Haircuts and hairstyles for women with short necks: tips from stylists, photos of celebrities

Why is a long neck a sign of beauty?

A long and thin neck has always been considered a sign of nobility and femininity. And not only in European countries, but also in remote corners of our wonderful world.

For example, native residents of the Thai border still wear rings on their necks from the age of 6 so that their neck grows beautiful. Every year a new ring is added and only after marriage this procedure stops. Some sources claim that the “jewelry” is removed on the first wedding night, others say that the rings can be removed by the husband as punishment for infidelity - the neck will not bear it and will break off. Instant death for treason.

There is a widespread genetic disorder in southern Africa where girls are born with a surprisingly long neck. They are called giraffes. This is due not only to DNA, but also to the early development of shoulder joints.

You can breathe out - you can achieve a beautiful neck on your own at home. It's not difficult at all, and even very pleasant.

Who is suitable for very short hair?

And, no matter how many people say, short hair is not always a men’s haircut. This hairstyle can look very attractive and even sexy. It is primarily suitable for girls with short necks, those with thin and sparse hair, and it is also an ideal solution for oval, square or round faces. But short women's haircuts for a short neck are not suitable for ladies with a short neck; here you need to try to balance the figure so that everything looks harmonious. Owners of a small face should also beware of this hairstyle. An open neck will make already small facial features even smaller. The face becomes “bird-like”.

How long should the neck be

First, you must understand that no one will tell you any exact numbers. Each organism is unique. Figure proportions, height, genetics - these are not all the factors that influence your appearance.

But scientists still could not do without calculations. So at the beginning of the twentieth century, a German anthropologist concluded that the neck should make up 7% of our height. But this, of course, is a conventional designation. A lot depends on your body type. So, people with thin bones have a thinner and longer neck, while those with large bones have shorter and wider necks.

Other experts say that the ideal proportion is when the distance from the collarbone to the hollow between the chin and neck is 4 fingers. If this segment is larger, then the neck is considered long; if it is smaller, then the neck is considered short. But this method is usually used on men. The female body is a little more complicated.

In any case, what is much more important is not the length of the neck, but how it relates to other parts of the human body. Harmony in everything is the key to true beauty.

Square neckline

A square neckline on a top or dress is ideal for showing off the collarbone and décolleté area - just what those with a short neck need. Thin, petite girls with small breasts can wear fitted clothing with a square neckline to create the illusion of a curved bust line.

Causes of a short neck

Surprisingly, but true - the neck may only seem short! Its length depends on many factors and anatomy is far from taking first place in this ranking.


If not everything, then a lot depends on the condition of the spine. If you look at portraits of beauties of the 18th-19th centuries, you will pay attention to their beautiful décolleté area. But for some reason, few people notice the majestic posture - the back is straight, the shoulders are lowered and turned, the chin is raised. That's the whole secret of a beautiful neck.

What do we see in the 21st century? Complete scoliosis and osteochondrosis. What kind of beauty can we talk about here? Before you start working on the neck itself, take care of your back.

Excess weight

Jaws, double chin, big cheeks, excess fat on the neck itself and now it already seems short and wide. Now let’s add bad posture (and it accompanies many who lead a sedentary lifestyle) and now the head is practically sitting on the shoulders.

In this case, it is enough to lose a little weight and remove swelling and the situation will become much better.


Over the years, the skin becomes loose. A double chin, goiter and “turkey neck” appear. But you can return the corner of youth! The main thing is to make an effort and work a little with your décolleté area.

Help: the angle of youth is the angle of the lower jaw near the ear; ideally it should be equal to 90 degrees.


Here we come to the most unpleasant reason. There may be several options here:

  • Small chin - in this case, the skin sags a little even at a young age.
  • A long but wide neck - no grace. A girl can be thin, but look quite bulky.
  • Short neck - in this case, you need to minimize other causes and know a few secrets, which we will talk about later.

Short hair: yes or no?

