Rib hump with scoliosis, causes, symptoms and treatment

Scoliosis as a disease is a complex deformity of the spine, characterized by its curvature in three planes.

Scoliosis leads to deformation of the ribs and the chest as a whole, a change in its shape (formation of a rib hump), and disruption of the normal relative position of the chest organs and systems of the human body. Patients with scoliosis develop physical disability and experience deep mental suffering due to large cosmetic defects.

Scoliosis is not just a deformation of a single segment of the human body, it is a disease that affects and leads to disorders in several systems (musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous). Curvature of the spine in this case is the leading and primary manifestation of the disease, but not the only one!

Based on this, it is important to understand that timely treatment of the disease will help prevent the development of not only severe deformation of the spine and chest, but also changes in the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Scoliosis is quite easy to diagnose. Based on the patient's appearance and asking the parents, an experienced doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and determine the degree of deformation. An accurate diagnosis is established only after an X-ray examination of the spine.

It all starts with scoliosis!

A rib hump is not an independent disease, but a consequence of scoliosis, the most common pathology of the spine.

In the frontal projection (plane of the back), the spine should be absolutely straight. A person with correct posture, when standing with his back to the wall, simultaneously touches it with the extreme points of the back of his head, shoulder blades and buttocks.

A shift to the right or left is a sign of pathology. Its name is scoliosis, translated from Greek as “crooked”.

A characteristic sign of second degree scoliosis is a rib hump .

Causes of scoliosis

According to statistics, in 80% of cases scoliosis is diagnosed as idiopathic - that is, arising for reasons unknown to medicine.

Congenital scoliosis (5%) is a consequence of pathologies of intrauterine development.

The remaining 15% are acquired forms of scoliosis, the cause of which is

  • Past illnesses that have caused weakening of the muscle corset (rickets).
  • Intensive growth.
  • Injuries.
  • Lesions of the nerve roots of the spine.
  • Constantly being in the wrong positions.

Classification and types of scoliosis | Medical clinic in St. Petersburg

Main groups of scoliosis according to Cobb (1958)

According to the Cobb classification, there are five groups of scoliosis.

  • Group I. This includes scoliosis of muscular (myopathic) origin. The basis of such curvatures is insufficient development of muscles and ligaments. The group may also include rachitic scoliosis - these scoliosis appear as a result of a dystrophic process not only in the skeleton, but also in the neuromuscular tissue.
  • Group II. It includes scoliosis of neurogenic origin (causes: poliomyelitis, spastic paralysis, neurofibromatosis, syringomyelia). This can also include scoliosis caused by radiculitis, lower back pain, changes in the intervertebral discs that lead to compression of the roots.
  • III group. These are scoliosis due to abnormal development of the ribs and vertebrae and ribs. It includes all congenital scoliosis that occurs due to bone developmental disorders.
  • IV group. These are scoliosis due to diseases of the chest (for example, due to burns or plastic surgery on the chest).
  • V group. This includes idiopathic scoliosis, the origin of which currently remains unexplored.

Determining the severity of scoliosis

The severity of scoliosis is determined by the size of the S-shaped curvature of the spine. To obtain a numerical characteristic of the curvature, an x-ray is taken. Then, in the upper section of the curvature, two lines are drawn perpendicular to the spine - at the upper and lower vertebrae, between which the curvature is contained.

Next, two lines are constructed perpendicular to these. The angle between the second lines in degrees is a measure of the degree of curvature. If the spine is absolutely straight, then the first two lines will be horizontal, and the second two will be vertical (and therefore parallel to each other).

If the spine is curved, then the first two lines will form an angle, and therefore the second two lines will also form an angle with each other.

According to the John Cobb method, in the normal case, the angle between parallel straight lines is considered equal to 0 degrees, and therefore in weak scoliosis the number of degrees is close to 0, and the stronger the degree of scoliosis, the further this number is from 0. According to V.D. Chaklin’s method, the angle between parallel straight lines is considered equal to 180 degrees, and therefore in weak scoliosis the number of degrees is close to 180, and the stronger the scoliosis, the further this number is from 180.

  • For the lower section, measurements are carried out in exactly the same way.
  • The next section provides a classification of severity levels in accordance with the Cobb method.

