What can hurt between the navel and pubis in women?

Pubic bone hurts

Some women experience pubic pain during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the pelvic bones are moving apart.

Because they need to miss the fetus during labor. Special hormones are released.

They soften the bones of the pelvis. For some women, this process is not accompanied by subjective sensations.

Others experience pain. It is rarely intense. Basically it is a constant aching monotonous pain.

Sometimes symphysitis develops shortly before birth. This is an inflammation of the pubic joint.

The main symptom is pain in the center of the pubis.

The pain syndrome intensifies with:

  • walking up stairs;
  • turning on your side while sleeping;
  • rising from a sitting position.

Sometimes a woman's gait changes. She becomes a "duck". When a woman walks, she seems to sway from side to side.

Many young mothers experience pubic pain after childbirth. The cause most often is symphysiolysis .

Pathology develops due to damage to the pubic symphysis. This is a low-moving joint.

Due to excessive mechanical stress on it during childbirth, it can become unstable.

Another cause of bone pain can be injury. It is received in different circumstances.

Falls from heights, car injuries, etc. are possible. In the future, pain may be felt from time to time even after the bones have healed.

Pimple on pubic area hurts

Skin pain on the pubic area is more common. The symptom can provoke the appearance of elements of a rash of infectious origin.

People call it a pimple.

In fact, it's more likely folliculitis. Because the appearance of ordinary acne vulgaris on the pubic area is unlikely.

There is no increased production of sebum. But there are a large number of hair follicles.

Sometimes they can become inflamed. The result is pain in the pubic area.

If there is a lot of hair on it, the patient may not notice visual signs of folliculitis.

But if you shave your hair, you will find a large pimple. There may be several of them.

The diameter usually does not exceed a few millimeters. There is redness.

When pressed, the pain intensifies. Over time, a tire appears on the surface of the papule.

The morphological element turns into a pustule. Pus comes out of it.

Subsequently, a crust forms. Over time, the problem area heals.

Pigmentation may remain on the pubic area for several months.

If your pubic hair hurts and your follicles become inflamed, it is advisable to consult a doctor and get treatment.


  • the follicles will become inflamed constantly;
  • inflammation can be severe, and sometimes scars remain;
  • complications may develop.

Often folliculitis is caused by bacterial pyogenic flora.

In this case, complications are not uncommon. If the lump on your pubis hurts, it is better to consult a doctor.

A boil, abscess or cellulitis may develop here. In severe cases, fistula tracts form into the bladder.

Such complications require surgical treatment. In order not to start the disease, it is better to be treated in time by treating the skin with antiseptics or taking antibiotics.

When large abscesses form, their timely opening, sanitation and drainage are required.

Top medications to reduce abdominal pain, painkillers

The method of treatment is determined only by the doctor. There are situations when the pain arose suddenly and there is no strength to endure it, and the sick person is far from the nearest medical institutions. It is permissible for a short period, before consulting a doctor, to self-administer pain medication.


Sold without a prescription. The active substance is drotaverine, which has an antispasmodic effect. It is used in cases of painful processes in the gastrointestinal tract, with spasms and indigestion. Children and pregnant women should consult a healthcare professional before use.

It happens that No-shpa lowers blood pressure; hypotensive patients need to periodically measure their blood pressure after taking the drug in order to take the blood pressure-raising medicine in a timely manner.

The antispasmodic should be used independently, without medical advice, for no more than two days.


Dispensed by prescription. The active ingredient, metoclopramide, is an anti-vomiting agent, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and soothes pain. Metoclopramide should not be taken by pregnant women, lactating women or children.

It is prohibited to drink alcohol while taking metoclopramide. During the reception period and for 24 hours after the reception, driving is prohibited.


Pharmaceutical factories produce Maalox in the form of tablets and suspensions. Maalox is commercially available. Main components: magnesium hydroxide and algeldrate.

The therapeutic effect is expressed in an enveloping effect. Maalox relieves heartburn, and also relieves a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or a feeling of fullness, and anesthetizes the upper abdomen.

The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents under 15 years of age.

Maalox contains sugar, so it should not be taken by people with diabetes. Maalox tablets without sugar are sold in pharmacies especially for diabetics.

The maximum daily dose is no more than twelve tablets.


The drug is over-the-counter. The active ingredient is mebeverine. The drug has an antispasmodic effect, relieves colic and heaviness.

