

What is the technique?

An x-ray is a fairly common radiation diagnostics, which is carried out in an equipped office using special equipment. Gamma rays are passed through the body and are absorbed differently by different parts of the body. Therefore, in the image, denser areas will be light, and soft tissues will be dark. Studying the result obtained, the doctor sees changes in tissues, degenerative processes or deformation, injury, or developmental anomaly. This allows him to determine the appropriate treatment tactics.

The main advantages of the technique are:

  • Ease of implementation - the equipment is available in almost every municipal clinic.
  • Cheap - in regional departments, if you have compulsory medical insurance, you can make a referral for free; in private clinics the price is approximately 500–800 rubles.
  • Efficiency – the speed of the result obtained directly depends on the workload of the specialists, but in general you can get an image within 15–20 minutes after the procedure. Most hospitals will issue it the next day.
  • High accuracy of the result - to identify an injury or pathological process in the bone, only this technique is sufficient to make a diagnosis.
  • Safety - subject to the rules of execution and frequency of no more than once a year, such a study does not harm the human body or health.
  • Painlessness – during the examination the patient does not feel any discomfort, pain or discomfort.

X-rays are taken in a special room, but the decoding is done exclusively by the doctor. It is he who, taking into account the existing symptoms, the results of blood and urine tests, can make a final conclusion and prescribe the correct treatment tactics.

X-rays are used not only to examine the condition of the back, but also to determine the condition of internal organs. The accuracy of the image is achieved due to different degrees of absorption of gamma rays (also called X-rays) by soft and hard tissues. The image represents about 250 shades of black and white, which make it possible to identify anomalies and pathological processes, fractures, and processes on the bones.

Areas that are not examined are protected with special protective screens

X-ray of the lower back at the Medunion medical clinic

The clinic has the latest digital diagnostic apparatus, which is equipped with a device for digital X-ray image processing. It is displayed on the monitor and provides the doctor with the opportunity to assess the average level of shadow density and the total range between the light and dark parts of the image.

After the procedure, the printed image is given to the patient, and the digitized image is stored in the clinic’s archive. If necessary, it can be raised to monitor the patient’s condition over time. But the most important thing is that when using a digital X-ray machine, the patient is exposed to much less radiation exposure than when using an analogue one.

You can make an appointment for diagnostics at the Medunion clinic by calling or filling out an online form on the website.

Indications for use

An X-ray of the back is the main way to determine the presence of a pathological process in the spinal column. It is great for suspected injuries or illnesses. The main indications for the diagnostic procedure are:

What is a CT scan of the spine

  • Acute back pain, characteristic of pinched nerves.
  • Intervertebral hernias or degenerative processes in the discs.
  • Suspicion of bone tissue or spinal cord injuries.
  • New development in this area.
  • Congenital anomalies of the ridge (vertebral fusion, curvature).
  • Osteochondrosis or osteoporosis.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Acquired spinal deformity.
  • Inflammatory process in soft tissues.

The resulting image will allow you to determine the presence of fractures, dystrophic changes, and tumors. Only sprains or muscle sprains and nerve pathologies are invisible. The type of examination is prescribed based on the patient’s complaints. For example, if he talks about pain in the lower region, then he will need to examine the lower back in detail. In rare cases, the entire spine is checked.

Why do you need to prepare for the examination?

Not every patient understands why a number of preparatory measures are needed for an X-ray examination of the lumbosacral spine. But in reality everything is simple. For example, if there is feces in the intestines, then the image will be uninformative, since human waste products will also be visible on it . An accurate and correct diagnosis cannot be made.

In some cases, easily excitable people need to take sedatives so that they can lie quietly for a while. Otherwise, the photo will also be useless.

X-ray of the spine

If you want to know in more detail what an x-ray of the spine shows, and also consider what the dangers of x-rays are, you can read an article about this on our portal.

When is it sent for x-rays?

X-rays are done only if the patient complains of pain or there is suspicion of injury. There is no need to examine the entire spinal column if symptoms point to a specific area.

Cervical region

An examination of the cervical area is prescribed for the following signs:

  • Pain when turning or tilting the head.
  • Frequent migraines.
  • Dizziness.
  • Injuries.

No specific preparation is needed; the examination is carried out through the mouth. Before lying on the couch, you should remove all jewelry, metal hairpins and pendants.

