Danger of protrusion of the cervical spine segments c3-c4, c4-c5, c5-c6, c6-c7


: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich
: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Date of publication: 10.10.2014 Date of update: 12.11.2020

One of the serious diseases of the spine is the so-called cervical protrusion, when the intervertebral disc protrudes beyond its normal boundaries. This disease is considered very dangerous, since in the neck area there is a very thin and vulnerable spinal canal through which many nerve endings pass.

The negative impact of any external factors leads to the fact that the cervical discs lose their shock-absorbing ability and cease to compensate for the load on the spinal column. As a result, a person, without timely treatment, begins to experience severe and regular pain.

Causes of cervical protrusion

Various injuries to the neck and spine, as well as previous infectious diseases, are the most common causes of protrusion of the cervical spine. They cause metabolic disorders in the cervical region, as a result of which the disc gradually loses its natural properties and becomes displaced. Other reasons:

  • Existing problems with the spine (kyphosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis)
  • Incorrect posture, prolonged stay in an unnatural position
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Prolonged spasms of the spinal muscles
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Overweight

Causes of protrusions in discs c3-c4, c4-c5, c5-c6

The main cause of protrusions in any part of the spine is osteochondrosis . With this disease, degenerative changes occur in the spine caused by degeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joints and intervertebral discs. Advanced cervical osteochondrosis is also dangerous due to aseptic necrosis of bone structures, therefore, sufficient attention should be paid to the diagnosis of neck diseases, especially if the patient is at risk for the development of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. This category includes people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, abuse alcohol, suffer from tobacco addiction, are overweight or have endocrinological diseases (diabetes mellitus, gout).

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Experts believe that the level of human motor activity is crucial in the mechanism of development of osteochondrosis. If a person moves little, travels most of the time by personal transport, does not play sports, rarely walks, he will develop hypodynamic disorders. The anatomical feature of the cervical spine is therefore rather weak muscles. And with physical inactivity, their tonic tension decreases even more. This can cause muscle atonia (inability to contract). In addition, physical inactivity is also manifested by impaired digestion, respiratory function (the diaphragm muscles also lose the ability to contract intensively) and circulatory disorders, including blood flow in the cerebral vessels that provide nutrition to the intervertebral discs of the neck.

Cervical osteochondrosis syndromes

Additional diseases

Protrusion of discs c3-c4, c4-c5, c5-c6 can also develop against the background of the following diseases and provoking factors:

Symptoms of cervical protrusion

When a person begins to feel frequent pain in the neck and back of the head, these are clear symptoms of cervical protrusion. The pain can often radiate under the shoulder blade or into the arm, numbness of the hands and a feeling of “pins and needles” appear. Other signs of the disease:

  • Sudden jumps in blood pressure, accompanied by tinnitus, frequent headaches
  • General fatigue and increased irritability
  • Feeling of tightness in the neck muscles
  • Possible periodic loss of consciousness due to severe pinched nerves

What is POSSIBLE for diseases of the spine

What NOT to do for spinal diseases

Treatment methods for cervical disc protrusion

It is necessary to begin treatment of cervical protrusion in a timely manner, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and his condition. The clinic’s doctors prescribe complex treatment, consisting exclusively of effective methods of oriental therapy:

  1. Herbal medicine – relieves inflammation, stabilizes metabolism, accelerating disc recovery
  2. Acupuncture - by influencing biologically active points, tissue healing is accelerated and blood circulation is stimulated
  3. Manual therapy - treats an ailment such as protrusion by reducing the load on the cervical spine and releasing compressed nerves and blood vessels.
  4. Pharmacopuncture. The essence of the method is to administer small doses of homeopathic medicines directly to the affected area to the patient, which allows activating metabolic processes and providing complete and deep tissue nutrition.
  5. PRP therapy is the latest method of stimulating regenerative processes. It is used to restore the functions of various organs after diseases and injuries, including to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system.

Treatment of cervical protrusion at the Paramita clinic

Experienced doctors at the clinic will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and select a comprehensive treatment that will make you feel better literally after the first procedures.

The specialists of our clinic are deservedly famous for their many years of experience and high qualifications. We treat cervical protrusion without the use of drugs or surgery, using only reliable and proven methods of oriental therapy. After completion of treatment, we give recommendations on prevention and maintaining your health in good shape.

