YALOVITSYN SWING REVIEWS OF DOCTORS NEGATIVE reviews of doctors, negative and real, scam or truth, price in the pharmacy for 2021 15:05

Who is the simulator indicated and contraindicated for?

Swings help people with sore spine and joints. They eliminate muscle overload, so blood flow to the soft tissues of the back improves. This has a positive effect on the condition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The posture straightens, the pain stops. Doctors identify the following indications for using the Yalovitsyn simulator:

  • osteochondrosis of any form and degree;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • muscle spasm;
  • scoliosis of the first and second degrees;
  • moderate back or spine injuries;
  • Bekhterev's disease.

The physical therapy device has received conflicting reviews from doctors. Vertebrologists and traumatologists do not recommend using swings in case of serious pathologies. Careless movements and incorrectly selected exercises often provoke a deterioration in physical condition. Osteopaths and representatives of alternative medicine, on the contrary, claim that the device is effective and completely safe.

The trainer is not suitable for everyone. It cannot be used if the following contraindications are present:

  • late stage of glaucoma;
  • stroke or pre-stroke condition;
  • vertebral sarcoma or lymphosarcoma;
  • undergone cataract surgery;
  • postoperative period for 6 months after surgical treatment of vertebral hernia;
  • enlarged thyroid gland;
  • serious damage to bones, joints and cartilage;
  • old age.

Yalovitsyn's swing, when used correctly, will help cope with premature destruction of the vertebrae and prevent the thinning of the intervertebral discs. Exercising on the simulator reduces headaches of vertebral origin. By stretching the vertebrae, pinched nerves are released. As a result, the person is no longer bothered by numbness in the limbs and goosebumps.

The simulator for intervertebral disc protrusions is used extremely carefully, as there is a risk of pinching a nerve.

Exercises on the “Yulina Sports Swing” simulator

The unique “Yulin swing” simulator was invented in the 60s of the last century by professional trainer and athlete Yuri Alekseevich Yulin.
This sports and fitness equipment resembles a functional horizontal bar, designed like a pendulum. Exercises on the simulator are based on oscillatory movements very close to the normal physical state. Thanks to convenient cyclic actions, all the muscles and ligaments in the body are stretched, muscle tension is relaxed and the body returns to its normal healthy state, gaining freedom of movement and lightness.

Yulina simulator: indications

The trainer proposed more than 300 different exercises on simulators in order to restore people’s health with their help. These classes are suitable for adults and children over 10 years old.

You can use the swing for general maintenance of physical tone, relieving tension and unpleasant feelings, as well as for rehabilitation and healing of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for using the simulator:

  • scoliosis and spinal curvature;
  • osteochondrosis, hernias, protrusions;
  • hypertension stage 1-2;
  • pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage)
    in the back;
  • decrease or loss of motor activity (including with disability);
  • arthrosis and other conditions.

Yulina's swing classes are different. A set of exercises for each patient is selected personally.

Yulina's simulator - how does it work?

Yulina's swing is a typical frame located on supports and having a counterweight. With the assistance of the simulator, alternating wave movements are performed, so the muscles stretch and relax, while at the same time they are moderately pumped. The swing operates within the capabilities of every person, so it is suitable for people with limited motor skills and children.

Thanks to the action of the counterweight, tension is relieved from parts of the muscles, and they are stretched through natural oscillatory movements. The frequency of the wave movements of a sports swing is from 0.1 to 1.5 Hz (unit of frequency of periodic processes in the International System of Units SI)

, this indicator is very close to the biorhythms of the human body - the cycles of breathing and blood circulation
(Blood circulation is an important factor in the life of the human body and a number of animals)
. With all this, the device is created for a huge number of different poses and grips, and the weight of the weights on the pendulum can be adjusted in accordance with the body weight and strength abilities of a person.

Exercises on Yulina's swing allow you to relax and strengthen your muscles, develop endurance, elasticity and strength. The simulator also allows:

  • develop the respiratory system;
  • strengthen the heart muscle (Designed to perform various actions: body movements, contraction of the vocal cords, breathing)
    , provoke a normal heartbeat, restore blood pressure;
  • speed up metabolic processes;
  • improve the health of the musculoskeletal system, restore muscles and joints after injuries, remove irregularities and curvatures of posture.
  • increase muscle tone.