The use of duspatalin is not recommended for pregnant women.

Release form: tablets.


Over-the-counter drug. Release form: tablets. It is used by sucking tablets. The active ingredient, domperidone, affects the contraction of the stomach walls.

The drug relieves attacks of nausea and vomiting, soothes pain in the epigastric region. Motilium is one of the remedies that helps eliminate the unpleasant sensations that arise from overeating.

Use is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under ten years of age.

Pubis hurts before menstruation

Many women report nagging pain in the pubic area before menstruation.

It also hurts in other places. This condition is called dysmenorrhea.

The leading symptom of this symptom complex is aching pain above the pubis.

But other manifestations are also possible. These are neurovegetative disorders, mental and emotional disorders.

More often, pathology occurs at a young age. The causes of dysmenorrhea are different.

It can be primary or secondary. With primary pain, the lower pubis hurts, but no pathologies of the genitourinary system are detected.

Secondary develops against the background of organic pathology.

This may be endometriosis, malformations of the reproductive organs, pelvic inflammatory diseases, tumors, adhesions.

Dysmenorrhea can be compensated or decompensated.

In the first case, the pain is of the same intensity and may be absent in some cycles.

With decompensated pain, it increases every year.

The cause is the progression of an organic disease of the reproductive system.

Note that nagging pain in the pubis before menstruation does not always indicate illness.

A slight pain syndrome may be normal.

Before menstruation, necrotic processes begin in the endometrium.

Spasms of the muscular layer of the uterus and fallopian tubes are possible.

When pain appears, it is often enough to take antispasmodics, after which they decrease or disappear.

Causes of lower abdominal pain in women

Women are much more likely to experience discomfort in the lower abdomen, which manifests itself with varying intensity in all representatives of the fair sex. We are talking about premenstrual pain that periodically occurs during certain phases of the cycle. Such pains often have the nature of spasms and do not require treatment (except in rare cases when the pain bothers the woman very much). However, to alleviate the condition, doctors recommend taking antispasmodics prescribed by a gynecologist.

Other causes of pain in the lower abdomen are serious diseases that require medical attention and treatment:

  • Inflammation of the reproductive organs: in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina.
  • Menalgia or algodismenorrhea are pathologies in which women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen at a certain phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • Infectious diseases and intoxications.
  • Fusion of the cervical canal, which leads to impaired blood flow during menstruation.
  • Rupture of the ovary with or without hemorrhage into the peritoneum.
  • Enlarging uterine fibroids, especially towards the peritoneum or uterus, or necrosis of its tissue.
  • Cyst rupture.
  • Torsion of the pedicles of the uterine appendages or cysts located in the pelvic area.
  • Endometriosis, parametritis or adnexitis.
  • Incorrectly installed intrauterine device.

In some cases, women experience pain in the lower abdomen due to taking medications that contain hormones, for example, oral contraceptives. In such cases, hyperstimulation of ovarian function is observed, which provokes pain. For this reason, at an appointment with a gynecologist with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to report all medications that the woman has taken in recent months.

Pubis hurts after shaving

Some people experience pain when palpating their pubis after shaving.

The cause most often is mechanical damage to the skin. Pain most often occurs if a person shaved for the first time.

The skin here is still thin and delicate. She was not used to the impact of the blade on her.

Therefore, irritation occurs. As a result of mechanical damage, the skin becomes inflamed.

Pain occurs and the pubis swells. Often the skin turns red or a rash appears on it.

To prevent this symptom, you must use aftershave products.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, they reduce the severity of pain.

Gradually, if you shave your pubic area regularly, the pain will no longer appear.

Because due to constant mechanical damage, thickening of the epidermis will occur.

The dermis will be better protected from mechanical stress.

On the other hand, thickening of the epidermis can lead to other problems such as ingrown hairs.

After shaving, the risk of purulent inflammatory processes in the skin increases.

To prevent it, it is advisable to treat the problem area with antiseptic solutions after shaving.

What do various abdominal pains indicate when eating various foods?

Health care, based on statistics, claims that almost half of humanity is familiar with discomfort in the stomach due to the fact that people have forgotten how to eat healthy food.

There is a group of foods that it is better to avoid eating altogether or reduce their consumption to a minimum for those who have gastrointestinal diseases, and even for those who simply occasionally have discomfort in the stomach after eating.


