No to the army, but skiing is fine. What sports can you do with flat feet?

Flat feet, from a medical point of view, is a change in the shape of the foot, a drooping of its longitudinal or transverse (and sometimes both) arch. How does this affect your ability to run? “Feet are a kind of “springs” that reduce the impact load on the spine and joints when running or walking,” comments Svetlana Shestakova, coach of the Running Community .

Is it possible to run with flat feet? "In general, yes. This disease can be classified differently and have different forms of manifestation, so each specific case must be considered individually, says Svetlana Shestakova. “You can run with flat feet, but only by following a number of important rules.”

Choose the right sneakers

They will help to correctly distribute the load on the spine. “The selection of sports shoes should be carried out by a qualified specialist who, based on certain parameters, will choose the most suitable model for you,” says Svetlana Shestakova.

The service of testing and selecting sneakers is offered by specialized running centers and many large brands of sports shoes. We wrote about what to look for when choosing sports shoes here.

Children's sports and flat feet

Almost all children under 5 years of age have some degree of flat feet. During this period, it is considered physiological and does not require treatment. For some, flat feet persist even after the age of five. However, in this case, measures should be taken to prevent its progression.

Children's feet are very flexible. It can develop and change its shape. Therefore, even significant flat feet can often be corrected by slightly changing your lifestyle. In children with flat feet, all the recommendations given above regarding adults are relevant. Therefore, if a child has a flat foot, it is not advisable to send him to ballet, figure skating, hockey, or any type of physical activity that involves the use of skates or skis.

Article on the topic

Bare feet running along the path. How to protect your child from flat feet? Boys who train with weights to build muscle should limit their loads. Exercises that involve lifting weights while standing should be avoided.

But most sports do not harm the foot and are beneficial to health. In addition to physical training, it is advisable to use other methods aimed at the correct formation of the foot. The problem of flat feet can be solved by massage, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces, as well as properly selected individual insoles or orthopedic shoes.

Give a foot massage

It will help warm up your muscles before training and relieve excess stress after it. “Manipulations such as pinching, stroking, and pressing on the foot are suitable. You can also use massage balls or wooden massage rollers, advises Svetlana. “Natural massage—walking barefoot on sand, grass, and even rocks—has an excellent effect on the foot.”

Do not neglect these recommendations if you do not want to harm your health. “Improper running technique and lack of suitable shoes can injure the knee and hip joints. Such injuries can cause circulatory problems and diseases of internal organs,” sums up Svetlana.

Do you want to learn to run? Follow the tips from this program.

Is it possible or not to run with flat feet?

There is an opinion of a large number of orthopedic doctors that flat feet and running are incompatible things. Moreover, this applies to any stage of the disease. This judgment was correct several decades ago. However, modern developments in the field of designing shoes for sports, the creation of special arch supports and insoles make it possible to engage in your favorite sport even for those who have a flat arch of the foot.

Of course, you can’t do without consulting a specialist. Only he, after a clinical examination and x-ray, will give the correct diagnosis, establish the degree of curvature and determine the level of permissible load.

Thus, the first degree is often outwardly invisible and is characterized by fatigue in the legs after a long walk and physical activity. In the evening, the foot may swell and become painful when pressed. At this stage, running in combination with special exercises can be a good prevention of flat feet to strengthen the muscle and joint system.

The second degree of the disease is characterized by more severe symptoms. The flattening is visible visually. Pain appears not only in the foot area, but also in the knee joints. Physical activity is possible, but it must be dosed. You can jog for a short time. It is mandatory to wear special shoes and use orthopedic insoles.

In the third degree of flatfoot, the foot is severely deformed and there is constant pain. There is swelling and pain in the lower back, hip and knee joints. Unpleasant sensations are observed even during a short quiet walk. The toes become deformed, heel spurs and bumps often appear. It is absolutely clear that in this case we can no longer talk about running.

Types of flat feet

The concept of “flat feet” combines several different types of disorders of the structure of the foot.

This disease often develops in early childhood (about 4 years). A child is born with a flat foot. From the age of 1, the child begins to walk: due to the vertical load to absorb the body, arches of the feet begin to form. If the baby has genetic characteristics of connective tissue, wears uncomfortable shoes, or leads a sedentary lifestyle due to illness, the arch does not form.

Flat feet can also develop in an adult due to wearing uncomfortable shoes, obesity, or improper training techniques. Running with flat feet is allowed/prohibited, taking into account the severity and cause of occurrence.

Our foot has 2 arches: longitudinal + transverse. Types of flat feet differ according to which arch is weakened. There is also combined longitudinal-transverse flatfoot.

