X-ray (x-ray) of the cervical spine


The cervical spine, as a complex anatomical structure, is a combination of bones, blood vessels, muscles, ligaments, tendons and intervertebral discs. This is a very important part of the human body, because... The spinal cord passes through the cervical region, as well as brain impulses that travel through the neck to the rest of the body. In addition, nearby are blood arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain and other important systems and organs. The bone structure of the cervical region is represented by seven vertebrae, which, together with the muscle corset, help hold the head upright, turn it in different directions, and tilt the head. Therefore, any injuries, pathologies and damage to the cervical spine lead to dysfunction not only of the neck itself and affect the limitation of its movement, but also affect the cerebral blood supply, the state of the central nervous system, etc.

Prices for services

  • X-ray of the cervical spine in direct posterior projection 990a
  • X-ray of the cervical spine in lateral projection 990a
  • X-ray of the cervical spine in oblique projection 990a
  • X-ray of the upper cervical vertebrae (through the open mouth) 1485a
  • X-ray of the cervical spine in a direct projection with a movable jaw 1485a
  • X-ray of the cervical spine under conditions of performing functional tests 2695a

The information and prices presented on the website are for reference only and do not constitute a public offer.


X-rays cannot detect small vertebral fractures, some neoplasms and hematomas. For purposes of this kind, CT is an alternative. MRI is used if soft tissue needs to be assessed along with bone and cartilage tissue, or if there are some contraindications to the use of radiography.

The negative consequences of excessive exposure to X-rays include the following: mutagenic effect, risk of malignant tumors, radiation burn, radiation sickness.

The disadvantage of X-rays is that radiation sickness can occur due to excess exposure.

Radiation sickness is a symptom complex that is caused by exposure to ionizing rays. She may be:

Our clinics in St. Petersburg

Structural subdivision of Polikarpov Alley Polikarpov 6k2 Primorsky district

  • Pionerskaya
  • Specific
  • Commandant's

Structural subdivision of Zhukov Marshal Zhukov Ave. 28k2 Kirovsky district

  • Avtovo
  • Avenue of Veterans
  • Leninsky Prospekt

Structural subdivision Devyatkino Okhtinskaya alley 18 Vsevolozhsk district

  • Devyatkino
  • Civil Prospect
  • Academic

For detailed information and to make an appointment, you can call +7 (812) 640-55-25

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We draw your attention to the schedule of technological breaks in the CT and X-ray rooms.

The cervical spine itself is very active and mobile, but it is fragile and vulnerable, subject to frequent injuries and pathologies. Its distinctive feature is the presence of two segments - the first vertebra (atlas) and the second (axis) with the help of which a person rotates his head and bends back and forth.

Any abnormalities and diseases in the cervical spine lead to severe pain not only in the neck, but also in the head, leading to a general deterioration in the person’s condition, the functioning of the brain and many internal organs.

As a rule, complex diagnostics, which includes, first of all, radiography of the cervical spine, including those carried out with functional tests, help to identify the disease and detect pathology of the cervical spine.

If you are looking for where to get a high-quality x-ray of the cervical spine in St. Petersburg, then in the medical emergency room you will be given an effective x-ray examination of the cervical spine. The Medicenter emergency room is equipped with a high-tech digital X-ray device Clinomat, which allows for a full X-ray examination and study of images in various processing modes. After performing an X-ray of the neck, qualified and experienced doctors at the Medicenter will advise you, listen carefully to your complaints, refer you to specialized specialists based on the results of the study, and prescribe effective treatment.

Operating principle

An X-ray machine is equipment that allows you to visualize the internal structures of the body using X-rays, which are electromagnetic waves of a certain spectrum and energy (the energy value of these photons lies between the energies of ultraviolet and gamma radiation). Passing through matter, an electromagnetic wave is absorbed to some extent, scattered and decelerated, but with different intensities. Registration of radiation on X-ray sensitive film after the passage of X-rays through the tissues of the body is the basis of this instrumental method (with digital equipment it is already possible to immediately obtain a digital image - in this case, film is not required).

Soft tissues practically do not absorb X-rays - they transmit them, so on film or on a screen soft tissues will appear dark.

Bone tissue and harder structures absorb waves. They are much lighter on the x-ray than soft tissue.

Radiography is based on the passage of x-rays through the tissues of the body, due to which a “picture” of what is happening emerges

The radiologist evaluates the different image intensities. Despite the fact that modern technologies allow good visualization of soft tissues, radiography is the gold standard for pathologies of hard tissues such as bone and cartilage. This is due to the high content of calcium ions, the atomic number of which is higher than that of the elements contained in soft tissues.

It is noteworthy that CT (computed tomography) is also based on X-rays, but, unlike radiography, it makes it possible to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the entire body in different projections and perform digital image processing. That is why this method is much more expensive than a conventional x-ray and can be used to clarify the diagnosis.

Consequences of injuries and untimely treatment of cervical ailments

The consequences of injuries and advanced diseases of the cervical spine are very serious and sometimes fatal. A dangerous development of the disease can be compression of the spinal cord, leading to disruption of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the nervous system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and sometimes even death. In any case, even minor injuries can cause cerebral circulatory disorders, blurred vision, tissue swelling, severe headaches, pressure surges, numbness of the upper extremities and other disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the cervical spine will not only save your health, but also help avoid disability and death.