Legumes are healthy, they contain many vitamins and minerals, but they contain oligosaccharides, which increase gas formation. Gases are produced by the digestive system during the digestion of food, causing pain in the intestines for many. This pain is called irritable bowel syndrome.

If you soak legumes before cooking and leave them until the morning, the formation of gases will be reduced and irritable bowel syndrome can be avoided.

If soaking does not help, it is better to avoid eating legumes and choose whole grains as an alternative.

Carbonated drinks

Drinks are called “carbonated” because carbon dioxide is added to them. Carbon dioxide leads to bloating and pain in the abdomen. By drinking such drinks, a person increases the gas content in his own body and provokes it to cause spasms.

Carbonated drinks have no beneficial properties.

If in relation to legumes, doctors can recommend completely abandoning them only in case of a real threat to health, then in the situation with drinks containing carbon dioxide, all medicine is unanimous:

Avoiding soda is a prerequisite for a healthy intestine and stomach.


Wheat contains gluten, which can cause digestive upset.

If a particular person is determined to have gluten sensitivity, it is best to completely avoid both wheat and wheat-like grains that contain gluten.

Eating rye, oat, barley, and wheat products, if sensitivity to gluten is increased, is fraught with bloating, flatulence, pain, and diarrhea.


Everyone knows that onions are healthy. It turns out - not always and not for everyone.

Raw onions contain sulfur compounds and fructans. In people with gastrointestinal problems, these compounds cause flatulence, bloating and pain in the abdomen. If someone has a similar body reaction to onions, you should try to find a replacement from among other spicy greens (by selection) that will not cause problems in the intestines.


There is still a widespread belief about the benefits of milk and the lactose it contains.

In fact, many people cannot drink whole milk at all; their stomach does not accept it.

There are also many people who cannot safely consume all or some dairy products. No wonder. Dairy products, like whole milk, contain milk sugar, which provokes unpleasant sensations, including severe indigestion.

Those who are lactose intolerant experience an unpleasant reaction after consuming dairy products in the form of bloating, diarrhea, severe gas, and intestinal cramps.

The modern market is replete with alternative milk products. This is milk made from soy, rice, almonds. Coconut milk is available for sale. A popular product made from various grains, including oats, is under the general name “Nemilko”.

Plant-based milk does not upset the stomach and is rich in beneficial microelements.


It used to be said that if you eat one apple a day, the need to go to the doctor will disappear. However, apples contain a lot of fiber, plus their fructose content is high. If apple lovers do not have a completely healthy intestine, after eating apples they get bloating, flatulence and, in general, digestive problems.

Don't give up apples immediately. Heat-treated apples do not lose their beneficial properties. The most common way to bake apples is in the oven; you can boil them as for compote, and in the end you will get a compote and you can eat the apples.

Eating apples after heat treatment will reduce side pain.


Garlic is very healthy, but at the same time it is a strong allergen, containing fructan and sulfur in its cloves.

Many people cannot tolerate garlic; it can cause painful flatulence and belching, which is not good.

Garlic after heat treatment does not give such consequences. For example, when preparing pilaf, garlic heads are placed in a cauldron, which are then eaten separately and without discomfort in the stomach.

If you are intolerant, you should not give up garlic right away. We should try to reduce its doses in dishes and in the diet in general. It is known that some people swallow the cloves whole without chewing, and they have no unpleasant consequences, and the beneficial substances contained in garlic are absorbed by the body.

Pubic pain due to varicose veins

Pelvic varicose veins can cause severe pubic pain.

They can be permanent and lead to loss of ability to work. Dilation of the pelvic veins can be primary or secondary.

In the first case, this is the result of failure of the ovarian veins. Blood reflux occurs.

The vessels gradually dilate, the valves become incompetent.

There is a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins. It affects not only the pelvis, but also often the lower extremities and rectum (hemorrhoids).

Secondary expansion of the pelvic veins develops against the background of endometriosis and tumor processes.

Women with this pathology have pain in the lower pubic area. The second most common and significant symptom is pain during sex.

It is observed in 75% of patients with pelvic varicose veins. In third place are menstrual cycle disorders.

37% of women experience intermenstrual bleeding. In 12%, the duration of menstruation increases, sometimes up to 10 days.

In 22%, there is an increase in cycle duration to 50-80 days. 35% of women complain of excessive menstrual bleeding.

