The role of correct posture in human life and methods of its correction

Indicators that characterize posture

Many people believe that posture is the position of the spine, as well as the back of a person, which is in an upright position. In fact, this is partly true, but in reality, human posture is a broader concept that combines the following:

  • anatomical features of the shape of the abdomen, chest;
  • position of the neck, head;
  • position of the legs and pelvis;
  • How symmetrical are the structures that form the girdle of the upper limbs (this includes the shoulder blades, collarbones, as well as all the muscle groups that surround them);
  • the severity of the curves of the spinal column, their features, which shapes the position and shape of the back.

It is especially important to remember one point. Posture is the typical position, as well as the anatomical relationship of the body segments of each individual person, in which he is in an upright position in a habitual state of rest. Speaking in general, we can say that posture is exactly the position of the body in which a person is comfortable, convenient to be, while standing in an upright position.

Posture. What it is?

Correct posture is the ability to hold the body in a standing, lying and sitting position.
In fact, this is the correct posture, a normal voluntary position of the body. It can be maintained in the normal state and development of the spine and other parts of the skeleton and muscles. The habitual posture of a standing or sitting person, in addition to purely anatomical factors, will be influenced by: - ​​general well-being; — psycho-emotional background; - his working and living conditions.

Posture can change not only throughout life, but also during the day. At the same time, its changes are influenced not only by the anatomical and physiological conditions of the musculoskeletal system, but also by other body systems and the external environment.

Posture is a strictly individual factor. By it you can recognize a person, distinguish him from the crowd and even evaluate his general physical development and statics.

֍Normally, posture is the middle value between passive and active posture. The first occurs with muscle fatigue or at rest. The second manifests itself during active muscle work. This average value is characterized by well-defined vertebral curves - the spine is wavy.

A person with correct posture is fit, smart, and looks athletic. He moves easily and gets less tired. He has a raised chest, a tucked in stomach, a straight back, and an evenly positioned head. The absence of disruption in the natural curves of the spine and excellent balance of muscles and skeleton lead not only to a sporty appearance and an easy gait. The nervous system, respiratory tract, heart and blood vessels work clearly and harmoniously. The load on the joints is evenly distributed, the person is highly efficient, and does not suffer from headaches or back pain. His organs and systems function well.

What affects posture

Only newborns can probably boast of ideal posture.
At the moment of birth, the spine has a physiologically correct shape. The first problems appear at the age of 1–2 months, when the baby begins to hold his head. Then cervical lordosis begins to develop. The appearance of thoracic kyphosis is preceded by the joy that the child has learned to sit. The price to pay for the first steps will be lumbar lordosis and sacral kyphosis. With age, under the influence of various factors, the process of posture changes will continue. Factors influencing the formation of correct posture include the environment, general health, and previous diseases (rickets, tuberculosis, frequent colds). For schoolchildren, the quality of the backpack, the weight of its contents, and the manner of wearing it are of great importance. It is advisable to choose a lightweight model with a special back and wear it exclusively on your back, with the straps over your shoulders. The quality of the furniture is important: chairs and a table must correspond to height, and the sleeping area must be equipped with an orthopedic mattress. These are auxiliary means of forming correct posture.

Posture disorders. Types

Unfortunately, a group of conditions that are accompanied by a stable pathological state of the body while standing, sitting and walking is a widespread phenomenon.

It is customary to distinguish the following postural disorders:

Slouch. It is characterized by flattening of the lumbar lordosis and deepening of the thoracic kyphosis. It is characterized by winged shoulder blades, a bent head and adducted shoulder joints. Round-concave back. Characterized by an increase in all curves of the spinal column. It is characterized by wing-shaped shoulder blades, a forward head, half-bent knees, and a hanging belly with abducted shoulders. Flat-concave back. It is characterized by normal or increased lumbar lordosis and flattening of thoracic kyphosis. It is characterized by a posteriorly displaced pelvis, wing-shaped shoulder blades and semi-bent legs. Flat back. This condition is characterized by flattening of all curves of the spine. It is characterized by a chest cavity shifted forward and a belly protruding forward. Missing curves in the spinal column increase the impact load on the brain and base of the skull, which increases the risk of damage to these anatomical structures. Round back. It is characterized by significantly increased thoracic kyphosis and absent lumbar lordosis. This is an extreme form of slouching. People with this type of posture walk on bent legs to avoid falling. Their head is bent, their shoulders are adducted, their stomach is protruded, their arms hang along the body, their back is with wing-shaped shoulder blades, their head is bent. Scoliotic back. Characterized by poor posture in the frontal plane. It is characterized by lateral curvatures of the spinal column with disruption of all symmetrical lines of the body.