During training on Yulin's simulator, the vertebrae and joint capsules are stretched, the space of the spinal nerve increases, this increases the volume of permissible movements, the motor skills of the limbs are facilitated, pain in the muscles and joints is reduced, and healthy blood supply to the limbs and internal organs is established. Hormonal balance is also restored, which can improve overall well-being, increase efficiency, and improve sleep.

The decisive feature is the convenience and safety of using this simulator. Anyone can practice on it in their own way. With the correct selection of pendulum weight, muscle overload is virtually impossible. After exercising on Yulina’s swing, your body feels light and cheerful, and there is virtually no painful flaccidity in the muscles.

In 1995, the simulator passed clinical tests on the instructions of the Committee on the latest medical technology of the Ministry of Health and MP of the Russian Federation (the Russian Federation is a state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, our Motherland)

in leading clinics in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, and was approved by specialists.

Features and advantages of Yulina's swing

Exercises on a pendulum simulator are recommended for healthy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, work at a computer, have reduced muscle tone, tension and pain (experience associated with true or potential tissue damage)

in back. The simulator is also useful for people with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A course of constant exercise will help strengthen the joints and muscles of the arms, legs, tummy and back. Thanks to this, your posture and even your gait can be straightened.

Strengthening the muscular-ligamentous corset increases the body's endurance, allows movement, brings relief and opens up new motor abilities. After exercises on the swing, muscle flexibility and agility increase. Classes with a professional instructor will allow you to work through personal obstacles, alleviate acquired diseases and restore health.

After completing a course of exercises on the simulator, you will have a toned muscle corset and a healthy, attractive posture.

Yulina swing: contraindications

The swing is suitable for most people, even with serious impairments, but there are contraindications for which it is not allowed to exercise on the Yulina simulator:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncological diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance)
  • problems with blood pressure;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart defects;
  • The swing made by Yulin is not allowed to be used after consuming painkillers, etc.

If you experience discomfort in the back area, it is awkward for you to lie down or sit in one position at the workplace, you want to move, but you are not ready for exercise in the gym, or you have diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance)

musculoskeletal system, then come to classes on Yulin’s unique simulator. Your back will thank you!

Reviews from users of the simulator

Vyugin Alexander Dmitrievich

Height - 173 cm, Weight - 86 kg, born in 1955.

Start of classes: 08.11.2010

Lower back pain after weightlifting injury.

Diagnosis: compression fracture of the spine (crushed cartilage disc). I couldn't walk for more than fifteen minutes. He lived by the principle: stand - don’t bend, bend - don’t straighten up.

I learned about the simulator when I was hired at a carpentry workshop. At first I didn’t believe in Yalovitsyn’s Swing. I made up my mind when a doctor I already knew started talking about the operation I was afraid of. The first 10 lessons (2 weeks in time) were very difficult for me. After this I noticed that the pain decreased.

The functions of the musculoskeletal system were restored after 8 months of training.

Zaitsev Vladimir Foteevich

Height 168 cm, Weight 80 kg, born in 1942.

Start of classes: 06/08/2005

It took about 2,000 rubles a month for pills, injections and various procedures, and that’s just me, my wife even more... We tried everything and started looking for unconventional methods for treating headaches.

7 years ago, in our city, old people began to fashion a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! I really wanted to get rid of the torment and look younger. With the light hand of my friends Valery and Lyudmila Pavelev, I decided to train on the Yalovitsyn Swing simulator. After just 3 weeks, the headaches stopped bothering me, and I got rid of the pills completely after 2 months!

I began to feel more energetic! This is the greatest result in recent years of life. I gratefully recommend the simulator to all my friends!

Documentova Vera Gavrilovna

Height - 165 cm, Weight - 76 kg, born in 1953.

Start of classes: 08/25/2008

Spinal disease: lumbosalgia, spinal osteochondrosis.

Initially, I was diagnosed with a lumbar hernia. Very strong aching pain in the leg. The five hundred meters to work from the bus stop brought me tears. After that, we went straight to the first aid station, where they gave us an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory injection. After work, the same situation: my husband gave the injection at home.

Doctors treated veins in my legs. It didn’t help me, I had to take sick leave for a month. I went to a boarding house for treatment and had an x-ray done. They suggested a tomography. The price of the tomography turned out to be comparable to the price of the Yalovitsyn Swing, a simulator for self-stretching the spine at home. I have read several books about spinal traction. I decided to buy it.