X-ray allows you to identify pathological changes not only in the bones, but also in the lungs

Thoracic region

If pathology of the middle part of the back is suspected, an x-ray of the thoracic spine is prescribed. The main indications for this will be:

  • Chest pain.
  • Inability to turn the body.
  • Unpleasant sensations when inhaling.
  • Pinching or stiffness in this part.
  • Soreness in the ribs.
  • Visible deformations of posture in this part.
  • Feeling numb.
  • Swelling.

As in the previous case, no special preparatory measures are required. It is enough to remove all elements that could affect the information content of the photo.


The examination of the coccyx and sacrum is carried out simultaneously due to the small area and close connection of the departments. X-rays of the lumbar spine are prescribed in the following cases:

  • Curvature of the back causing numbness in the legs.
  • Severe pain in the lower back.
  • Body injuries.
  • Suspicion of a tumor.
  • Limited back mobility.
  • Stiffness of movements.
  • Genital dysfunction.

X-rays are taken in two projections to increase the information content of the study. Thanks to high accuracy, the doctor is able to assess the condition of each vertebra, their relationship to each other, bone density, and the distance between individual elements.

Absolute and relative readings

The main clinical symptom that is the basis for prescribing radiography of the spine is pain. The doctor may send the patient for testing if there is chronic, intense or sudden pain associated with mechanical stress on the spine (for example, from a blow or fall) to rule out injuries and fractures.

The exact cost of the procedure can be found at the reception desk.

Other indications for x-ray examination are:

  • periodic numbness in the lower extremities, accompanied by a sensation of “pins and needles”, tingling, tingling and other manifestations of paresthesia (sensitivity disturbances);
  • burning and other pain in the legs not associated with varicose veins;

    Pain in the legs is a reason to undergo an x-ray examination

  • pelvic pain of unspecified origin;
  • complications in the form of pain after surgery or epidural anesthesia (including conditions after childbirth with the use of epidural anesthesia);

    X-ray is necessary if you are experiencing pain after epidural anesthesia.

  • feeling of overexertion and increased fatigue in the lower back;
  • pronounced curvature of the spine (regardless of the location of the affected segment).

X-rays for progressive lower back pain can also be used as a method of differential diagnosis with diseases of the kidneys, female reproductive organs (fallopian tubes, ovaries), and adhesions.

Important! Pain in the area of ​​the sacrococcygeal segment that does not go away for a long time and is poorly controlled with medications may be a sign of malignant diseases of the spinal column, therefore, if there is no improvement within 2-4 weeks (subject to a balanced diet and sufficient physical activity), it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive spine examination.

Preparatory procedures

It is imperative to prepare for an X-ray of the lower back in order to eliminate errors in the image. What should you do first?

  • Adjust your diet. A few days before the intended procedure, you should completely avoid foods that can cause gas formation. These include fruits, brown bread, legumes, carbonated drinks, and dairy products.
  • Cleanse the intestines. Any accumulated gases will obstruct the X-ray beams, so the image may appear blurry. On the eve of the study, you should do an enema with a decoction of herbs or warm water. An alternative method is to take a laxative.
  • Remove all jewelry from yourself. Before irradiation, you will need to remove the piercing and remove all metal objects from clothing. It is advisable not to wear jeans if you are planning an examination, as the inserts on them cannot be removed.
  • Sign up for an X-ray room. It is better to do this in the first half of the day so that you come on an empty stomach. In this case, the possibility of gas formation due to the process of digestion of food is eliminated.

Before coming for diagnostics, you do not need to eat, even light foods that may seem at first glance. Three hours is enough for the food to be already in the intestines and cause a decrease in the information content of the image.

How is the research conducted?

X-rays are taken by specialists with medical education. The device itself is a movable suspended part in a lead casing; this provides additional protection from radiation. The patient is positioned on the couch; the position is determined by the radiologist depending on the area of ​​study. It is strictly forbidden to move while the device is operating, otherwise the picture will be blurry. Main features of diagnostics:

  • The examination time usually does not exceed 15 minutes.
  • If it is necessary to perform several projections as directed by a specialist, the position changes.
  • The part of the body that they want to protect from exposure is covered with a special cape with shielding material.
  • During the irradiation, the radiologist leaves the room; during this time, it is forbidden to move, turn, sneeze or take sharp deep breaths. It is advisable to hold your breath for a few seconds.
  • It will take 20–30 minutes to take a photo.