Their blood loss exceeds 200 ml.

Varicose veins of the pelvic veins lead to the following pathologies:

  • infertility;
  • frozen pregnancies;
  • dysuria as a result of congestion of the bladder veins;
  • increased anxiety and other mental disorders due to chronic pain.

In 50% of patients, dilatation of the superficial veins of the gluteal and perineal region is detected.

A complication of varicose veins can be vein rupture or thrombosis.

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen above the pubic bone

Unpleasant sensations in this area appear due to many reasons. The very bottom of the abdomen above the pubic bone may hurt due to the development of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Discomfort also occurs in the presence of pathologies in other parts of the body. In this case, referred pain appears.

Gynecological problems

The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right above the pubic bone in women are the development of diseases of the reproductive system:

  • Endometriosis. A pathological condition accompanied by the spread of endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterine mucosa is formed from them) throughout the woman’s body. The disease is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, as during menstruation.
  • Adnexitis. Accompanied by inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The disease manifests itself against the background of the development of various infections - gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis. In the presence of this pathology, the abdomen may hurt directly above the pubic bone, and unpleasant sensations radiate to the lower back and rectal area. Other signs of the disease are high fever and intestinal disorders.
  • Ovarian cyst. Always accompanied by aching pain to the right or left of the pubis, intensifying when pressed.
  • Cervical erosion. If you have this problem, sometimes your lower abdomen may hurt. It is also possible to experience bleeding that is not associated with menstruation.

Painful sensations in the very lower abdomen in women are sometimes associated with pregnancy. In the early stages, this is provoked by an increase in the size of the uterus, restructuring of the body and hormonal changes. Intense pain accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge often indicates a threat of miscarriage.

In late gestation, discomfort in the pubic area is considered a natural phenomenon, which is associated with sprained ligaments and separation of the pubic bones.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

With the development of diseases that affect the digestive system, pain appears localized in the lower abdomen or near the navel. Such pathologies include:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a functional disorder, since during diagnosis no negative changes in the structure of the organ are observed. The main sign of pathology is pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by intestinal dysfunction. Symptoms of the disease appear due to stress or consumption of certain foods.
  • Appendicitis. Characterized by the appearance of acute pain in the right lower abdomen. At the same time, there is a significant increase in body temperature and an upset digestion process.
  • Acute colitis. Characterized by inflammation of the colon mucosa. The main symptoms are diarrhea, flatulence, sharp pain and rumbling in the abdomen.
  • Acute enteritis. In this case, the inflammatory process manifests itself in the small intestine. The disease is accompanied by sudden pain, mainly localized in the navel area. Other characteristic symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur with Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, colon cancer, or inguinal hernia. This symptom is not uncommon in dysbacteriosis, which is also characterized by the appearance of flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and deterioration of health.

Diseases of the urinary system

Painful sensations near the pubis are often provoked by the following pathologies:

  • Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. Pains appear that are aching or bursting in nature, and the temperature rises. A woman complains of problems with urination. This process is accompanied by a burning sensation, and possibly cloudy urine.
  • Urolithiasis disease. When a stone moves through the urinary tract, severe pain appears - colic. They can radiate to the groin, back, side. As the disease progresses, vomiting and blood in the urine may occur.
  • Pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys, which is predominantly of an infectious nature. The disease is accompanied by sharp or dull pain, high body temperature, and general weakness. Without treatment, a person's condition rapidly deteriorates.

The most life-threatening cause of pain in the lower abdomen for women is bladder cancer. The intensity of the discomfort increases as the malignant tumor grows.

Pain in the pubis due to neuralgia of the pelvic nerves

Sometimes neurological pain occurs in the pubis.

This kind of pelvic pain occurs in different ways.


  • hyperalgesia - the appearance or intensification of pain with minor irritations (movements, sneezing, etc.);
  • allodynia – pain when exposed to physiological stimuli that normally should not cause pain;
  • Spontaneous pain - no apparent reason, without any influence.

The pathology may be based on neurogenic inflammation. It is supported by constant pathological nerve impulses.

Pain is caused by peptides that are encoded by the calcitonin gene. These are growth factors for neurokines and nerves in the affected organs.

Soft tissue hyperesthesia is also caused by the formation of trigger points.

They increase sensitivity. Such points are formed in muscle tissue and fascia.

