How to determine the degree of flat feet, is it possible to play sports with flat feet: the opinion of an orthopedist

April 8, 2021


The absence of foot pathologies is one of the important indicators of health.

And, in turn, flat feet can trigger a chain of successive changes in the child’s body. What is important to know about this and how not to “buy” into idle speculation? We talked to an expert.

Is flat feet a congenital pathology?

Only in 3% of cases is flatfoot of a hereditary nature. In all others, this is the result of improper formation of the foot. Moreover, newborn babies have a flat foot, and before the period of active walking it has a pronounced fat pad. Longitudinal and transverse arches are formed gradually, over several years, and one can even say that in Dosadovo children the flat-valgus position of the foot fits into the normal corridor. That is, if you, say, see the footprints of your baby who has barely learned to run in the sand, and they do not have the usual relief - an “adult” notch - this is absolutely normal. No matter what other mothers or grandmothers say about this.

Why does flat feet occur?

Flat feet can be congenital or acquired. Most often, the appearance of this disease is associated with our lifestyle. Among the factors that provoke the development of flat feet are heavy loads on the feet, work associated with constant standing, injuries, excess weight, lack of physical activity and the use of shoes that are harmful to the health of the feet.

It is the wrong shoes that are one of the most common causes of flat feet.

  • If you wear high-heeled shoes, the load on your feet increases 5 times and the pressure on your toes increases, which often leads to their deformation. Shoes with heels cause pain and calluses (dry calluses), which signal the development of flat feet.
  • Flat shoes are also bad for your feet: your heels don't get any extra help when you walk, they take all the impact. Due to the lack of proper support, overstrain of the muscles of the lower leg, thigh and lower back occurs, which can lead to the development or progression of flat feet, arthrosis of the leg joints, inflammation and pain in the spine.
  • Shoes with a narrow toe create excess pressure and often lead to deformation of the toes and poor circulation.

Alarm signals or whims?

But the baby’s recurring complaint: “My legs hurt!” – an indirect sign of flat feet. The baby will not describe in detail how and where exactly it hurts, he simply will not find the right words. It is almost impossible to calculate pathology visually if you are not a doctor. But an orthopedist or foot specialist - podiatrist, having suspected a problem, will conduct tests and examine the baby using a special device - a podoscope. It will clearly show whether the “architecture” of the vaults is developing correctly.

What are we talking about? Without our foot being an ideal shock absorber, walking, running and jumping would turn into a series of endless tremors and micro-impacts to the spine, transmitted to the internal organs and brain. However, nature gave us three arches in the foot (internal, external and transverse). Here they are - three springs, which make walking comfortable at any age. However, if they “sag” or are initially formed incorrectly, flat feet develop.

It comes in three types (depending on which of the arches “sank”): transverse, longitudinal, or mixed, which is a combination of both of these forms.

You should see a podiatrist as a preventative measure when your baby begins to walk. Then the examination must be carried out every two years - at 3, 5, 7 years. Upon reaching school age - once a year. Unfortunately, modern schoolchildren often lead a sedentary lifestyle, and accordingly, orthopedic problems worsen and accumulate.

To run or not?

I am often asked the question: “Is it possible to run with flat feet?” It is possible, but it must be done correctly. Otherwise, pain in the foot will appear. Over time, various deformations are possible, which can only be eliminated by surgical methods. Here are some tips for those who want to run:

Article on the topic Wrong step.
Why flat feet lead to heart problems 1. Use orthopedic shoes .
Or insert insoles into your original shoes to support your arches. Ideally they should be made to order. If you don’t have enough time or money for this, you can buy ready-made ones in medical equipment stores. But over time, I advise you to definitely order individual insoles from your orthopedist, adapted specifically to your foot. 2. Run only on soft surfaces . Thick and flat soles, as well as running on asphalt, are factors that contribute to the worsening of flat feet. In order for the foot to develop properly, it is necessary to ensure the functioning of its muscles. To do this, it is better to run on a soft surface. If possible, you can organize a sand run on the beach. If it is not there, at least run on grass or rubber, but not on concrete or asphalt surfaces.

3. Monitor your well-being . A small load strengthens the human body, excessive load weakens it. If you feel pain in your feet, it is better to stop running. There is no need to go for a run until the pain goes away. If you feel good, you can continue exercising.

