Poor posture: why is it dangerous and how to fix it?

Read in this article:
  1. Everything you need to know about scoliosis
  2. Why does scoliosis develop?
  3. Exercises for spinal health
  4. Relaxing muscles at home
  5. Massage cape as a prevention of scoliosis
  6. A device that will help prevent scoliosis
  7. Scoliosis can and should be fought

The word "scoliosis" usually evokes images of children's physicals. Indeed, this pathology is very often detected in children. But this does not mean at all that adults are not at risk of spinal curvature with all the ensuing consequences. However, everyone can avoid a threat to their own health and even improve the situation, because there are several ways to improve your posture at home.

Everything you need to know about scoliosis

To solve any problem, you need to at least find the reasons why it appeared and understand its essence. In our case, we need to understand what scoliosis is, why it develops and why it is dangerous.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. In a healthy person, the spinal column looks like a straight line from the back, but with scoliosis it resembles the letter C. This means that the spine is curved in one direction - to the right or left. It also happens that the straight line is broken in several sections at once, and then the spinal column becomes like the letter S.

The pathology manifests itself not only in the curvature of the spine, which becomes noticeable over time and does not add beauty to the figure. Symptoms of scoliosis include many unwanted changes in the body, such as a feeling of stiffness in the spine. A person gets tired quickly, and by the end of the day, back pain usually appears.

Depending on the degree of bending, the degree of scoliosis is determined. The minimum - the first - refers to the deviation of the spinal column from the vertical by no more than 10 degrees. With IV degree scoliosis, the angle of curvature may exceed 61 degrees.

The consequences of scoliosis can be completely dangerous. Firstly, the deformation becomes more and more noticeable over time, and physical and psychological discomfort appears. The person feels uncomfortable and problems arise in communication. Secondly, many body systems and internal organs suffer:

  • The ribs shift, reducing lung capacity and impairing respiratory function;
  • The blood supplying arteries are compressed, disrupting blood flow and organ nutrition;
  • Shortness of breath appears;
  • Blood pressure increases;
  • An extra load is created on the heart muscle;
  • The functioning of the spinal cord, which is responsible for the normal functioning of many organs, is disrupted;
  • The abdominal organs are displaced, which leads to digestive disorders, which over time become chronic;
  • The load on individual parts of the spinal column increases, and this causes salt deposits and pinched nerves.

The pathology, which first manifests itself as back pain, can over time develop into respiratory, heart failure and other dangerous diseases.

Causes of stooped back in children

Why does stoop appear and how to deal with it? is a common question that concerns many people who have already encountered this problem. The causes of a stooped back in children and adults are slightly different. At an early age, when the child’s body begins to form, and the skeletal system is actively growing and developing, it is very important for parents to ensure that during the formation process the child always keeps his back straight. This is especially true for school-age children, since frequent sitting at a desk in one position can provoke anatomical disorders of the spine and lead to the development of scoliosis. It is also very important to take care of the child’s sleeping place. It is advisable that special orthopedic products be used together with a regular pillow and mattress, which will provide excellent prevention of scoliosis.

The reason for stooping in children is often insufficient parental control to ensure that the child keeps his back straight while studying, as well as the lack of physical activity, which helps strengthen muscles. Another significant detrimental factor is an improperly organized sleeping place (too hard, or, conversely, too soft). Genetic predisposition and congenital back problems represent a special risk group, where treatment of stoop and spinal diseases should be carried out individually under the supervision of a doctor. In any case, the first thing you need to do if your child has a stoop is to buy a children's posture corrector. It will help keep your back straight even when your parents are not around, and will form the correct habit of keeping your back in the correct anatomical position at the level of muscle memory. This is an excellent prevention of scoliosis, which very often manifests itself in schoolchildren.