Lordosis, kyphosis and myths associated with them

“They found him to have lordosis.” “What are you talking about?!” “How will you treat it?” It’s not clear, why should we be surprised? And is it necessary to treat immediately? Each of us has lordosis, as well as kyphosis, in the normal state of the spine. This is not a pathology.

Natural curves of the spinal column in the form of lumbar and cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis are formed in a small child who begins to walk. Having risen to his feet, he spreads them wide, bends his lower limbs at the hip and knee joints. At the same time, the baby’s body straightens and bends slightly forward.

A child taking his first steps is characterized by imperfections in the neuromuscular system. At the same time, it strongly strains the muscles, the so-called anti-gravity group. He simply needs to keep himself from falling forward or plopping down on his butt. This tension is recognized as the main factor under the influence of which physiological curvatures of the spinal column are formed.

Under the influence of certain factors, physiological curves can change their depth, decreasing or increasing, leading to postural disorders. In this case, we can talk about pathological lordosis or kyphosis. In all other cases, this is not considered a violation. And even more so with illness.

How is posture formed and what does its correctness depend on?

Thanks to evolution, man has learned to move on his two lower limbs, while being in an upright position. This is a rather complex reflex, the participants of which are:

  • ligamentous-capsular apparatus of the limbs, spine;
  • bone formations of the skeleton, which includes the heel bones and bones of the feet, thighs, legs, pelvis, as well as all parts of the spine;
  • neuro-reflex mechanisms that, when the body moves to a vertical position, maintain involuntary muscle tone;
  • muscle structures: muscles of the cervical, paravertebral, other muscle groups of the body, as well as the belts, lower and upper extremities.

It is important to know that initially posture is formed depending on heredity. However, its type is influenced not only by this factor, there are others. Only if there are serious congenital deformities can we say that the posture will be pathological, and in the future it will remain so in an adult. In all other situations, those phenotypic factors that influence the human body after birth during the period of life and growth are much more important than congenital ones.

In fact, the formation of posture is carried out depending on the loads and functional features to which the mechanism is exposed in a certain time period. When a child is born, from the very first days he has a strictly straight spine, and only after a while it is replaced by a curved type.

In the process of development of a newborn, his ability to hold the head, then sit, walk, the gradual formation of smooth physiological curves of the spinal column in the posterior as well as anterior directions occurs, the angle of the pelvis also changes. And the type of formation of posture, its defects are determined due to the correspondence of the volume, tone of the muscular paravertebral corset, namely its flexion-extension groups, the loads to which they are exposed, as well as the growth activity of bone structures.

You should know that the spine should have moderate curves in order to significantly improve shock-absorbing properties during walking when performing other loads, and also, if possible, to reduce the load on its lower sections as much as possible.

Neurogenic and general somatic factors play a major role in this important process. After all, as you know, even if all components of posture are ideal from the point of view of a functional, anatomical relationship, there is a risk of losing one’s abilities and structure due to a failure in the metabolic and trophic processes in the body. All this together directly or indirectly affects the characteristics of the spine, as well as other segments of the body, which determine how correct the posture is.

Reasons leading to poor posture

Factors that provoke deviations from the norm for posture can be divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital causes are established at the time of intrauterine development. Among them:

— hip dysplasia; - disturbed shapes of the vertebrae; - congenital dislocation of the hip; - foot deformities; - abnormalities of the knee joints.

Among the acquired factors are:

trauma (fractures, amputations); past illnesses (rickets, flat feet, arthrosis, disc herniations, osteochondrosis); long-term stay in an unnatural position (incorrectly chosen furniture that is not suited to one’s height, poor lighting in a study or work place, constantly carrying heavy objects in one hand); decreased sensitivity of nerve receptors that transmit a signal to the brain that the body is in a normal, natural position.

Main characteristics of correct posture

Posture can be called correct if its median vertical axis of the body runs from the center of the cranial vault. When it touches the lower jaw along the posterior surface, it descends tangentially to the convexity of the cervical spine. Next, it slightly cuts off the arc of the lumbar lordosis, and then passes directly through the center of the pelvis near the anterior edge of the knee joint, ending in the central part of the foot. As a result, all structures that are located on both sides of this line must be symmetrical.