The first time I turned head down, the blood rushed to my head and I felt my back being pulled. After class, I immediately lay down on the sofa on my back. During her sick leave, she did not leave the exercise machine, working out every 20 minutes. I realized that the cause of the pain lies in the nerves pinched by the discs and in poor blood circulation in the vessels, also pinched by the discs.

I don't need pills anymore. Now, this is my home healer! My husband Vladimir, looking at me, also started practicing, he also likes it. In conclusion, I will say that I coped with my pain MYSELF, thanks to the simulator!

I wish everyone good health!

Murzagaliev Ismagul Tairovich

Height - 172 cm, Weight 90 - kg, born in 1940.

Start of classes: 09/05/2007

I am a professional driver with 45 years of experience, a car enthusiast to this day. From the age of 12 he worked on a tractor on a collective farm. Throughout his entire career, he worked tirelessly. The constant sitting position and shaking in the car did their job, my back simply “fell off.”

To treat my back I used traditional methods of treatment: heating, rays, electric currents. I was treated for 15 years. I thought that the pain would never stop.

I have known the developer of Swing Yalovitsyn, Andrei Mikhailovich, for a long time. I also knew his father. He strongly recommended his invention, not only as a prevention, but also as a treatment for my radiculitis.

Over the past five years, I have felt noticeable improvements not only with my back, but also in general. Not only me, but also my wife Galina really likes it. She even noticed how I began to climb the stairs home to the 5th floor without stopping, and with bags. My greatest achievement: driving for two days without stopping overnight. Everyday exercise brought good results! I look ten years younger!

Murzagalieva Galina Ivanovna

Height - 151 cm, Weight - 70 kg, born in 1947.

Start of classes: 09/05/2007

My fingers constantly went numb, especially in my sleep, and I suffered from hypertension. The feeling of weakness and lethargy did not leave. I rubbed my fingers under hot water several times a day. There was constipation and nausea. She associated her condition with the weather and age.

After 4 months of training on the swing, the healing effect began. I sleep more peacefully!


Yulina's simulator will be useful only in this case if there are no contraindications to it.

  1. Exercises should not be done if there is an elevated body temperature, heart defects, blood pressure problems or epilepsy.
  2. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as clients with cancer, are not allowed to work on swings. Therefore, before deciding to exercise on exercise machines, you should consult with your doctor.
  3. The swing made by Yulin is not allowed to be used after taking painkillers. It is strictly forbidden to go to the gym if a person has been drinking alcohol.

Features of the structure and assembly of the swing

The simulator is a folding design. For production, high-strength wooden beams and reliable fasteners are used. The design is primitive, but you need to be careful when assembling finished elements. The safety of future use of swings, in which a person is fixed in an upside-down position, depends on this.

The basis of the simulator are oblong bars. The leg clamps are located in the upper part. Shock absorbers and arm fasteners are located at the bottom. The design changes the angle of inclination and moves, adapting to the individual characteristics of a person. The simulator rests on wooden or metal legs, tied at the bottom with a rope to prevent divergence.

The set with the simulator must include instructions with photos. When assembling a swing, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. There are several models of this device. To assemble a classic simulator, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Unfasten the belt. This will make it possible to separate the stand.
  2. Place the folded parts of the turntable on the floor. Extend the 2 outer crossbars on the side of one pillow.
  3. Set the table length. The indicators depend on the person’s height.
  4. Place 2 parts of the table on top of each other. In this case, the holes in the crossbar must coincide with the holes in the selected row of slats.
  5. Secure the structure with screws. Additional components are included with the simulator.
  6. Turn the table upside down with the pillows. Place and finally secure the screws.
  7. Install the support stand. Place the table on the legs and secure the axle with a pinwheel.

The above diagram will help you assemble the purchased simulator. If you have the skills of a carpenter, you can make a swing with your own hands. To do this, you need wooden beams of different lengths, screws, and durable material to fix the body. In order not to make mistakes in the calculations, you need to use ready-made drawings developed by A. M. Yalovitsyn. The author of the invention took into account the anatomical features of a person and competently designed the device.

What is the advantage of this device?

In addition to the treatment and prevention of serious diseases, the simulator has other advantages over other similar medical designs:

  • regular exercise has a positive effect on a person’s overall health;
  • Yalovitsyn’s simulator does not cause allergies, as it is made only from natural materials;
  • easy to use;
  • the results of the classes are visible after 1-2 months;
  • compact assembly for storage;
  • possibility of load adjustment;
  • relatively low cost on the market compared to other simulators.

