Choosing a mattress for back pain and spinal diseases

Spinal scoliosis is almost always accompanied by sleep problems, because... With this disease it is very difficult to find a comfortable body position.

And the quality of sleep affects all areas of life - as a result, people can experience enormous constant discomfort, without even realizing that the problem can be significantly alleviated by purchasing the right mattress.

The optimal sleeping position for scoliosis is on your side, with one leg extended and the other tucked in. You can sleep on your back, but not everyone finds this comfortable. It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, because... in this position, the vertebrae are compressed, the nerves are pinched - and this aggravates the deformation of the spine.

It’s great if you’ve found the ideal position for you to sleep in comfortably. But this is not enough to achieve optimal sleep quality; a lot depends on the sleeping place itself.

Blue Sleep Hybrid 2.0 mattress

Which mattress to choose for scoliosis?

Scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, is not something to joke about.
To stop the development of the disease and correct the situation, measures must be taken immediately! It is important to pay special attention to the sleeping area. If the problem already exists, you need to focus on hard models; for prevention, a medium-hard mattress is suitable. The question of which mattress you need for scoliosis is best answered by a doctor, because each case is individual. Scoliosis is a curvature of the back with a displacement of the spine to the right or left. It also appears when a rib or shoulder blade protrudes. This is a very common disease, affecting about 40% of people!


For radiculitis, it is important that the mattress follows the contours of the body, adapts to every curve and provides maximum relaxation. Models with independent springs and soft filling best meet these criteria. If you like springless models, then pay attention to latex or orthopedic foam options. Such surfaces will allow the muscles to rest.

By the way, orthopedists recommend sleeping on your back and bending your knees if you have radiculitis. If you like to sleep on your stomach, it may make sense to do so without a pillow; the main thing is that you are comfortable.

What are the risks of scoliosis?

  1. Light form. It is expressed as a defect in appearance, however, since it is noticeable to others, the patient experiences severe psychological discomfort. The person simply closes down and constantly feels insecure and inferior. In addition, he is limited in some movements.
  2. Severe scoliosis. It is very dangerous because it shortens and deforms the torso, which reduces the volume of the chest and abdominal cavity. In such a body, internal organs are not able to function normally. For this reason, a person may eventually become disabled!

It is worth worrying and taking immediate action already at a mild stage of scoliosis, since, according to statistics, in a third of patients it continues to develop at a rapid rate.

A properly selected orthopedic mattress will help correct the situation, because scoliosis can also develop due to incorrect body position during sleep.

Minor pain in the back, spine and neck

If you do not have pronounced diseases of the spine, but you periodically experience minor pain, double-sided mattresses with independent springs, where one side is hard and the other is medium hard, are best suited for you. Although, in the absence of a specific diagnosis, you can approach the choice differently and focus solely on personal feelings. If you are comfortable on a certain mattress, buy it and do not worry: if you are comfortable while sleeping, the position of your back will not lead to pain.

What kind of mattress should you have if you have scoliosis?

The word “orthopedic” itself means that the product is intended to correct body deformities. Therefore, to find out which mattress is best to choose for scoliosis, you need to read the recommendations:

  1. You cannot sleep on a soft mattress. Preference should be given to products with a medium or high level of rigidity.
  2. If you choose a spring mattress, it is better to consider the option with independent springs: when a person lies down on the product, it bends only where pressure is applied, and not over the entire area. This design supports problem areas - neck, lower back. If two people sleep on a mattress, they will not roll off each other.
  3. As for the mattress filler: in addition to springs, in order to achieve medium hardness, slabs of coconut and latex are added to the product; for high hardness - only coconut. Springless mattresses with these fillers are made according to the same principle; in addition, they can be made of bamboo, polyurethane, or orthopedic foam. Who likes what more?
  4. All of the above mattresses have anatomical properties, but it is believed that a springless mattress is more elastic, and therefore more suitable for patients with scoliosis.

How can you protect yourself from diseases of the musculoskeletal system if you sleep on the right mattress?