As for practice, the correctness of posture is checked based on the determination of such signs as:

  • the presence of symmetry in those places where the forearm, nipples, and angles of the shoulder blades are located;
  • the head is in a straight position;
  • the presence of symmetry of waist triangles, that is, triangular gaps between the lowered arms and torso;
  • the presence of symmetry of the relief of the chest, lumbar region exclusively in a vertical position, as well as a position when the body is slightly tilted forward;
  • the neck-shoulder lines, that is, those conventional lines that connect the ear and shoulder joint, have an identical location and length;
  • normal characteristics of the arches of the feet;
  • lower limbs have the same length;
  • the pelvic axis has an exclusively horizontal position, and its bony landmarks are symmetrical;
  • the curves of the spine in the front in the lumbar and cervical regions, as well as in the back in the sacral and thoracic regions, are evenly expressed.

Depending on age, the characteristics of normal posture undergo some changes. These are completely insignificant differences, however, they make it possible to identify typical types of posture of school, preschool age, and also youth. The latter is the same as that of the average adult. If the data obtained does not correspond to those considered typical for correct posture, this indicates that there are certain violations. Most often, all this happens at school age due to incorrect working posture, heavy loads, and if correction is not made in a timely manner, you can remain with this problem throughout your life.

Important! How correct a person’s posture is can be determined during a routine examination, but only if the main landmarks are exposed, that is, you will need to undress to your underwear. In this case, the person is standing with equal support on both legs, which are located in an extended position at the knee joints with the toes apart and the heels connected.

What factors provoke postural disorders in adults and children?

There are many factors that provoke an unnatural position of the physiological curves of the spine. Several main ones should be highlighted:

Anomalies of fetal development, genetic diseases, complicated pregnancy, poor nutrition of the mother during the period of intrauterine development of the baby. Lack of reasonable physical activity, leading to an imbalance of the musculoskeletal system and, as a consequence, to poor posture. Labor activity associated with monotonous, similar movements. Soft bed. Featherbeds often provoke a long-term unnatural position for a person during sleep. Incorrectly selected furniture, especially work tables and desks. Past diseases and surgical interventions (pneumonia, biliary dyskinesia, kidney prolapse, bronchitis, cesarean section, cicatricial adhesions after severe, large abdominal operations, traumatic scars on the body, amputation of limbs). Frequent, long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes. Unbalanced diet, absence or deficiency of calcium, vitamins, minerals, proteins. Increased physical or sports activity, heavy lifting, non-compliance with safety rules when carrying loads and lifting sports equipment. Lack of basic hygienic exercise. Chronic somatic illnesses. Wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing. Being in unfavorable environmental conditions. Increased psycho-emotional stress.

How to stand and walk

You should stand on the entire surface of your feet, straighten your knees and pull in your stomach, tensing your abdominal muscles. The shoulders should be slightly pulled back by straightening the spine.

Do not squeeze your shoulder blades with spasmed muscles. In this position, a person gets tired quickly, but this position is the most optimal.

You need to look straight ahead with your chin slightly extended forward.

Important! High-heeled shoes force the body into an incorrect angle to maintain balance.

Therefore, you should not get carried away with dress shoes or boots if you plan to stay in an upright position for a long time. Every girl should remember this rule.

Correct sitting

To make it comfortable to work or read at the table, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the height and width of the workplace. So, the ideal distance from the table top to the eyes is approximately 30 cm.

In this case, the width of the table should be at least 50 cm so that a person has space to distribute all the office supplies without cluttering the area directly in front of him.

It is desirable that the height of the chair be such that the feet are completely on the floor, and the knees are located slightly above the level of the buttocks.

A high back with support in the lumbar region is another important criterion for correct posture and comfortable work at the desk. In this position, less stress will be placed on the back muscles.

Attention! While working, you should not cross your legs and do not place your limbs under the seat of the chair. In this position, blood circulation worsens, which over time leads to impaired blood flow and the development of varicose veins.

A straight back when working with a computer

When working with documents in digital format, recommendations regarding the choice of workplace remain the same as in the previous paragraph. But it is worth paying attention to the location of the monitor and keyboard of the computer.

Thus, the monitor on the desktop should be positioned in such a way that the user does not have to lift his head and crane his neck, wanting to read all the necessary information on the screen. The ideal option is to be located directly at eye level or slightly lower.

Thanks to this, the load on the spine in the cervical region will be reduced. And for vision, this arrangement will be as comfortable as possible.