Neurological pain may be associated with:

  • bowel or bladder emptying;
  • coitus;
  • menstrual cycle.

Similar pain occurs in both sexes.

In this case, men are often diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, although there may be no inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

Pain may be combined with neurological disorders.

If its source is the spinal nerves, these pain sensations are usually provoked by pathology of the spinal column.

At the same time, weakening of the tone of the pelvic floor muscles, disturbances in urination, defecation and erection may develop.

Pain due to herpes on the pubis

If your labia and pubis hurt, it could be herpes.

It affects the skin. Bubbles appear on it. Initially, a burning sensation appears without rashes on the pubis.

This is the prodromal period. It appears more often with a recurrence of herpes than with the first infection.

Then a rash appears. The bubbles are often transparent, less often filled with cloudy or bloody contents.

The pain in the pubis and groin is usually burning. They are observed at rest.

Their intensity increases when you touch the problem area.

Pain often persists even after the rash resolves. The disease is transmitted sexually.

Initially, the symptoms are pronounced. But after 2 weeks they go away.

The latent stage begins. The virus remains in the body, but there are no more symptoms.

Relapses are possible from time to time. They occur when immunity decreases.

Preventive measures to avoid abdominal pain

To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, medicine recommends:

  • try to avoid “evening snacks” and under no circumstances overeat before bed;
  • reduce consumption, and preferably give up fatty foods, flour and sweets;
  • coffee is harmful to health, it is better to give it up;
  • meat products produced through deep processing (sausages, wieners, sausages, primarily boiled) have recently become considered as provocateurs of colon cancer; it is better to switch to natural meat;
  • after eating, you should avoid any stress on the abs for at least two hours;
  • It sounds trivial, but it is extremely important to wash your hands with soap or detergents before eating and also wash them thoroughly after visiting the restroom.

These tips may look simple and antediluvian, but their extreme effectiveness has been repeatedly proven, so do not neglect them.

Pubis hurts due to thrush

The skin near the genitals, including the pubis, can be affected by candidiasis.

This is an endogenous infection.

It occurs against the background of reduced immunity, hypothermia, long-term antibiotic therapy or other unfavorable factors.

An increased risk is observed in diabetes mellitus. Humidity and lack of hygiene promote the growth of fungi.

Together with candidiasis, dermatophytosis can also occur.

Can the pubis hurt in this case?

Usually there is no severe pain. But sometimes it is possible.

With candidiasis, elements of a rash may appear. The skin often cracks.

Erosion and ulceration form. They can be quite painful.

The source of pain is the skin. The pubis hurts more when you press on it with your fingers.

Aromatherapy for pain relief

Aromatherapy has the maximum effect during PMS and menstruation. Aromatherapy is used in parallel with painkillers.

The aromas of the following plants help relieve pain best:

  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • rosemary;
  • eucalyptus.

Before starting to use aromatherapy, you must check for allergies to plants and their essential oils.

There are different ways to use essential oils in aromatherapy. Among the most accessible:

  1. Using an aroma lamp.
  2. Add a few drops of oil to the water before taking a hot bath.


Even when pregnancy is established, you need to make sure that the pain is not a consequence of inflammation of the small intestine or genitourinary system. It is forbidden to take a hot bath if inflammation is diagnosed

Pubis hurts with phthiriasis

Pubic lice primarily cause itching.

It is usually mild compared to other ectoparasitic diseases.

But it torments a person constantly. It itches and wounds appear.

A bacterial component of inflammation is added.

Then the pain begins. The pubic skin swells. Red spots appear on it.

Upon examination, the doctor discovers dried crusts. They may contain pus.

To treat scabies, treating the pubic area with permethrin is sufficient.

But if the pathological process is advanced, a bacterial infection may also be present.

It often takes longer to treat.

Local antiseptics and oral antibiotics are used.

Pubis hurts due to STD

If your pubis hurts, the cause may be a genital infection.

Inflammation of the corresponding localization is caused by not many bacteria and viruses.

These are herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, candidiasis.

Most STDs affect the urethra, not the pubis.

But even with urethritis, pain can radiate to the pubic area.

In this case, there is an increase in pain in the pubis during urination and ejaculation.

From the urethra, the infection often spreads to the bladder.

This aggravates the pain.

When do you need to see a doctor urgently, and which doctor will help?