It is allowed to take up to 5 pictures at a time, but usually two are enough to make an accurate diagnosis. During the process, the patient does not feel pain or any unpleasant effects.

What does an x-ray with functional tests look like?

X-ray with functional tests

In some situations, X-ray can replace MRI and help in diagnosing a hernia; in this case, several projections are made. It also helps in identifying ridge instability. In this case, the technique is called “functional tests”. They are done in different projections at the peak of flexion and extension of the back. The position can be either sitting or standing. A specialist will help you get it right during the process.

Instability can be determined by correctly selecting the angle at which the X-rays will be directed. Usually three projections are sufficient, one straight and two lateral.

Where can I get an X-ray of the spine?

You can find out how the doctor is treating you and make an appointment at a convenient time by phone or via the Internet at any time from 8 to 21 hours, without days off or breaks.

Make an appointment with a specialist, without queues, at a convenient time


Sign up

The cost of the service is adjusted by the following basic parameters:

  • the size of the diagnosed area of ​​the spine;
  • type of device, its technical capabilities;
  • qualification of a radiologist;
  • time: how urgently the research result is needed;
  • type of delivery of the result - digital image, film, flash drive, disk;
  • the use of additional reagents - MRI of the spine with a contrast agent.

Clinic No. 1 is located within walking distance from Volzhskaya and Maryino metro stations:

Moscow, st. Krasnodarskaya, house. 52, bldg. 2


What will a back x-ray show?

When signing up for a procedure, almost all patients are interested in what an x-ray of the spine shows. This type of study allows you to determine any pathology of the musculoskeletal system, in the lumbosacral region, neck or chest. The survey is prescribed both for the entire ridge and for a specific zone. The result obtained allows the specialist to determine:

  • the shape of the column and its physiological curvature;
  • the presence of lordosis and kyphosis;
  • symmetry of arches, processes;
  • integrity of individual elements;
  • height of the cortical layer;
  • vertebral structure and density;
  • compression and fractures.

In addition, x-rays show oncological processes, deformations, osteochondrosis, and other diseases with unexpressed symptoms, which is important for their timely diagnosis.

You can get an X-ray in Moscow at any district clinic for free, where a referral and compulsory medical insurance are required, or at any private clinic, paying from 800 rubles. In the second case, the result will be ready 20 minutes after the test.

What does a fracture look like in the photo?

Advantages of spinal radiography at the CELT clinic

Have you been referred for an x-ray of the spine and want to be sure that the images will be of the highest quality? Contact CELT. We have modern X-ray machines made in Germany and Japan, which allow us to carry out the procedure in accordance with international standards.

Our radiologists have over 15 years of experience, which means that they have mastered the methods of obtaining high-quality images and know how to identify any pathology at the initial stage of their development. You can make an appointment with us at any time convenient for you, online or by phone: +7.

Interpretation of the image without a doctor

If an x-ray is performed with functional tests, then only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. But serious violations can be seen by an ordinary person without a medical education. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • The lightest structures are the bone structures; soft tissues are not visible, since the rays pass through them.
  • The displacement of the bone is noticeable to the naked eye, as it looks like poorly aligned bones.
  • Darkened stripes on light-colored bone indicate fractures or cracks, depending on the thickness and duration.
  • Round dark spots indicate a tumor.
  • Intervertebral discs are determined as a result of a decrease in the size of the intervertebral space.
  • Scoliosis is defined as a deviation of the spine to the side.

All other details will be determined and deciphered by the doctor. Based on the image obtained and the noticeable shadows on the bone, there is no need to speculate. Since only one x-ray is not an indication for prescribing treatment, the specialist must always take into account the presence of concomitant symptoms and the general condition of the patient, the presence of congenital anomalies and developmental features.

X-ray during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy, although not an absolute contraindication for X-ray examination, should be perceived as a limiting factor when deciding on the possibility of using this diagnostic method. Radiation exposure is especially dangerous during up to 8 weeks of pregnancy, since during this period the formation of all vital organs occurs: the heart, lungs, brain, and spine. Experts studying the effect of X-ray radiation on the developing fetus have concluded that X-rays taken in the early stages of gestation significantly increases the risk of congenital malformations and fetal defects.

