Top 30 exercises to improve posture and straighten your back

A healthy spine gives the body lightness, mobility, and a charge of vigor. But with age, maintaining it in normal condition becomes more and more difficult. Any pathological disorders affect the central nervous system, the functioning of internal organs, and do not allow you to live a full life. A passive lifestyle, carrying a heavy weight in one hand, and constantly staying in one position throughout the working day contribute to the appearance of unattractive posture and stoop in adults. To prevent dangerous curvature, it is worth adopting simple posture exercises.

Diagnosis of curvature

The spine has natural curves to compensate for the negative impacts of walking, running, and jumping. As men age, a flat back appears, the chest becomes sunken, and the shoulders droop, which leads to curvature of the back. In women, the deflection in the spine is usually erased, the stomach sag, and the shoulder blades protrude.

The presence of an incorrect position of the spinal column can be easily diagnosed even independently at home. To do this you will need to use one of the following tests:

  • Stand directly next to a wall or door frame and assume a relaxed position. Press your legs, buttocks and the back of your head against the wall. Try to insert your clenched palm between your lower back. Normally, it should pass with barely noticeable effort.
  • You will need help from a loved one. You should stand opposite the mirror sideways, after which the position of your shoulders, shoulder blades, ears, elbows, and lumbar region is recorded. Shoulders and ears should be at the same level as elbows.
  • The curvature is checked by comparing the position of the head and the spinal column. They must be on the same level.

Correct posture is the natural position of the back and the rest of the body. It allows you to evenly distribute the load and eliminate compression of internal organs and other problems.

Checking the condition of the spine

The simplest test is to stand near a wall. If there is a baseboard under the wall, stand by the door or find another option. Press yourself against a vertical surface so that your heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of your head simultaneously touch it.

  • If it works, and you can fixate yourself like this for at least a minute, then everything is not too critical, and to correct your posture you just need to do special gymnastics and learn to control yourself.
  • If you cannot touch any part of the body, or it causes obvious pain, it is better to consult a doctor, possibly take an x-ray and select a special treatment to straighten the spine.

Posture correction

Poor posture is provoked by pathological changes in the spinal column or bad habits. Slouching is also caused by muscle weakness caused by the body constantly being in an uncomfortable position. Schoolchildren develop deformities as a result of the rapid growth of the skeleton, which the muscles cannot keep up with. This is why many teenagers begin to slouch. The problem is corrected by playing sports and wearing orthopedic shoes. The following violations have a serious impact:

How to keep your back straight at all times

  • Acute back pain.
  • Chronic fatigue and overwork.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Intervertebral hernias and protrusions.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Compression of internal organs.

To correct posture, doctors include physical education classes in the complex, which are carried out under the supervision of a specialist. It makes the muscles more elastic and strengthens them.

Indications and contraindications

How do you know if your back is not as flexible as it should be? You should stand straight with your feet together. Try to touch your hands to the floor without bending your knees. If it doesn't work out, it's time to start training. It is recommended to improve the flexibility of the spine for people whose work involves long periods of driving, at the computer, or with a sedentary lifestyle.

Anatomical features of the spine

You also need to regularly stretch your muscles for joint diseases, osteochondrosis, and frequent back pain associated with weak muscles. Another indication is heavy physical work, during which the muscles of the lumbar region are regularly under tension. In addition to a healthy spine, exercise helps to tighten your figure and reduce body weight.

List of contraindications:

  • traumatic injuries of the spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • acute phase of joint inflammation;
  • thrombosis;
  • recent operations;
  • tendency to hypertensive crises;
  • oncological diseases;
  • the first 3-4 days of the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the heart and joints in the stage of decompensation;
  • kidney and bladder diseases;
  • ARVI, influenza in the acute phase with increased body temperature;
  • period of bearing a child;
  • severe pathologies of the respiratory system.

Basic rules for performing exercises

If you are doing posture exercises at home, it is extremely important to follow the basic rules and recommendations of specialists. They minimize the risks of injury or exacerbation.

Basic tips for getting a straight posture when training on your own:

  • It is not recommended to conduct classes after a full lunch. It is better to take it 2 hours after eating. You should also not drink a lot, so as not to provoke the appearance of unpleasant heaviness in the stomach.
  • Before you start performing a set of posture exercises, you should warm up your muscles well and prepare them for the upcoming load. To do this, you can take a hot shower, visit the sauna and massage them yourself for 10 minutes.
  • Each exercise therapy complex for poor posture should begin with a light warm-up. It is important to work all joints consistently. To do this, the head and pelvis are turned, and the body is tilted. Carrying out this procedure allows you to minimize the risk of tissue injury during training.
  • Exercises for posture should be carried out at the same time each time. This improves their performance. The morning period is ideal for this, as training will give you a boost of energy.
  • The choice of course for straightening posture should be in accordance with the age of the patient. Since training should not provoke fatigue and overload of the body.

