Which doctor treats bone diseases?

Diseases associated with the destruction or damage of joints have become the most common in the modern world. There are many treatment methods, however, before choosing the right one, you should consult with someone who deals with joints. This is where the question arises: which doctor treats leg joints? Some recommend visiting a rheumatologist, while others refer you to an orthopedic traumatologist.

In this article, we will try to identify a specialist in bones and joints, identify the main areas of treatment for a rheumatologist and orthopedic traumatologist, and also pay attention to what types of pathologies exist.

Types of joint pathologies

Various types of deviations in the area of ​​​​articular joints in most cases lead to the patient being admitted to a hospital, since all these destructions carry with them the risk of a complete loss of movement, disability, and most importantly, to the rapid development of disability.

The initial symptoms are acute pain while walking and in a calm, immobilized position; in this case, it is important to find a good doctor who treats joints.

Diseases associated with disruption of the human system responsible for movement are divided into several types, and they progress at a slow speed, thinning and destroying cartilage.

At the beginning of development, pain appears only as a result of physical activity. As complications progress, stiffness occurs when moving and pain worsens. If timely assistance is not provided, this can lead to disability.

There are several types of pathological changes in joints, depending on the nature of the disease:

  • Arthrosis. The most common chronic joint disease, which is inflammatory in nature. During the disease, fragmentation of the cartilage area occurs.
  • Bursitis. An actively developing inflammatory process inside the connective capsule. Against this background, fluid accumulates from small blood vessels.
  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid. Its peculiarity is that it can destroy several bone joints at once.
  • Tendinitis. The effect of this disease is primarily on the tissue of muscle tendons, which leads to impaired vascular mobility.
  • Synovitis. Inflammation of the membrane that covers the area of ​​​​the articular joint from the inside, affects several types at once.
  • Ankylosis. It is the fusion of bones and cartilage in the joint area. These changes are mainly caused by fractures, infections or wounds.
  • Plantar fasciitis. Another name for this disease is heel spur, since the changes are associated with the tendons that are located in the heel bone, as a result of which a growth can form in this area.
  • Contracture. Tightening of tissue muscles and tendons, leading to movement disorders.
  • Gout. Salt deposits.
  • Coxarthrosis. A type of arthrosis during which deformation of the hip joint occurs with subsequent immobilization.

Thus, if you detect any of the diseases listed above, you should immediately consult a doctor for joint diseases. He will select the necessary comprehensive treatment to prevent the development of the disease.

Moscow City Center for Bone and Joint Replacement

The endoprosthetics center is equipped with the latest equipment to carry out high-tech operations according to the most modern standards. We use computer navigation for knee and hip replacements. 80% of knee replacements are performed using navigation technology. Currently, the clinic has accumulated unique experience in performing 1.2 thousand total knee replacements using computer navigation.

Knee replacement using navigation equipment

We perform hip and knee replacement using minimally invasive methods. This technique was introduced in our clinic more than 10 years ago and is successfully used and developed. The technique allows endoprosthetics to be performed without significant muscle damage, which, in turn, makes it possible to more quickly restore limb function.

Recently, along with the increase in primary endoprosthetics operations, the number of revision operations to replace unstable hip and knee joints has also increased. These operations are unique because each of them is individual. Here we have developed and implemented our own instruments and technologies into clinical practice, and received patents. The use of shoulder arthroplasty for injuries and chronic diseases of the shoulder joint is also expanding. All this allows patients to get rid of pain and return to an active life.

In revision surgery, we use the most modern materials, we use only proven endoprostheses produced by companies that occupy a leading position in the world in terms of product quality. The endoprostheses installed in the clinic are equipped with the most modern friction pairs.

The equipment of the clinic allows performing operations of any complexity. In this case, low-traumatic techniques are used, both in relation to soft tissues (minimally invasive approaches) and in relation to bones (components of endoprostheses that ensure minimal damage to bone tissue).

In addition to using the most modern world developments in their practice, the clinic’s specialists themselves create and implement new techniques. The clinic's staff defended 24 patents for inventions and utility models related to both new treatment methods and new surgical instruments.

The center has a clinical base of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov. The head of the Center is a professor in this department. In addition, the Center employs workers from the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Disaster Surgery.