Choosing a mattress is not an easy task, especially for a person with a bad back. If you have discomfort and pain in your back, stiffness and fatigue, and you also notice asymmetry of your shoulders and shoulder blades, then most likely you have problems with your spine.

Already from the age of 6, when a person gets used to a sedentary lifestyle, begins to carry a heavy briefcase (most often on one shoulder), and does homework hunched over, the spine receives additional stress and gradually bends. The problem of scoliosis should not be approached lightly. Curvature of the spine has a detrimental effect on most internal organs and systems of the body, disrupting their blood supply. The disease must be treated comprehensively and in a timely manner, as it progresses quickly. Orthopedic mattresses can be used not only to prevent diseases, but also to relieve symptoms for people with osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, scoliosis, and radiculitis.

Causes of scoliosis:

  • genetic predisposition
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • high uneven loads on the spine and others.

On an orthopedic mattress, the weight is distributed evenly, which eliminates the appearance of pain in the shoulders and back, and poor posture. A person feels rested even after a short sleep. In addition, on average, a mattress lasts more than 10 years, so choosing the right one will help not only correct health problems, but prevent their development.

Main rules for choosing a mattress

Selecting a mattress is an individual matter; it is impossible to buy it based only on other people’s advice. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with your purchase, it is best to do the following:

  1. Consult an orthopedic doctor. Especially if you already have scoliosis. The doctor will take into account your build, height, weight, age, stage of the disease, and give appropriate recommendations on choosing the right mattress.
  2. Be sure to lie down on the mattress. Before you buy, “try” it. The orthopedic properties of the product are realized only when you feel as comfortable as possible on it.

How to choose the right mattress?

What should you consider when choosing a mattress?

Typically, manufacturers conventionally distinguish 5 degrees of hardness, the third of which is the most optimal. But choosing a mattress is a very individual thing and depends on many factors:

  • age;
  • body mass;
  • height;
  • Lifestyle;
  • spinal health.

The same product will be felt completely differently by people with different builds, health and preferences.


A person has a curved S-shaped spine. In newborns and children up to the age of two or three years, it is characterized by an almost straight shape, since the curves are still forming. During this period of development, he needs a hard mattress without springs. The filler should not cause an allergic reaction or attract pests. These are latex, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer. In adolescence and up to 25 years, a child needs a mattress of optimal medium hardness, because the spine continues to form. Soft mattresses are contraindicated until adulthood, in order to avoid negative consequences for the spine. Then you can purchase any option convenient for you.

The choice of mattress at retirement age deserves special attention. It is not recommended to use an overly hard product, as this can lead to spinal diseases. If you already have them, it is best to consult your doctor before purchasing. Depending on the problem, several rules can be distinguished:

  • If the cervical and thoracic spine are concerned, the product should have medium hardness;
  • For complaints of lower back pain, soft mattresses are recommended;
  • The presence of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
    and spinal curvature require choosing a more rigid surface.


Body weight also plays an important role. For a person weighing up to 55 kg, a soft mattress with a thick coconut layer would be an excellent choice. From 55-90 kg medium density is recommended. Pay attention to the permissible load: if the mattress has high weight limits, a person with an average build may find it too hard. If the scales are more than 90 kg, you will need increased hardness, achieved through springs or a two-layer filler. When choosing a mattress for a double bed, you should take into account the anatomical features of both partners.

What is the difference between soft and hard mattresses?

  • The soft product has a pliable surface that bends strongly under a person, which is convenient for the elderly and those who like to sleep on their sides. With constant use it causes deformation of the spine and compression of the lungs. In this case, the back is in a tense state, as the muscles strive to maintain the correct body position.
  • A firm mattress has the opposite effect, keeping your back straight. Suitable for professional athletes and those who like to sleep on their stomach. But the excessive hardness of the surface does not allow the pelvis and shoulders to relax, “sinking” into the product. At the same time, the lower back also does not receive proper rest due to poor circulation.
  • A medium-hard mattress flexes to conform to the anatomical features of the body. Thus, the spine is not in an unnatural position, and the muscles relax. Give preference to just such a product, and best of all, pay attention to an orthopedic product.