One of the complexes for improving posture

To interest a child in gymnastics, it is worth coming up with an interesting story for each exercise, so that the whole process is playful and enjoyable. For adults, it is also important to have the right emotional state before starting a lesson.

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Exercises to get rid of stooping in adults

Exercises for curvature of the spine are always selected individually, but those that straighten posture are universal. They allow you to achieve a straight back, improve well-being and health, increase self-esteem, and improve the imbalance in muscle fibers. Regular exercise will be an excellent prevention of problems such as headaches and fatigue, indigestion and muscle weakness, injuries to the knee joints, hips and back, compression and pinched nerves.

You can start doing exercises to straighten your back at any age. Since stooping can be corrected even in older people with the right approach. In addition to returning the normal position of the spine, the patient receives improved well-being and a reduced risk of injury.

Complex for beautiful posture No. 1

What exercises develop correct posture? Experts today offer a large number of different complexes that help correct any unevenness in the ridge. But it is important not only to choose the right set of approaches for charging, but also to be consistent in increasing the load, regularly devoting at least 15-20 minutes a day. When exercising in the gym, it is worth engaging a specialist to monitor each performance to eliminate the risk of injury. The following exercises will help improve your back condition:

  • To get good posture, you need to stand in the doorway and extend your arms so that they touch the frames. Fix the position, then move your whole body forward.
  • Stretch your shoulders in a sitting position. To do this, you need to gradually bring your shoulder blades together and spread them apart, tensing the muscles of the entire shoulder girdle. This action is aimed not only at strengthening muscles, but also improving blood circulation.
  • Sit on a stool straight with your back straight, then bend your elbows or clasp the lock behind your back. If your physical fitness does not allow it, you should try to at least touch it with your fingers. The forearms are horizontal at this moment. You should maintain this position for no more than 20 seconds, after which you need to relax.
  • Stand up straight, take a stable position. Place your hands behind your head, turn your face and shoulders as far as possible. You should not move your pelvis during the execution process. Having fixed in one position for 30 seconds, you should turn in the other direction.
  • Hang on the horizontal bar for 30 seconds. If you can’t find it, you can install a regular stick in the doorway at home. In this case, classes with the crossbar can be carried out daily.
  • An exercise called “birch tree” is useful for curvature of posture. To begin with, you need to lie flat on the floor, after which, helping yourself with your hands at the waist, you need to lift your legs up as much as possible and maintain this position as much as possible. It is also useful for scoliotic stoop and during the period of active formation of the spine.

You can borrow some exercises to improve your posture from yoga, such as warrior, boat, or cobra poses. They are easy to perform and yet highly effective.

You can conduct classes even at home, using available items.

Set of exercises for beautiful posture No. 2

Which exercises are best to choose to restore a straight back position, everyone decides for themselves. Some complexes involve the use of gymnastic equipment, while for others body weight is sufficient. Another set of approaches that will help you develop correct posture includes:

  • Stand up straight, take a step forward, forming a right angle under your right knee, turn your arms, palms facing each other, and pull up. The second leg reaches back and is straight.
  • Stand near the wall and rest your hands on it, make a maximum deflection, holding your position with your palms. The back remains straight. Do not change position for 30-40 seconds.
  • Get on all fours, palms and knees pressed to the floor. As you inhale, bend your back upward as much as possible, and as you exhale, bend downward. The exercise is repeated 17-20 times.
  • Lie on your stomach and straighten your legs. The body rises up and is supported by the arms bent at the elbows. The pose is also called the sphinx. During the process, you feel a pleasant tension in your back.
  • Lie on your stomach, raise your body and legs, grab your feet with your hands and hold this position for 20 seconds. Then take the original position.

The use of gymnastic devices is not always justified, but a fitball has proven itself to be effective in correcting posture. With its help, it is possible to stretch the spine well even in children, improve well-being and restore the mobility of individual areas.

