Scoliosis of the lumbar spine 1st, 2nd degree: causes, symptoms, treatment


: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich
: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Date of publication: 10.10.2014 Date of update: 12.11.2020

Pathology of the spine with displacement of the vertebral segments in the lumbar region and the appearance of asymmetry is lumbar scoliosis. Shifting intervertebral discs cause irritation of nearby soft tissues and nerve receptors, which leads to severe pain in the lumbar region.

In the advanced form of this disease, spinal displacement has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, so scoliosis is a rather dangerous disease. Experienced doctors at our clinic who practice treatment using oriental medicine methods will help you get rid of the disease without surgery.

Causes of lumbar scoliosis

Good to know

  • A set of exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis
  • Massage for scoliosis

A sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical training are common causes of lumbar scoliosis. That is why office workers or programmers often encounter this disease. Other reasons:

  • Being overweight
  • Spinal injuries
  • Past infectious or autoimmune diseases
  • Hereditary predisposition

Symptoms of lumbar scoliosis

Listing the main symptoms, it is worth mentioning pain in the back, stooping, asymmetrical position of the shoulders. Often the patient does not pay attention to this, allowing the disease to develop further. Other signs, if detected, you should immediately contact the clinic:

  • Slanted pelvis and stretched muscles in the area of ​​curvature
  • General weakness of the body, which can manifest itself against the background of pain during physical activity
  • Stiffness and swelling of the joints
  • Possible crunching in the lumbar region when bending or turning the body

Advantages of treatment at the Ardenium clinic

The medical center will provide you with high-quality medical care, comfortable conditions, friendly attitude, attention and care.
If necessary, the doctor will recommend consulting with other specialists. Are you suffering from chest and back pain? Do not self-medicate, as this can lead to the development of dangerous complications, irreversible changes and disability. Come to the Ardenium clinic. A timely visit to a doctor will allow you to quickly eliminate the pathology and return to your normal lifestyle.

Appointments can be made by telephone. You can also order a call back or fill out the feedback form.

Treatment methods for lumbar scoliosis

Carrying out comprehensive treatment of lumbar scoliosis, the specialists of our clinic will take care not only of relieving pain, but also of eliminating the root cause of the disease. Experienced doctors at the clinic use highly effective techniques for this purpose:

  1. Gentle manual techniques – help relieve muscle tension, eliminate spasms and pain
  2. Therapeutic acupressure – treats scoliosis by stimulating blood circulation and loosening tense back muscles
  3. A set of individual exercises helps to correct poor posture and consolidate the effect obtained as a result of treatment.
  4. Acupuncture (acupuncture) is a targeted effect on biologically active points. The latter are associated with internal organs and tissues;
  5. Manual therapy - designed to relieve tension, ease pain, prevent spasms;
  6. Hirudotherapy or treatment with leeches. Medicinal leeches release substances that relieve swelling and reduce muscle tension;
  7. Isometric kinesiotherapy is a set of exercises performed under the supervision of a specialist. Helps strengthen muscles and correct posture.
  8. PRP therapy is the newest way to stimulate recovery processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the spine.

Treatment of lumbar scoliosis at the Paramita clinic

The specialists of our clinic are deservedly famous for their many years of experience and high qualifications. We treat lumbar scoliosis without the use of drugs or surgery, using only reliable and proven methods of therapy. After completion of treatment, we give recommendations on prevention and maintaining your health in good shape.

Our methods allow us to gradually restore the body as a whole, and treatment of scoliosis is aimed not only at relieving pain, but also at achieving long-term results.

Specifics of muscle strengthening and exercises for scoliosis

What is a muscle corset and why is it important?

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Kyphosis. Lordosis

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine that faces backwards. Lordosis is a bending of the spine with a convexity forward. In the normal state of affairs, these curves are physiological and help the spine to absorb shock when walking, bending, jumping, etc. However, often, under the influence of negative factors, the natural curvature of the spine acquires pathological features.


Kyphosis of the spine is most often arched, but it can also be angular - in this case, the vertebrae do not protrude as an arch, but as an angle, with the spinous process at the apex. Externally, the pathology is manifested by the formation of a hump on the back.

Thoracic kyphosis is the most common type of pathology. At the initial stage (this form of spinal curvature is called stoop), the condition does not cause discomfort, and it can be shown by an x-ray or detected by a doctor during a visual examination.

As this type of kyphosis progresses, the patient develops a hump, the ribs and sternum are displaced, causing serious disruptions in the functioning of the internal organs.

Cervical kyphosis, lumbar kyphosis, and sacral kyphosis are very rare. They can occur due to trauma, infectious diseases or degenerative changes.

1 Diagnosis of kyphosis: x-ray

2 Diagnosis of lordosis

3 Treatment of scoliosis

The causes of kyphosis are often:

  • abnormalities of intrauterine development;
  • birth injuries;
  • spinal injuries and surgeries;
  • weakness of the back muscles;
  • osteoporosis.