Back check

The only sure way to choose a mattress that is comfortable for you is to try it on yourself. Lie down on it and lie there for at least five minutes. In this case, you should be wearing light clothing, there should not be a layer of polyethylene on the product, and you must lie without a pillow. Personal feelings will tell you best. Some people find it more comfortable to sleep on a hard mattress, while others prefer a soft bed.

Unfortunately, store consultants and other buyers make it very difficult to calmly choose a mattress, so it is better to buy a product with the right to return it within a few days if necessary. A private store or showroom will also help you avoid unnecessary glances from surrounding staff. There are also double-sided mattresses with medium and hard sides. This way, you can choose what is more comfortable for you, or alternate surfaces.

Selecting a base

Supporting the body in a comfortable position during sleep is achieved due to the springs and elasticity of the filler. The hardness of the mattress depends on the base. There are three types of fillers:

  • Latex. The highest quality material, with medium rigidity and excellent orthopedic qualities. Provides a comfortable body position while resting.
  • Coir. Natural material obtained from coconut palms. It has greater hardness required for children's mattresses. Often a mixture of latex and coconut coir is used to achieve medium hardness.
  • Polyurethane foam. Artificial filler, characterized by low cost. At the same time, it is also able to adapt to the curves of the human body and provide a comfortable position.

The top layer should be soft in any case. In this case, the material must have sufficient density to prevent the impact of hard springs.

Carefully study the characteristics of the product before purchasing.
Try to choose mattresses with a built-in side zipper. Thus, conscientious manufacturers enable customers to verify that the declared qualities are exactly true. Remember that your productivity and health depend on the right mattress. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

What happens to a person when he sleeps on an uncomfortable mattress?

If the mattress is too hard or soft, then:

With a hard mattress: under the influence of gravity, the curves of the spine are smoothed, the preservation of which is very important.

With a soft mattress: the mattress is pressed down and the bed takes on the appearance of a hammock, this also disrupts the natural position of the body.

Due to poor elasticity, there is no support for different parts of the body, which causes involuntary muscle tension.

An uncomfortable position on the “wrong” mattress causes poor circulation and provokes discomfort. For example, someone who sleeps on a mattress that is too hard often rests their arms and legs while sleeping.

Test online:

Assess how you feel during the day to see if you have sleep disorders

As a result, a person who sleeps on an unsuccessful mattress often wakes up in the middle of the night from a feeling of discomfort, gets up in the morning with tense, stiff muscles, aching joints, and a headache. What kind of proper rest is there if the person who wakes up feels like he spent the night on bare boards? Over time, sleeping on an unsuitable mattress can lead to the accelerated appearance of spinal osteochondrosis.

Thus, resting on an unsuccessful mattress spoils the quality of sleep and is harmful to health. The solution in this situation is the use of orthopedic mattresses.

Recommendations for choosing a pillow

Without relaxing the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, night rest will not be complete. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of pillow responsibly. It should not be too high and soft so that the vertebrae are not pinched. At the same time, sleeping without a pillow is harmful to your health.

The best option would be a cushion under the head. Its width should correspond to the shoulder girdle, and its height should be selected individually experimentally. The main thing is that there is no depression between the back and the back of the head, and that the spine remains straight.

Modern orthopedic pillows are most often made of latex and foam rubber. They hold the cervical vertebrae well, allowing them to breathe. Less common are coir-latex fillers and models with reinforced springs.

Experts advise adhering to the following recommendations when choosing orthopedic pillows:

  • models with filler without springs are preferred;
  • For a child, it is better to purchase pillows made of “breathable” material (for example, coconut);
  • It is better for adults and teenagers to sleep on bolster pillows with memory foam;
  • For advanced stage disease, rigid orthopedic models with filler are suitable.

Choosing bedding and sleeping position is an important part of scoliosis prevention. But it should be supplemented with therapeutic exercises, swimming and strength exercises.

What is scoliosis - its symptoms

It is a mistake to believe that scoliosis is a disease that should only be treated in childhood. Many adults have given up on it and go to see a specialist only during exacerbations. Meanwhile, scoliosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine, which affects not only schoolchildren, but also people who are forced to spend a lot of time at their desk . Scoliosis can often occur between the ages of 9 and 17 years as a result of excessive physical activity.