X-ray during pregnancy

The most likely consequences for the fetus (the risk is about 9.1%) if an X-ray of the spine is performed during this period may be:

  • cerebral palsy (CP);
  • hydrocephalus (water on the brain);
  • congenital deformities, for example, cleft lip and palate (cleft palate, cleft lip);
  • epilepsy;
  • congenital anomalies of the spine;
  • heart defects, etc.

X-rays of the lumbar region and other segments of the spine are prescribed to pregnant women only for emergency reasons. The optimal period for taking x-rays is the middle of the second and third trimester, when the formation of vital organs is at the final stage and the fetus is actively developing and growing.

For emergency indications, x-rays can be done in the second half of the second and third trimester

Nursing mothers should also refrain from undergoing x-rays, as microscopic doses of radiation can penetrate into breast milk and enter the baby's body with it. If it is impossible to postpone the procedure until the end of lactation, you should refrain from feeding the baby for at least 24 hours after the examination (you can express the milk in advance and freeze it in sterile bags).

Bandages for pregnant women

Important! When undergoing X-rays, pregnant and lactating women must use special lead aprons that protect the chest and abdomen area from harmful radiation.

Lead aprons

How harmful is the examination?

X-rays are harmful to humans, as they are absorbed by bones and soft tissues and, in large concentrations, can cause the development of blood pathologies and oncology. Therefore, many patients ask the doctor to prescribe an alternative method - MRI, which is unable to create a radiation field. But this is an erroneous approach, since the technique is not able to provide the doctor with enough information about the condition of the bone tissue, since it cannot visualize it.

But are x-rays really that harmful? Old equipment actually produces a higher dose of healing, while modern devices have a reduced rate. At one time, a person receives 1.5 m3V (milisievert), which is equal to the amount of natural radiation that a person receives for six months. And if you consider that the study allows you to show the pathology of the vertebrae and prescribe treatment on time, then its benefit outweighs the possible harm.

For reference! If the local clinic uses only outdated equipment, it is worth spending a little time and finding modern equipment in private institutions. They are safer and the radiation dose is lower, but the effectiveness and accuracy are no different. The price for passing is usually from 500 to 800 rubles.

X-ray danger

Previously, X-rays were taken without question by all patients as prescribed by the doctor. Now, having read about the dangers of this research method, many are beginning to refuse to conduct it. But in vain, since in fact, a rarely performed x-ray will have a negative impact no greater than the consumption of unhealthy foods purchased daily in stores. The theory traveling on the Internet that X-rays can cause tissue cells to mutate to the point of becoming cancerous has no scientific basis as such.

Is X-ray dangerous?

Important! The dose that can cause cell mutation is about 150 roentgens received by the body during the year.

With an X-ray of the spine, a person will receive only 1.5 mSv (millisievert). Each organism receives approximately the same amount from the natural background radiation of the Earth during 6 months of life. Thus, by taking a single image of the spine, a person does not risk anything, and he certainly should not be afraid of developing cancerous tumors if he does not visit the X-ray room every day.

Harm of X-ray exposure

Attention! If the purpose of the study is to assess the condition of the bones, then radiography is necessary, except in cases where there are absolute contraindications to its implementation.

Main contraindications

X-ray diagnostics of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region is carried out for healthy people or those who do not have contraindications to it. Despite the safety of the technique, the dose of radiation can provoke exacerbations. Therefore, it is not recommended to undergo it if you have the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy in the first trimester.
  • Lactation period.
  • Obesity in severe stages.
  • Pneumothorax.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Age up to 14 years.
  • Mental disorders, panic attacks when standing still.
  • Liver and kidney diseases.

In other cases, a doctor’s consultation is required before taking an x-ray. If the use of this technique is prohibited, any similar one is prescribed. Modern diagnostic methods usually use CT or MRI.

X-ray of the spine is a modern method for diagnosing pathologies, fractures, bruises and any degenerative processes in this area. It is prescribed in a variety of situations when determining the condition of the bones is required. Due to the ease of implementation, information content and speed of obtaining results, today the method can be called the best for studying various pathologies.

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