Spinal hernia: benefits and features of massage therapy

Anatomically, in the cervical spine the size of the vertebrae and discs is smaller than in the thoracic and lumbar regions. In addition, the cervical region has a very narrow spinal canal. Therefore, even small disc herniations can lead to compression of the spinal cord or roots. Treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine (especially surgical) also has certain difficulties due to the lability and anatomical complexity of the neck.

Predisposing factors for the development of pathology

Those people who constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle are in the group with the highest risk of developing the disease. This includes teachers, car drivers, office and scientific workers.

Predisposing factors to the development of a cervical hernia are the following deviations:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • heredity;
  • the presence of pathological processes in the spine (osteochondrosis, Schmorl’s hernia and other degenerative changes);
  • the habit of stooping and walking with your head down;
  • changes in the spinal column associated with human aging;
  • sports injuries;
  • excess body weight;
  • congenital pathologies of the spinal column, which determine the number and location of the vertebrae.

Causes and risk groups

The intervertebral disc acts as a shock absorber, reducing the load on the vertebrae. There are no blood vessels in the intervertebral discs; all necessary nutrients enter them through diffusion. For normal nutrition of the intervertebral disc, pressure differences are necessary - that is, in simple words, movement.

So what causes a herniated disc?

Today, an increasing number of people lead a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs begin earlier.

At the same time, excessive loads - such as sudden heavy lifting or frequent flexion of the spine - can also lead to the risk of a hernia. People who have suffered a back injury or spinal surgery, as well as those who suffer from osteochondrosis, are also at risk.

In addition, excess weight contributes to the destruction of fibrous rings. The vertebrae are already under enormous pressure, and if the body weight is exceeded, they may simply not be able to withstand the high load. Also, the development of a hernia is influenced by factors such as weakening of the body due to old age, autoimmune diseases and impaired metabolism. All this affects the strength of the cartilage and bones in the spine.

Trauma, single or repeated, is the most common mechanism of disc herniation caused by rupture of the annulus fibrosus. This causes the disc material to bulge and/or squeeze into the spinal canal. When the disc erodes, the space between the vertebrae decreases.

Disc degeneration is often the result of life-related work and wear and tear on the tissue. It usually occurs in older people due to disc fibrosis and narrowing of the disc space, destruction of the annulus, sclerosis of the vertebral end plates and the presence of bone formations (osteophytes) in the internal space of the vertebrae. A prolapsed disc puts pressure on nerves and possibly the spinal cord.

Causes of hernia

  • Injuries of various types (stab in the back, falling on the back)
  • Body weight is above normal
  • Rachiocampsis
  • Unsuccessful sharp turn of the body to the side
  • Osteochondrosis
  • In addition, there are groups of people who are most susceptible to intervertebral hernias.
  • The age group is 25-50 years, while the likelihood of the disease only increases with age
  • People whose work involves lifting weights (loaders, builders, etc.)
  • Office workers and those who spend more than four hours at the computer daily
  • Drivers and those who drive more than two hours a day

Risk factors

Disc herniation most often occurs in men between 30 and 50 years of age and in all older adults.

Recently, there has been a significant trend towards “rejuvenation” of pathology.

These are the main risk factors:

  • Being overweight or obese increases pressure on the spine and intervertebral discs, especially in the lumbar region.
  • Smoking reduces peripheral circulation and reduces blood supply to the disc, promoting disc degeneration.
  • Genetic factors cause anatomical changes in the spinal endplate, reducing disc nutrition and predisposing to subsequent pathological changes.
  • Poor physical fitness, including: A sedentary lifestyle weakens the supporting muscles of the spine
  • Frequent driving
  • Incorrect sports technique
  • Poor posture while sitting at a desk or lifting weights
  • Sudden pressure on the spine
  • Repetitive strenuous activities in workers performing heavy physical work.