Weekly in the consultative and diagnostic clinic at the City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin undergoes a commission of about 30 patients to determine indications for joint replacement. Every year, about 2 thousand patients undergo inpatient treatment at the Center. The Center's staff continues to monitor patients months and years after the operations.

Joint specialists

In this section we will try to find out which doctor treats leg joints. When visiting a hospital, the patient is first referred to a therapist who works only with the initial stage of the disease.

After a thorough examination, he may refer you to a specialist with a narrower profile, but sometimes you can immediately get an appointment with a doctor who treats joints.

Depending on what causes accompany the disease and how quickly it develops, several doctors specialize in treatment of leg joints:

  • orthopedist – works with dystrophic pathologies as a result of traumatic injury, age-related changes or hereditary factors;
  • rheumatologist – deals with inflammatory processes associated with the appearance of rheumatism or rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectious disease specialist - deals with inflammation at the bacterial level.

For a more detailed study and expansion of possibilities, a specialist of one specialty can give a referral for consultation with a doctor of another specialty.

Read also: Joint deformity

In larger and more multidisciplinary clinics, an arthrologist deals with this issue. He can not only diagnose the causes of the pathological process, but also cure all existing abnormalities.

There is also instrumental diagnostics, which is a consultation with a radiologist. He performs a detailed description of the results of the X-ray examination and gives a conclusion, on the basis of which the doctor treating the joints subsequently prescribes the necessary comprehensive treatment.

How to sign up?

A doctor who treats joints is a specialized medical specialist, so making an appointment differs depending on the type of ownership of the medical institution, as well as its specialization. To get an appointment with an orthopedist or rheumatologist for planned treatment, you need a referral from a general medical specialist (general practitioner, pediatrician, family doctor). In advance, he prescribes routine tests (clinical blood tests, urine tests), which saves time for a highly specialized specialist.

In a private healthcare setting, booking an appointment is easier and does not require a referral from a GP. Typically, a patient makes an appointment by contacting the clinic directly, by calling or filling out a special form on the official website. In an urgent situation, in particular by specialists from the trauma room, medical care is provided without an appointment.


A rheumatologist is a doctor who deals with conservative therapy of the musculoskeletal system, in other words, he is someone who treats joints.

His responsibilities include collecting all the necessary information on the disease, examining the affected joints and assessing the patient’s physical capabilities. After the first examination, laboratory and instrumental tests are usually prescribed.

The following are required:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • rheumatic tests;
  • serological and immunological studies.

Instrumental methods include radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound.

Depending on the results obtained, treatment is prescribed and the issue of hospitalization of the person in the rheumatology department is decided.

In most cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hormonal drugs are prescribed, including drugs for injection into the joint cavity. Antibiotics are widely used in the presence of any infections and to restore impaired cartilage functions.

Of course, in practice the profile of this specialist is much broader. This is due to the fact that this kind of disease can be associated with a huge number of varieties of this disease, however, the accompanying symptoms will be associated with damage to the muscles, spine and bones. If the connective tissue is destroyed, then it is systemic.

What does an orthopedist look for in newborns?

In pediatric orthopedics, preventive care is very important, so such a specialist should be visited at least 5 times in the first year of a child’s life. Most congenital orthopedic pathologies can be detected in the first weeks of a child’s life. Thanks to early detection, competent and timely treatment regimen, orthopedic problems in children, in most cases, can be successfully corrected. Moreover, the effectiveness of therapy in infancy or early childhood is many times higher, because the baby’s skeleton is plastic and pliable.

What does the specialist do at the reception?

  • examines a small patient;
  • identifies abnormalities (if any) and prescribes additional diagnostics if necessary (ultrasound, X-ray, CT, MRI, etc.);
  • selects an effective treatment regimen and/or corrective measures;
  • monitors the treatment process over time, makes adjustments if necessary;
  • will recommend a set of rehabilitation measures (massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, etc.) for quick and effective recovery.

The specialist immediately gives an opinion and recommendations during the initial examination of the newborn.


If the case of the disease is at an advanced stage or drug treatment is ineffective, then the patient is referred to another doctor who deals with joints - an orthopedic traumatologist. He deals with surgical methods of treating joints.