Division of scoliosis by severity

  • Scoliosis 1st degree. The lateral deviation is small (up to 10 degrees). The degree of twisting is also small (twisting is determined by the deviation of the spinous processes from the midline and the asymmetry of the roots of the arches).
  • Scoliosis 2 degrees. The primary arc of curvature is 10-25 degrees. The twisting is noticeable. X-rays show deformation of the vertebral bodies in the upper part of the curvature. Due to the twisting of the spine, a muscle roll can be clinically identified.
  • Scoliosis 3 degrees. The primary arc of curvature is 25-40 degrees. The deformity is even more pronounced; there is a large rib hump and severe deformation of the chest. The X-ray shows that there are wedge-shaped vertebrae in the upper part of the curvature and adjacent areas.
  • Scoliosis 4 degrees. The angle of the main curvature is 40-90 degrees. Severe disfigurement of the torso. Posterior and anterior costal hump, deformation of the pelvis and chest, kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic region, desaturation of the ligamentous apparatus. Radiographs show severe wedge-shaped deformation of the thoracic vertebral bodies.

Types of spinal curvature in scoliosis

Upper thoracic (cervicothoracic) scoliosis

This is a rather rare form of scoliosis, in which a short primary curve and a long and flat secondary curve are formed. Affects the cervical spine, and sometimes even the facial bones.

A crooked neck, asymmetry of the eyes, a slanted nose, and so on may be detected. Deformation of the upper chest and shoulder girdle.

It is difficult to correct, especially if the process is neglected and treatment is started late.

Thoracic scoliosis

With this type of scoliosis, the curvature involves 6-7 vertebrae. Deformations of the spine and chest are pronounced, often with the formation of a large muscular hump. In addition to the steep primary arc, two secondary arcs are formed - above and below the main curvature.

Due to twisting, the plane of the pelvis does not coincide with the plane of the chest. On the convex side the scapula protrudes, on the concave side the chest flattens. Thoracic scoliosis appears on average at 9-10 years of age.

They need to be treated at an early age because once the spinal column is fully formed, treatment becomes difficult or even impossible.

Combined scoliosis

This type is characterized by the simultaneous manifestation of both curves - the thoracic and lumbar, that is, the curvature of the spine takes the form of the letter S. It is more common in girls, and in the thoracic region the curvature usually goes to the right side, and in the lumbar region - to the left. It is difficult to treat, and in advanced cases it is practically untreatable.

Thoracolumbar scoliosis

Characteristic is the protrusion of the vertebral bone crest on the side of the concavity of the curvature. It also occurs more often in girls. The usual age of detection is 9-10 years. It can be treated well, especially at an early stage.

Lumbar scoliosis

Five vertebrae are usually affected. When the torso is tilted, twisting is noticeable - in the form of a muscle roll. The costal hump is missing. The chest deformity is weak. Internal organs are little affected. Scoliosis of this type is not prone to progression. Therefore, its course is relatively favorable and it is relatively easy to treat.

Remember that before using any treatment methods and medications, you should consult a specialist to know about possible contraindications and the applicability of these treatments and medications for you personally!

Stages of scoliosis

A feature of the development of scoliosis in children is its rapid progression against the background of the growth process, therefore, the most “dangerous” age periods are 5-8 and 10-12 years.

Scoliosis occurs more often in girls than in boys.

Prognosis and treatment depend on the depth of the lesion and the degree of deformation of the ribs and spinal column.

With first-degree scoliosis, the vertical deviation is only 5-10 degrees and is visually almost imperceptible.

The body itself tries to correct the defect by adjusting its gait. In the supine position, the curvature is restored. There is no discomfort, so the first stage is easy to skip.

In fact, deformations are already occurring in other parts of the body:

The bend in the area of ​​the shoulder blades leads to the fact that one shoulder rises higher than the other, and the arch in the lumbar area causes a distortion of the pelvic bones, as a result of which one leg gradually becomes shorter than the other.

With second-degree scoliosis, the defects described above become visually clearly visible. X-ray photographs show a deviation of the spine from the central axis of 11-25 degrees.

On the outside of the curve of the spinal column, the ribs diverge, and on the inside, they compress. In addition, they begin to deviate in the horizontal plane due to torsion (twisting) of the vertebrae.

The main signs by which you may suspect scoliosis:

View from the back

  • Shoulder asymmetry - when one shoulder is higher than the other
  • Asymmetry in the position of the shoulder blades - with the development of scoliosis, the shoulder blade on the convex side of the deformity becomes higher than the shoulder blade on the concave side, and the developing rib hump “pushes” it outward.
  • The main symptom is a change in the line of the spinous processes, which from a straight line passes into either a C or S shaped scoliotic arch.
  • Distortion of the torso - scoliosis leads to a change in the balance of the torso, when, as shown in the figures, the axis of the torso tilts towards the apex of the deformity.

