Physiological features of posture and its role in the development of a healthy schoolchild

What is posture?

The posture of modern man is the result of evolution. By performing a number of tasks, it provides the body with a position that increases the number and efficiency of movements. In addition, posture reduces the likelihood of injury during high activity and promotes an upright position of the torso, maintaining minimal stress.

There are clear criteria for normal posture, but each person has it unique, with its own characteristics. Posture depends on the condition of the muscles, ligaments and bones, on the set of reflexes (motor stereotypes) and body shape .

What can be called normal posture? It is characterized by pronounced curves of the spinal column . The spine looks like a uniform “wave”. If you compare resting posture (tired muscles and a state of relaxation) and moving posture (muscles actively working), then normal posture is something in between.

The human back has 4 physiological curves

If a person has correct posture, then his body parts are located symmetrically to the spine . The chin is slightly raised, the lower border of the eye sockets and the tragus of the ears are at the same level. The head is held strictly vertical. The chest is slightly raised, the stomach is slightly retracted, and the shoulder line is horizontal.

The meaning of posture

The main task of good posture is to protect the motor system from injury and overload . This is done by balancing the muscles and aligning the body parts. When all segments of the body are smooth, then any movements do not cause problems, since the natural amplitude is maximum.

Posture is not just a somatic indicator. It also expresses mental characteristics. Science has proven that posture often affects the process of human personality development . With normal posture, a person feels more confident and attracts everyone's attention. Oddly enough, normal posture is associated with high morality.

Posture is especially important for children when the skeleton is still forming. If habitual movements are incorrect, this will quickly lead to curvature of the spine, pelvis, legs and even feet. Scoliosis and flat feet are a common manifestation of uneven load.

The child’s posture begins to develop after he begins to rise to his feet.

It should be noted that there is a connection between posture and body composition . The shape of the spine is not only inherited, but often depends on the mechanism of human development (vertical). Posture significantly affects the efficiency of movements. A slouched person always has clumsy movements and can lead to injury.

Normal posture is an effective way to prevent many diseases . In addition, posture is body language. A certain posture indicates a personal position. Posture is a business card that allows you to easily recognize a person without even seeing his face.

Types of pathology

types of posture disorders and :

  • stoop – an increase in the thoracic deflection with a decrease in the lumbar deflection. Outwardly, it looks like raised shoulder girdles with adducted shoulder joints, and the edges of the shoulder blades protrude noticeably above the chest wall;
  • round back - a strong increase in thoracic kyphosis with a complete absence of lumbar deflection. A person's center of gravity shifts, his head leans forward, and his chest sinks. To maintain balance, you have to bend your legs slightly while walking;
  • round-concave back - an increase in all physiological curves of the spine with raised shoulder girdles and a protruding belly;
  • flat back – reduction of all vertebral curves with a forward displacement of the chest;
  • flat-concave back - the thoracic deflection decreases, the lumbar deflection increases, the pelvis moves backward.


Factors that influence posture

Posture is influenced by many different factors.:

  • Body type . First of all, its components, that is, the size and ratio of various parts of the body, as well as the symmetry of the location of the shoulder blades and shoulders, the shape of the legs and chest.
  • Skeletal structure . The spine has natural curves. But congenital defects often occur; the spine can be curved in any direction.
  • Muscular framework . To maintain normal posture, the harmonious development of all muscle groups is necessary. Therefore, from childhood, you should monitor the proportional development of the body, achieving elasticity and definition of the muscles.
  • The shape of the spinal column is influenced by the position of the head and the position of the shoulder girdle . If your head is always lowered, then beautiful posture is out of the question.
  • Fat deposition has a very strong effect on posture , which leads it to an abnormal state.
  • You can forget about a slim figure if the central nervous system poorly regulates reflex mechanisms that provide support for posture. There is a redistribution of muscle tone.
  • Curvature of the spine can appear due to insufficient elasticity of the ligaments , flat feet and imbalances in the shape of body parts.

Without eliminating these factors, it is difficult to achieve normal posture.