Traumatologists and surgeons who have the necessary specialty prepare the patient for surgical treatment; they perform operations on the affected areas, which in turn are divided into several types:

  • organ-preserving - during treatment, maximum preservation of a person’s own tissues occurs, the functional activity of the joint is restored and normal joint mobility is restored;
  • endoprosthetics - used in the final stages of a disease such as arthrosis, when the components are completely destroyed; during therapy, a prosthesis is placed, with the help of which motor activity is restored.

To treat all types of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, medicine has a huge number of specialists and a wealth of experience in effective treatment methods.

To maintain a person’s motor activity, timely medical care is necessary even at the first symptoms of the disease, as this helps to significantly improve the prognosis of the pathological process associated with inflammation or destruction, and also helps to avoid disability.

What does an orthopedic traumatologist treat in children?

What does an orthopedist look for in a child, what pathologies does he detect? The child should be under the supervision of a pediatric orthopedist from birth to 18 years of age. The doctor identifies and treats the following pathologies:

  • flat feet,
  • scoliosis, bone disorder,
  • congenital muscular torticollis,
  • congenital malformations of the upper limb (anomalies of the hand, congenital club-handedness, congenital high scapula (Sprengel disease),
  • congenital defects of the lower limb (hip dysplasia, congenital clubfoot, developmental abnormalities of the foot),
  • partial gigantism,
  • amniotic disease,
  • osteochondropathy (Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, Köhler disease I, Köhler II, Calve disease, Osgood-Schlatter disease, etc.),
  • conditions after osteomyelitis,
  • systemic skeletal diseases,
  • soft tissue neoplasms (Baker's cyst, hygroma, lipoma, fibroma, dermoid cyst, atheroma, etc.).

An appointment with an orthopedist in our clinic is an opportunity to receive truly qualified medical care from specialists with extensive practical experience - from world-class doctors. Our patients have the opportunity to make an appointment not only for a face-to-face appointment, but also to receive an online consultation via Skype. Our specialists conduct outpatient visits and carry out surgical treatment of any level of complexity in children of all ages: from newborns to 18 years. Doctors use the most modern techniques and prescribe an individual treatment plan based on the characteristics of the little patient. Extensive practical experience, modern equipment, and the opportunity to receive a full range of medical services, both outpatient and inpatient, make our orthopedic center one of the best in Russia.

The article was checked by Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences V.M. Krestyashin

, and meets international medical standards.

Which doctor should you contact?

The disease develops for many reasons, so it is treated by different doctors:

  • traumatologist-orthopedist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • endocrinologist

Patients may need to consult a vertebrologist, gastroenterologist, physiotherapist, or gynecologist.

An orthopedic traumatologist treats injuries and disorders of the skeletal system. An endocrinologist treats diseases of the endocrine system, which includes: the pancreas, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, etc. A rheumatologist treats diseases of the joints and connective tissues.

First of all, you need to contact an orthopedic traumatologist, who will prescribe tests, tell you how to treat the disease, and refer you for consultations to specialist doctors. If you cannot get to an orthopedic traumatologist, you can contact a therapist. He can also identify the disease and refer the patient to specialist doctors.

Read also: Knee inflammation

Bone doctor

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To date, medicine has studied more than a dozen diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In this article we will look at a variety of diseases of bones and joints and determine which doctor should be consulted in each specific case. To begin with, I would like to say that bone diseases can be divided into three types: dystrophic, tumor, and inflammatory. Let's discuss each of them in more detail.

These include arthrosis, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, hallux valgus (including in children), and flat feet.

With arthrosis, cartilage tissue and joints are affected, and a person experiences pain when moving. Similar symptoms occur with osteochondrosis. First of all, you should contact a rheumatologist for help in such diseases. It is he who studies musculoskeletal diseases and prescribes therapeutic treatment.

If necessary, rheumatologists refer the patient to an arthrologist, who also specializes in joint diseases. In case of advanced arthrosis, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist.

Rheumatologists treat about 200 diseases of the connective tissue and musculoskeletal system. There are cases when such ailments affect children at an early age. A doctor who treats bones in children is called a pediatric rheumatologist.

With osteoporosis, bone mass decreases and the bones themselves become brittle and loose, increasing the risk of fractures. Several specialists also take part in the treatment of osteoporosis:

orthopedist-traumatologist, a doctor who treats bones due to pathological fractures; endocrinologist, since osteoporosis often occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, due to metabolic disorders; rheumatologist.