Sign up for a free initial appointment


Treatment of C5-C6 disc protrusion is carried out in several stages:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • work with the cause of the disease;
  • restoration of metabolism in the back area;
  • preventing further development of protrusion;
  • normalization of the patient's general condition.


Drug therapy plays an important role in the treatment of cervical protrusions.

The patient may be prescribed:

Analgesicsrelieve pain
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugseliminate the inflammatory process
Muscle relaxantsrelieve muscle spasms in the back area
Biostimulantsnormalize metabolic processes in cartilage tissue, restore blood circulation in the damaged area
Chondroprotectorsrestore cartilage tissue
B vitaminsstrengthen the immune system, help the body fight disease


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Next fact

The need for surgical intervention arises in the following cases:

  • when protrusion constantly increases;
  • when there is a threat to the patient's life;
  • when conservative therapy is ineffective.

Today, surgical treatment of patients with protrusions is carried out using a laser . In this case, the nucleus pulposus is partially removed, as a result of which the disc is reduced or returned to its place. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, the rehabilitation period is reduced to a minimum.

Exercise therapy and massage

Many people are mistaken in believing that protrusion can only be cured with medications. The first thing a person suffering from this disease should do is change their lifestyle and add physical activity to it. So, by doing therapeutic exercises, you can strengthen the muscle corset and stop the destructive process. Such exercises are especially useful for protrusions caused by cervical osteochondrosis.

Exercise therapy for neck protrusion is a standard complex. A set of exercises is compiled by a doctor individually for each patient. Most often it includes:

  • tilting the head back to the shoulders;
  • head turns;
  • tension in the neck muscles (a person squeezes his temples with his hands or presses his palm on his forehead);
  • tilting the head to the jugular fossa.

You can perform the listed exercises outside of periods of exacerbation. It is important to ensure that your breathing is even and calm, and to avoid excessive stress. If an exercise causes pain, it is better to avoid doing it.

Another way to treat C5-C6 protrusion is massage (acupressure and general) . It helps eliminate muscle spasms, restore blood circulation in the affected area of ​​the back, and reduce the symptoms of congestion.

Treatment at home

If desired, protrusion can be treated at home.

Popular traditional medicine recipes are presented below:

MeansRecipeRecipe Features
Turpentine bathsTake 10 grams of baby soap and grate it. Mix the resulting shavings with a liter of boiling water, a glass of turpentine and a 1% solution of salicylic alcohol. Fill the bath with water at a temperature of 37-40 degrees, add 3 tbsp to the water. the resulting mixture, take a bath for 10 minutes. This recipe has contraindications. It is prohibited for use in patients with concomitant vascular or cardiac pathologies.
ComfreyTake comfrey root, grind it and mix with honey. Take 1 tsp. daily in the morning. After ten days of such therapy, you need to take a break. If desired, the plant can be used to prepare an alcohol tincture and apply compresses to the affected area of ​​the spine.
KalanchoeTake a leaf of a medicinal plant, remove the film from one side and apply the leaf to the skin so that its pulp comes into contact with the affected area. Secure the sheet with a plaster and wrap it with a woolen scarf on top. To achieve a pronounced inflammatory effect, such compresses should be done at night.
St. John's wort, birchBuy oil from St. John's wort or birch leaves (sold in many pharmacies) and rub it on the sore spot. The oil relieves pain and inflammation, restores damaged nerve endings.

It is important to understand that the use of these recipes can only improve your well-being. Therefore, they should be used as part of complex therapy .


Dorsal protrusion of the C5-C6 disc is easier to prevent than to cure. Preventive measures come down to the rules below.

A bulging intervertebral disc in the neck is quite dangerous, so doctors recommend using a special bandage at the time of treatment. Using a special bandage. You can consult your doctor about choosing this device. Typically, the bandage is worn in the mornings (about 30 minutes) and evenings (for 2 hours). It is important to ensure that the bandage is on the body for no more than 3 hours a day. Otherwise, the neck muscles will weaken and the disc will move to the side. Ultimately, this will lead to the formation of an intervertebral hernia.

Regular visits to the doctor . Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle should take an increased interest in their health. Periodic examinations make it possible to identify pathology at an early stage of its development and immediately begin its treatment.

Using a special pillow . Pillows with indentations (like travel pillows) are sold in many stores. They wrap tightly around the neck and relieve tension from the muscles. Such products should be used during long trips, while watching TV, and so on.