The curvature of the spine, which is observed with scoliosis, can be congenital or acquired, but this does not reduce the degree of pain.

It is easy to recognize scoliosis in children, even if you are not a doctor. Ask your child to bend over and let his hands go down. A diseased spine will be asymmetrical.

If in the early stages the disease may not cause serious inconvenience, then with third-degree scoliosis the angle of curvature of the spine is already so large that the spinal table begins to “twist” around its axis, a hump appears, and the chest, on the contrary, becomes sunken, “tunnel” syndrome develops .

In this case, what happens:

  • pinched nerves, which leads to severe pain, including in internal organs;
  • the motor function of the limbs is impaired (for example, the hands or feet may “fail”).

Of course, an orthopedic mattress is not a panacea and it will not be possible to cure the disease. However, in combination with other measures, for example with the Chenot corset, it can stop the progression of the disease by reducing the load on the intervertebral discs.

An orthopedic mattress supports the spine in an ideal anatomical position, therefore it is a reliable preventive way to eliminate the risk of scoliosis.

Which mattress is definitely not suitable for a bad back?

Everyone who suffers from back problems has one enemy among mattresses - a Bonnell spring mattress. Dependent spring blocks bend under the heaviest part of the body - usually the hips - and form a dimple in the middle. The back takes on an unnatural position, the shoulders are too high, the pelvis is too low. As a result of sleeping on such a product, the pain intensifies, adding to it a feeling of overexertion in the back and shoulders. If you want the mattress not to harm your back, read which mattress is better: spring or springless.

A mattress for back pain can be either spring or springless, but always with an independent block - when each spring is “dressed” in its own fabric pocket, all parts of the body are supported evenly.

Pillow configurations

For convenience and comfort, manufacturers invent all kinds of models and shapes of orthopedic pillows. Its main function is to properly support the neck and head during sleep.

Classic rectangle or square

– these pillows are no different in shape from the usual pillows, compact in size, orthopedic functions are achieved due to the filler. However, manufacturers strive to improve the quality of products as much as possible, and rectangles or squares can be maximally adapted to the anatomical characteristics of a person.

Pillows with bolsters

- speak for themselves. These models are configured with special support rollers. For those who prefer to sleep on their side, a pillow can be an ideal option for supporting the neck and upper spine.

Crescent pillows, horseshoes

– designed directly to support the neck of those who suffer from severe cervical osteochondrosis. Suitable for those who like to sleep on their back. These pillows can be used not only for normal sleep on a bed, but also when you have to sleep in a car or on an airplane.

Pillows with recesses for the head, butterflies

– universal for any sleeping position. Like other models, they provide good support for the head and neck. Most often, this model is used to make children's pillows.

Lumbar pillows, bolsters

– support the lumbar spine.
Basically, such a pillow is needed by people with sedentary work, professional drivers and those who suffer from herniated discs and other spinal diseases. It relaxes well and naturally supports the spine. When using an orthopedic pillow, the most natural position of the neck and spine is achieved - parallel to the mattress.

Therapeutic treatment methods

With the help of complex therapy, it is possible to cure first and second degree scoliosis and significantly improve the patient’s condition with third degree scoliosis.

Table. Scoliosis therapy - methods and description.



Specially designed exercises, the purpose of which is to strengthen the back muscles, correct them, and tone the body muscles.


Food rich in proteins and minerals.

Manual therapy

Relaxation and toning of certain muscles.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Thermal and electrical stimulation.

Water gymnastics

Swimming, exercise.


To relax and create tension in muscles, accelerate blood flow.

Drug therapy

Restoration of mineral balance.


Wearing an orthopedic product.


Decoctions, compresses.


If necessary, rigid fixation of the spine.

First degree therapy

First-degree scoliosis is best treated in adults. The main goal of therapy for early detected primary scoliosis is external influence on the muscular frame and the entire spine.

For this, physical therapy is used, including exercises to strengthen the back muscles and the entire muscular system.

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