An orthopedic surgeon treats hallux valgus, which manifests itself in childhood. He prescribes massage, therapeutic exercises, and selects orthopedic shoes. The same specialist treats flat feet.

They usually occur after an infectious disease. These include: tuberculosis of joints and bones, osteomyelitis.

In case of infectious inflammation of the bone marrow (osteomyelitis), the help of surgeons is often necessary, since it is impossible to do without their intervention.

Tuberculosis of the bone is treated by a doctor called a phthisiatrician.

We are talking about malignant and benign formations, which are treated by an oncologist.

We saw that there are quite a lot of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and a whole team of doctors takes part in their treatment. A local therapist can help establish the correct diagnosis and refer you for consultation to the right specialist.

Find a doctor for treatment

Pain in the arms, legs, and spine is not uncommon after hard physical work at any age. But gradually they begin to occur more often, even after normal exercise. The range of motion in the joints is also impaired - the fingers bend poorly, and lameness may occur. Very often there is a crunching or clicking sensation in the joints. Why does this happen, and which doctor treats joints?

To choose the right doctor, you need to understand how the joints of a person’s arms and legs are structured, and what diseases they are susceptible to.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for JOINT PAIN, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors! ...

There is no specialty in medicine that deals exclusively with joint diseases. But there are two industries that face these pathologies most often. These are rheumatology and orthopedics.

Sometimes related specialists – endocrinologists – come to their aid. They deal with metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine glands. If they malfunction, damage to the joints of the arms and legs is not uncommon. Metabolic disorders can lead to specific joint diseases. For example, gout is characterized by the deposition of uric acid crystals and pain when moving. In other pathologies, calcium crystals are deposited in the joint cavity and ligamentous apparatus. Quite often, metabolic disorders aggravate degenerative processes, increase pain and worsen the course of arthrosis.

But the joints do not only become inflamed or worn out. Sometimes they get injured. Which doctor treats joints in this situation? Injuries to the spine and joints are the prerogative of traumatologists. They deal with bruises, dislocations and fractures, apply plaster casts, and perform operations on the joints of the arms and legs.

Injuries not only lead to joint destruction. Sometimes in the acute period they do not particularly manifest themselves, but over time post-traumatic arthritis or arthrosis develop. Untreated, chronic injuries are especially dangerous.

To date, medicine has studied more than a dozen diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
In this article we will look at a variety of diseases of bones and joints and determine which doctor should be consulted in each specific case. To begin with, I would like to say that bone diseases can be divided into three types: dystrophic, tumor, and inflammatory. Let's discuss each of them in more detail. These include arthrosis, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, hallux valgus (including in children), and flat feet.

With arthrosis, cartilage tissue and joints are affected, and a person experiences pain when moving. Similar symptoms occur with osteochondrosis. First of all, you should contact a rheumatologist for help in such diseases. It is he who studies musculoskeletal diseases and prescribes therapeutic treatment.

If necessary, rheumatologists refer the patient to an arthrologist, who also specializes in joint diseases. In case of advanced arthrosis, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist.

Rheumatologists treat about 200 diseases of the connective tissue and musculoskeletal system. There are cases when such ailments affect children at an early age. A doctor who treats bones in children is called a pediatric rheumatologist.

With osteoporosis, bone mass decreases and the bones themselves become brittle and loose, increasing the risk of fractures. Several specialists also take part in the treatment of osteoporosis:

orthopedist-traumatologist, a doctor who treats bones due to pathological fractures; endocrinologist, since osteoporosis often occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, due to metabolic disorders; rheumatologist.

An orthopedic surgeon treats hallux valgus, which manifests itself in childhood. He prescribes massage, therapeutic exercises, and selects orthopedic shoes. The same specialist treats flat feet.

They usually occur after an infectious disease. These include: tuberculosis of joints and bones, osteomyelitis.

In case of infectious inflammation of the bone marrow (osteomyelitis), the help of surgeons is often necessary, since it is impossible to do without their intervention.

Tuberculosis of the bone is treated by a doctor called a phthisiatrician.

We are talking about malignant and benign formations, which are treated by an oncologist.