Does YALOVITSYNA'S SWING (exercise machine) help with back pain or is it just scamming people out of money?

Sergey Bubnovsky » Spinal hernia is not a death sentence! "

An examination and diagnosis of the general condition by a manual therapist or physical therapist is required.

Possible disc displacement and pinched nerve or herniation

A nutrition and exercise program and a course of therapeutic massage with traction and realignment of the spine are drawn up.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed and, if health allows, a sauna and exercise equipment.

Balneotherapy and mud therapy have a good effect

If you carefully read the Bible and the teachings of Christ, you can discover many useful things.

Unique exercise machine “Yulina’s sports swing”

Help in restoring the musculoskeletal system with the “Yulina Sports Swing” simulator.

“Yulina’s sports swing” is a unique simulator with which you can solve a huge number of problems with the spine and joints. The mechanism of operation of the simulator is wave oscillations. Rhythmic waves of tension and relaxation created when working on the simulator follow with a frequency closer to the frequency of functioning of the human body. This allows you to work out all muscle groups and ligaments in a comprehensive and more natural way.

Working on the Yulina simulator, you can feel the greatest effect of gymnastics, because it combines strengthening the muscular-ligamentous corset and traction of the spine. With the help of such exercises, you can activate your metabolism and improve your nervous and lymphatic systems.

How to exercise on the simulator?

To use the swing comfortably, a person should wear sportswear and thick socks. It's best to exercise before bed. After classes, you need to be in a lying position for at least 2 hours straight. Rest is necessary to consolidate the effect of the exercises done on the Yalovitsyn swing.

Exercises on the simulator are static in nature. This means that they are performed automatically. Many people are interested in how to use a swing for severe back pain. To do this, you need to assemble the device according to the instructions and place a stool under the edge of the table with 2 pillows.

Next, you need to carefully sit on a wooden surface, secure your legs and head with clamps, and use your hands to adjust the most comfortable angle of inclination. The head should be down and the legs up. To stretch the spine, you need to stay in this position for 10 to 20 minutes.

While hanging, it is recommended to rub your forehead, ears and cheeks. This prevents poor circulation due to unnatural body position. When changing the angle of inclination, only the arms are tensed, the back should be completely relaxed. If severe sharp pain occurs, you should stop using the exercise machine and consult a traumatologist or vertebrologist as soon as possible.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

You can buy Yalovitsyn's swing on the official website of the manufacturer or on other Internet sites. In addition, this therapeutic device is sold in some sports and medical stores (usually in the capital).

The price of the product directly depends on which model you want to purchase.

Scheme (drawing) of Yalovitsyn's swing

At the moment, there are four models of Yalovitsyn’s swing, namely:

  1. Yalovitsyn’s spine simulator “Solo” - price 9,500 rubles (if you purchase two simulators at once, the price for one is 9,000 rubles).
  2. Yalovitsyn’s spine simulator “Universal” - price 11,800 rubles (if you purchase two simulators at once, the price for one is 11,300 rubles).
  3. Yalovitsyn’s spinal simulator “Simple-General” - price 11,800 rubles (if you purchase two simulators at once, the price for one is 11,300 rubles).
  4. Yalovitsyn’s spine simulator “Combi” - price 13,500 rubles (if you purchase two simulators at once, the price for one is 13,000 rubles).

We recommend purchasing this device on the official website of the manufacturer. First of all, it's safe. Secondly, it is possible to deliver to all cities of the CIS. Thirdly, there are always discounts (up to 32%).

Customer Reviews

Our online store contains reviews from customers who have already experienced improvement from swing exercises and, as they say, Yalovitsyn’s Swing Exerciser treats the disease itself, and not its symptoms and consequences!

Your feedback is the most valuable thing we have!

Year of birth -1955.

Classes start from 08.11.2010.

Lower back pain after weightlifting injury. Diagnosis: compression fracture of the spine (crushed cartilage disc). Couldn't walk for more than 15 minutes. He lived by the principle: stand - don’t bend, bend - don’t straighten up.

The functions of the musculoskeletal system were restored after 8 months of training.

Zaitsev Vladimir Foteevich.

Year of birth 1942

Start of classes from 06/08/2005.