Any sport will help you cope with flat feet...?

Enrolling in a sports section is often seen as a panacea for all ills. Alas, many types of sports activities, on the contrary, are contraindicated for a child with foot pathologies. If you have flat feet, all “asymmetrical” sports are not useful. This includes tennis, table tennis, martial arts, fencing, basketball, badminton, and figure skating.

However, many other sports (rhythmic gymnastics, football, etc.), where coaches expect to develop future Olympic champions, are also not beneficial. Children with weak muscles and ligaments and “immature” arches may develop incorrect foot alignment as a result of intense training.

A sport with a plus sign in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system is swimming. Exercising in water relieves tension from the spine and strengthens the arches of the feet, as there is constant footwork, not complicated by gravity, the muscles tense and relax.

Gymnastics and treatment of flat feet

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    7 minutes

    Published:May 18, 2017


    Flat feet or, in other words, planovalgus deformity of the feet is one of the most common pathologies in people. Its severity can be very different - from a slight deviation of the axis of the heel bone and a slight flattening of the longitudinal arch to its complete absence with deformation of the entire foot.

    In a child, the formation of the arches of the feet occurs between the ages of 3 and 5 years. In the first months of life, the plantar surface of the foot in children is smooth. And only when they begin to stand on their feet and walk, the arches of the feet gradually appear. They play a very important role in the formation of correct support and walking, in the development of the joints of the lower extremities and spine.

    The likelihood of developing flatfoot in a child can be predicted in advance if one of the parents, and especially both, has flatfoot.

    Noticeable signs of flat feet in children include:

    - Wear of shoes - the heel wears off more on the inside.

    — Excessive lordosis (bending forward) in the lumbar region and compensatory kyphosis (bending backward, “round back”) in the thoracic region;

    - Awkward gait, the child often stumbles and falls out of the blue;

    — Difficulty in correctly positioning your feet and walking in a straight line;

    — Complaints about rapid fatigue of the legs with minor physical exertion, often pain in the feet, legs and sometimes even in the hip joints and back.

    If a child shows signs of flat feet, parents should immediately consult an orthopedist. It is important to remember that the earlier treatment is started and the more regularly it is carried out, the better the result will be. Treatment of planovalgus foot deformity is lengthy and takes several years.

    It must be daily, constant and systematic. However, it is very difficult to completely get rid of flat feet, but the degree of its manifestation can be reduced.

    In addition, planovalgus foot is a progressive disease. And even an initially minor deformation without proper treatment can lead to very serious consequences in the future.

    Flat feet, especially its severe severity, affect a person’s gait and posture, leading to curvature of the spine, pain in the feet, ankle, knee and hip joints.

    When actively playing sports, due to flat feet, the load begins to be incorrectly distributed to the muscles of the legs and back. This way, individual muscle groups and parts of the spine are overloaded, where severe pain, changes in posture, and sometimes even pinched nerves can occur.

    Therefore, experienced doctors and massage therapists, when identifying the cause of pain in the joints and muscles of the legs and back, first of all evaluate the condition of the feet and the presence of flat feet. Depending on this, they can identify a consistent chain of overload of muscles and joints, which leads, for example, to back pain. After this, effective treatment is prescribed.

    But playing sports with flat feet is not prohibited. On the contrary, special physical exercises are a good way to treat flat feet.

    Treatment for flat feet consists of 5 main points:

    - Physical exercise;

    — Correct shoes;

    — Orthopedic insoles;

    — Formation of correct standing and walking skills;

    - Massage.

    The foot is made up of many bones and joints. They are supported by a whole group of muscles and ligaments. Physical activity is necessary for their harmonious development. But until young children begin to stand on their own feet and take their first steps, they cannot be forced, since their joints and muscles are not yet ready for this.

    But when the child begins to walk confidently, it is recommended to do developmental gymnastics to prevent and treat flat feet. The feet must work, experience loads, bend and unbend, and feel the relief of the surface on which they rest.

    Gymnastic exercises, including apparatus exercises, harmoniously develop leg muscles, teach proper walking and posture, and have various reliefs that massage the arches of the feet.

    The benefits of gymnastic equipment for the treatment of flat feet:

    — Wall climbing and squats massage the arches of the feet, strengthen the muscles of the feet and lower legs.