Causes of stooped back in adults

If the human skeletal system has already completed its full formation , this does not mean that now scoliosis does not threaten you. Under the influence of special factors, your spine may succumb to a pathological tendency, the consequence of which will be not only spoiled and ugly posture, but also scoliosis, which is much longer and more difficult to treat. The reasons why an adult’s back becomes slouched include the following:

  • Work involving heavy lifting. This applies to working category professions (loaders, couriers, etc.). Due to constant physical activity, the back muscles are constantly damaged, which entails the formation of incorrect posture and, as a result, scoliosis. To avoid back problems, when lifting loads, you must wear a bandage that relieves the load from the spinal column and distributes it evenly;
  • Sedentary office work in an incorrect hunched position. Working in an office, when you are in one position at the computer for 8-12 hours, and even in a cross-legged position, negatively affects your spine. Try to always keep your back straight and take breaks from time to time for a short warm-up. It is also recommended to wear a posture corrector for adults, which will always maintain the muscle tone of your back and give your posture beauty and grace;
  • Pregnancy . Due to a shift in the center of gravity during pregnancy, the anatomical position of the spine may be disrupted. This can lead to scoliosis. To prevent this, you need to wear a bandage for pregnant women;
  • Incorrect organization of sleeping space . A sleeping place that is too hard or soft provokes an incorrect position of the spinal column. This contributes not only to stooping, but also to a number of other problems of the cervical, lumbar and thoracolumbar spine;
  • Carrying a backpack/briefcase on one shoulder. If you carry a backpack or briefcase on one shoulder, it is not surprising that you are faced with the problem of stooping. Such bags must be worn with two straps so as not to provoke scoliosis, and you must also wear a posture corrector.

Why does scoliosis develop?

It is quite possible to avoid all these consequences, but to do this you need to eliminate the causes and do everything possible to restore the normal position of the spine. In most cases, scoliosis “grows out” of incorrect posture in a child, so in childhood it is important to pay attention to ensure that the child holds his back correctly when doing homework or watching TV. But adults should also brush up on how to sit at a desk correctly, especially if you spend most of the day in the office.

The cause of scoliosis is also called weakness of the spinal muscles, although to some extent this is a consequence of lack of physical activity. If you spend the day working on the computer, then get in the car and drive home, and spend the evening watching movies or using a smartphone in your hands, you don't give your muscles the slightest chance to maintain sufficient strength and keep your spine in the correct position.

Curvature of the spinal column develops against the background of inflammatory, infectious diseases, tumors, and injuries. Here you can no longer do without the help of a doctor, and the main task is to contact a specialist in a timely manner.

If curvature of the spine is your case, do not despair. There are quite affordable ways to correct your posture at home and even reduce the manifestations of scoliosis. And it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Special exercises, modern equipment and attention to your own body will help you get your spine in order.

How to correct grade 1 scoliosis

The main conditions for successful treatment are the timeliness of its initiation and the regularity of procedures. The prognosis in most cases is favorable, with the exception of early scoliosis detected before the age of 6 years. Leading orthopedists call the issue of prevention a “dark zone.” A child is born with a healthy spine that grows and develops normally (if there are no birth defects). But upon reaching 8-10 years of age, it begins to bend, and parents take the child to the doctor. It remains unclear how the transition from a normal spine to a deformed one occurs? After all, such a transition takes time, and there must be some signs, harbingers! This is the main mystery. If we solve it, then we will have risk groups for scoliosis, and it will be possible to predict its development. In the meantime, preventive measures consist of competent organization of the daily routine, control over maintaining correct posture, physical exercise and swimming. You can treat grade 1 spinal curvature with us if you or your child have been diagnosed with this condition. An experienced doctor will conduct an examination and draw up an optimal schedule of procedures that will be effective for your condition. Consultations and treatment sessions take place in the most comfortable environment. You can make an appointment by calling +375 29 628 85 82 or leaving your contacts in the feedback form.

Exercises for spinal health

Exercises for posture can be selected at your discretion, made up of various complexes, and combined with each other. The main condition is to exercise every day, because your health directly depends on it.