Symptoms of the disease

A hernia of the cervical spine can be suspected when weakness and periodic attacks of numbness in the arms appear. Then stiffness of the neck and limited movement appear, up to the inability to tilt the head. The following symptoms also indicate the presence of the disease:

  • frequent migraine-type headaches;
  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the neck, aggravated by sudden movement.

As the disease progresses, disruption of the nervous system is observed, manifested in decreased visual acuity, deterioration in the quality of vision, the appearance of constant noise in the head, and impaired coordination of movements.

If you are concerned about these symptoms, you should definitely consult our specialists at the Innovative Medical Center. In no case should you self-medicate, because drugs taken uncontrollably often only help relieve swelling and inflammation, but do not in any way affect the underlying cause. After some time, the disease will definitely recur, and the symptoms will be more threatening. Such neglect of one's health usually has negative consequences.

Complications of hernia

The danger of a cervical hernia lies in the close location of the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the brain. Lack of treatment leads to the development of serious complications:

  • Ischemic stroke

A protruding disc core, tissue swelling, or inflammation blocks blood flow in the vertebral artery. The cessation of blood supply leads to oxygen starvation of areas of the brain and their death. This side effect leads to paralysis, which often results in disability or death.

  • Symptom of vertebral artery compression

When a hernia gradually forms, a person begins to be bothered by a constant dull pain. The appearance of sharp painful sensations of a stabbing nature may indicate compression of the artery. In addition, there is tinnitus, confusion, double vision, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, and sometimes nausea or vomiting.

  • Paralysis

Due to the compression of nearby blood vessels by the hernia, gradual, irreversible death of nerve endings occurs. This, in turn, leads to paralysis of one or both arms.

Complications develop gradually, they can be recognized in advance, so you should contact a specialist at the first symptoms.

The article was reviewed by osteopath and chiropractor A.V. Strakhov.


Services listPrice, rub
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a traumatologist-orthopedist, kinesiotherapist, primary1 600
Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a neurologist professor2 600
Individual lesson with an instructor2 700
PRP therapy6 500
Ultrasound diagnostics of 1st part of the spine2 200
Acupuncture2 700
ERT Hivamat - therapy2 200
Shock wave 1 procedure2 000
Manual therapy 1 department (15 min.)2 700
Osteopathic correction7 500
Manufacturing of individual insoles6 500

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We will help cure a herniated cervical spine without surgery!

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Diagnosis of the disease

When applying for a consultation, a specialist will definitely conduct a visual examination and find out the causes preceding the exacerbation attack, after which he will refer you for a series of examinations. To diagnose a cervical hernia, the following instrumental research methods are used:

  • X-ray of the corresponding part of the spinal column;
  • magnetic resonance therapy;
  • CT scan;
  • radionuclide myelogram (a special substance is injected into the spinal cord canal, then an x-ray is performed);
  • Ultrasound.

Using these methods, the localization of the hernia, instability of the vertebrae, the degree of damage to the spine in the neck, the presence of areas of compression of the spinal cord, the condition of the blood vessels and nerve processes are determined.

Treatment of cervical hernias

At our Innovative Medical Center, the efforts of specialists are aimed at finding the cause and source of discomfort. We use an integrated approach, the scope of which depends on the severity of the patient’s condition and the degree of damage to the spine. We use non-surgical treatment for a herniated cervical spine as it is more gentle and in most cases we are able to help the patient avoid surgery and lead a comfortable lifestyle without pain. We will help you cope with the disease during an exacerbation, and in the future your main task will be to try your best to avoid a relapse.