    — Exercises on a balance beam teach you how to place your feet correctly. Unstable support puts additional strain on the leg muscles. The shape of the log has a massaging effect on the feet when performing various exercises.

    — Exercises on parallel bars, where there is support on the legs, strengthen the muscles of the feet and massage them.

    — Obstacle course climbing consists of walking on various shapes and modules that strengthen the leg muscles.

    — Jumping on a trampoline is a favorite activity for children and one of the most effective ways to strengthen all muscles and joints of the legs. The muscles of the feet work especially actively when jumping on a trampoline. And the trampoline net massages them.

    — Walking and jumping on tactile (massage) circles with different terrain are directly intended for the prevention and treatment of flat feet.

    — Various strength exercises and jumps on the floor, on an acrobatic inflatable track also perfectly strengthen the feet and legs.

    — When jumping rope, the muscles of the feet and legs actively work.

    Some gymnastic exercises to strengthen the arches of the feet can be performed regularly at home:

    1) While standing with your feet together, raise your big toes without lifting the other toes from the support. Repeat 15-20 times 3 times a day.

    2) In a standing position, roll your legs together from heel to toe and back. Repeat 15-20 times 3 times a day.

    3) While standing with your feet together, raise and lower all your toes. Repeat 15-20 times 3 times a day.

    4) While standing with your feet together, move forward on your feet by bending all your toes.

    5) While standing with your feet together, move forward, drawing a triangle with your feet (first spread your toes and connect your heels, then connect your socks and spread your heels, etc.).

    6) Walking on toes/heels.

    7) Maintaining balance on your toes – 10 seconds, 2 approaches.

    Raising on your toes while standing at the support of your legs together - 20 times, 2 approaches.

    9) In a sitting position, legs stretched forward, socks pulled towards you, then pulled forward - 10 times, 2 approaches.

    10) In a standing position on your toes, feet shoulder-width apart, do squats - 10 times.

    11) Jumping on toes on two legs, then on one. Keep your hands on your belt. Perform 10 times 2 approaches.

    12) Roll a round stick or bottle with each foot - 2 minutes 3 times a day or more.

    Choosing the right shoes and orthotics

    The advice is given by pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist of the highest category Alexey Valerievich Vinogradov:

    “In this matter it is important to observe moderation. In healthy children, the child’s feet should not be kept in shoes at all times. At home, allow him to walk barefoot or in socks knitted from coarse threads as much as possible. Soft shoes with soft soles and small heels are also allowed.

    In summer, outdoors, also allow your child to run barefoot or in shoes with soft soles. The feet must work, experience loads, bend and unbend, and feel the relief of the surface on which they rest. Encourage your child to play outdoor games, run, and jump.

    Street shoes should be comfortable, in no case narrow or high-heeled. Shoes should fit snugly but at the same time softly around the foot. The foot in the shoe should not dangle or, on the contrary, be compressed. A heel is allowed, depending on the age of the child, from 1 to 3 cm in size, no more. A child’s feet grow very quickly (especially during periods of physiologically rapid growth - from 4 to 6 years and from 11 to 15 years), so it is necessary to measure the feet at least once every 3-4 months in order to change shoes on time.

    The type of orthopedic insoles, like shoes, and the mode of wearing them is determined only by an orthopedist. They should be comfortable for the child and not cause discomfort when standing and walking. Insoles should only be placed in shoes that support the foot well. Their use together with slippers, sneakers, sandals without a hard back will not give any effect.

    Insoles should be changed once every 6 months or even more often during periods of rapid growth of the child.”

    Formation of correct walking skills

    Recommendations of the highest category pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist Alexey Valerievich Vinogradov:

    “It is very important to teach a child to stand and walk correctly. Without a correctly formed gait stereotype, treatment of planovalgus feet will not give the desired results. When walking, the feet should be parallel, the legs should not be spread apart by more than 5-6 cm.

    The skill of proper walking takes many months to develop. If it is difficult for a child to follow your commands and independently control the position of his feet when walking, then you can draw a strip along which he will walk.”


    To treat planovalgus foot, children are prescribed several courses of therapeutic massage. Parents are also recommended to master classical massage techniques for the systematic and permanent treatment of flat feet in a child.

    If you have any questions, you can consult with our specialists by calling +7 (495) 477 32 69 or leaving a request for a free trial lesson.