It is necessary to treat kyphosis, since this deformation provokes rapid destruction of the spine. And this entails severe pain, motor dysfunction, circulatory disorders, including cerebral, etc.

The treatment regimen for kyphosis includes drug therapy, physical therapy, massage, manual therapy, physiotherapy, and wearing a corset. It is possible to use surgical techniques.


Normally, the spine has a slight forward bend in the lumbar region - physiological lordosis. Pathological lordosis forms in the same area, only it is much more pronounced.

Lumbar lordosis is characterized by “duck posture”: the shoulders are lowered, the head is slightly tilted forward, the stomach is protruded, the lower back is arched, the pelvis is shifted back, and the knees are spread apart. The gait is heavy, which is explained by pain and discomfort in the lumbar region.

Spinal lordosis has a negative impact on the functioning of the heart and lungs, causing breathing and circulatory disorders.

Causes of lordosis:

  • abnormalities of the spine;
  • diseases of the spine, incl. intervertebral hernia;
  • spinal injuries, incl. generic;
  • diseases of the hip joints;
  • displacement of the vertebrae (spondylolisthesis);
  • systematic violations of posture in a sitting/standing position;
  • low physical activity;
  • systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • excess body weight;
  • rapid growth of the child, etc.

Treatment of lordosis also involves the use of drug therapy, exercise therapy, massage, and manual techniques. Breathing exercises for lordosis have a good effect.

Diagnosis and treatment of spinal curvature should be carried out by an experienced doctor - a neurologist, vertebrologist, or orthopedist. Self-medication or inept treatment can cause irreparable harm to your health or the health of your loved one!

At the MedikCity clinic, highly qualified specialists, real professionals, treat pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. With us, your health is in safe and capable hands!

Diagnosis of lumbar scoliosis

An initial visual examination does not always help to identify lumbar scoliosis. Comprehensive diagnostics in our clinic includes:

  • Load tests, in which a painless effect is applied to the deformed area;
  • Pulse examination to assess the condition of the patient's lumbar region.

Research hardware can be used together with them:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - examination of the condition of the vertebrae and soft tissues;
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a procedure that does not require preparation and gives results immediately after scanning;

The development of scoliosis causes damage to organs, so in the later stages of the disease the doctor prescribes additional examination. Based on the results obtained, we will select a suitable treatment program for you.


The most important symptom of lumbar scoliosis is that the hip girdle is asymmetrical. In this case, the lower limbs visually have different lengths. But at the same time, the symptoms will depend on what type of scoliosis the person has. The types of lumbar scoliosis are:

  • right-sided;
  • left-handed;
  • S-shaped.

The most important symptom is the presence of pain in the lower back, the person stoops, there is pain in the sternum, severe weakness, and changes in gait may also be observed. A person with lumbar scoliosis becomes less mobile due to pain, and his limbs are not as sensitive as before. Neck pain, foot pain, swelling in the lower back, and numbness in the arms and legs may occur. Often the picture is complemented by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Prevention of lumbar scoliosis

There are measures to prevent the development of the disease and reduce the risk of its occurrence. Prevention used after treatment of lumbar scoliosis includes:

  • Water sports, swimming;
  • Periodic examination by a specialist;
  • Massage sessions - at least twice a year;
  • Posture control;
  • Hiking;
  • Exercises for the lower back muscles;
  • Organizing a comfortable place to sleep (sleep on an orthopedic mattress);
  • Do not sit for a long time;
  • Even distribution of physical activity.

Prevention of scoliosis is of particular importance for children under 17 years of age, when the risk of spinal deformation is especially high.

Symptoms of scoliosis of the thoracic spine - degrees of thoracic scoliosis

The degree of scoliosis is determined by the angle of curvature of the spinal column according to Cobb:

  • The first degree of scoliosis is a curvature of no more than 10°.
  • The second degree of scoliosis is a curvature from 10° to 25°.
  • The third degree of scoliosis is a curvature from 25° to 50°.
  • The fourth degree of scoliosis is a curvature of more than 50°.

Symptoms of scoliosis of the thoracic spine:

  • Pain in the thoracic spine.
  • Beginning noticeable deformation of the spine, a visible “hump,” a very strong stoop.
  • With scoliosis in the upper thoracic spine, there is a noticeable asymmetry of the neck, skull, and face.
  • With scoliosis in the lower thoracic region - asymmetry of the waist triangles, pelvic distortion.
  • A noticeable ridge on the back in the paravertebral region on one side and a depression of the chest on the opposite side.
  • Disruption of the normal functioning of organs and systems - respiratory and heart failure.
  • Deformation of the chest, formation of a rib hump.

Most often, idiopathic scoliosis of the thoracic localization is diagnosed in adolescence. The arc of curvature can be directed to the right or left side, and scoliosis, accordingly, can be right-sided or left-sided .