Another visual complex on how to return your back to the correct position


The relationship between back flexibility and health

The spine is the frame of the body; it is with its help that the main vital organs are correctly located and function. Back flexibility affects a person’s health in the following ways:

  • Energy costs are reduced. When muscles in the human body contract, it is in a state of tension; when they are stretched, it is in a state of relaxation. Prolonged muscle contraction leads to significant energy consumption, as a result of which a person feels tired. Stretching the back muscles not only relieves tension, but also releases wasted energy.
  • Improved blood circulation. Performing exercises improves blood supply to the spine and the muscles that support it, and supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improved coordination. Gymnastics to develop back flexibility helps the muscles not only relax, but also, on the contrary, stay in good shape. At the same time, coordination of movements improves, allowing you to quickly acquire new physical skills and abilities.
  • Normalization of blood pressure. In parallel with the muscles, the blood vessels begin to function normally. Vascular walls relax at rest, which reduces blood pressure to normal. Especially useful for older people.
  • Improving the functioning of internal organs. The functioning of the heart, respiratory and genitourinary systems is supported.
  • Protection from injury. A flexible back allows you to maintain a high level of physical activity, perform complex exercises, and lift weights.

Note: Chinese doctors recommend restoring health, starting with developing back flexibility, improving the functioning of the spine and muscle frame.

Exercises to develop posture in children

Spinal alignment in children is performed under the supervision of an adult or specialist if indicated. In the process of physical therapy exercises, it is extremely important to maintain consistency and dose the load so as not to harm the growing body and not provoke deformities. The following complex is recommended for the younger generation aged 6-7 years:

  • Get into the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides. Raise your arms in front of you, bend them at the elbows and place your palms on your shoulders. Moving your elbows behind your back, try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. After 30 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the approach.
  • Press your back against the wall, straighten it, touch the surface with the back of your head and shoulders. Slow squats, without lifting your head from the wall.
  • Lie on your back, straighten your legs, place your arms along your body. Take turns raising your legs up.
  • Lie on your stomach on a flat surface, place your hands on your back. As you inhale, the torso rises up as much as possible, and as you exhale, it goes down.
  • Get into the starting position, hands on your waist. Start circular movements with your pelvis, first in one direction, then in the other.

Posture exercises for children are quite simple, but despite this, very effective. With their help, you can create a beautiful upright posture in teenagers. Intensity and load are selected separately, depending on physical fitness.

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General rules for maintaining correct posture

It is important not only to develop, but also to maintain royal posture. It will ensure normal blood circulation, the functioning of internal organs, and will also affect self-confidence. Compliance with the following simple rules will help with this:

  • You need to constantly monitor your posture; it is extremely important how a person walks, sits, and stands. In none of these states should you relax and lower your shoulders; you should constantly tighten your stomach. While walking, you should not look at your feet all the time.
  • The muscle corset should be constantly strengthened so that it well supports the spinal column in its natural position. To do this, you should devote at least 15 minutes of your time to gymnastics every morning, working the muscles in the back and abs.
  • When working at a computer desk, it is important to monitor your posture. Incorrect position of the spine leads to overstrain in the shoulders and lower back, which affects the decrease in muscle tone and gradually curves the back.
  • During breaks between work, you should give yourself a light warm-up. Exercises for correct posture are suitable for this, which can be done without getting up from your office chair.
  • For everyday wear, you should choose only high-quality, comfortable shoes. Often high heels or tight shoes lead to poor posture.
  • You should choose hard bedding. An orthopedic mattress is excellent for maintaining the correct position of the spine during sleep.

Some patients are recommended to wear orthopedic corsets for preventive purposes. But before purchasing it, you should consult with a specialist regarding the advisability and duration of using the device during the day.

Correct posture is the key to a person’s endurance and health. Therefore, it is worth including several types of exercises in your morning exercises that will allow you to form it and maintain it every day. It is recommended to begin to harden the spine and strengthen the muscle corset in childhood, starting from 3 years. This will help avoid the appearance of teenage stoop in schoolchildren. Exercises are also relevant for adults, as they will prevent a large number of pathological disorders.

Tips for Improving Training Results

Stretching for the back and spine

Tip #1

Assess the adequacy of physical activity in daily life. Constantly sitting or, conversely, regularly lifting heavy loads has a negative impact on the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Alternate activity modes with proper rest.

Tip #2

Evaluate your sleeping space. Very old, sagging sofas are not the best option for a night's rest. The muscles become stiff, the back hurts in the morning, the person is constantly tired and lacks sleep. Choose a mattress that is optimal in terms of firmness.

Tip #3

Include in your menu foods rich in protein (eggs and dairy products, meat and fish, legumes) and calcium (cottage cheese, cottage cheese, cabbage and liver). Don’t forget about vitamins, which are found in sufficient quantities in fresh vegetables and fruits and herbs.

Tip #4

Give up bad habits: drinking large amounts of coffee, alcoholic beverages, smoking.

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