X-ray of the sacrolumbar spine (sacrum)


The spine, as the main rod and support of the human body, is directly connected with other organs. When disorders, pathologies, or spinal injuries occur, other parts of the body, as well as internal organs, suffer.

In particular, the lumbosacral spine affects the condition of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. So, with disorders and pathologies of the lumbosacral region, the disease affects the genitals, femurs, sciatic nerve, toes, feet, etc.

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We draw your attention to the schedule of technological breaks in the CT and X-ray rooms.

Most often, traumatologists, neurologists, orthopedists, and surgeons are treated with injuries and diseases of the lumbosacral region. One of the common ailments is osteochondrosis, which can occur in any part of the spine, and most often in the sacrolumbar region. Unfortunately, this is not the only disease that occurs in this part of the spine.

To identify hidden pathologies and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, doctors resort to radiography of the lumbosacral spine. X-ray examination makes it possible to assess the condition of intervertebral joints and identify disturbances in the structure of bone tissue and articular joints.

You can sign up for an x-ray examination of the sacral spine at any of the Medicenter clinics or urgently come to the trauma department, which accepts patients with various types of spinal injuries, disorders and ailments of the lumbosacral spine. The Medicenter has a modern digital X-ray machine Clinomat, high-tech, with a minimum radiation dose, which allows for a full examination of various parts of the human body and study of images in different processing modes.

Pain in the lumbar region occurs for various reasons. Injuries and damage to the spine, ligaments, muscles, diseases of the abdominal cavity, intervertebral discs, spinal nerves, etc. can cause pain. The simplest, most effective and informative way to diagnose diseases and disorders of the spine is radiography of the lumbosacral region.

About identifying pathologies

Digital functional x-ray of the lumbar and cervical regions allows you to identify the following conditions:

  • Vertebral displacement.
  • The presence of an inflammatory process between the cervical discs.
  • Formation of intervertebral hernias.
  • Development of tumors of various types.
  • Presence of bone tuberculosis.
  • Consequences of injury.
  • The presence of congenital pathologies.

Vertebral displacement

However, it must be remembered that a functional x-ray, like a regular x-ray, does not allow detecting changes in soft tissues. To determine pathological processes in muscles and ligaments, other diagnostic methods are used.

Indications for radiographic examination of the lumbosacral spine

Reasons for performing x-rays of the sacrum may be:

  • spinal injuries and their consequences;
  • scoliosis;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • pain in the lumbosacral region;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • restriction of movements
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • tumor processes, neoplasms, metastases, etc.

If you experience pain in the lumbar region, if you suspect certain diseases, or if you receive an injury, you must promptly contact a traumatologist, neurologist, orthopedist, rheumatologist and other specialist, depending on the ailment that has arisen. The doctor will most likely first order an X-ray examination of the lumbosacral spine to identify and detect changes in the structure of the articular joints and bone tissue.


X-ray of the spine with functional tests, what type of diagnosis is this? This is an examination of the spine and its individual parts with the study of the capabilities of a specific area of ​​the human body.

Load on the spine

For the functional load to be effective, it is important to choose the most suitable position for the patient. If the diagnostician manages to catch the desired angle, the projection images will be as reliable as possible.

Contraindications to radiography of the lumbosacral spine

Since the lumbosacral spine is located next to the genital organs, during an x-ray a portion of the radiation also falls on the reproductive system, which is extremely dangerous for pregnant patients. In this regard, radiography is contraindicated during pregnancy. An X-ray is best taken in the first two weeks after the end of menstruation if the patient is unaware of a possible pregnancy. X-ray examination of the lumbosacral region is undesirable in case of critical condition of the patient, and is also not done for persons suffering from certain mental illnesses; for children under 15 years of age, any X-ray examination is carried out strictly according to indications with a referral from the attending physician.

Types of equipment

Currently, there are two types of X-ray machines - film and digital.

As mentioned above, in the first case the image is recorded on film, and in the second - on a digital media monitor. Digital X-ray machines, despite their high cost and relative inaccessibility, have many advantages. When using such equipment, radiation exposure to the body is reduced by approximately 40%.