Forward view

  • When bending forward (Adams test), it is possible to more clearly trace the deformation of the spine, as well as measure the size of the rib hump.
  • We have listed only the most basic signs of scoliosis, which can be detected without special equipment.
  • In our clinic you can get advice from the best orthopedists in the field of scoliosis treatment, undergo a comprehensive clinical examination, perform an X-ray examination of the spine, and MRI.
  • You can make an appointment by phone: +7 499 650-50-90
  • Currently, non-advanced forms of scoliosis can be corrected almost 100%, the main thing is not to waste time

But even if time is lost and the deformity has become extremely severe, our doctors are ready to help you!

When does a rib hump appear?

As a result of three-dimensional deformation, the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades begins to protrude back, a rib hump appears, and above it a muscle compaction (ridge). With grade 2 scoliosis, the hump is clearly visible when bending forward, but in a standing position it is less noticeable.

Medicine is also aware of rare cases when the hump appears not on the back, but in the front.

Whether the hump will progress or stop growing directly depends on the further development of scoliosis.

Conservative treatment of scoliosis in children

Scoliosis in children at stages 1 and 2 can be corrected using conservative methods:

  • During treatment, the causes (if they can be established) of its occurrence are eliminated.
  • A set of procedures is prescribed to strengthen the muscle corset and restore body symmetry: therapeutic exercises, swimming, reflexology and physiotherapy, massage, wearing a corset.

The figure of a growing child is constantly changing, sometimes nature itself comes to the rescue and non-surgical methods bring results.

But it also happens the other way around, when it progresses rapidly...

Scoliosis of the third and fourth degrees is characterized by increased symptoms, the scoliotic angle increases to 40-80 degrees, 2 or 3 scoliotic arcs are observed, the hump grows and becomes clearly visible, the figure is ugly skewed, the gait is a rocking gait reminiscent of a duck step.

In addition to visual changes, pain .

Deformed ribs put pressure on the heart and lungs, which can cause respiratory and cardiovascular failure .

Scoliosis of the thoracic spine - treatment, causes and symptoms

A very common and rapidly developing disease of the spine is thoracic scoliosis, which is practically invisible at an early stage of development. Most often, this disease occurs in children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years old, with 80% of cases diagnosed in girls. This may be due to the fact that active elongation in growth occurs at this time.

A disease such as scoliosis is a curvature of the spine in which the vertebrae rotate around a central axis. This disease, without proper treatment, is dangerous because the twisting spine can over time compress or displace internal organs.

Causes of thoracic scoliosis

An inactive and sedentary lifestyle, rare physical activity are the main causes of thoracic scoliosis. Many people sit incorrectly at the computer, which leads to incorrect rotation of the body and further deformation of the spinal column. Other common causes of this disease:

  • impaired muscle tone, weakening of ligaments;
  • genetic disposition;
  • received back injuries;
  • asymmetrical leg length;
  • asymmetrical sports also cause scoliosis - tennis, shot throwing, etc.;
  • incorrect posture.

Symptoms of thoracic scoliosis

Good to know

  • A set of exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis
  • Massage for scoliosis

Fatigue, pain when sitting or standing are the main symptoms of thoracic scoliosis at the initial stage. Then visual changes appear: the pelvis is slightly skewed, the height of the shoulders turns out to be different, the waist is slightly asymmetrical. The higher the degree of the disease, the stronger and more dangerous the symptoms:

  • noticeable distortion of the waist and cervical region in the second stage;
  • weakening abdominal muscles, protruding anterior arches of the ribs in the third stage;
  • at the fourth stage, the disease causes a rib hump, a significant deformation of the spine, and the functionality of the lungs and heart is impaired.

Treatment methods for thoracic scoliosis

It is necessary to begin complete and high-quality treatment of thoracic scoliosis in the early stages, while the disease can be cured quickly and without complications. This is exactly how experienced clinic specialists act. We select an individual complex for each patient, consisting of the following techniques:

  1. Acupuncture – affects biologically active points of the body, improves metabolic processes;
  2. Therapeutic acupressure – stimulates blood circulation and nutrition of spinal tissues, improves the functioning of internal organs;
  3. Soft manual techniques – eliminate scoliosis by relieving pain and excessive tension in the spinal muscles;
  4. A set of physical exercises strengthens the back muscles and prevents repeated curvature of the spine.
  5. Kinesiology, which involves pinpoint palpation on individual points to straighten the spine and consolidate the results of previous sessions;
  6. Hirudotherapy, used to relieve inflammation caused by changes in the shape of the spinal column;
  7. PRP therapy is the latest method of stimulating recovery processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of scoliosis at the Paramita clinic

It is recognized that non-surgical methods are an effective way to combat the lesion. Everyone also knows that medications have many side effects. Certified doctors at our clinic use effective Eastern and Western methods for treating thoracic scoliosis.

Experienced doctors at the clinic will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and select a comprehensive treatment for scoliosis, which will make you feel better literally after the first procedures. By contacting our clinic, you will see how effective an individual approach to each patient is.