We saw that there are quite a lot of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and a whole team of doctors takes part in their treatment. A local therapist can help establish the correct diagnosis and refer you for consultation to the right specialist.

Find a doctor for treatment

Pain in the arms, legs, and spine is not uncommon after hard physical work at any age. But gradually they begin to occur more often, even after normal exercise. The range of motion in the joints is also impaired - the fingers bend poorly, and lameness may occur. Very often there is a crunching or clicking sensation in the joints. Why does this happen, and which doctor treats joints?

To choose the right doctor, you need to understand how the joints of a person’s arms and legs are structured, and what diseases they are susceptible to.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only remedy for JOINT PAIN, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recommended by doctors! ...

There is no specialty in medicine that deals exclusively with joint diseases. But there are two industries that face these pathologies most often. These are rheumatology and orthopedics.

Sometimes related specialists – endocrinologists – come to their aid. They deal with metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine glands. If they malfunction, damage to the joints of the arms and legs is not uncommon. Metabolic disorders can lead to specific joint diseases. For example, gout is characterized by the deposition of uric acid crystals and pain when moving. In other pathologies, calcium crystals are deposited in the joint cavity and ligamentous apparatus. Quite often, metabolic disorders aggravate degenerative processes, increase pain and worsen the course of arthrosis.

But the joints do not only become inflamed or worn out. Sometimes they get injured. Which doctor treats joints in this situation? Injuries to the spine and joints are the prerogative of traumatologists. They deal with bruises, dislocations and fractures, apply plaster casts, and perform operations on the joints of the arms and legs.

Injuries not only lead to joint destruction. Sometimes in the acute period they do not particularly manifest themselves, but over time post-traumatic arthritis or arthrosis develop. Untreated, chronic injuries are especially dangerous.

Rheumatology is a branch of medicine that studies congenital and acquired connective tissue diseases. Namely, all elements of joints are its derivatives. Most often, rheumatologists deal with inflammatory joint diseases.

Such inflammatory processes are called arthritis. They can occur among any age group. They can be acute or chronic. Caused by bacteria, viruses, or a reaction to injury or other disease. The second group of arthritis is called reactive.

Reactive arthritis is always a consequence of some process in the body. This could be a bacterial infection - for example, streptococcal tonsillitis, or a viral infection. Arthritis often occurs in response to chlamydia entering the body. This inflammation of the joints is secondary, a reaction to an already existing disease.

Reactive arthritis at a young age is often associated with sexually transmitted infections - for example, gonorrhea. Joint pain that occurs a week or two after unprotected intercourse should be a reason to consult a doctor, especially if there are manifestations from the genitals.

But much more often, rheumatologists encounter other arthritis - manifestations of autoimmune diseases.

Sometimes the immune system is disrupted. Instead of protecting the human body from disease, it begins to destroy the body's own cells. Joints are almost always the target of aggressive immunity, and often their inflammation becomes the first manifestation of autoimmune pathology.

In addition, the absence of a previous injury and the appearance of other symptoms - general fever, pain, rash, bruising - should alert a sick person. These are all clear signs of an aggressive autoimmune process. When should you contact a rheumatologist?

Arthritis - nonspecific, reactive or autoimmune - is characterized by certain manifestations. If they appear and do not disappear on their own within a few days, you need to go for a consultation with a rheumatologist. The inflammatory process in the joint is primarily the following symptoms:

Pain in an arm or leg (hand, knee, elbow). Local redness and fever. Joint swelling, increase in volume, deformation. Limitation of movements, stiffness.

If there is a connection with an infectious disease the day before, you must inform your doctor about it. Also, to establish the correct diagnosis, it is important to know whether close relatives had similar manifestations.

Arthritis is not always a symptom of serious illnesses; it can also be an independent pathology that is easily treatable. But only a rheumatologist can determine this after an examination.

In what cases does a patient need to consult an orthopedist? And is it really necessary, since these doctors are traditionally considered specialists in the field of diseases of the skeletal system?

In practice, the specifics of their activities are much broader. If rheumatologists often deal with inflammatory processes in the joints, then orthopedists deal with degenerative pathology.