When it comes to the keyboard, your hands should not be left unsupported all the time. A chair with armrests to rest your elbow and enough space on the table to place your hands is an important factor for proper computer work.

Get a good night's sleep with a straight back

For a complete and comfortable rest, correct body position is a necessary nuance. And if a person has not yet abandoned beds with spring armored nets, then this should be done immediately.

The best choice is high-quality orthopedic mattresses that provide firm, but at the same time balanced support to all parts of the body. You should try to sleep on your stomach as little as possible.

In this position, strong compression of the vertebrae in the cervical region occurs. Very high pillows also have the same effect.

In order to achieve a natural curve of the spine, experts recommend sleeping on your side with your knees slightly bent. Lying on your back is also suitable.

Before going to bed, you should place a small bolster or pillow under your lower back to completely relieve the load on your spine.

Exercises for correct posture

A set of simple exercises to strengthen your back muscles will help you form correct posture and at the same time relieve stress on your spine while sitting at the computer for long periods of time.

You can perform these exercises at any convenient time. You need to do them like this:

  1. Lower your head and press your chin to your chest. Remaining in this position, try to connect the shoulder blades. This will help relieve spasm from the tight muscles of the cervical spine.
  2. To develop the muscles of the shoulder region, you should take a standing position with your back well straightened. In this position, begin to make circular movements with your hands, imitating a mill.
  3. You need to stand up straight, lower your arms down and move your shoulders back a little. The chin should also be kept slightly down. A person should imagine that he is stretching the top of his head upward, as if growing towards the ceiling. The spine is stretched in this way for a minute.
  4. You should sit on the floor with your knees bent under you (buttocks on your heels). Straighten your back, place your hands on your knees, palms down. Try to hold your body in this position for 5 minutes. Repeat the exercise daily. After a few months, this position of the spine will become familiar to the person, and he will stop slouching.
  5. Every evening it is recommended to unload and stretch the spine by bending down and clasping your ankles with your palms. Staying in this position for a few seconds is enough.

How to learn to walk with a always straight back

In fact, learning to keep your back straight is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And these proven recommendations will help you with this:

  1. You need to keep your back straight, regardless of whether others are looking at you or not. More often you need to walk past mirrors and shop windows. Nothing helps straighten your back like a slouched reflection.
  2. You should increase the number of walks in comfortable shoes. Thanks to improved blood circulation, it is possible to relieve tension and spasm from tight spinal muscles.
  3. You should not wear high-heeled shoes. In order to maintain balance, women are forced to shift their center of gravity, additionally loading their backs.
  4. It is advisable to try not to walk with your head down and your eyes downcast. You need to remember the happiest moment in your life, perk up and look at the world around you from the bottom up. The habit of walking with your head held high will help keep your back straight.
  5. Correct posture is five points of the body on one line. If you want to check how straight your posture is, you should stand against a wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels touch its surface. Uncomfortable? Of course, this position is unusual for tight muscles and curved vertebrae. But you still need to remember your feelings and try to occupy this position all the time.
  6. Don't be lazy walking around your apartment with a book on your head. In order to keep an impressive volume of essays on top of your head, you will need quite a bit of poise. This will be the correct posture that is needed.
  7. You need to pull in your stomach yourself or with the help of a trouser belt. By relaxing the abdominal muscles, people intuitively lower their shoulders and slouch. At the same time, tensing the abdominal muscles and drawing in the stomach, the person opens the chest and straightens the back.

In order to consolidate and maintain the results obtained, you need to train your back muscles regularly for six months. After this, the correct position of the body will become commonplace, and nothing will stop you from walking with a proud, royal posture.

Consequences caused by poor posture

Incorrect posture harms the body of a child and an adult. It is expressed:

Unaesthetic appearance of the figure. Impaired functioning of internal organs, and as a consequence the development of their diseases.

Violation of the symmetry of the placement of organs in the abdominal cavity. A compressed esophagus and stomach cannot fully process and assimilate food. Hence problems with digestion, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, heartburn, hiccups, and impaired absorption of nutrients.

Prolapse of the kidneys, leading to genitourinary disorders. Difficulty in breathing, up to the development of chronic hypoxia and bronchial asthma. Development of weakness, headaches, fatigue and irritability. Poor performance of the cardiovascular system. The compressed heart tries to compensate for the rhythm by increasing the number of contractions with the formation of arrhythmia, tachycardia and high blood pressure. And this is a direct path to heart attacks and strokes. Constant pain in the spine. Rapid aging of the body due to multiple dysfunctions of organs and systems. Disturbances in the hormonal system, weakening of the body's immune defense, disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Impaired blood flow, leading to problems with brain activity, dissipation of attention, memory deterioration, and a decline in mental and adaptive abilities.

