Back taping for scoliosis of the thoracic spine

Slouching is a worrying sign. This is a signal about possible problems in the functioning of the body. Incorrect posture leads to dysfunction of internal organs, the nervous system and diseases of the spine. Kinesio taping helps restore correct posture for both adults and children. Kinesio tapes show high effectiveness not only for the prevention of stooping, but also in the treatment of scoliosis.

Taping is a technique developed by an American physiotherapist in the late 70s. Dr. Kenzo Kase sought to speed up the healing of injured patients by applying adhesive elastic bands to the body according to special patterns. Thanks to impressive results, the technique has become widespread in both medical and sports environments.

A thermoactive polymer adhesive is applied to the surface of the tape, so the tapes stay on the skin for up to 5 days. The adhesive layer does not dissolve upon contact with sweat or water. The application does not limit the range of your activities: exercises, showers, swimming in the pool do not provoke peeling of the tapes.

Taping for scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disease that can affect the spine at any age. Deformities occur in both newborns and adults. In this case, the spinal column bends and twists, which leads to serious health problems. To restore correct posture in patients, doctors use both surgical treatment and non-surgical methods of therapy. Taping for scoliosis is used as an auxiliary technique not only in the postoperative period, but also in combination with massage, exercises and corsetry.

Application of kinesio taping of the spine for scoliosis

  • relieves hypertonicity of the back muscles;
  • increases freedom of movement;
  • reduces pain;
  • accelerates the recovery period;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in tissues;
  • strengthens the muscle corset.


The causes of scoliosis remain unknown in most cases. According to statistics, 80% of patients are diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis. This means that the causes of the disease could not be determined.

The remaining 20% ​​of cases are explained by:

  • congenital pathologies;
  • injuries;
  • diseases of the neuromuscular system;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • metabolic disorders.

According to many experts, scoliosis develops under the influence of a combination of genetic and external factors. The patient has a genetically determined hereditary predisposition, which manifests itself after an injury, a viral disease or during puberty.

Taping for scoliosis in children

The child’s body quickly changes, so treatment for scoliosis should begin as early as possible. This way there is a greater chance of avoiding surgery and unnecessary stress. If scoliosis is at an early stage and the child receives treatment prescribed by a doctor, taping for scoliosis in children is additionally used to enhance the effectiveness of special exercises. For this purpose, a prophylactic application is used. It gently corrects posture and is suitable for both calm and active children.

  • Measure 2 pieces of standard kinesio tape 2 cm wide and length from the shoulder joint to the child's fingertips.
  • Round the corners at the ends of the bands to improve grip.
  • Prepare the skin of your hands for application by degreasing it with an alcohol wipe.
  • On your outstretched arm, with the inner side facing you, begin to apply the tape without tension, moving in a spiral in an outward direction.
  • Rub the surface of the patch to activate the adhesive. Repeat on the other hand.

This application, due to irritation of the skin at the sensory level, stimulates the reflexive unfolding of the arms and bringing the shoulder blades together. This works as a preventative against slouching and also involves the rhomboid and trapezius muscles in maintaining proper posture.


Scoliosis of the spine in adolescents can take different forms, which have letter designations:

  • C – with one scoliotic arch;
  • S – 2 arcs;
  • Z – 3 arcs.

Spinal curvature has several degrees, which determine the severity of symptoms and methods of orthopedic correction. The degrees are determined by the magnitude of the deviation angle using radiography:

  • 1st degree. The spine deviates no more than 10°, the rotation of the vertebrae is small;
  • 2nd degree. The arc angle is 10–25°, the vertebrae at the maximum point of curvature are rotated relative to the axis and are moderately deformed;
  • 3rd degree. Deviation of 25–50°, pronounced rotation of the vertebrae, the presence of a costal hump, persistent deformity of the spinal column;
  • 4th degree. The angle is greater than 50°, severe curvature causes significant distortion of the entire body and displacement of internal organs with disruption of their functioning.

Taping for scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis is uncommon in adulthood. This is either a curvature of the spinal column that was not fully cured in childhood, or an acquired problem. Diagnosing scoliosis in an adult is not easy, because many do not pay attention to painful sensations in the back, attributing them to fatigue.

It is possible to understand that you have problems with the spine after palpating the back muscles. Hypertonicity is a clear sign of curvature. A simple application used for taping for scoliosis in adults will help relieve spasm and maintain posture in the correct position.

  • Prepare 2 pieces of tape 5 cm wide and 30 cm long, round the edges.
  • Release the 5 cm long edge of the tape (anchor) and apply it without tension in the area of ​​muscle hypertonicity. Glue the remaining piece of tape with a tension of 50%.
  • Apply the tape on the opposite side of the spine without tension.

The result is a symmetrical application of two parallel strips of kinesio tape. It equally effectively relieves muscle hypertonicity and stiffness of movement in both lumbar and thoracic scoliosis.

Expert opinion

Patients often confuse two concepts: scoliosis and scoliotic posture. These are different diseases. Scoliosis involves rotation of the vertebrae, scoliotic posture does not. In practice, this means that postural disorders can be cured (with the right approach, completely curable).

Scoliotic posture is a lateral curvature of the spine without structural changes. It is noticeable only when the muscles relax. If a person consciously straightens his back, the asymmetry disappears. Scoliotic posture develops due to weakness of the muscular corset of the back, hypertonicity of the deep muscles and uneven development of muscles on both sides.

