Posture corrector: application, benefits of use

12/07/2020 Correct posture has a positive effect on the health of the spine, preventing the development of various degenerative diseases. But in the modern world, it is increasingly rare to meet a person who can boast of a healthy back. Sedentary work, a sedentary lifestyle and age-related changes negatively affect posture. If you take care of your health in time, you can get by with a posture corrector.

Despite the general availability of the product, you should not choose it yourself. We advise you to first consult a doctor, since an incorrectly selected corrector can negatively affect an existing ailment. Therefore, you should start with a visit to an orthopedist.

Need for use

If a person has a disease of the musculoskeletal system, a weak muscular frame, doctors recommend using a corset. With its help, support is provided, reducing the load on the entire back or individual parts. The functionality of the device is extensive:

  • eliminating discomfort from stooping;
  • relieving the load from the back in case of serious illnesses (osteochondrosis, condition after a fracture, hernia, compression damage to bones), obesity in the process of losing weight;

  • maintaining correct physiological curves;
  • automatic back support in a straight position;
  • reduction and redistribution of the load from the area of ​​the spine where the pathology is formed.

Only with the help of a corset it is impossible to completely straighten the back or remove defects; complex treatment is required. It includes swimming, massage, taking medications, and physical exercise. The sooner a person starts using the device, the faster the treatment will take place.

More often, stooping occurs in childhood during active exercise in the first school years, when wearing a heavy backpack.

For adults, it is more difficult to correct an uneven back, since the muscles have become deformed and the joints may have shifted. It is more difficult for a person to get used to the device; it will take a long time for therapy. The corset will help keep your back straight throughout the entire school or work day and will reduce the risk of spinal deformation.

Terms of use

A correctly selected posture corrector is only half the battle, because the maximum therapeutic effect can be achieved provided that the product is used correctly. The first and most important rule for using a corset is that the wearing time must be increased gradually. The first time the product is put on for no more than 30 minutes, but over time the time should gradually increase.

Posture correction using a corset

Prices for orthopedic corsets and posture correctors

After complete healing of the curved spine, the abolition of wearing a corrector should also occur gradually . Abruptly stopping its use is strictly not recommended, as this can harm the child’s body.

Getting rid of spinal problems

If a patient has problems with the cervical spine combined with poor posture, then a corrector alone is not enough. In this case, the doctor prescribes the use of a Shants collar along with a retainer. This combination helps prevent damage to bones or muscle tissue in the cervical region.

Shants collar

As noted earlier, the selection of a corrective product should be done exclusively by a doctor, because if an inexperienced person does this, he will most likely choose a retainer made of low-quality material or the wrong size. Such errors will greatly slow down the patient’s rehabilitation course.

Types of Posture Corsets

There is a wide classification of correctors, which are selected by the orthopedist individually for each patient. To make the right choice, a preliminary examination and instrumental analyzes are carried out. For example, x-ray of the spine. Types of correctors and their characteristics are indicated in the table.

By purposePreventative - prevent the formation of an uneven back in patients at risk Therapeutic - restore straight posture together with other methods
By degree of hardnessSemi-rigid - suitable for physical activity and hard work. Evenly distribute the load, fix the spine, cause a massage effect Rigid - applicable during the rehabilitation period after severe injuries to areas of the back, especially the vertebrae
According to the ageChildren - elastic, flexible structure used for a plastic skeletal system Adults - can be soft or hard, depending on the degree of stoop and the development of other pathologies
According to the material of the ribsMetal - more rigid, actively regulate back support Plastic - flexible, elastic, do not require adjustment

It is important to choose the right device so that the person does not experience discomfort. For example, it should not rub on the back or in the armpit area. Otherwise, damage to the epidermis and inflammation will occur.

How to correct your posture?

In addition to wearing a posture corrector, there are a number of steps that you need to follow to achieve success and get a well-groomed and healthy back. For this it is very important:

  • sleep correctly - we must have an orthopedic mattress that provides an orthopedic regime during sleep and rest and allows, in addition to comfortable sleep, to take care of the back, shoulders and torso;
  • a balanced diet – people who are obese or overweight are usually those who have the most back problems, so it is vital that you eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet;
  • physical exercise is the best way to strengthen the muscular corset to support the spine and discipline your posture.

Selection rules

In order for the physiological curves of the back to be correct, you need to choose the right corrector. They differ in appearance and structure. The most common option is a corset for the back and spine with straps that wrap around the shoulders and is secured at the back. But it’s better to know the main characteristics first:

  • size - each package indicates what chest volume and height a person should have in order to be comfortable using the corrector;
  • elasticity - to prevent pathology, medium hardness is used; for treatment, orthopedists prescribe medium or high hardness;
  • material of manufacture - choose hypoallergenic, natural fabrics that do not cause dermatitis, eczema and other abnormalities.

Corsets come in different sizes, ranging from XS to XXL. Small ones are selected by the female gender, large ones – by the male gender. When choosing some models, the hip circumference is taken into account, for example, when purchasing a corset for the lumbosacral region. It is designed to stabilize the lower spine after a fall or damage to the coccyx.