Simple exercises will help you maintain correct posture or correct it:

  • Deep lunges with a straight back and raised arms. Stretch up so that you feel the stretch in the spine;
  • Bend over with your arms behind your back. When the body is tilted, the arms are raised up and moved forward as far as possible, the shoulders and chest open, the back does not round;
  • Bend over the wall, arms parallel to the floor. The back should remain straight;
  • Joining your hands behind your back while sitting in the lotus position. The back is straightened, the shoulder blades are brought together;
  • Cat pose on all fours. On inhalation, the back bends, on exhalation, it rounds;
  • Raise your right arm and left leg, standing on all fours, so that they form a straight line with the body. After 30 seconds, the leg and arm need to be changed;
  • Grasp the feet with the palms in the same position, the pelvis looking forward.

One of the best exercises for correcting posture is the sphinx pose. You need to lie on your stomach, raise your body, resting your hands on the floor. The movement is performed by bending the spine; a pleasant tension should be felt in the back, but not pain.

How to fix slouching in 14 days?

If you seriously approach the issue of correcting stoop and strictly follow all the recommendations, you can get rid of this problem within two weeks. The first thing you need to do is buy a posture corrector, which will provide support for your back and will be an excellent prevention of scoliosis. Every day you need to perform a four-minute set of exercises aimed at strengthening your back muscles and correcting your posture.

If, in addition to slouching, you are bothered by painful sensations in your back or neck that do not subside for a long time, you should definitely consult a traumatologist in order to diagnose your back and determine the presence of diseases that provoke back discomfort.

Relaxing muscles at home

Those who work remotely and spend whole days at their desks should also take care of their spinal health. To do this, you need to know how to relax your back muscles at home and avoid overstraining them.

The best solution for this situation is massage, but not everyone has the opportunity to use the services of a massage therapist every day. Special massage pillows can replace such a session. For example, model Beurer MG 149

She will give you a shiatsu massage while you work or relax.

The pillow contains special massage heads that reproduce the basic movements of the shiatsu technique: pressing and kneading. To a certain extent, such a device can do even more than a massage therapist. Pillow:

  • Performs a deep massage, automatically changing the direction of movement of the heads;
  • Easily controlled from the remote control built into the belt;
  • It has a heating function, which enhances the massage effect and activates blood circulation;
  • Allows you to adjust the rotation of the heads;
  • It is fixed on the body, so you can safely continue to do your business while the device works your muscles.

Using such a pillow for just a few minutes a day, you will very soon feel that your back is less tired and the pain has gone away. Working out the muscles will stimulate them and help maintain the correct position of the spine.

Massage cape as a prevention of scoliosis

Those who strive for maximum comfort should pay attention to the massage cape. This device relieves tension not only in the back and lower back, but also in the neck and shoulder girdle. You will certainly appreciate the many settings of the cape, which make it possible to adjust its functions to suit you.

So, in the Beurer MG 254


  • Set the desired massage intensity;
  • Switch the direction of movement of the heads;
  • Select a massage area;
  • Turn heating on and off;
  • Adjust height;
  • Set a timer for a specific time to work out the muscles.

The cape can compensate for lack of physical activity, normalize blood pressure, improve sleep quality and increase skin elasticity. By working the muscles, fatigue and tension disappear, the posture while sitting becomes more correct and relaxed, which means the load on the spine is reduced.

General recommendations for grade 3 scoliosis

Physical activity plays an important role in the treatment of scoliosis of any degree, including third. It is important, together with a trainer, to select special exercises on machines or sports equipment that will not injure the spine, but will use the maximum number of back muscles. Most often, for such exercises, a gymnastic ball, a gymnastic stick and an elastic band are first used. Only after many months of regular training with these equipment or even without them, you can move on to strength training on simulators. Sports activity that does not take into account the characteristics of scoliosis can lead to serious negative consequences.

To the list of articles

A device that will help prevent scoliosis

The secret to successfully combating scoliosis is maintaining the correct posture. But it is quite difficult to constantly control exactly how you sit. But there is a device that can do this for you - Beurer PC 100 PostureControl .

The small gadget attaches to clothing and does not interfere with working at the computer, writing or reading. But if you sit for too long, the device will remind you to change your position and stretch your muscles with gentle vibration. The device is controlled through the 8sense application, and its benefits are confirmed by the opinion of physiotherapists and doctors.

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