X-ray (x-ray) of the elbow joint

One of the most vulnerable parts of the human musculoskeletal system is the elbow joint, since it is most often the one that receives support during any fall, loads when lifting heavy objects, as well as numerous human physical activities. This is why diseases of the elbow joint are very common in medical practice and require prompt treatment and diagnosis. As a last resort, medicine offers radiography of the elbow joint, which quite informatively demonstrates to the doctor the presence of various anomalies in it through the use of X-rays.


X-ray of the elbow joint is a fairly informative diagnostic method when it comes to the need to diagnose various injuries to the bones and structures of the elbow joint. However, if changes occur in the morphological structure of soft tissues (muscles, ligaments or tendons), then the capabilities of X-ray are not very high and it is preferable to use other medical imaging methods such as MRI. In addition, a technique such as PET may be needed to diagnose infections or tumors.

What does an x-ray of the elbow joint help to identify?

An X-ray of the elbow joint helps diagnose:

  • traumatic injuries to the bones of the elbow joint (fractures and cracks);
  • dislocations and subluxations of the elbow joint;
  • congenital anomalies (radial or ulnar clubhand);
  • neoplasms;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • epicondylitis;
  • damage to the ligamentous apparatus (ruptures/sprains of ligaments);
  • synovitis;
  • metabolic diseases (gout);
  • purulent diseases of the elbow joint and bones (osteomyelitis, bursitis, abscess).


X-rays of the elbow joint are indicated for a variety of conditions, including:

  • injuries
  • pain in the joint area
  • suspected fracture of the proximal radius and ulna
  • suspected fracture of the distal humerus
  • radial head dislocations
  • in the presence of obvious deformation of the joint
  • detection of fluid accumulation in the joint
  • arthritis (osteoarthrosis)
  • infection of joint structures
  • tumors

The purpose of X-ray examination of the elbow joint may be to diagnose disease or monitor the progression of disease.

X-ray of the elbow joint at the Yauza Clinical Hospital

X-ray examination of the elbow joint in our hospital is performed by experienced radiology specialists using the Digital diagnost digital radiographic system (Philips, the Netherlands), which provides:

  • high-quality image at maximum research speed due to digital signal transmission;
  • convenience of the procedure (flat panel detectors allow you to obtain images in the required projection without moving the patient);
  • instant availability of the received images to the doctors treating the patient (all images are sent immediately via Wi-Fi to the hospital server).

The results of our radiation diagnostics comply with all strict international protocols and are accepted in any medical institution in the world.

You can see prices for services

The article was checked by radiologist M.A. Petrova. , is for general informational purposes only and does not replace specialist advice. For recommendations on diagnosis and treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary.


The risk of x-raying the elbow joint is very low. In recent years, with the advent of digital X-ray machines and new examination protocols, the radiation dose has been significantly reduced and the risk of exposure to ionizing radiation on the human body has been reduced.

In general, the two main risk factors for elbow x-rays are: 1) the possibility of developing cancer due to excessive radiation exposure; 2) harm to the fetus and/or reproductive organs.

  • Cancer risk

The risk of cancer due to x-ray imaging increases with repeated, repeated exposure to x-rays or exposure to a large dose of x-rays. As a rule, taking several X-rays of the elbow joint is not enough to provoke the development of cancer.

  • Risk during pregnancy

If you are pregnant or even suspect that you are pregnant, you must inform your doctor and radiologist before taking an X-ray of the elbow joint. But the risk of dangerous effects of x-rays is especially high when exposed to the abdominal area. Therefore, if there is a clinical need for an x-ray of the elbow joint, then this examination can be carried out using a special lead apron, which helps protect the abdominal area and reproductive organs from scattered x-ray radiation.

Features of the procedure

On any x-ray of the elbow joint, traumatologists will be able to see bone growths that are not characteristic of the normal state of bone structures, discrepancies in the surfaces of the joints, as well as areas where calcium salts have begun to be deposited.


  • Features of the procedure
  • Related and Complementary Research Methodologies
  • Symptoms for radiography
  • Indications and contraindications for radiography of the elbow joint
  • Methodology of the procedure

In this case, radiography will be able to help identify all existing anomalies, make a diagnosis, diagnose complications and those signs of this pathology that can affect or are already affecting other organs and systems, prescribe a treatment regimen and monitor its dynamics.

X-ray diagnostics of the elbow area is a research medical method with which you can obtain a complete picture of the condition of the corresponding part of the human body by directing X-rays at it with a special device. This ultimately gives the specialist an objective image of the area being examined. It is important to know that soft tissues are capable of transmitting X-rays, while hard tissues, on the contrary, absorb them.

Because of this difference, in the images, specialists can see bone tissue painted in a very light, almost white color, and all soft tissues will have shades of gray - from lighter to almost black. Based on this change in shades, the doctor can judge what pathologies are present in the area under study.

At the same time, experts believe that X-rays are the best diagnostic technique for analyzing the condition of bone tissue.