Corsets are selected according to age; children are not allowed to use adult models, otherwise the formation of the skeleton will be disrupted.

Since some manufacturers produce their own size range, the grid is indicated on each package. The size is prescribed depending on the height and circumference of the waist and chest. If after the purchase a person becomes uncomfortable, they go to an orthopedist.

Risks of poor posture

Some of the most common consequences of poor posture are:

  • the risk of neck, shoulder and back diseases increases;
  • back pain, headaches - if blood circulation in the cervical and thoracic spine is impaired, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which can lead to headaches and increased blood pressure.

The appearance of a hump and other deformities are the extreme stages of postural diseases; in the absence of treatment at earlier stages, their appearance is a matter of time.

Positive and negative sides

Many orthopedists prescribe posture correctors. They point out to patients the benefits of the device. There are positive aspects:

  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • daily activity is maintained, there are no restrictions on mobility;
  • correct posture is formed according to all physiological indicators;
  • used for prevention and treatment;

  • tension and increased load on the muscle frame are eliminated;
  • pain in the neck, thoracic, lumbar, sacral region is eliminated.

Some patients indicate a lack of effectiveness. Some of them cannot wear the device due to contraindications. These include severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system, damage to the chest or abdominal cavity. Some users experience chafing, dermatitis, and diaper rash when using the device. Deviations are formed only in people who neglect the rules for choosing a proofreader.

To eliminate the risk of negative effects, it is recommended to consult with an orthopedist before purchasing a corset. He will show you how to make the right choice. Only a doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe a corrector that is suitable individually for the patient. It is difficult to decide on its type on your own; errors often occur.

Rules for using posture correctors

Before purchasing a corrective product, you must familiarize yourself with the rules of use:

Be examined and consult an orthopedic doctor;

  • Find out the exact terms of wearing the product;
  • Learn all the rules that must be followed when putting on and wearing a corrector;
  • Find the appropriate bandage size;
  • Regular wear;
  • It is necessary that the product does not compress the back muscles while being worn;
  • Under no circumstances should there be any pain.

On our website you can find any model of posture corrector at an affordable price. For additional consultation, leave a request, our manager will contact you shortly.

Rules of application

To benefit from the corset, you must follow the rules of use. Otherwise, the effectiveness will decrease or the opposite effect will occur, that is, the stoop will increase and a greater load will be placed on the spine. Therefore, children and adults need to use a posture corset for stooping according to the rules that the orthopedist describes during the consultation:

  • duration of the course of use is at least 3 months without interruption;

  • the first week the belts are made weak so that the patient has time to get used to the corset;
  • tightening the belt at the maximum level is carried out after 3-4 weeks;
  • Correctors are not recommended for use during active sports, with the exception of special models;
  • In ordinary life, correctors are used all day, it is removed only when swimming, during sleep, to allow the person’s body to rest.

If you follow all the rules of use, there is a competent distribution of the load on the entire back area. There should be no diaper rash, chafing on the skin, headaches, or dizziness. If this happens, re-consult with an orthopedist who will help change the degree of tension of the belts.

Indications and contraindications for use

Correctors for the spine are usually used for the following indications:

  • Curvature of the spine - scoliosis, kyphosis or lordosis. In the early stages, corsets can correct minor curvature and help avoid further complications. Scoliosis usually develops at an early age and is common in schoolchildren;
  • Slouching is considered a minor deviation from the norm, as it does not entail complications. However, stooping can affect a person's appearance in the future, so it is better to get rid of it at an early age;
  • Osteochondrosis is a serious disease in which there is a metabolic disorder in the intervertebral discs and cartilage tissue. Electromagnetic correctors are able to restore blood flow to the spinal muscles, while activating metabolic processes;
  • Pregnancy, during which an acute lack of calcium in the body develops, fetal pressure on the lumbar vertebrae and an increase in body weight are felt. All this foreshadows the destruction of the spinal column, so we recommend that you take care of your health and purchase a bandage with a soft and breathable base;
  • Rehabilitation period after surgery. After spinal surgery, the patient needs long-term rehabilitation. It is necessary to avoid strain on the back at first, so they are prescribed support corsets.

Each product has its own contraindications. For example, synthetic bandages cause allergies in some people, so if you have an individual intolerance, you should give preference to a higher quality product.

It is also not recommended to use correctors for people with acute dermatological diseases - lichen, eczema, open wounds, etc.

Patients with built-in implants, pacemakers or pumps are strictly prohibited from using electromagnetic bands. The same rule applies to pregnant women, since electromagnetic waves negatively affect the development of the fetus.

How effective is a corset?

In order for the use of a corset to be effective, it is prescribed by an orthopedist, who correctly selects the type of device depending on the individual characteristics of the person’s body and the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, if a person has an affected sacral region, it is recommended to use a corrector that fixes the lower back, lower back and abdomen.