Poor posture and disharmony of appearance often become the causes of the development of inferiority complexes, isolation, and psycho-emotional disorders. A person feels unwanted, an “ugly duckling” towards whom the rest of the world is hostile.

Poor posture leads to the development of diseases of the thoracic cavity, osteochondrosis, the formation of a rib hump (hibus), and curvature of the spine to the left or right (scoliosis). Poor posture that is not corrected in time leads to the development of a severe, pathological situation. To prevent complications that later require expensive, long-term treatment, special measures should be taken.

Reference bearing

To imagine what body position is optimal for a particular person, you need to stand with your back to the wall so that the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks, calves and heels are pressed against it. There should be space between the lower back and the surface into which your hand can fit. You should remember this pose, look at it carefully in the mirror (straight and sideways). This is the ideal posture of a particular person. Subsequently, it is advisable to always keep the body in this position. In general, ideally it should be like this:

  • the neck is located at a right angle to the shoulders;
  • the collarbones are symmetrical relative to each other;
  • shoulders tilted back;
  • The shoulder blades are connected to the chest;
  • the chest comes forward a little;
  • the walls of the abdomen are tightened;
  • the navel is clearly in the center;
  • the spine is straight;
  • the gluteal folds and the folds of the knee joint are proportional and formed at the same height.

Visually, problems with posture are expressed in stooping and asymmetry of the body. A person complains of back pain, increased fatigue and regular colds. The formation of correct posture is also important for the prevention of myalgia, osteochondrosis, glenohumeral periarthritis, cervicobrachialgia, and scoliosis.

Prevention measures

Prevention of conditions caused by poor posture can be divided into two types:

prevention for adults; measures for children.

Poor posture in adulthood can be corrected if you stop leading a sedentary lifestyle. It is worth developing physical activity that will be feasible in accordance with age indicators. Walking and jogging, swimming, walking, Norwegian walking, gymnastics, and, if the joints are well prepared and there are no contraindications, yoga are recommended. With a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and work, it is recommended to get up from a chair or armchair every 40-60 minutes and do simple exercises or at least just walk.

To prevent postural disorders, it is recommended to perform sets of special exercises to strengthen the muscular corset and spinal muscles.

Don't be indifferent to your figure. It is necessary, at the level of a subconscious rule, to constantly monitor your body position while sitting or standing, excluding postural violations. This will help you avoid slouching and maintain the natural curves of your spine. If you have excess weight, then you need to get rid of it. Self-control, which you can develop on your own, will also help with this. It will help you stick to a diet based on healthy eating principles.

At the everyday level, you should avoid lifting weights or distribute them evenly in both hands when carrying them, select physiological furniture, use insoles in shoes for flat feet (to relieve the load on the spine), observe occupational hygiene, do not wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes, and eat well.

Prevention of factors leading to poor posture in children is simple. In fact, it is easy to put into practice. Following the recommendations will help avoid the need for long-term, complex treatment and correction of the spinal column using orthopedic products.

To form physiological, correct posture, it is important to observe:

— physical activity; - correct, symmetrical position of the body when sitting; — wearing properly selected shoes, orthopedic ones if necessary; - wearing clothes that do not restrict movement; — principles of good nutrition with sufficient amounts of proteins, calcium, vitamins and minerals; - schedule; - alternating between activity and proper rest.

Treat congenital abnormalities of posture, skeletal injuries and their consequences in a timely manner.

Choose furniture for your child on which it will be convenient for him to do his homework without spoiling his posture. Make sure his desk is well lit. The child should sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Grandma's feather beds contribute to poor posture.

Don't overfeed your baby. Monitor his diet. Deviations from the norm should not be allowed. Today it is so easy for children and teenagers to become overweight. The abundance of sweets, fast food, and unhealthy semi-finished products on family tables contributes to an increase in body weight and, as a result, an increased impact load on the feet, spine, large joints of the legs, and curvature of posture.

Give your child or teen the opportunity to exercise. This could be a dance studio, a swimming pool, football, athletics. Do not limit his daily physical activity. Jumping rope, let him jump. He's racing down the street, let him run. If he wants rollerblades, let him rollerblade, and in winter he can skate and ski.