Drug treatment

The key purpose of drug therapy is to relieve acute pain. During an exacerbation of the disease, the following medications are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines in this category provide relief from the pain that accompanies inflammation of cartilage or joint tissue within a short period of time. Effective injections are used for 2-3 days - Movalis, Dicloberl, Mydocalm, Ketoprofen. Next, the patient is transferred to the tablet form of the drugs, they act more gently. Celecoxib, Nimesil, Ortofen are prescribed. The reception lasts no more than 14 days. When the rehabilitation period begins, painkillers and warming drugs in the form of ointments are used. Patients with pathologies of the digestive system simultaneously need to take medications that will protect the mucous membrane from the aggressive effects of drugs.
  • Corticosteroids. Drugs in this group are used if non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not bring the desired result. These medications have a hormonal effect. They are introduced into the joint cavity or given intramuscular injections. In the presence of a hernia, the use of long-acting drugs, for example, Diprospan, is indicated. One injection can relieve pain for 2 months. Medicines that act for a short time (for example, Dexamethasone) are less effective. In addition, after using them there may be negative reactions in the body.
  • Muscle relaxants. Their main task is to relieve muscle spasm. During the acute stage of the disease, massage cannot be done, therefore muscle relaxants are indicated. Duration of use – 14 days. Among such drugs, Nalbufen and Baclofen are effective.
  • Neuroprotectors are B vitamins. When vitamins B1, B6, B12 are combined in high concentrations, an analgesic and restorative effect occurs. With the help of such compositions, you can improve your well-being and quickly overcome unpleasant symptoms during exacerbation of the disease. They help get rid of the pain that accompanies pinched nerve roots. Such drugs include Neurobex, Milgamma.
  • Antispasmodics, neuroprotectors, chondroprotectors, and homeopathy are also prescribed as part of complex therapy.

Who will treat you?

The Innovative Medical Center employs doctors of the highest category, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, who have helped many patients forget about neck pain and do without surgery. The following specialists specialize in the treatment of hernias of the cervical spine:

Bogdanov Vadim Yurievich

Chief traumatologist-orthopedist.
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Ronami Valery Guseinovich

neurologist, reflexologist, chiropractor, professor, doctor of medical sciences.
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Pavlovsky Yu.N.
Recently, a nerve in my spine became pinched and my leg began to fail. We turned to the doctor Vladislav Beskrovny - we knew for a long time that he was an excellent specialist, especially since he trained with his father, a well-known neurosurgeon in the Khabarovsk Territory. I did an MRI, the results were disappointing: a prolapsed hernia in the lumbar region with a sequester that had fallen into the spinal canal, which had to be removed only surgically. But Vladislav Anatolyevich suggested trying a new treatment method: for almost a month I visited the physiotherapy room every day at the Diagnost medical center, where they performed electrophoresis with Karipazim, and once every five days they injected me with my own blood, only, as the doctors explained, it was enriched with platelets. After completing the course, I had a repeat MRI. The results were shocking: the professor could not understand what happened, who treated it and by what method! The hernia has gone 3 mm, and at the moment everything has healed. And the prolapsed sequestrum, which needed to be operated on, completely disappeared, as well as all the protrusions that were previously diagnosed. And the doctor assured: if you manage to build up your muscle corset, then you can “wear bags on your back.” I am very grateful to the doctor for the effective treatment.

Alexander K.

He underwent treatment for a hernia with neuroplasma from Vladislav Anatolyevich Beskrovny. The doctor prescribed a whole range of treatments: electrophoresis with the drug Karipazim, neuroplasma and massage. And it works) The pain went away after the first procedures, and after the entire course, a repeat MRI showed that the hernia itself had decreased. Now I get up in the morning without back pain)

Treatment tactics in our clinic

Treatment of cervical disc herniation at the Innovative Medical Center includes:

  • Relief of pain using blockades, injection of platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid into the damaged vertebra, manual therapy, acupuncture.
  • The use of muscle relaxants and chondroprotectors to relieve muscle spasms and prevent degeneration of intervertebral disc tissue.
  • An individual recovery program using kinesitherapy, when, under the supervision of a specialist, the patient completes an individually designed program to strengthen the neck muscles. Especially for this purpose, the medical center is equipped with innovative decompression simulators.
  • The use of modern physical equipment designed to stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues of the neck, accelerate regeneration processes, reduce swelling, improve lymph flow, and relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Courses of therapeutic massage and manual therapy, as well as taping. All this helps to reduce pain, relieve the load on the lesion, quickly restore the mobility of the vertebrae, improve local blood circulation, relieve muscles from tension, and restore mobility.