We all dream of thick and strong hair, but the fact is that those with thin hair have the least problems when choosing a haircut for a short neck. After all, the stiffer and thicker the curls, the more difficult it is to style them; it’s especially difficult for those with short hair. It is very difficult to lay them down so that they do not stick out in different directions. If you want to make your neck longer, you can use the popular “boyish” haircut and any of its other derivatives. This hairstyle, of course, is a risky option, and not every young lady will risk giving up her mop. But the fact remains that a completely open neck always looks longer visually. If you naturally have a low hairline in the neck area, then ask your hairdresser to cut your hair a little higher.

Lengthen your neck with clothes

Clothes are a great tool that you need to know how to use. It can hide all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages, and vice versa - completely ruin everything. Don't blindly follow fashion - find your own style that suits you.


Now they are worn not only in the cold season, but also in the summer as an accessory. It is better not to do this with a short neck. Of course, in winter you can’t do without a warm scarf (health comes first), but in the heat, tie it on your bag, hand, or braid it into your hair.


Reduce the distance between the head and shoulders several times. Especially if they fit around the neck. Replace them with warm pullovers. This will not only hide the problem, but will also add femininity to you.


T-shirts, warm sweaters, cardigans - try to replace all round necklines with V-necks. This will lengthen your neck and make your neckline more seductive.


The color of clothing is also an important factor. Give preference to pastel colors and avoid deep dark ones. Of course, you can still wear your favorite black pants, but keep your sweaters and accessories light-colored. The palette of shades is very large and you will definitely find something to your liking.


It is better to replace long earrings with short ones, but buy chains that are a little longer. The fact is that earrings reduce the distance between the shoulders and ears. A necklace, on the contrary, extends this distance.

Stellar examples

Among the stars there are many examples of correct correction of a short neck. For many girls, such a defect is not perceived by the eye. Keira Knightley, Victoria Beckham, Anne Hattaway do an excellent job.

Keira Knightley and Victoria Beckham

In Eva Longoria and Kelly Osbourne, the flaw is more visible, which does not prevent girls from collecting compliments.

Eva Longoria and Kelly Osbourne

Brigitte Macron and Chloë Moretz have their parameters violated to the greatest extent. Correct corrective actions allow girls to stay on top, visually distracting attention from shortcomings.

Brigitte Macron and Chloe Moretz

The right haircut for women with short necks is as important as well-thought-out hairstyle, makeup and clothing. It’s not difficult to follow the advice of stylists. The result will be a good reason to affirm your own beauty.

Still wondering what hairstyle to wear for a special occasion or every day? We offer some fresh ideas:

  • stylish tousled hairstyle;
  • decent styling options for a cascading haircut;
  • hairstyles with collected hair;
  • spectacular and stylish birthday hairstyles;
  • beautiful hairstyles with bangs for blondes;
  • styling with the effect of wet hair.

How to lengthen your neck with exercises

The neck carries a very heavy burden every day - our wild heads, which weigh about 6 kg! Therefore, even if you are satisfied with its length, you need to do the exercises. For strengthening and health.

And remember, no cream will help until you start doing exercises. It's the same as putting on lipstick when you haven't brushed your teeth yet.

Exercises for the neck will help not only make it beautiful, but also:

  • They will transform your face - there will be fewer wrinkles, sagging, wrinkles and swelling will disappear, they will prevent facial drooping,
  • They will relax the muscles and relieve spasms - eventually the pain will disappear, and the neck will become more mobile;
  • They stabilize blood circulation - blood will begin to flow better into the head, pain and dizziness will disappear;
  • They will improve lymph flow, which means no more swelling and rashes.


So, the most important exercise that everyone should do is static gymnastics. You already know that the beauty of the neck primarily depends on posture.

The easiest and most useful exercise is the roller. We put it under the shoulder blades, stretch the limbs in a special way and lie for 5 minutes every day. As a result, we get correct posture, a thin waist, reduced pain, straight teeth, a thin neck, a raised eyelid and much more.

But remember that this is a serious technique and it is important to do everything correctly. Therefore, be sure to watch the video:


  • Raise your shoulders, now raise your arms above your head and make a frame out of them. There is no need to touch your ears.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest. Freeze in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Stretch the sides of your neck with your hands.