Related and Complementary Research Methodologies

Modern digital X-ray equipment provides doctors with images on the screen of a connected computer, on paper or digital media.

At the same time, radiologists say that pathological conditions of the joints cannot always be fully displayed on an x-ray, so other examination methods are used for them:

  • computed tomography of joints;
  • ultrasonography;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.

Each of the above methods demonstrates to specialists certain tissues, including the soft tissues of patients - muscles, tendons and ligaments. The high accuracy of these diagnostic methods makes it possible to mutually complement information about the pathological aspects of various periarticular tissues.

To analyze the cavities inside the joints, it is necessary to puncture the synovial capsule. The procedure is carried out with the collection of joint exudate. Impurities are easily detected in this joint fluid, which may indicate a number of diseases. These impurities are studied in more detail in laboratories under a microscope, and on the basis of such conclusions, experts draw conclusions about the infectious or non-infectious nature of the disease.

If it is necessary to study the structure of the joints, another diagnostic technique is used - arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy is performed through two punctures, into the first of which an arthroscope with a special camera is inserted, and in the second, the necessary manipulations are performed with special instruments.

In this case, such a procedure is very informative and provides specialists with the opportunity to see firsthand the development of various pathologies.

Based on the clinical manifestations of diseases, doctors choose those diagnostic methods or their complex that can most accurately provide information about all the processes occurring in the human elbow joint in order to make a timely and accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy.

What is the procedure?

The Rg image of the joint shows:

  • the size of the joint gap (its decrease may indicate arthrosis or arthritis);
  • bone structure of the elbow and shoulder (osteoporosis, bursitis, necrosis);
  • areas adjacent to the elbow apparatus.

The purpose of an x-ray is to localize the affected area (mechanical or pathological) and clarify the condition of the elements of the ulnar ligamentous mechanism. This may require a series of photographs from different angles.

Depending on the complaints about the elbow apparatus, x-rays are performed from the front, side and axial projection (axial x-ray). In the latter case, x-rays make it possible to study the condition of the olecranon, the back of the bone and the articular apparatus in the shoulder block. No preparation is necessary, it is completed within 12-15 minutes. Each shot (if it is a targeted x-ray) takes up to 3 seconds.

In the office

X-rays of the elbow from different angles require changing the position of the arm:

  • axial (axial) x-ray: the arm is bent to the limit, arched so as to place the limb on the back of the shoulder (the person can sit or lie);
  • lateral: elbow and shoulder at the same level (horizontally), palm down;
  • direct x-ray: the extended arm (at the elbow) is placed on the table with the back of the hand down.

All metal items must be removed. There is no need to undress completely. No pain in the elbow joint was observed during Rg diagnostics.

X-ray room patients

Indications for Rg diagnostics:

  • noticeable changes in the elbow (swelling, bluishness or redness in the joint area);
  • numbness of the olecranon and forearm/wrist;
  • X-rays are performed for pain of any location and nature in the elbow joint;
  • if you are unable to move your arm in amplitude, you also need an x-ray to find out the reasons;
  • with increased pulsation in the elbow joint (the area becomes hot, touching may or may not be painful), there is a high risk of developing inflammation and tissue infection, an x-ray is necessary in the near future.

With the greatest caution, X-rays of the elbow are prescribed for children under 14 years of age (the joint is studied using an Rg-device only if there is no information on ultrasound and CT/MRI). For expectant and nursing mothers, patients with systemic disorders (in weak condition), X-rays are contraindicated. But if there is reason to believe that its benefit is greater than the threat, all categories of patients for whom Rg examination is not recommended can have images taken in compliance with strict safety requirements.


Despite the great diagnostic capabilities of x-rays and its high safety for the patient, the technique has a number of contraindications. X-rays are not recommended for pregnant women, since the radiation from it can have a detrimental effect on the development of the unborn child. It should also not be administered to nursing mothers due to possible hormonal imbalances and problems with lactation. X-rays are contraindicated in patients in serious condition when the person requires emergency care. Children under 15 and people with mental illness will be x-rayed with extra precautions. In some cases, X-rays are replaced with alternative diagnostic methods: ultrasound or MRI.

Why is an elbow examination ordered?

X-rays of the olecranon, joint, simple joints of the ligamentous system of the hand are prescribed for:

  • suspected injuries (all forms of fractures, including trans- and supracondylar, isolated, coronoid or olecranon, neck/head of the bone, Monteggia - fracture with dislocation);
  • threat of (sub)dislocation of the elbow and shoulder joints;
  • control of pathologies in the joint (to exclude ruptures, bleeding, inflammation).

On an x-ray of the elbow block, tumor neoplasms, metastatic foci, disturbances in the structure and density of bone tissue are clearly visible.


The main advantages of x-ray:

  • Simplicity - no preparation required before the procedure.
  • Painlessness and absence of injuries to the skin and blood vessels.
  • Affordable price.
  • Information content and accuracy of images.
  • X-rays help identify a wide range of diseases.

Radiography makes it possible to determine the diagnosis as accurately as possible and choose the most appropriate treatment method.

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