Degenerative-dystrophic changes are a disease in which there is a slow and steady destruction of the joint, disruption of its function, and deformation. The degenerative process is called osteoarthritis, and its advanced form is called arthrosis deformans. The causes of these diseases are varied, but all of them are based on improper functioning of the joint in combination with age-related changes.

The diagnosis of deforming arthrosis does not mean that the patient cannot be treated by a rheumatologist. Doctors of this specialty also observe such patients and successfully prescribe therapy. But orthopedists encounter arthrosis much more often.

Osteoarthritis is a complex disease. In their treatment, it is not always possible to manage only with conservative therapy - tablets and intramuscular injections. Modern therapy of degenerative-dystrophic joint lesions requires the use of intra-articular injections, knowledge of the basics of chondroprotection, and the use of synovial fluid prostheses.

Severe cases of deforming arthrosis, especially of the knee and hip joints, force doctors to turn to surgical technologies. A modern method of surgical treatment of degenerative pathology is endoprosthesis replacement of the affected joint, which is the absolute prerogative of orthopedics.

What other specialists can help?

The disease is also treated by a gastroenterologist, since osteoporosis can be caused by digestive disorders. Sometimes there is a need to consult a nutritionist. The specialist will draw up a menu and explain in detail which foods should be included in the diet and which should be discarded. In case of damage to the spine, it is necessary to treat the disease by a vertebrologist - a doctor specializing in diseases of the spinal column.

In the absence of pathological fractures, osteoporosis is treated by a physiotherapist who selects a set of special gymnastics for patients. Exercise therapy improves joint function and helps strengthen bones. Women with osteoporosis should also be treated by a gynecologist.


The doctor identifies osteoporosis based on radiography and densitometry. You should know that x-rays in the early stages of pathology do not provide the required amount of information. In this case, densitometry is performed, which makes it possible to estimate the amount of bone mass.

To determine the level of metabolic markers in bone tissue, blood biochemistry is also examined. The patient needs to donate blood for thyroid hormones.

The doctor makes a diagnosis of osteoporosis based on the patient’s complaints. The main symptoms of the pathology are: frequent fractures, bone pain, skeletal deformation. As the disease progresses, the pain becomes constant. Another symptom is severe muscle tension. Osteoporosis is accompanied by poor posture: stooping, decreased height.

With the disease, fractures of the vertebral bodies, femoral neck, radius (in the distal section), and ribs become frequent. Osteoporosis is suspected when the following signs appear: increased fatigue, brittle nails, dental disease, gum disease, abnormal heart rate, early gray hair.

Before starting treatment for osteoporosis, the doctor identifies the causes of its occurrence. This is a polyetiological disease that develops as a result of exposure to any negative factors.

These include:

  • female;
  • bad heredity;
  • fragile physique;
  • light weight;
  • menstrual cycle disorders;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lifestyle or heavy physical work;
  • lack of calcium and vitamins in the diet (especially vitamin D);
  • taking glucocorticosteroids, any antibiotics, antitumor drugs.

Osteoporosis can appear due to diseases such as diabetes, thyroid pathologies, chronic liver and kidney failure, and rheumatic diseases.

Doctors treat osteoporosis using drug and non-drug methods. A major role in complex therapy is given to drugs that affect bone metabolism.

These include:

  • bisphosphonates, which inhibit the process of bone tissue destruction;
  • calcium supplements with vitamin D;
  • strontium preparations that promote the functioning of bone tissue;
  • estrogens;
  • fluorine salts;
  • growth hormone;
  • flavone compounds that improve bone metabolism;
  • ossein-hydroxyapatite complex, stimulating the activity of bone cells.

A patient with osteoporosis should know what diet is necessary for the disease. The diet should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements, especially calcium. It is necessary to include low-fat fermented milk products, greens, nuts, eggs, fruits, fish dishes, cereals, and vegetables in the menu. You should give up alcohol, coffee, and chocolate.

Osteoporosis is also treated with therapeutic exercises. Moderate loads help strengthen bone tissue. Special exercises are selected by the doctor taking into account the patient’s age and the condition of his body.

What can the patient do?

To cure osteoporosis, it is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle. Walking and jogging in the fresh air, exposure to the sun, swimming and dancing will be useful. For successful treatment of osteoporosis, abstinence from cigarettes and alcohol is required.