Treatment of a cervical hernia takes a long time and includes the use of a variety of techniques aimed at healing and restoring the functions of the spine. The earlier the treatment is started, the more pronounced the effect will be.

Benefits and contraindications

Is it possible to use massage for a herniated disc?

There is an opinion that manual therapy has the ability to “set into place” vertebrae damaged by a hernia, and, accordingly, treat the disease. In reality, of course, everything is not so rosy, since not a single massage procedure can correct the changes occurring in the intervertebral disc, which have a negative impact on its strength and elasticity.

However, it cannot be called useless. A massage procedure can significantly improve the patient’s condition because:

  • A massage session stretches the spine, which creates some negative pressure that stops squeezing the nerve endings. Because of this, improvements are noticeable after the first session.
  • The massage procedure helps relieve muscle spasms, have a relaxing effect, and reduce the feeling of fatigue.
  • Massage for a hernia improves blood supply, which increases the effectiveness of conservative therapy and, accordingly, tissue restoration.
  • Massage improves nutrition of the intervertebral discs and ensures the removal of lactic acid, which is the cause of muscle pain.
  • In addition, a correctly performed procedure can slow down the further development of the hernia.
  • Thanks to the effect on the musculoskeletal system, its flexibility improves and posture is aligned.

Helpful advice: Any well-carried out massage procedure increases the level of endorphins, also known as “hormones of joy,” which means it relieves depression and loss of strength, thereby promoting recovery.

In general, people suffering from a hernia have decreased muscle strength and a reduced range of motion. Severe pain that interferes with motor activity leads to muscle atrophy. Massage prevents these problems or reduces their severity if they already exist.

However, despite all the usefulness of the massage procedure, there are some limitations. So, for example, it is strictly contraindicated to perform a massage if the hernia has reached an acute form, since this will cause irreparable harm to the health of the body and lead to negative indications. If there is severe pain in the area of ​​the hernial protrusion, this means that an exacerbation is occurring, and therefore massage is contraindicated.

Thus, it is undesirable to carry out influence if there are:

  • exacerbation of hernia;
  • severe pain;
  • hernia too large;
  • acute heart failure;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • open wounds;
  • hyperthermia;
  • hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe condition of the body as a whole;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy.

Basic rules for massage for hernia

Important: If you have a lumbar hernia, the use of any forceful techniques is strictly prohibited. The effects on the spine (no matter what massage technique is used) should be as light and gentle as possible.

Doctors usually identify two basic rules that must be strictly followed if the patient decides to undergo a massage for a vertebral hernia:

  1. Doing massage for lumbar hernias on your own is prohibited, as it can only cause serious complications. Considering that only an experienced specialist can perform a massage correctly, you should only trust a professional to perform it.
  2. Under no circumstances should massage be performed if the hernia is in an acute stage. If the patient has severe pain or inflammation, the procedure should be postponed.

So, here is a short list of recommendations that should be followed in order not to worsen the existing situation and ensure that you receive benefits from massage treatments:

  • movements should be soft and careful;
  • During the procedure, impact techniques should not be used, as they can lead to complications, relapse, pinching and even paralysis;
  • the spinal column must be inviolable - all impacts should be carried out only on the paravertebral zone;
  • During the massage, the patient should feel relaxed and calm, as well as pleasant and comfortable feelings, otherwise the massage should be abandoned;
  • if pain occurs, the massage should be stopped;
  • the impact must be exerted not only on the back area, but also on the affected limb, since compression of the nerve roots also leads to pain and numbness in the arms or legs;
  • You should not make the first massage session too long - the duration of the procedure is increased gradually.