Efficiency depends on the correct selection of devices depending on gender. For example, women and men have different girths of the chest and shoulder girdle. If a person uses the device according to all the rules and uses it for a long time, a high-quality effect will occur. In children it occurs faster than in adults. Doctors note the following positive results:

  • tightening the shoulders, fixing them in the desired position;
  • elimination of spinal asymmetry (scoliosis);

  • fixing the shoulder blades in the desired position;
  • a positive trend in the treatment of kyphosis, lordosis, if it develops to moderate severity;
  • prevention of spinal curvature in school-age children or adults under increased load.

If only a corset is used for treatment, the effect may not occur. A combination of the device with any sport is required. If the disease is severe, medications may be prescribed. Using only one of the techniques will not provide high results; it will only slightly slow down the development of deviations.

What to consider when choosing

Despite the fact that many people, when choosing a product, rely only on the price-quality ratio, this is not recommended in the case of a posture corrector. First of all, parents should clarify which corset is perfect for their child and will help cope with pathological disorders .

If you want to know in more detail what an electronic posture corrector looks like, and also consider the types of gadgets, descriptions and applications, you can read an article about it on our portal.

To choose a medical corrector, you need to follow the simple recommendations given below.

  1. One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a product is the severity of the disease and its severity . For example, if a child has a slight curvature of the spine, then posture correctors with a medium or weak level of rigidity will be optimal. This will allow you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and straighten your posture.
  2. Corset size – this is an equally important point when choosing, because even if you select the optimal rigidity of the product, it will not help cope with the problem due to incorrectly selected dimensions. In this case, the child’s waist size and height are required. Based on these indicators, it is necessary to select an appropriate corset that will sit comfortably on the body and not compress the child’s chest. Also, the corset should not hinder his movements.

    How to choose corset sizes

  3. You also need to take into account the material from which the posture corrector will be made . Preference should be given to those products in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of synthetics was used. This will reduce or completely eliminate the likelihood of an allergic reaction of the body to the support product.
  4. If a child wears a corrective product for posture, then active physical activity should be abandoned .
    You should also not dance, run or perform other active movements, as this can overload the body, as a result of which the condition of an already unhealthy spine can worsen. When wearing a corset, you need to avoid active physical activity.
  5. The corrector must be removed at night or during rest . During this period, the muscle tissue should rest from the constant impact of the tightening belts of the corrective product.

It is worth noting that corsets that were made from natural materials can last much longer than their counterparts made from synthetics. In addition, such devices are almost not subject to wear during operation (of course, all this also depends on proper care of the product).

What to do if there is no effect?

If there is no result from the corrector for a long time, other treatment methods should not be selected independently. This is especially true for patients who have diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They make another appointment with an orthopedist; they may need to undergo another instrumental examination.

The main reasons for the lack of results are self-medication, when a person independently selects a corset without a doctor’s recommendation.

Also, the reason for the lack of effect may be the use of only one method of therapy, for example, the use of only a corrector. The doctor will prescribe several methods of therapy that enhance effectiveness. After re-examination, the orthopedist may change the type of corrector used.

For example, if it was previously plastic, metal ribs will be prescribed. If they were already metal, their tension will be increased. The reason for the lack of results can be sought both in the corset itself and in the methods of its use. It is impossible to get a high-quality effect in just 1 month. Long-term, combined treatment is required to improve all indicators.

Types of corsets

Corsets can be worn for orthopedic reasons, such as correcting a crooked spine or straightening the back and shoulders. Sometimes this element of treatment is used to correct the figure. A waist corset is commonly used to achieve an hourglass figure. Waist reduction, also known as waist reduction, is often prescribed to women after pregnancy.

No structural features distinguish a modern waist corset from a corset worn as outerwear for special occasions. For training purposes, they are always made of durable fabric (or leather) and a relatively inflexible cover (not all devices are strong enough to mold to the body). Shapewear is intended for everyday use and is usually hidden under clothing, so it is likely that practical aspects (comfort, ease, etc.) will have a clear priority.

Any type of corset can be worn to correct the waist. However, since corsets are necessary to maintain body modification, they are no less rigid than those first prescribed to correct posture.

There is no effective structural difference between devices worn during exercise and those used to achieve a desired body shape. Thus, the term “training corset” can be used for any type of this mechanism that is not used for health purposes. However, it is impossible to replace the treatment mechanism with one that is intended for body correction.

There are several other types of corsets:

  • warm wool (provides a massage and warming effect, improves blood circulation in the lumbar region);
  • protective (has high rigidity and provides back protection when walking, straightening the spine);
  • therapeutic (supports the back in the desired position, corrects the position in the frontal or sagittal plane).

When choosing product types, you first need to decide on the specific purpose of the corset. If you need posture correction, choose a therapeutic type, if it is required to maintain your back in the correct position, it is enough to use an adjustable corset. You should buy the product either in specialized stores or in pharmacies. It is in these institutions that you can choose the right and high-quality type of device. It is important to pay attention to the selection of the appropriate size, as well as the material, rigidity and model of the product itself.

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