Adequate rest and sleep are important. It is necessary to maintain normal body weight and consume sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D in food. The optimal amount of calcium for patients under the age of 65 is 1000 mg, after 65 years – 1500 mg.


Prevention of the disease is carried out in accordance with the age period. Pregnant women should take multivitamin complexes. You need to pay attention to the nutrition of children. The diet should contain foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. To prevent the disease, gymnastics, dancing, and sports are recommended. In adolescence and adulthood, you should stop smoking, drinking alcohol, and sweet carbonated drinks, which contribute to the excretion of calcium. It is necessary to treat diseases that contribute to the appearance of osteoporosis.

Read also: Treatment of tendonitis with folk remedies

Women after menopause should pay special attention to the condition of the skeletal system, since the degree of decrease in bone mass during this period is maximum. It is necessary to prevent osteoporosis by taking vitamin and mineral complexes. Hormone replacement therapy is recommended and should be prescribed by a gynecologist. You should regularly check with your doctor the condition of your skeletal bones and thyroid gland.

Which doctor treats joints?

Joint diseases are associated with two main mechanisms for the development of pathology - degenerative-dystrophic (malnutrition of cartilage) and an inflammatory process involving cartilage, synovial membrane and ligamentous apparatus. Depending on the causes and mechanism of development of the disease, therapy is carried out by several highly specialized specialists:

  • orthopedist – deals with degenerative pathological processes due to traumatic injury, age-related changes, hereditary predisposition (arthrosis);
  • rheumatologist - specializes in the inflammatory reaction of tissues as a result of an autoimmune process (rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • infectious disease specialist – deals with the treatment of bacterial inflammation (arthritis).

For a more informative diagnosis and expanded therapeutic options, a doctor who specializes in one specialty can refer the patient for a consultation with a doctor of another specialization. In large multidisciplinary clinics, an arthrologist can diagnose and treat this group of diseases. This is a joint specialist who combines the skills of diagnosing and treating all mechanisms and causes of the pathological process.

Instrumental diagnostics includes a consultation with a radiologist, who describes the images taken and makes a conclusion. The final diagnosis is made by a specialist, followed by appropriate treatment.

groups of joint diseases

groups of joint diseases
Joints belong to the structures of the musculoskeletal system of the human body. They have a rather complex structure, including connective tissue, bone tissue and cartilage. Due to the specificity of functional activity and structure, structures are often subject to the development of pathological processes. All diseases are conventionally divided into several main groups:

  • Infectious processes affecting various tissues and leading to their inflammation (infectious arthritis).
  • Autoimmune processes - a violation of the functional state of a person’s immunity is accompanied by the fact that immunocompetent cells “erroneously” produce antibodies to the body’s own tissues. As a result of the development of the pathological process, tissues of various structures of the musculoskeletal system are often affected with the development of long-term inflammation and damage.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic conditions - age-related changes, inflammatory processes, regardless of their cause and origin, as well as post-traumatic conditions lead to disruption of the nutritional processes of structures, which primarily affects cartilage tissue. As a result, lesions gradually form, which then lead to an inflammatory response.
  • Suffered injuries that cause mechanical damage and changes in the anatomical relationship of various structures.

Each group of diseases has its own specialization and a doctor specializing in joints.

Who treats osteochondrosis?

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of the ridge with a significant number of causative factors leading to its development. The mechanism of development of the disease (pathogenesis) consists of two main mechanisms: changes in vertebral tissue (cartilage or bone tissue), followed by pinching and inflammation of the spinal roots in the area of ​​localization of changes in the spine. Accordingly, there are mainly 2 specialists involved in this pathology:

  • orthopedist – prescribes therapy aimed at restoring the structure and properties of the spine tissues (elasticity of the cartilaginous intervertebral disc, therapy for osteoporosis of the bone base of the vertebrae);
  • neurologist – treats osteochondrosis and its manifestations associated with pinched spinal roots. Also, using special techniques, a neurologist can make a preliminary conclusion about the localization of the pathological process in the ridge and pinched roots (topical clinical diagnosis).

If the spine and changes in it require surgical intervention (herniated disc, dislocations or subluxations between vertebrae), then this is done by a neurosurgeon. He performs hernia repair or reduction of dislocations between the vertebrae with parallel release of the strangulated spinal root.

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