Important: Before deciding on massage treatments for a hernia, you should realize that such therapy cannot get rid of the hernia as such. To cure this disease, you need to resort to surgery. Sometimes the problem may not be completely eliminated, but only under proper supervision and regular treatment.

Advantages of treating cervical hernia in our clinic

Our Innovative Medical Center has all the conditions and opportunities for high-quality treatment of spinal hernia in the neck. The clinic’s specialists are experienced and competent doctors, including candidates and doctors of medical sciences.

The experience, skills and knowledge of our doctors are quite enough to help patients forget about neck pain as quickly as possible, avoid surgical intervention and improve their quality of life.

The medical center is equipped with the latest equipment designed for the treatment and rehabilitation of hernias of the cervical and other parts of the spine. Regular training in a special kinesitherapy room helps to get rid of unpleasant sensations and reduce the frequency of relapses.

The average duration of treatment is 3-6 weeks. After its completion, the doctor gives recommendations to help stop the development of the disease and minimize discomfort and other unpleasant symptoms.

Numerous reviews on the Internet, as well as video reviews on our website from our grateful patients, are confirmation of the high level of treatment that you can receive in our clinic for any disease of the spine or joints. We will be glad to be of service to you. Let movement be a joy!

Rehabilitation periods

The process of recovery of the body after a hernia takes place in several stages:

  • Early lasts 1-2 weeks after surgery. The patient must be in a hospital or at home under the supervision of a doctor so that he can constantly monitor his health. The patient is advised to make minimal movements.
  • The late rehabilitation period takes about two months. At this stage, the patient must attend special rehabilitation courses and perform exercises recommended by the attending physician.
  • The regular (delayed) stage continues throughout a person’s life. He is not recommended to continue lifting heavy objects and excessively straining his body. The patient also needs to perform a set of physical exercises to strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Reviews of classes in our center

Feedback from a patient of the Innovative Medical Center

Patient's review Innovative Medical Center

Feedback on recovery after knee surgery


I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of the medical center for the treatment provided. I came to the center for treatment of heel spurs. The initial appointment was with Dr. Bogdanov V.Yu., who, after an examination, prescribed a course of UHT and hyvomat. I would like to express my special gratitude to the physiotherapist Tatyana Ivanovna Shmakova for her professionalism and excellent human qualities. After several procedures, the quality of life improved significantly. The pain gradually goes away. I hope it goes away forever. Thank you very much again. The medical center is very well located, not far from the metro, and has its own parking lot. The center is very cozy and equipped with modern equipment. If the need arises, I will definitely contact this institution.

read in full Olga


I came to the center with back pain, the spasm would not go away. After several sessions of kinesiotherapy and massage, the spasm went away and my back felt better.

read in full Elena

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Recovery Exercises

After surgery to remove a hernia, special training will help you quickly restore your body. There are several effective exercises:

  • Sit on a chair, inhale and tense your lower back, arching it slightly. Exhale and bend your torso forward as much as possible. Repeat the steps 9-10 times, holding each position for 6-8 seconds.
  • Lie on your back and bring your legs to your chest, bending your knees. Ask someone to hold them from above, providing resistance. As you inhale, push your lower limbs away from you, and as you exhale, press them down again. The exercise is performed 7-9 times with a delay of 6-7 seconds.
  • Lying on your back, bend one leg at the knee, press it to your chest and clasp it with your arms. As you inhale, forcefully push the limb away from you, and as you exhale, pull it up as much as possible. Repeat 6-7 times on each leg.
  • Get on all fours and, while inhaling, arch your back upward as much as possible. Remain in this position for 5-6 seconds. Exhale and return to the starting position. Take a short break and repeat the exercise about 5 times.
  • Lie on your stomach and bend your knees one by one. Hold them in this position for 5-6 seconds. Repeat on each limb 3-5 times.
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