Features and principle of operation of X-ray

Radiography refers to instrumental studies of bone structures, which is based on the use of gamma radiation. The rays, passing through the body, are absorbed by muscle and bone tissue, but since their degree of absorption is different, they appear in different colors in the picture. The denser the structure, the lighter its shade. Muscles and ligaments, soft tissues are dark in the picture, since they are practically unable to block radiation. The deviation from the anatomical norm is determined by the doctor, based on the intensity of the color of the bones and the distance between the vertebrae.

X-rays of the cervical spine are usually taken in two projections (lateral and direct), but if necessary, the procedure is also performed through the mouth. This position is due to the fact that the jaw in the picture hides the first two vertebrae of the neck. To visualize the intervertebral foramina, an additional oblique projection is also made.

Research is carried out using modern equipment

Indications for radiography of the cervical spine

The most common diseases of the cervical spine are osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. To identify these diseases, as well as diagnose injuries and diseases of the cervical spine, a functional X-ray examination of the neck is performed.

Indications for neck radiography may include:

  • bruises, dislocations and other mechanical injuries of the cervical spine;
  • birth injuries of the cervical spine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • kyphosis;
  • cervical lordosis;
  • congenital anomalies of the cervical spine;
  • arthritis;
  • cervical radiculitis;
  • deformation of intervertebral discs;
  • tumor processes, metastases;
  • pain in the neck when turning the head;
  • characteristic crunch in the neck;
  • headaches of unknown origin;
  • numbness of the limbs, pain in the joints, etc.

In addition, x-rays of the cervical spine may be prescribed for insomnia, hand tremors, and a combination of other symptoms.

It is important to note that, unfortunately, X-rays of the cervical spine are not always sufficient to identify some pathologies in this area of ​​the spine. For example, an x-ray will not be able to show the condition of the tissues. An MRI may be needed to get an overall picture. Therefore, most often diseases and injuries of the cervical spine are studied comprehensively. At the same time, radiography of the cervical spine is often the only way to make an accurate diagnosis and identify diseases with similar symptoms.

Types of equipment

There are two types of equipment:

  • film;
  • digital.

Currently, there are two types of X-ray machines - film and digital.

As mentioned above, in the first case the image is recorded on film, and in the second - on a digital media monitor. Digital X-ray machines, despite their high cost and relative inaccessibility, have many advantages. When using such equipment, radiation exposure to the body is reduced by approximately 40%. The image obtained digitally can be instantly sent to other specialists anywhere in the world. The image is clearer, and it is possible to concentrate the beams on the desired area (this is partly due to the reduction in radiation exposure). There is access to software that will allow you to instantly make the necessary measurements on an already acquired image.

Contraindications to radiography of the cervical spine

Given the presence of X-ray radiation during X-ray examination of the cervical spine, even in small doses, X-ray examination of the neck is contraindicated during pregnancy. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure for children under 15 years of age (only for health reasons and on the direction of the attending physician, when other studies are not effective), as well as for persons suffering from mental illnesses that interfere with the normal examination and for patients in critical condition, especially with bleeding .


X-rays have no risk of complications if the procedure was performed correctly and the radiation dose did not exceed the norm. Complications can arise with contrast radiography - myelography. This is an invasive procedure. The contrast agent may cause an allergic reaction. Injection of contrast may lead to infectious complications. The needle can injure the membranes, and the cerebrospinal fluid will leak even after the procedure is completed (this requires surgical intervention).

Complications can only arise if the patient has undergone myelography

Seizures may occur if contrast material enters the brain (to prevent this, keep your head higher than the rest of your body and lie down for eight hours).

Before the procedure, you must inform your doctor about kidney disease, the use of drugs such as warfarin (for bleeding disorders), metformin (for diabetes), a history of epileptic seizures, convulsions, allergies to iodine-containing drugs and other allergic reactions. It is recommended to drink a lot of water to quickly remove the contrast agent from the body.

X-ray of the cervical spine

Taking into account the complex anatomical structure of the cervical spine, its proximity to the brain and the seriousness of the consequences of its damage, radiography of the cervical spine is done in several projections: anterior and lateral. X-ray of the neck with functional tests allows you to see the displacement of the vertebrae, the degree of this deformation, and make a more accurate diagnosis. X-ray examination with samples is done with the patient lying on his side and on his back. It is very important to remain still while taking the photo to ensure the results are clear and effective. Additionally, radiography is sometimes prescribed through the patient’s open mouth to examine the first cervical vertebra. In any case, the entire procedure takes no more than 20 minutes and is completely painless.

How to prepare for a CT scan at home

To carry out the procedure, the patient must take with him an extract from the outpatient card with the results of earlier examinations. This will help the specialist plan the procedure in more detail. If additional contrast is necessary. Additionally, you need to take a blood test for creatinine - its elevated level is a contraindication to the procedure, since the contrast agent will be slowly eliminated from the body.

This type of x-ray examination does not require special preparation. However, 40-50 minutes before the start of the procedure, you must refrain from drinking and eating. You can have a light snack right before leaving the house to avoid side effects.

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Attention parents

Many medical institutions continue to use outdated medical fluoroscopy equipment for various reasons. The diagnostic base of the Osnova Children clinic is equipped with modern models of X-ray machines, equipped with modern protection systems that guarantee maximum safety and harmlessness of the procedure for patients of all ages. If desired, parents can receive a note in the diagnostic documents about the dose of radiation received, which will allow them to determine the date of the next examination.

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