Dosed, full-fledged physical activity is an important, if not the most important, factor in preventing postural disorders. But it is not a panacea. If there are any suspicions or provoking factors, you should contact specialists for advice, diagnosis and possible treatment.

We do not claim any discoveries. Yes, these are standard recommendations for posture that our grandmothers and mothers still knew. But compliance with them preserves the child’s health. By following these recommendations, you can avoid the formation of incorrect, disturbed posture and the pathological changes in the body that it leads to.

How to prevent the problem

Prevention of postural disorders should be carried out from early childhood. It includes:

  • use of a hard and orthopedic bed for sleeping;
  • correction of foot pathology (clubfoot, flatfoot) by making special shoes and using orthopedic insoles;
  • proper organization of motor and rest regimes;
  • eliminating heavy physical stress on the spine. Preference should be given to a normal active lifestyle;
  • strict control over the correct body position in everyday life (sitting at a desk, uniform distribution of loads when wearing backpacks and briefcases, etc.);
  • a nutritious, age-appropriate balanced diet;
  • selection of ergonomic furniture according to the age or individual characteristics of an adult or child;
  • water sports and hardening.

Poor posture is considered a common problem, which in most cases can be eliminated without the use of special medical measures. It is enough just to understand the reasons for its occurrence and the desire to make small adjustments to the usual way of life.

How can specialists from the Quality of Life clinic help with poor posture in an adult or child?

Our clinic's staff of qualified doctors provides a comprehensive approach to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of postural disorders.

Diagnosis of posture. Using our own experience and modern diagnostic systems, we identify types of postural disorders. Tests and palpation help:

determine the severity and stability of postural asymmetry; assess the tone of the spinal muscles, its position in different planes; assess the functional state of lordosis and kyphosis.

We make sure to identify the causes of postural disorders. In some cases, simply eliminating the causative factor and following certain recommendations from our center’s doctors helps solve problems of incorrect posture in adults and children.

Posture treatment. Based on the collected medical history, diagnostic data, and prognosis, we develop a treatment plan for the patient’s current condition. Osteopathic doctors, kinesiotherapists, and physical therapy doctors participate in its preparation and implementation. We adhere to an individual approach to each individual case and avoid standardized treatment regimens for postural disorders.

Posture rehabilitation. Often, in cases accompanied by a persistent pathological statodynamic stereotype and pain syndromes, we prescribe long-term, scrupulous rehabilitation. It helps to change the imbalance in a person’s musculoskeletal system, return his joints and spine to a healthy state, full mobility, and rid his body of the stereotype of poor posture, slouching or other types of curved back to which he is already accustomed. Osteopathic treatment is successfully combined (replaced) with massage, manual therapy and physical therapy courses.

With a certain degree of scoliosis, the clinic’s specialists provide referrals to medical institutions for the selection of a special individual corset - a measure of soft, balanced correction of spinal curvature.

Complexes of physical activity help strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen, and buttocks. Dynamic, static, individually selected exercises are complemented by stretching exercises.

The basic principle of using exercise therapy complexes is gradual dosing of the load. It is selected depending on the current condition, type of posture disorder, age, concomitant diseases, and progress of classes. Physical activity, supplemented by manual practices and massage, helps stimulate the functioning of the whole body, form an optimal static-dynamic stereotype, and improve blood supply to the back and spine. In this way, it is possible to achieve correction of pathological processes, stabilization of the spine and posture.

The results of treatment carried out by specialists at our center will be:

elimination of the pathological static stereotype of a curved back; — elimination of pain syndrome; - return to full mobility; — mild correction of pathological lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis. — uniform strengthening of the musculoskeletal corset and spinal muscles; — improving the quality of life; — normalization of the functioning of all organs and systems of the body; - improvement of a person’s emotional state.

We make sure to develop individual recommendations on behavior for every day to remove the influence of everyday factors that provoke poor posture.

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Possibilities for correcting and combating the problem

Treatment of any postural disorders is a long process, since it is associated with the need to change the structure of dense anatomical structures of the skeleton. It is better if everything goes under the supervision of an orthopedist. A set of therapeutic measures for postural disorders can be presented as follows:

Normalization of daily routine and physical activity

  • Complete nutrition.
  • Exercise therapy and therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Use of special corrective corsets.
  • Massage and manual therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.
  • Spa treatment.
  • Normalization of daily routine and physical activity

In adults and children with postural disorders, it is very important to correctly adjust the regimes of daily physical activity, rest and sleep. Their improper organization often becomes the cause of these deviations. The daily routine should be structured in such a way that sufficient time is devoted to active rest and the elimination of heavy loads on the spine. During sleep, the recommended position is on your back; the use of high pillows and soft beds is excluded. Either a solid shield or special orthopedic mattresses and pillows are used.