Watch the video to do everything right:

Stretching the back of the neck

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on the back of your head. The back should be slightly curled and the shoulders should be lowered.
  • Lower your head down and relax your arms. This way they will naturally add weight and the head will drop even lower. But there is no need to push them!
  • Do the exercise for 1 minute.

Platysma stretching

Platysma is a “collar” that covers the lower part of the face, neck and upper chest. It is also called the muscle of youth, since the condition of the skin depends on it. If it is tightened, then the neck looks much more graceful.

  • Press your hands to your chest and try to lower all the tissue downwards. And stretch your chin up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Now raise your hands a little higher (to the collarbone area) and repeat the same thing again.


Perform regular head tilts in different directions (forward, backward, left and right) for 2 minutes.

Fighting computer neck

A sedentary lifestyle leads to computer neck. This is especially true for office workers. As a result, it becomes visually shorter and is also shifted forward.

Perform this exercise every 2 hours when working at the computer and then your neck will not only become more beautiful, but also stop hurting.

  • Clasp your hands behind your back and forcefully stretch your neck forward, keeping your nose parallel to the floor. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  • Now it’s the other way around: stretch your arms forward (also in a “lock”) and your neck back. Also hold the pose for 30 seconds.

How to remove fat from neck

Yes, excess fat is also deposited on the neck. But remember - you CANNOT lose weight using individual body parts. This always happens in a complex way. If you start eating right and doing exercises, your whole body will become more attractive.

But you can speed up the results. For this you will need special jars and a little diligence. The fact is that the neck looks unattractive due to swelling and wrinkles. This is exactly what we will fight with.

You can buy jars on the website Take the smallest ones, which are used in the face area.

Warm up the skin and apply oil to it, and then begin the procedure. Gently move the jar over the wrinkles, as if erasing them. The tissue will be red, but bruising is unlikely.

Neck lengthening surgery

Modern medicine has not yet come to this. Any surgical interventions in this area are possible only in extreme cases. For example, after a serious injury. In other cases, you should not go under the surgeon’s knife.

Yes, of course, you can do liposuction, place an implant in the chin, tighten the skin with threads, or simply trim off hanging folds. But it's painful and expensive. A long rehabilitation awaits you, you will have to lock yourself at home for some time and not show yourself to people, and in the end you will have scars. In addition, cosmetic procedures are addictive and in the end you will become a frequent guest of the cosmetologist. Questionable beauty, don't you agree?

If you want to lengthen your neck, finally take care of your health and beauty! Do exercises, massage, eat right and watch your back - then you won’t even have to think about visiting a beauty clinic.

What determines the length of the neck

Correct posture, absence of wrinkles and swelling are the basis of your attractive appearance. And this applies not only to the neck. To achieve this, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Always walk and sit with your head held high, your back straight, your chest open and your shoulders down;
  2. Eat right. Eliminate dairy and fill your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables;
  3. Sit at the computer less. And in general, sit less. And if your work schedule does not allow you to do this, do warm-ups every hour and a special exercise every 2 hours (have you already watched the video attached above?);
  4. Choose a cream with lifting effects and do a light massage during application. Don't forget about hydration and sun protection.

A beautiful neck is work and the result of a healthy lifestyle. If you want to be young and healthy even at 50, you will have to take care of yourself every day. Of course, with our rhythm of life this is difficult. And there is so much different advice on the Internet - it’s dizzying! Therefore, it is important to find a complex that will really work and not take up much time.

The updated basic marathon “BoldlyNET” from Annette is the best thing that can happen to your body. Simple and straightforward exercises for the back, neck and face. As a result, you will get rid of wrinkles, swelling, folds and even improve your vision! Do not believe? Join and check for yourself!

Does bangs have a place?

Bangs have virtually no effect on the length of the neck; oblique bangs will help visually improve the situation. You can check whether this option suits you or not in the following way: place a strand of hair on your forehead, secure it with a clip and evaluate the result in the mirror. If the result suits you, then you can safely do bangs. There is another method that is perfect for oblique and asymmetrical bangs. Just throw the ponytail over your forehead, secure it with a clip or bobby pin and evaluate the result. Such experimental procedures will help you decide one hundred percent whether you should get bangs or not. Do you have a short neck and a full face? A haircut for this type should be chosen by a professional.

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