Constant headaches.

It cost about 2,000 rubles a month for pills, injections and various procedures, and that’s just for me, for my wife it’s even more. We tried everything and started looking for unconventional methods of treating head pain.

7 years ago, in our city, old people began to fashion a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE! I really wanted to get rid of the torment and look younger. With the help of my friends Valery and Lyudmila Pavelev, I decided to train on the simulator. After just 3 weeks, the headaches stopped bothering me, I got rid of the pills, and after 2 months, completely!

I began to feel more energetic! This is the greatest result in recent years of life.

I gratefully recommend the simulator to all my friends!

Year of birth

Start of classes - 08/25/2008

Spinal disease: lumboshalgia, spinal osteochondrosis.

Initially, I was diagnosed with a lumbar hernia. Very strong aching pain in the leg. The 500 meters to work (from the bus stop) was in tears. After that, we went straight to the first aid station, where they gave us an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory injection. After work, the same situation: my husband gave the injection at home.

Doctors treated veins in my legs. It didn’t help me, I had to take sick leave for a month.

I went to a boarding house for treatment and had an x-ray done. They suggested a tomography. The price of the tomography turned out to be comparable to the price of the Yalovitsyn Swing, a simulator for self-stretching the spine at home. I have read several books about spinal traction. I decided to buy it.

The first time I turned head down, the blood rushed to my head and I felt my back being pulled. After class, I immediately lay down on the sofa on my back. During her sick leave, she did not leave the exercise machine, working out every 20 minutes. I realized that the cause of the pain lies in the nerves pinched by the discs and in poor blood circulation in the vessels, also pinched by the discs.

I want to tell everyone that on the swing I got rid of the cause of pain, i.e. The distance between the discs has increased slightly, but the pain has noticeably decreased. Sometimes it bothers me, but the swing is always there. I don't need pills anymore.

Now, this is my home healer! My husband Vladimir, looking at me, also started practicing, he also likes it.

In conclusion, I will say that I coped with my pain MYSELF, thanks to the simulator!

Year of birth

Start of classes from 09/05/2007.

Over the past 5 years, I have felt noticeable improvements not only with my back, but also in general. Not only me, but also my wife Galina really likes it. She even noticed how I began to climb the stairs home to the 5th floor without stopping, and with bags.

My greatest achievement: 2 days behind the wheel without stopping overnight.

Everyday exercise brought good results! I look 10 years younger!

Year of birth

After 4 months of training on the swing, the healing effect began. I sleep more peacefully!

You can order Yalovitsyn's swing by phone

My story of treatment for a herniated disc.

I thought for a long time whether to write this review or not. But, reading the Internet, I saw how many people are faced with a terrible choice when problems with the spine begin. I also had the problem of choosing an operation. But everything worked out. Now I want to confidently say, do not believe doctors who insist on surgery.

My mother found me on the Internet a method for treating the spine of Andrei Yalovitsyn. I started doing gymnastics at home using his method. It’s very simple – stretching under your own weight and a set of exercises, at home.

To this technique I added pouring cold water over the lower back using the Bubnovsky method.

A person can help himself like no one else.

Positive: 49 (87.5%). Negative: 3 (5.36%). Neutral: 4 (7.14%).

Spelling, punctuation and style of reviews have been preserved.

Intervertebral hernia 9mm. The operation was not successful. Couldn't walk on his own. I am apparently one of the first users of “YALOVITSINA SWING”. Moreover, I made the first copy myself, having observed the design in one of the private clinics. Subsequently I purchased a serial one.

Hello, Andrey Mikhailovich!

I bought the Yalovitsyn Swing exercise machine for myself and my aunt (Zemlyanukhina Natalya Pavlovna - editor's note). She will post her grateful review on the website. I’ll answer for myself that I’ve been studying for three months. I am 49 years old. My back and leg hurt a lot (the sciatic nerve was pinched), it was painful to walk, and the feeling in my leg began to disappear.

Age 43

I learned all this in 2011, when I was in terrible pain and could not stand, lie down, or sleep. After the usual drug treatment, I surfed the Internet and came across Yalovitsyn’s swing simulator. I decided to try it and I don’t regret it at all.

Year of birth: 1983

There was no pain, but the neurologist informed me at the appointment that if this protrusion reaches 5 mm, he (the doctor) will declare a hernia. A trifle, not pleasant. Start of classes: July 2012. The first year it hung every day (now 3-5 times a week).