As for the modes of motor activity of those who have poor posture, they are determined by the severity of the disorders and can be as follows:

  1. Gentle - involves the mandatory wearing of an individually selected corset. Prescribed for severe postural disorders (decompensated scoliosis, postoperative period, etc.).
  2. Gentle-training – involves eliminating intense loads on the spine. Prescribed for severe but compensated postural disorders that tend to progress slowly.
  3. Training – involves strengthening the spinal muscles and expanding the range of movements to the level of everyday loads, but excludes professional sports and hard work. Indicated for mild postural disorders.

Nutritious food

This component of the treatment complex includes diet correction in the form of normalizing the amount of protein, carbohydrate and fatty foods. Be sure to eat enough foods rich in vitamins, microelements and electrolytes, primarily calcium.

Exercise therapy and therapeutic exercises

Since one of the mechanisms of postural disorders is muscular, by strengthening certain muscle groups of the shoulder girdle and back, positive results can be achieved in combating this problem. It has been established that a powerful muscle corset can completely eliminate moderate curvature of the spine and keep it in the correct position. Decompensated disorders cannot be completely eliminated, but are significantly reduced with exercise therapy. The main thing in organizing this process is to choose the right set of exercises.

Use of special corrective corsets

With the help of individually made rigid or elastic muscle corsets, not only moderate but also severely deformed posture in children can be treated. However, you should not rely only on this correction method and be sure to use it in combination with other methods. Its advantages are that it is possible to eliminate bone deformities. There is only one drawback - the occurrence of muscle wasting due to prolonged wearing of a corset. But this drawback can be eliminated by mandatory inclusion of exercise therapy in the treatment complex and the exclusion of wearing a rigid corset for mild postural disorders.

Massage, physiotherapy and spa treatment

Their role in correcting postural disorders is additional. The less severe the pathology, the more relevant and effective the use of these treatment methods is. For decompensated deformities, massage and physiotherapy (water procedures, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, paraffin, etc.) complement the basic methods of conservative and surgical treatment. Spa activities are great for all children and adults in the rehabilitation period.

The correct position at the study desk is one of the main methods of preventing postural disorders in children

How to correct your posture

First of all, you need to consult a doctor to accurately determine the type of posture and check the severity of the disorders. In addition to visual examination and clinical tests, in such cases an X-ray examination of the spine or optical tomography is often prescribed. Several methods are used to correct violations.

The main method is physical therapy, and posture correctors, physiotherapy and massage are used as auxiliary methods.


This is the main method for eliminating disorders, since curvatures are most often associated with one or another violation of the tone (excessive tension or weakness) of the muscles of the back, shoulder girdle or abdominal muscles. To obtain a therapeutic effect, it is important to perform the exercises correctly and for a long time. The treatment complex is selected individually and mastered under the supervision of a physical therapy instructor. In the future, you can study on your own.

Posture correctors

These orthopedic devices come in varying degrees of rigidity (elastic, semi-rigid and rigid) and have a therapeutic or preventive effect. The mechanism of action of the corrector is based on a change in muscle relaxation and contraction. If your posture is poor, the back muscles are in asymmetrical tone.

The corrector and the contracted muscle interact according to the principle of a spring pendulum, resulting in a reflexive, almost imperceptible, alternation of contractions and relaxations of the muscles of the spinal column. On average, about ten cycles per minute. Thanks to this, the spasming muscles relax and gradually move the spine into the correct physiological position. In addition, blood supply and trophism of muscle fibers improves.

Formation of posture

In fact, any physical exercises that are performed during dancing or swimming, yoga, Pilates are suitable for developing correct posture. It is advisable to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvic area. A set of exercises for developing correct posture can include:

  1. Standing near the wall as described above for several minutes.
  2. Leg work from the same position. They are bent at the knees several times and pulled up to the chest with their hands.
  3. "Cat." Starting position: standing on all fours. Then you should bend and arch your back.
  4. Alternately throwing straight legs from the previous position. The back will rise or fall accordingly.
  5. Walking with a book on your head. At the same time, they try to move so that she does not fall.