  • , the arc of bending gives the spinal column the appearance of the letter C.
  • As the angle of curvature increases, compensatory arches are formed above and below it, directed in the direction other than the main arc of curvature, giving the spine the appearance of the letter S.

Proper nutrition for scoliosis

A properly selected diet is one of the measures to prevent the disease and prevent its relapse. It is selected individually by the doctor and includes:

  • Vegetables and fruits rich in microelements and vitamins;
  • Porridges containing carbohydrates, iron, magnesium and other elements;
  • Meat, caviar, cottage cheese, rich in proteins;
  • Potatoes, legumes, spinach containing vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12;
  • Dairy and seafood containing calcium to strengthen bones;
  • Products containing phosphorus: seaweed, fish;
  • Berries (currants, rose hips, strawberries) to replenish the lack of vitamin C in the body.

A diet for lumbar scoliosis at the same time helps to get rid of excess weight.

Exercise therapy for lumbar scoliosis

Dosed loads maintain muscle tone. They should only be carried out in accordance with the plan drawn up by our doctor. Self-study is not allowed. Exercise therapy for lumbar scoliosis:

  • While lying on your back, while exhaling, pull your bent legs towards your stomach, and while inhaling, return them to their original position. Repeat 5 times;
  • Lying on your back, bending your knees, raise your pelvis. Repeated up to 4 times;
  • Lie on your back and put your hands on the back of your head. Bring your elbows towards each other, bringing them as close as possible, and return to the starting position. Repeated 3-4 times;
  • Lie on your stomach. Raise your leg from the side of the arch up and move it to the side. Repeat 3-4 times;
  • Lying on your side, place your hands behind your head and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat up to 5 times.

After stopping training, you need to rest for about 15 minutes. If you feel unwell, you need to stop the exercise and temporarily suspend classes.


Did you know that...

Next fact

The success of therapy depends on an integrated approach. Treatment is a long and difficult process. The main goal is to stop the development of scoliosis and strengthen the muscle corset.

The main treatment methods are divided into two groups : conservative and surgical treatment.

Conservative treatment

Conservative includes:

  • restorative therapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • manual therapy;
  • traction;
  • use of orthopedic beds and corsets;
  • drug therapy.

General restorative therapy consists of establishing a daily routine, nutrition, and the use of vitamins. In addition, all provoking factors are eliminated. It is necessary to choose the right briefcase, desk and chair for your child.

If you have scoliosis, it is recommended to sleep on a hard, flat surface. You need to sleep on a hard surface. Adults should monitor the child's posture at all times. When doing homework, you need to take breaks every 20 minutes and change your body position.

The child's diet should contain sufficient amounts of proteins and foods rich in vitamins. Additionally, you can take vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by your doctor.

It is useful to engage in swimming and sports games (basketball, volleyball). Sports such as weightlifting, gymnastics, cycling, and boxing are not recommended.

Physical therapy is of great importance in the treatment of scoliosis. The choice of exercises must be approached with caution; the complex is selected by a doctor. The goal of exercise therapy is to strengthen the muscle corset, correct existing curvature, and form correct posture.

At the initial stage of the disease, exercises can be performed at home. In case of severe curvature - in a medical facility under the supervision of a specialist.

Physical therapy is a long process that requires patience from the patient and the doctor. The main thing in classes is their systematicity; this is the only way to achieve positive results.

Massage brings good results in combination with exercise therapy. With its help, muscles are strengthened, blood flow is restored, and tension is relieved. The massage must be performed by a specialist; self-massage is prohibited, as it may aggravate the situation.

Manual therapy has been successfully used to treat scoliosis. Patients note a decrease in pain, lightness in the back, and an improvement in their general condition.

Physiotherapy includes procedures such as electrophoresis, amplipulse, etc. They help relieve muscle spasms, pain, and inflammation.

In cases of severe scoliosis, wearing corsets is recommended to relieve stress on the back muscles and form correct posture. You should not wear a corset for a long time so that the muscles do not become lazy.

Traction is a rather controversial method. On the one hand, the height of the spinal discs increases, on the other, overstretching of the ligaments and muscles occurs.

Drug treatment is aimed at relieving muscle pain, tension, and inflammation. Groups of drugs used for treatment:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nise, Declofenac) relieve inflammation.
  • Painkillers (Analgin, Baralgin, Ketorol) relieve pain.
  • Muscle relaxants (Listenon, Mydocalm) relieve muscle spasms, make massage and manual therapy more effective.

Video: “Exercises for scoliosis: trainer’s recommendations”


It is used in the third and fourth stages of the disease, when conservative treatment is no longer meaningful. Operations can be one-stage or stage-by-stage.

With single-stage installations , a metal structure is installed at one time. However, later you will have to make adjustments in accordance with the growth of the spine.

Staged ones involve installing tripods in several stages. At the first stage, organic damage to the vertebrae is eliminated, then metal structures are installed.

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