Year of birth: 1978

Month and year of starting classes on the Swing: November-December 2012

What bothered me before classes: From long walking or standing in line at the store, pain appeared in the lower back and radiated to the left leg. Couldn't walk or stand for long.

What medications were used: Didn't take any medications.

Feelings from exercising in the first two weeks and beyond: the pain began to go away, I was able to walk longer, stand calmly and not constantly shift from foot to foot in pain.

Year of birth: 1953

Month and year of start of classes: from December 2011

What bothered me before classes: Spina bifida at the L5-L6 level. Since October 2011, severe constant pain appeared in the right leg in the area of ​​​​the tibia, which made it very difficult to move.

What medications were used: Alflutop

Feelings from exercise in the first two weeks and beyond: After 2-3 weeks, the pain in the leg began to decrease. After 4 months of morning and evening exercises, the pain completely disappeared, and the sensitivity of the foot was restored.

Is there still a need for medications: medications are no longer taken.

Year of birth: 1960

Month and year of the beginning of classes on the Swing: September 1, 2012 to date

What were you worried about before class? What kind of pain? Intervertebral hernia 11 mm - lower back with impact on the lateral surface of the leg

What medications were used: All according to the doctor

Feelings from classes in the first two weeks and beyond: For the first 2 weeks I got up only with the help of relatives. It helped very little. I lay there every day. Only after about 6 months did I begin to feel an improvement after the traction. Now a year has passed - I can say that it has begun to help. The lower back was relieved, but problems remained - pain in the leg. The simulator doesn't help here.

Is there still a need for medications: I do not take medications. Gymnastics, swimming pool, started running. I stretch on the machine every day.

The result is an improvement in the lower back. As a result, it helps only after 6-8 months of training.

Year of birth: 1980

What can I say - I purchased your device on the advice of work colleagues - it helped one with a hernia, another simply with back pain.

I was very bothered by night pain in my back, I even woke up from it. Probably sedentary work plus traffic jams..))

Year of birth: 1979

Month and year of start of classes: Like April 2013

What bothered me before classes: Pain in the lower back, left buttock and left calf muscle

What medications were used: At that time, only Vitamin B (neuromultivitis). What haven’t I taken before?)))))

Feelings from exercise in the first two weeks and beyond: At first, during exercise there were pain sensations in the lumbar spine, it was difficult to lie down on the swing and get up from it, later the pain became less.

Is there still a need for medication? As I already wrote, I only took vitamin B. At the moment I am not taking medication.

Year of birth: 1967

April 15 this year My lower back hurt while playing football.

MRI showed protrusion of the intervertebral disc L4-L5 3mm. To relieve pain, doctors prescribed a standard set: milgam, painkillers, anti-spasm medications.

After the pain disappeared, I began to purposefully do gymnastics to strengthen my back. And I immediately started using your invention for about two weeks in the evening before bed.

Age 52

Year of birth: 1961

Month and year of starting classes on the Swing: July 2012

I rarely exercise on the gym and have little free time. But it helps me a lot when I just need to get in shape or get rid of back pain.

Year of birth: 1972

3) Year of birth: born 1988

4) Month and year of start of classes: 01.2013

5) What kind of pain bothered you before training: He works out with a barbell, there is a large compression load on the intervertebral discs, his back ached after hard training.

6) What medications were used: Glucosamine and chondroitin.

7) Feelings from classes in the first two weeks and beyond. After regular stretching on the swing, after each workout, the discomfort in the back disappeared.

Did the need for medications continue, or after what time did the need for medications cease? No medications are used.

Excellent result. There is a wish to improve the design of fastening the legs and head; you need to use different accessories, such as carabiners or sliders.

Tips for using the simulator

Before exercising on the simulator, you need to remove your watch, jewelry, bracelets, hairpins and rings. It is necessary to do only those exercises that are prescribed by the specialist. During classes, the patient needs to inform the instructor or doctor about his own health. It is imperative to ensure that the lower limbs are not pinched between the parts of the device.

You need to monitor the condition of the loops: they should be placed in the center and be even. The arms and legs are firmly fixed so that they do not slip. To perform the exercises, you must stand facing the machine.

Only the specialist who conducts the lesson should insure the patient.

If, while working on equipment, a patient develops unpleasant feelings in the head or heart, then it is necessary to urgently stop physical activity. If the swing malfunctions, you should stop exercising until the problems are corrected.