Refusal of outdoor games (including basketball and football), gymnastics, swimming, and excessive physical activity . It is also prohibited to tilt the head upward for a long time.

The listed measures will help maintain the health of the spine and avoid the development of protrusions.

Diagnosis of cervical protrusion

Primary diagnosis of cervical spine protrusion in our clinic is carried out using unconventional methods:

  • Pulse diagnostics. Based on impulse signals, the doctor determines the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body.
  • Load tests. Show functional changes in the body caused by a local problem.
  • Neurological tests. Allow the doctor to accurately determine the degree of functional impairment that protrusion entails.

To definitively confirm the diagnosis, instrumental methods are used:

  • MRI. The safest and most informative method for protrusion. Using magnetic resonance imaging, it is possible to establish the presence, shape and size of the protrusion, and to assess the nature and depth of the inflammatory process.
  • Radiography. Less informative, but cheaper diagnostic method. Shows the presence of pathological changes in the cervical spine.
  • CT scan. It is an auxiliary diagnostic method for protrusion; it allows one to identify pinched nerves, which cannot always be seen on MRI.


Protrusions in the discs of the c3-c7 segment can be classified not only by location, but also by the degree of destruction of the disc, as well as by the direction of its displacement. In total, there are three types of cervical protrusion.

Classification of protrusions in discs c3- c 4, c 4-c5, c5- c 6

VarietyLocalization (direction of protrusion)
Central (median, dorsal)The central part of the spinal canal (the central spinal canal in which the spinal cord is located). Possible compression of spinal nerve endings
ParamedianLeft or right side towards the spinal canal. Occurs in approximately 4-5% of cases, clinically expressed quite strongly
LateralBack or side of the disc

Classifications of intervertebral hernias

The lightest protrusions with a relatively favorable course are considered to be lateral and central protrusions. These pathologies can be virtually asymptomatic for several years, since such protrusions are not prone to rapid progression without intense exposure to negative and provoking factors.

Prevention of cervical protrusion

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing protrusion to a minimum, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body;
  • monitor your posture, when working sedentarily, take breaks every hour and stretch your neck by performing special exercises;
  • engage in physical exercise (swimming is especially useful for preventing cervical protrusion);
  • fight obesity (extra pounds contribute to increased stress on the spine);
  • Healthy food.

Stages and types

Depending on the severity of the situation, there are 3 stages of development of lumbar protrusion:

  1. Mild - the protrusion is barely noticeable, so even with the use of modern high-precision examination methods, not every specialist will be able to notice it. The dimensions of the protrusion do not exceed 1 mm.
  2. Moderate – the protrusion increases and already reaches 1–3 mm.
  3. Severe – the formation of a bulging intervertebral disc is no longer in doubt. It is clearly visualized beyond the boundaries of the vertebral bodies and has dimensions from 3 to 6 mm. But the annulus fibrosus still maintains its integrity.

The third stage of development of protrusion borders on extrusion, i.e. the formation of a hernia. Therefore, when such a protrusion is detected, the fibrous ring, thinned to the limit, may not withstand the load at any moment and burst. As a result, the nucleus pulposus gradually comes out, i.e., an intervertebral hernia is formed.

But the size of the protrusion is not the only sign by which pathology is classified. Its position relative to the central axis of the spinal canal is of great importance for determining treatment tactics. Therefore, protrusions are distinguished:

  • dorsal – the protrusion is directed posteriorly;
  • lateral – formed on the right or left side of the spine;
  • foraminal - the bulge “leaks” into the foraminal openings of the spine, through which the nerve plexuses pass;
  • median - the protrusion is localized clearly in the center of the spinal canal, where there is a large nerve plexus, the so-called cauda equina;
  • circular - the fibrous ring becomes thinner over the entire surface area and more or less evenly protrudes into the spinal canal along its entire width.

Proper nutrition during protrusion

Products containing:

  • calcium - oranges, cucumbers, cabbage, beans, eggs;
  • manganese - nuts, beans, celery, potatoes;
  • phosphorus - spinach, wheat, bran, peas;
  • magnesium - sunflower seeds, honey, raisins;
  • vitamins A and D - fruits, vegetables, butter, whole milk;
  • vitamin C - garlic, citrus fruits, berries;
  • B vitamins - oats, corn, beef, pork.