Specifics of muscle strengthening and exercises for scoliosis

What is a muscle corset and why is it important?

“You thought about your own health and turned to us - with this step you entrusted us with your life

. We highly appreciate your choice, and on behalf of the Paramita clinic team, I want to assure you that we will do everything possible to justify it.”

Ilya GrachevChief physician of the clinic

We are always happy to help, we look forward to your calls +7 (495) 198-06-06

Diagnosis of thoracic scoliosis

The difference between Eastern diagnostic methods is in relation to the human body. If Western medicine strives to identify a disease, our specialists try to determine its cause and interaction with the body. Therefore, at the first stage of diagnosis you will be asked to:

  • describe in as much detail as possible the history of the appearance of the first signs of the disease;
  • undergo pulse diagnostics (determining the state of the body);
  • tilt the body forward with your arms down - to determine the severity of the disease;
  • undergo neurological tests.

In the future, to clarify the details and characteristics of the disease, its effect on the body, research is carried out using Western methods:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which allows you to literally illuminate the human body and determine the condition of the skeleton and internal organs;
  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) to assess the condition of the heart muscle is required in the third stage of breast scoliosis;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a procedure that does not require lengthy preparation and reveals characteristic signs of spinal curvature (arch);
  • Lab tests.

Treatment can only be prescribed when the doctor makes a specific diagnosis. Timely contact with a specialist will relieve the disease before health problems arise.

Prevention of thoracic scoliosis

To reduce the risk of the disease and prevent recurrences after treatment of thoracic scoliosis, you need to follow preventive measures.

  • Be more physically active;
  • When working sedentarily, do not stay in one position for a long time;
  • Watch your posture;
  • Travel on foot more often;
  • Engage in water sports, swimming;
  • Take a massage course every six months;
  • Evenly distribute the load on the spine;
  • Organize a comfortable place to sleep.

Particular attention should be paid to prevention before the age of 17, supplemented by periodic examination by a specialist.

Proper nutrition for scoliosis

Consumption of foods necessary for the formation of bone tissue and muscle nutrition helps both for prevention and in case of detected disease. The diet for thoracic scoliosis should include:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in microelements and vitamins;
  • Peanuts, beans, peas, cottage cheese, meat - products containing proteins;
  • Fish, chicken eggs, dairy products containing vitamin D;
  • Nuts, dried fruits, spinach, sea buckthorn, sorrel, oatmeal (vitamin E);
  • Seafood;
  • Add various cereals to your diet.

Changing the diet for scoliosis is one of the components of complex treatment and prevention of the disease.

Exercise therapy for thoracic scoliosis

Exercise therapy or physical therapy for thoracic scoliosis of the spine is a set of exercises for recovery after treatment and prevention of the disease. Classes are conducted only if there are no contraindications. Exercises include:

  • While lying on your back, alternately bend and straighten your legs at the knee. Perform up to 5 times;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and arch your chest. Executes up to 4 times;
  • Lying on your stomach and stretching your arms along your body, inhale and raise your legs and torso, focusing on your arms. Executes 4 times;
  • Lying on your side, in the direction of which the curvature occurred, put your hands behind your head and inhale, then smoothly lower them, exhaling. Repeated slowly 4 times;
  • Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your pelvis up, bending in the thoracic area. Repeat smoothly up to 4 times.

Do not start exercises without consulting your doctor, it can cause serious harm! The specialist at our clinic treating you will develop a complex individually for you.

Surgical treatment of scoliosis in children – when is surgery needed?

In case of scoliosis of 3rd degree, as a rule, and in case of 4th degree, surgery is mandatory.

The operation is aimed at restoring the verticality of the spine while maintaining its overall mobility.

an implant is attached to the deformed area - a special metal structure that resembles a belt with screws. The screws allow each vertebra to be fixed in the desired position and allow the surgeon to align the spinal column, orient it in the desired direction, and secure the result.

If the child is still growing, dynamic structures are used that can lengthen along with the growing spine.

As the curvature disappears, the scoliosis hump also goes away. This doesn't happen right away.

For cosmetic purposes, after six months, it is possible to perform an operation to resection the scoliosis hump .

Kyphoscoliosis of the spine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Kyphoscoliosis is the most severe form of spinal curvature, in which lateral curvature is combined with anteroposterior or severe stoop.

The disease develops mainly in adolescence, that is, during the period of most active growth, although the first signs may appear in infancy.

Medical observations show that boys get sick four times more often than girls.

Symptoms of kyphoscoliosis

The first signs of thoracic kyphoscoliosis appear quite early. During the first year, the child develops a slight hump. Parents can detect it when the baby is in an upright position.

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