Reasons for changes in posture

Poor posture is caused by numerous reasons. The formation of a figure is negatively affected by living conditions, social factors and prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. As a result of prolonged incorrect posture, the skill of inadequate body alignment arises.

The cause of poor posture may be weakness in the back muscles and physical inactivity. Sometimes this occurs due to pathology , in other cases, such a skill develops when there are no structural and functional changes in the motor system. If incorrect posture becomes habitual and no effort is made to correct it, it will cause curvature of the spine.

The main reason for changes in posture is physical inactivity , that is, low physical activity. But excessive passion for physical exercises will also not be beneficial if they are of the same type and monotonous.

The consequences of poor posture may be:

  • Congenital or acquired pathologies affecting intervertebral discs.
  • Weak back muscles.
  • Overexertion of the back for a long time.
  • Sleeping in an awkward position.

Particular attention should be paid to the back muscles. If they are weak, then they do not provide the necessary support to the spine. Under the influence of loads, it begins to deform, which causes a stooped or concave back. Scoliosis, kyphosis and other diseases develop .

Using gadgets

When you type messages on the small screen of your smartphone or PDA while standing or sitting, maintain the correct position of your back, without arching or excessive deflection . Keep your head above your shoulders, with only your eyes looking down. You can also reduce the load by placing a small pillow under your forearms, rather than holding them up.

When you look at your computer monitor, it should be at a comfortable distance from your eyes, and its top should be just below your eye level. If you feel yourself straining while looking at a screen, you may need to change the font size on your computer or have your eyes checked by a professional.

When using the mouse, keep your wrist in a neutral position, and your entire arm should move with the movement of the mouse . The touch of the fingers is light, without tension.

When you type on the keyboard, make sure that it is at a comfortable distance from you, and that your elbows are supported, the angle at the elbow joint is 90° or slightly more. Hands should move freely. Type with your fingers bent freely, you should not reach your fingers towards the keyboard, straightening them.

Methods for checking spinal curvature

Before checking your posture, you need to familiarize yourself with the normal criteria.

Signs of correct posture:Signs of curvature:
  • The head is kept in a straight position.
  • The back is straight.
  • The shoulder blades are absolutely symmetrical.
  • There are no curvatures of the spine.
  • Shoulders are pulled back and slightly lowered.
  • Absence of asymmetrical folds of skin on the back.
  • The stomach does not protrude.
  • Legs of equal length.
  • The navel is off-center.
  • Breast nipples at different levels.
  • The waist line is curved.
  • The abdomen is asymmetrical.
  • The angles of the shoulder blades are not at the same level.

If violations are detected, you need to contact a specialist for a clearer assessment of the changes. You may have to resort to treatment.

Self-check your posture

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Next fact

At home, you can assess the verticality of the spinal axis in a simple way.

How it's done:

  • Stand with your back to the wall.
  • Press tightly and level the plane of the body. To do this, lean against the wall with the back of your head, shoulders, buttocks and heels.
  • The stomach should be pulled in as much as possible. This eliminates the gap between the wall and the lower back.

In this position, posture is determined by factors:

  • The position of the head and the verticality of the body.
  • Horizontal shoulder position.
  • Distance from earlobes to shoulders.
  • Symmetrical blades.
  • Features of the physiological curves of the lumbar and cervical spine.

With normal posture, the body has 5 points of contact with the wall

Checking posture in this way is based on the even distribution of the described structures on both sides of the body.

Second way to check

You need a large mirror to see yourself in full height. You need to draw a vertical line on the mirror. Then you should turn sideways to the mirror and take a small mirror.

In a relaxed state, look in the mirror. With normal posture, the line on a large mirror will pass 3 cm from the knee, touch the shoulder in front and end at the earlobe.

Video: “How to check your posture: 7 points”

Third way

You need to stand up straight and strain your knees as much as possible . Your posture will be incorrect if you lose your balance. The test is very simple and accessible to everyone. It can be done at any time and anywhere.

Method four

In this case, you will need the help of a friend or relative. He should look at you carefully and express his opinion.