If you practice on Yulin's swing under the supervision of a specialist, you can improve the condition of your joints and tighten your muscle corset. This kind of gymnastics will remove pain in the back and make it smooth and healthy.

Simulator device

Yalovitsyn's swing is a folding structure for fixing a person in an upside-down position (simplified description). The design of the device itself is quite primitive, although it consists of many individual elements.

The basis of the simulator is oblong bars, on which the patient lies with his body during the procedure. At the top of the machine there are leg clamps, and at the bottom there are hand clamps and shock absorbers.

The supporting structure of the device can move and change the angle of inclination, so in theory, such a simulator is suitable for any patient, since each person can customize it for themselves. The support of the simulator is made of wooden or metal legs of small thickness, tied with ropes at the bottom to prevent the legs from diverging to the sides.

The device is made from durable wooden blocks that cannot be deformed. This is quite obvious, since the device uses thin bars and, if they are weak, the entire device will collapse under the weight of the patient.

The standard (classic) Yalovitsyn swing is intended exclusively for adults, but children's models are also available for sale.

Yalovitsyn swings are used to treat various diseases of the spinal column. The therapeutic effect is ensured by significantly reducing the load on the spine and muscular back corset.

By eliminating muscle overload, it is possible to improve the blood supply to the soft tissues of the back. And this is not surprising, since muscles spasmed due to overload compress small vessels and prevent normal blood flow.

Reducing the load on the spine allows you to stabilize its position, straighten your posture and literally “put” the vertebrae in place. This is most useful for degenerative diseases of the spine.

In general, Yalovitsyn swings are used for the following pathologies of the musculoskeletal system:

  1. Any forms and degrees of osteochondrosis.
  2. Scoliosis of the first and second degrees.
  3. Ankylosing spondylitis (only under medical supervision!).
  4. Herniated intervertebral discs.
  5. Consequences of moderate injuries to the spinal column or soft tissues of the back.
  6. Muscle strain.

It is worth noting that Yalovitsyn’s swing has not only positive, but also negative reviews on the Internet (they account for 40% of all reviews). In most cases, negative ratings are given to the device for the reason that it does not treat a specific disease, but only temporarily reduces the severity of symptoms.

In order to understand why and how Yalovitsyn’s swings work, you need to understand that they are intended for the treatment of degenerative-inflammatory diseases of the spine. Such diseases occur with impaired utilization of inflammatory products or degeneration of bone or cartilage tissue.

Training on the Yalovitsyn simulator can significantly increase the outflow of inflammatory products (including lymphocytes) and improve blood circulation in the soft tissues of the back. But how does this happen?

The simplest explanation is mechanical. When turning on the simulator and taking a vertical position upside down, the pressure on the valves of the lymph nodes increases. As a result, under greater pressure, the outflow of lymph increases, while the same thing happens in the vessels, causing blood to rush into the soft tissues faster.

In addition, if we are talking about the circulatory system, then increased blood flow is also ensured by relaxing the muscles, which spasm the blood vessels and reduce capillary blood flow by 30-40%.

Also, with a constant change in body position on the Yalovitsyn swing, a gradual change in the axial load on the spinal column occurs. As a result, the spine experiences a dynamic load, which is so lacking in any person in the 21st century (the 21st century is the century of a static body position).


  • Important Note
  • Assembling the simulator
  • Operating procedure for the swing
  • Features of the design and operation procedure of the sport swing
  • Guidelines for using the underbust belt
  • Recommendations

If something didn’t work out for you or you experience inconvenience during classes, call the author at
8-960-176-6344 (from 9-00 to 22-00, Moscow time), he will advise and give the necessary recommendations.

Yalovitsyn's swing



8.1 RP-524801851857-2012

Zavolzhye 2012


Before you start exercising on the Yalovitsyn Swing simulator (hereinafter referred to as the Swing), please read this User Manual!

The user manual contains the necessary data for assembling the simulators from the transport position to the operating position, information on training methods and their duration, and recommendations for the effective use of the simulators.

Due to ongoing work to improve the design of simulators, individual elements may differ from those indicated in this Manual. At the same time, all the functionality of the simulators is preserved.

With wishes of successful training and improved health
with the Yalovitsyn Swing simulator
author of the invention, patent holder A.M. Yalovitsyn

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