Taping schemes

Kinesio taping for scoliosis makes treatment less painful, speeds up rehabilitation and supports muscles around the clock. The use of tapes is available not only to doctors and athletes. To apply the application correctly, a basic knowledge of the structure of the musculoskeletal skeleton and the basics of kinesio taping is sufficient. The schemes developed by experts are presented in specialized literature. For example, in the book “Basics of Kinesiological Taping” by V. Gait, dozens of applications are described and illustrated in detail.

A number of rules have been adopted for their implementation:

  • Before applying kinesio tape, prepare the taping area by removing any remaining ointments and degreasing the skin with an alcohol wipe.
  • Palpate the back muscles to determine which side of the spinal column has hypertonicity.
  • Apply the applique, following the instructions for the selected pattern.
  • Remove tapes while holding the skin to avoid injury.


When diagnosing scoliosis of the spine, the doctor performs a general examination. It assesses the degree of curvature of the physiological curves of the spine and the condition of the joints. The examination is carried out in a lying, sitting and standing position: the doctor determines the presence of asymmetry of the spine, chest and pelvis.

Diagnosis of scoliosis may require the use of additional research methods:

  • radiography of the spine;
  • Ultrasound of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance therapy.

Additional studies help to more accurately determine the cause of the deformity, the location and severity of the curvature. All this helps in further treatment of the disease.


The use of tapes for scoliosis is indicated at any age. This is an effective and safe method for health. But there are also contraindications for using applications:

  • skin prone to injury;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased sensitivity to tape components.

To get the maximum benefit from taping, consult your doctor before the procedure.

Back tapes

To carry out the procedure, kinesiology tapes are used. These are elastic, breathable tapes that are glued to the surface of the skin according to certain patterns. They are fundamentally different from ordinary patches, so they have several effects at once:

  • maintain the spine/muscles in a physiologically correct position;
  • relieve part of the load without limiting mobility;
  • reduce the intensity of pain;
  • tense muscle groups relax, and weakened ones become toned.

If we add to this the fact that tapes are invisible under clothing and stay on the skin for 3-5 days (even when visiting the pool and shower), then they become an indispensable tool in professional activities and everyday life.

Gluing technique

There are 3 main methods of back taping, depending on the pathology. They are also used for sports injuries.

Name of the technique

Most often, muscle technique is used for injuries.

The technique helps relieve pain.

Lymphatic (lymphatic drainage) technique

Lymphatic drainage technique is used for acute injuries and swelling.

The technique increases the flow of lymphatic fluid from the area of ​​edema.

This technique is used to restore back muscles after surgery and improve athletic performance.

The condition of all muscles improves.

Therapeutic taping can be performed with a stretched or unstretched patch. In the first case, the adhesive tape is first stretched, and after being attached to the skin, it contracts again. In the second case, the skin on which the patch is attached is first stretched. After gluing the tape, the tissue returns to its original position, stimulating the outflow of lymph.

Taping consists of several steps:

  1. It is necessary to cut off a small tape, rounding the edges of the tape.
  2. When applying kipesiotapes, the first and last centimeters of the tape are not stretched.
  3. Stretch the skin in this area and carefully stick the patch onto the skin.
  4. The kinesio tape strip needs to be activated. To do this, you need to pass it in the place of gluing several times, slightly pressing on the tape.

But at the same time, the methods of gluing tapes of forms I and Y are different. See the photo for more details.

Tapes I

The technique of gluing such a patch is quite simple. First, you need to determine the desired length of the tape based on the maximum stretch of the muscle to which the tape will be attached. Then you need to separate the working part of the patch from the paper, leaving about 4 cm unstuck.

Then, under the condition of very weak tension, you need to stick the kinesio tape onto the skin. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the absence of folds. To ensure the surface is as smooth as possible, the tape should be thoroughly rubbed by hand.

After this, the remaining kinesio tape for the back is separated and glued to the skin without tension. It should also be rubbed with your hand so that the tape is better fixed to the body.

Tapes Y

The Y-shaped tape is rounded on one side. On the other hand, it is cut into 2 strips. Their ends are also rounded. The length of the patch is determined based on the maximum stretch of the muscle. To begin, separate a piece of tape 4 cm long. The base of the tape is applied to the starting point of the muscle. Then the muscle is stretched to its maximum. The strips are applied in the direction of the fibers and wrap around the muscle along the periphery.

The remaining part of the tape is glued without tension. After this, the tapes for muscle pain are rubbed well to fix them more firmly.

Patient reviews

Arina . I want to start my review with words of gratitude to the doctor. Taping helped me avoid surgery. I wore the application for 10 days. The therapy itself lasted a month. Additionally, of course, I attended exercise therapy and swimming. But with the patch it was much easier for me to sit and walk.

Paul. The technique really helps. In addition to the fact that posture is normalized, the skin is smoothed, swelling goes away. At first there was a slight discomfort due to the fact that the tape was pulling the vertebrae in the right direction, but then everything became normal. At the end of wearing the application, a slight itching appeared, but when the tape was removed, everything went away.

Ideally, you should undergo osteopathic correction before kinesiotaping. Then you can enhance the work of tissues by taping.

Efficiency and possible negative consequences

During the first days, tapes interfere with movement, as they correct the position of the vertebrae.
The kinesiotaping technique is an effective means of treating scoliosis. A positive result can be achieved if taping is a method of influence aimed at supporting and strengthening other rehabilitation techniques.

It is advisable to use this method to potentiate different approaches to physical therapy. Success is achieved through targeted stimulation of muscle activity.

A possible negative consequence is an allergic reaction. It is temporary.

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