Signs of poor posture include the following::

  • The shoulders are rounded and tense, and also brought forward (and should be back).
  • The head can't hold straight.
  • The shoulder blades look like chicken wings because they stick out, but should be flat.
  • The pelvis stands out noticeably, as it protrudes strongly.
  • Sunken chest, causing the back to arch.
  • The shoulder joints are at different levels, so the spine bends sideways.
  • One of the legs bears less load, so it appears shorter.

If a friend notices even one defect, the posture is not considered normal. There is already a spinal deformity.

Video: “10 rules for perfect posture”

You can learn more about the formation and disorders of posture in the following articles:

  • The most common causes of poor posture are described on the page
  • To read about the prevention of poor posture in children and its correct formation, follow the link
  • You can learn about the cost and recommendations for choosing a magnetic posture corrector here
  • How much does an electronic posture corrector cost?

Sleeping mattress

When sleeping, it is very important that your mattress is moderately firm and supports your spine well. The pillow should also support the optimal position of the neck and head, maintaining a natural curve.

The sleeping position should be comfortable for you, on the one hand, and preserve the natural curves of the spine, on the other. You may need to place a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side, or a small cushion under your lower back if you sleep on your back. Lying on your stomach is not recommended, since in this position the neck and lower back are greatly overstrained and take an unnatural position.

To easily and safely get out of bed after a period of sleep, first bend your knees and bring your feet to the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed in one fluid motion, then use your arms to push yourself up to a standing position. Do not lean your body forward when getting out of bed.

Prevention of curvature

The slightest violation of posture begins to impede the functioning of internal organs. And over time, it provokes the development of degenerative processes in the spine and joints, which will cause the appearance of osteochondrosis or arthritis.

To prevent changes in posture, you should not forget about preventive measures.

They are as follows:

  • Prevention of curvature of the back is physical exercise. It is advisable to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

  • It is necessary to properly organize the workplace with comfortable furniture and good lighting.
  • You should constantly monitor the position of your back during sedentary work.
  • Clothing should not hinder movement.
  • If you have flat feet, you need orthopedic shoes, otherwise changes in posture cannot be avoided.
  • You always need to keep your body in good shape to strengthen your back muscles.
  • Schoolchildren must have a light and comfortable backpack that evenly distributes the load on their shoulders.

At the slightest suspicion of deterioration in posture, it is necessary to perform special exercises or resort to the help of correctors. This will allow you to spread your shoulders and eliminate slouching.

You should not refuse a massage, which will increase blood supply to the muscles, activate metabolism and remove functional blocks.

Digestive system

The optimal location of the vertebral segments has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs, including the digestive system.

Correct posture allows the abdominal organs to occupy their natural position without excessive compression, which can interfere with the normal flow and functioning of the gastrointestinal system. Incorrect posture, such as sitting slouched, can provoke acid reflux (“heartburn”), constipation and even hernia.

From the spinal cord, located inside the spine, nerve fibers go to each internal organ, which are responsible for their normal functioning. Diseases such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, postural disorders, vertebral displacements, torticollis in childhood and others can cause a variety of symptoms, ranging from headaches to pain in the stomach or heart area.

If you treat such disorders using traditional medicine methods, no matter how many tablets and injections you use, there may be no result.

Changes in physiological curves do not always occur under the influence of external factors (sedentary work, engaging in a certain type of physical activity, asymmetrical load); sometimes there are internal problems that will also affect the musculoskeletal system from the inside.

There is an inverse relationship - when the disease of any internal organ is primary, then this organ can become inflamed and increase in size, it suddenly becomes cramped in its place, it requires more space.

If this organ is located in the pelvic area, for example, the ovaries in women, then their inflammation often leads to anterior tilt of the pelvis, lengthening and relaxation of the abdominal muscles, which leads to tension in the lower back muscles, which will pull the outer vertebrae of the lumbar region towards each other, thereby forming hyperlordosis.

Often such girls complain that by endlessly “pumping up” their abs, they do not get the coveted abs on their stomach. In this case, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist or gynecologist in order to exclude possible diseases of the internal organs and only then increase the load on the abdominal area.

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