Deciding on running training

So, is running with flat feet allowed? Under certain conditions, sports can continue to be an integral part of your life!

Running depending on the degree of impairment


1Slight discomfort, fatigue, swelling of the feet after prolonged exerciseUseful for strengthening the arch
2Pain in foot + knee joint. Swelling, cramps, pain after prolonged exercise. Back discomfort after running Allowed under the supervision of a sports physician
3Visible foot deformities, curvature of the legs, spine, joint damage, pain at restProhibited


A running shoe should have good cushioning, fit comfortably on your foot, and not squeeze your toes. It is advisable to consult a specialist in a specialized store regarding the selection of shoes.

A protective bet against overpronation will help correct running with hallux valgus.

Special insoles

The best course of action is to consult a sports doctor who can help you choose special orthopedic insoles. They can be custom made to ensure your foot feels as comfortable as possible. Give preference to soft insoles.

Load level

Often, an increased level of load with 1st degree flatfoot is the cause of the development of 2nd degree pathology.

It is important to understand that running with flat feet should be combined with exercises to develop stabilizer muscles, foot ligaments, and the calf group.

At the initial stages, training should last no longer than 20-30 minutes 2-3 times/week. Loads can be increased only on the recommendation of a trainer/sports doctor if the arches of the feet are sufficiently strengthened.

A great exercise to train your feet is to grab objects with your toes. We also recommend rolling a ball with your feet, walking on different surfaces barefoot, and signing up for a massage or physical therapy. It is both a prevention and treatment for flat feet for runners.

How to run correctly?

If you have flat feet, it is extremely important to follow all the specialist’s recommendations regarding loads and exercises. There are standard rules associated with jogging with grade 2 and 3 leg disease:

  • It's best not to do marathons. They can only do harm. If there is no professional trainer, you should rely on your own feeling, look at the reaction of the foot and legs when performing a certain running technique. Orthopedists advise doing light jogging at the beginning,
  • The duration of the run should not exceed 30 - 40 minutes. At first, it is better to use the time within 20-30 minutes and observe the condition of the legs. If pain and other unpleasant sensations do not occur, after a week you can increase the load by 5 minutes, and after another 7 days by 5 minutes. As a result, running should take no more than 40 minutes,
  • If the patient decides to run with flat feet, it is necessary to regularly see an orthopedist. This will help avoid complications and understand whether exercise helps improve the condition of the foot.

It is better to invite a trainer for your first lessons. It will help you establish the correct technique and make training easier for your leg muscles. After proper running with flat feet becomes a habit and becomes automated, you can practice on your own.

Running with flat feet is possible and can be part of therapy if you follow all the rules for its implementation. In order to minimize the load on the foot and perform the exercises correctly, it is important to seek qualified help from a professional. An orthopedist will help you understand the causes of the pathology and give recommendations on activities and general strengthening exercises. A trainer will make your workouts not only enjoyable, but also useful.

Physiology and clinical picture

To understand why running with hallux valgus is dangerous and how this disorder is related to flat feet, let's understand the physiology of running.

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Running is a set of jumps with shock load on the joints under the weight of the whole body. In the absence of good shock absorption, such an impact load destroys the joints and leads to compression of the intervertebral discs. Even long walking under such conditions is not without consequences. The arches of the feet perform a shock-absorbing function. They consist of a muscular-ligamentous apparatus that absorbs shock, softens falls, and distributes the load evenly.

Symptoms that occur at different stages of the disease will help to suspect flat feet (if the diagnosis has not been established by a doctor):

  • Pain in the arch of the foot;
  • Formation of heel spurs;
  • Numbness of 2-3 toes;
  • Swelling of the ankle, foot, fingers;
  • Knee + hip pain after running;
  • Erasing the sole of sneakers from the inside (rolling the foot inward);
  • The thumb deviates outward, the interdigital spaces decrease;
  • The supporting joint of the thumb enlarges and a protruding “bone” is formed.

Rolling the foot inward causes rotation of the entire leg under load. Therefore, running with hallux valgus deformity involves the knee + hip joint in the pathological process. Corrective shoes are needed here, otherwise you may get injured.

How can you tell if you have flat feet?

Why did you even ask these questions? You may have encountered unpleasant symptoms of flat feet. These often include the following:

  • pain after a long walk, and sometimes pain can occur at rest;
  • difficulties when choosing shoes - most models seem uncomfortable;


  • after prolonged wear, the shoes become deformed;
  • you don't like the appearance of your feet.

If at least one of these points coincides, you should contact an orthopedist.

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