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    All articles

  • How to determine the degree of flat feet?

    Using X-rays, you can determine the relationship of the small joints of the foot and identify osteoarthritis, deformation of the first toe and its degree, and chronic bone damage. The very degree of flatfoot (there are four in total) is determined by calculating the angles and height of the arch of the foot formed by the bone structures. The relationship is as follows: the higher the degree, the lower the height of the foot. This means that the pain syndrome is more pronounced and not only the biomechanics of walking is disturbed, but also the position of the body in space.


    Another diagnostic option is plantoscopy. It is performed using a mirror table with lamps (plantoscope). But this type of study will not provide sufficient information to study bone-joint relationships. It is more often used in the early stages of flat feet to confirm or refute the flattening of the arches of the feet in order to select individual insoles.

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    Medical indications

    The complete incompatibility of sports and flat feet is nothing more than a myth. This disease is not a critical contraindication, but not every sports discipline will be useful. In order not to harm the child, doctors strongly recommend a full examination, since the recommendations are influenced by the severity of the pathology, the type and degree of flat feet and the general condition of the musculoskeletal system.

    So, before sending a child with flat feet to any section, you need to:

    • consult a doctor;
    • take an X-ray of the feet;
    • check for the presence of protrusion (it can develop with flat feet).

    After the examination, the orthopedist will give an opinion and recommend the optimal load and the most suitable sports for you.

    Classes in the football section “ABC of SPORTS”

    Most experts are confident that playing football with first-degree flat feet is quite acceptable. For a child with this deficiency, the training regimen is usually adjusted according to the maximum duration of the load. In order to attend classes at the children's football school ABC of SPORT, parents will need to obtain a certificate from a medical institution and give it to the coach. Based on a document certified by a doctor and the decision of the general coaching council, the child is given relaxations in the training regime (regardless of the age and group to which he is assigned).

    In conclusion

    To summarize, we can say that a disease such as flat feet is not a death sentence and does not contribute to an absolute refusal of physical activity. It’s just that when choosing a section, you must remember that the exercises should not cause inconvenience or harm to the baby, so this issue needs to be approached as carefully as possible. Consultation with a doctor is an indispensable factor when choosing any sport. After all, it is the doctor who will be able to give the right recommendations and advise which sports are suitable for your child. He will also be able to advise you on the treatment of this disease and the correct distribution of loads.

    When deciding that a child should still attend any sports section, the choice of shoes deserves close attention. Since shoes for children with flat feet are specific, differing from ordinary ones with more cushioned soles, their cost will be slightly higher. Such shoes must be comfortable for the child and not contribute to overstraining his muscles.

    What to do if you have flat feet?

    An orthopedic doctor will be able to select individual orthopedic foot position correctors, taking into account individual characteristics.

    If the degree of flatfoot is third or fourth, then most likely there is pain when walking and arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints is present. In this case, the orthopedist can recommend orthopedic shoes and exclude model (any other) shoes. And in case of severe pain and severe osteoarthritis and zero effect from conservative treatment (wearing insoles, pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy), surgical intervention is recommended.



    Each case is individual. You should not self-medicate - for timely help, consult a specialist.

    Shoes for flat feet

    Equipment is an integral part of playing sports. If your child does not go to the pool or ski, most likely he will need sneakers, sneakers or boots. Here are some tips for choosing sports shoes for children with flat feet.

    1. A special sole with additional shock absorption is a must.
    2. Shoes should not be too wide and not too narrow, not to interfere with blood circulation, but at the same time sufficiently secure the foot.
    3. The pair is selected strictly according to size.
    4. Use special therapeutic insoles and instep supports.

    How does flatfoot occur and manifest?

    Early signs of a foot defect in a child are perceived as unpleasant sensations for him, manifested as follows: - when playing football and even during regular walking, he gets tired much faster than other kids; - when under load, swelling appears in the muscles, often leading to short-term cramps in the legs; — the usual shoes turn out to be too narrow and begin to wear out the feet. Naturally, the child will not be able to play to his full potential under such conditions. However, personal sensations alone are, of course, not enough for an accurate diagnosis of flat feet. To be completely sure of your child’s illness, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor. And only after consultation with a specialist, a parent has the right to judge whether a child with signs of flat feet can be sent to the section.

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