Although there are many different methods for developing correct posture, one of the main conditions for this is the confidence that you need to take care of your body and your health throughout your life, that timely diagnosis and comprehensive treatment are important.

What type of posture is considered normal?

Correct (normal) posture has characteristic features:

  • the head is positioned level, the chin is raised;
  • the spinous processes of the vertebrae form a straight vertical line;
  • the sides of the body are symmetrical about the vertical axis;
  • the line of the shoulder girdle is horizontal;
  • the angles of the blades are located at the same level;
  • skin folds (gluteal, popliteal) on the right and left form a horizontal line;
  • the length of the lower limbs is the same;
  • physiological curves of the spine are moderately pronounced.

About posture correctors

Posture correctors do not actually correct posture or help correct it. They are used to relieve pain.

But corsets can only be prescribed by a doctor - they are not sold in regular stores or pharmacies. The corset is used to correct severe scoliosis with large angles of spinal deviation. The structures are made individually in oropedic salons. They are prescribed by doctors and made by prosthetists. Not all children with poor posture need corsets. The need to manufacture a structure is determined only after appropriate research.

Reclinators (correctors) are necessary for those children whose postural curvature is a consequence of osteochondropathy (spinal lesions accompanied by pain). But they must also be prescribed by a doctor. A child can wear a corrector, but not all the time. Otherwise, they can only do harm.

Prevention of violations

Healthy posture is the result of a healthy lifestyle. To avoid violations, prevention must be practiced from an early age. Rules for forming and maintaining healthy posture:

  • A balanced diet with sufficient protein, minerals and vitamins. It is necessary to maintain a normal weight, as extra pounds often cause poor posture.
  • Smooth, moderately hard bed. It would be optimal to use an orthopedic mattress and an orthopedic pillow.
  • Regular physical activity. It is necessary to use exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals. Yoga and swimming are effective.
  • Proper arrangement of the workplace. It is important that the chair and table are the right size and that you do not have to bend your back excessively. The chair should have a high back, but staying in the chair for a long time is not recommended.
  • When wearing backpacks or bags, you must ensure that the load on the spine is distributed evenly.
  • If necessary, you can use elastic posture correctors.
  • Back massage courses 1 – 2 times a year.

Before purchasing a corrector, it is better to consult a specialist

Starting from childhood, care must be taken to form habits that lead to the formation of beautiful posture. After all, good posture is an important condition for health, well-being and self-confidence.

Formation of correct posture in young children (up to 3 years old)

Remember that the health of your baby is in your hands and the formation of correct posture also depends on proper careful care. It is necessary not only to independently monitor the baby’s spine, but also to undergo regular examination by an osteopathic specialist who will be able to detect and diagnose negative changes at an early stage, when they are quite easy to correct. It is at an early age, when the child has not yet reached 3 years of age, that it is necessary to closely monitor his developing posture:

  • An infant should not be placed or seated on soft pillows or feather beds. The baby's crib should be quite hard. Teach your child to sleep on hard things from an early age;
  • From the age of 3 weeks, the baby can already be placed on his stomach. Do this gradually, at first only under supervision. Alternate the position of the child - on the back and on the stomach. If you often carry your child in your arms, then do not do it constantly on one arm;
  • Don't try to teach your child to walk at an early age. The baby's spine and muscles are not yet strong enough to withstand the load, so at an early age it is easy to injure the skeletal bones, which will subsequently lead to posture problems. The child will instinctively begin to stand up and try to walk when his physical condition allows him to do so;
  • From an early age (2-3 years), teach your child to sit correctly in a chair. Try to instill in him the proper position so that he remembers it on a reflex level;
  • When walking, do not lead your child by the hand, since due to the large difference in height, he will have to bend over, stretch out his arm, and be in an uncomfortable position for a long time, which ultimately negatively affects his posture. At an early age, use a special walking harness to control the child.

About the relationship between incorrect posture and spinal pathologies

Poor posture does not always indicate the presence of serious problems with the spine. The latter are detected radiographically. These are defects of the vertebrae or spinal column that require treatment. Remember: poor posture and scoliosis are two different things. Scoliotic disease is characterized not simply by a change in the axis of the spine in one plane. To make such a diagnosis, a specialist must identify torsion or rotation of the vertebrae. Orthopedists say: “No torsion, no rotation – no scoliosis.” If a person’s back has one shoulder higher than the other, this does not mean anything.

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