The image obtained digitally can be instantly sent to other specialists anywhere in the world. The image is clearer, and it is possible to concentrate the beams on the desired area (this is partly due to the reduction in radiation exposure). There is access to software that will allow you to instantly make the necessary measurements on an already acquired image.

The study is carried out on the latest generation X-ray system DIGITAL DIAGNOST (PHILIPS, the Netherlands). This is a completely digital x-ray station. Its advantages:

  • Maximum data transfer and processing speed
  • Obtaining the highest resolution (quality) image possible
  • Lowest radiation exposure comparable to a short flight

Preparation for x-ray of the lumbosacral spine

It is important to note that X-ray examination of the lumbosacral region is performed on an empty stomach. A few days before the examination, doctors recommend following a diet. Foods and drinks that contribute to increased gas formation should be excluded from the diet, because Gas accumulations can affect the quality and accuracy of the x-ray. The evening before the examination, you will need to do a cleansing enema, as well as another one in the morning on the day of the procedure no later than 2 hours before the examination.

Before taking an x-ray, you must remove all metal objects and clothing with metal elements, and also turn off or put away your mobile phone.


Direct projection radiography is performed with the patient in a horizontal or vertical position. The device is aimed at the protrusion of the larynx parallel to the line connecting the temporal protrusion with the lower jaw (the equipment is adjusted at the same angle as the vertebral column of the cervical spine). In this way, all vertebrae are visualized except the atlas and axis. The first two vertebrae can be recorded using a variation of the AP view, where the procedure is performed through an open mouth. This image makes it possible to distinguish the lateral masses of the atlas (first vertebra), the odontoid process, and the body of the second vertebra (axis).

The vertebral arteries coming to the lateral masses go to the foramen magnum and then to the base of the brain. The radiograph evaluates the distance from the lateral masses to the odontoid process. The distance should be the same on both sides (if different, then the cause could be, for example, subluxation - subluxations are very common in children). Intervertebral spaces are also assessed, as with other projections.

Pictures can be taken in two projections - frontal and lateral

When radiography is performed in the lateral plane, the beam is directed according to the area of ​​the fourth vertebra. The patient is pressed against the X-ray cassette, with his shoulder facing it if we are talking about the vertical position of the patient. All vertebrae are visible in the lateral photo. According to the specialist's instructions, you should not move or swallow.

Rarely is the picture taken in an oblique projection. There are posterior and anterior oblique projections. With the front one, the patient stands facing the counter, and with the back one, with his back. In both cases, at an angle of 30-45 degrees. This projection allows for better assessment of the intervertebral foramina.

The specialist evaluates the height of the intervertebral discs - it should increase caudally - in the direction from top to bottom, however, in the C6-C7 segment, the intervertebral discs may normally be lower than the others, the bends of the section (impairments can be a consequence of muscle and ligamentous pathologies, injuries, infectious diseases, congenital anomalies and birth injuries).

Operating principle

An X-ray machine is equipment that allows you to visualize the internal structures of the body using X-rays, which are electromagnetic waves of a certain spectrum and energy (the energy value of these photons lies between the energies of ultraviolet and gamma radiation). Passing through matter, an electromagnetic wave is absorbed to some extent, scattered and decelerated, but with different intensities. Registration of radiation on X-ray sensitive film after the passage of X-rays through the tissues of the body is the basis of this instrumental method (with digital equipment it is already possible to immediately obtain a digital image - in this case, film is not required).

Bone tissue and harder structures absorb waves. They are much lighter on the x-ray than soft tissue.

Radiography is based on the passage of x-rays through the tissues of the body, due to which a “picture” of what is happening emerges

The radiologist evaluates the different image intensities. Despite the fact that modern technologies allow good visualization of soft tissues, radiography is the gold standard for pathologies of hard tissues such as bone and cartilage. This is due to the high content of calcium ions, the atomic number of which is higher than that of the elements contained in soft tissues.

It is noteworthy that CT (computed tomography) is also based on X-rays, but, unlike radiography, it makes it possible to obtain a layer-by-layer image of the entire body in different projections and perform digital image processing. That is why this method is much more expensive than a conventional x-ray and can be used to clarify the diagnosis.

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