High-grade flour, sugar, coffee, fast food products, as well as fatty, fried and salty foods are prohibited.

Exercises for cervical protrusion

Performing special exercises for cervical protrusion helps restore the shape and size of the vertebrae. You can do gymnastics for both treatment and prevention of the disease.

The greatest effect is obtained by performing the following exercises:

  • We sit on a chair and place our palm on our forehead. We press our forehead into our palm, straining our neck muscles.
  • We place our palm on the back of the head and press hard on it using the muscles of the neck.
  • We lower our chin to our neck and turn our head in different directions.
  • We tilt our head back and tilt it alternately to the left and right shoulder.
  • We clasp our heads on both sides with our hands so that our palms are on our temples. We lightly squeeze the head and at the same time strain the neck muscles.

Therapeutic exercises can be harmful if used without the advice of a doctor. Our clinic specialists create an individual training plan for each patient, which gives better results.

Surgery for C6–C7 disc herniation

In approximately 20–30% of cases, conservative treatment is unsuccessful. If in this case the addition of neurological disorders is observed, the patient’s quality of life suffers significantly and severe pain is present, a consultation with a neurosurgeon is required. If there are indications, he will prescribe an operation of one type or another.

Surgical intervention is urgently performed if hernias of the cervical spine of the 6th, 7th or other segments have reached the stage of sequestration.

Depending on the location, size of the hernia and clinical picture, the neurosurgeon may recommend:

  • nucleoplasty;
  • endoscopic surgery;
  • microdiscectomy.

During these operations, the hernia or the entire disc is completely removed. If it is not possible to preserve the cartilage, it is necessary to replace it with an artificial implant or fuse the vertebral bodies together (spondylodesis). The first scenario is more preferable, since it allows you to preserve the natural mobility of the spine.

For prosthetics of intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, M6-C endoprostheses have recently been used. Their design allows movements along 6 axes, and their high strength ensures uninterrupted use for many decades.


The least traumatic and safest method of surgical treatment of a C6–C7 cervical hernia is nucleoplasty. Its essence is to administer it under local anesthesia through a puncture with a diameter of several millimeters into the center of a hollow disk inside the instrument. Through the action of a laser, cold plasma, radio waves or the mechanical action of the pressure of a physiological solution, part of the nucleus pulposus is destroyed. This creates the prerequisites for the gradual retraction of the hernia and elimination of pain.

Recently, they have more often resorted to hydroplasty using the SpineGet apparatus, i.e., using the pressure of a saline solution, since this technique does not involve the action of high temperatures. This avoids overheating of surrounding tissues and minimizes intraoperative risks.

But any puncture surgery technique can be used only for small hernias and the absence of neurological complications.

Endoscopic surgery

For foraminal hernias of C6–C7 or large-sized formations, their removal using endoscopic equipment is indicated. The manipulator is brought to the affected disc through a small round puncture. The neurosurgeon monitors his every action through a monitor connected to the endoscope’s video camera. Since a diamond shaver is used to create access, the risk of damage to the nerve roots is minimal.


In case of neurological disorders, sequestered hernias and in some other cases, the use of minimally invasive methods is impossible. In such situations, microdiscectomy is indicated.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia through an anterior approach. Layer-by-layer separation of tissues and good visualization of all anatomical structures allows you to remove all pathologically altered tissues, restore the normal anatomy of the spinal motion segment at the level of the 6th and 7th vertebrae, and also release all compressed nerve endings. After this, it becomes possible to replace the irreversibly altered intervertebral disc with an endoprosthesis or fix the vertebrae with titanium structures.


Any surgical intervention is stressful for the body, after which recovery is required. If after hydroplasty or another type of nucleoplasty it proceeds almost unnoticed by the patient, then after endoscopic surgery or microdiscectomy it is necessary to slightly adjust the lifestyle.

At first, patients are recommended drug therapy to eliminate postoperative pain and inflammation. For the same purpose, physiotherapy and wearing a Shants collar are prescribed. After completion of the acute period, exercise therapy is prescribed.

Of course, any operation for a C6–C7 hernia is associated with certain risks, so performing them is a last resort. But sometimes it is not possible to avoid the need for surgery. Modern operations are as gentle as possible and, if you choose a good neurosurgeon, do not cause complications, and rehabilitation is quick and easy.

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