When pain appears for the first time and is not acute, you may not immediately rush to see a doctor. It also happens that after a heavy meal, it is difficult for the body to absorb it, or it is possible that you ate something expired or “stale.”

If the following symptoms occur, it is better to rush to the doctor; perhaps a timely visit will help avoid bad consequences:

  1. For the first time, severe piercing pain appeared.
  2. For a week or more, the feeling of discomfort in the stomach persists, the heaviness in the stomach does not decrease. It is advisable not to wait a week and visit a doctor if this feeling intensifies in the evening or morning of the next day.
  3. Flatulence lasting two days or more.
  4. If at the same time urination has become more frequent, especially if urination is accompanied by a burning sensation.
  5. Diarrhea does not stop for several days (usually 4 days or more).
  6. If the body temperature rises at the same time, this confirms that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body.
  7. In cases where pain radiates to the neck, lumbar region or chest.

Pregnant women should visit a doctor if there are any deviations from the usual state.

Symptoms associated with the disease. When you observe these symptoms, you should see a doctor:

  1. Changes in behavior. That situation when, with the onset of a disease, a strong and cheerful person suddenly develops lethargy and becomes indifferent to everything.
  2. Abnormal stool, diarrhea.
  3. Vomiting appears for no apparent reason.
  4. The abdominal walls become tense.
  5. Rapid pulse with simultaneous perspiration and alternating states of heat and cold.
  6. The skin takes on a pronounced pale tint.

The described problems relate to different areas of medicine and are treated by doctors of different specializations.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should visit a gastroenterologist.

If you have problems in the genitourinary system, you should consult a urologist, and women should first visit a gynecologist.

The help of a proctologist should be sought when painful conditions occur in the groin area.

If the patient cannot understand his condition himself (those cases when it hurts, but where, it is not possible to determine), you need to start by visiting a local therapist. The therapist will prescribe tests and determine which specialized doctor you should contact.

If we are talking about a sick child, first of all they turn to the pediatrician.

Pubic pain and dermatological diseases

Some skin diseases can cause pubic pain.

These include:

  • streptoderma;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • athlete's foot;
  • bacterial skin infections.

The symptom can be caused by a large number of different pathologies.

A doctor's examination is needed to find out what exactly caused the pain.

What consequences can result from failure to timely seek help from a qualified doctor?

Having established a final diagnosis, it is possible to assess the consequences caused by the disease. Delaying a visit to the doctor can lead to death. This applies to cancer, perforation of ulcers, and internal bleeding.

As for pathologies that are not life-threatening, without timely diagnosis and treatment, complications may arise that are very difficult to treat.

The risk of damage to neighboring organs cannot be excluded. The disease will move from the acute stage to the chronic stage.

Cystitis and pubic pain

Inflammation of the bladder is a likely cause of pain in the pubic area in women.

It can be disturbing when at rest. Worsens with urination.

Often the pain above the pubis disappears after urination.

Although there may be a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Additional symptoms:

  • cloudy urine;
  • its unpleasant smell;
  • impurities of pus in the urine;
  • frequent urge;
  • adhesion of the walls of the urethra;
  • The urge to urinate is too strong and cannot be controlled.

Sometimes blood appears in the urine. Cystitis is most often bacterial.

But there may be other varieties: radiation, chemical, interstitial.

If your pubis hurts in the morning after drinking alcohol, this is a sign of chemical cystitis.

If pain appears after radiation therapy, the pathology may be due to radiation exposure.

Why you should always seek help from a doctor if you have abdominal pain

The state of the body is considered pathological even with mild, not very pronounced pain. You can only rule out pain caused by pregnancy. It is important to establish the cause of the pain. There are rare cases when it is not possible to immediately establish the etiology of pain, then an in-depth examination becomes necessary.

Patients need to understand that without treatment the disease will not go away on its own, but will only progress. It is dangerous to make decisions about treatment with any medications on your own. This way the disease can be “driven inside”, but then it will manifest itself with greater force.

Therefore, it is so important to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The abdominal cavity contains important organs of human life: the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the liver, stomach and intestines, and the genitourinary system, which includes the kidneys and bladder.

Each of the organs must be in a healthy state and capable of receiving and absorbing components taken from food that are necessary for life. Organs must ensure the non-stop removal of food debris from the body.

If any of the organs fails, a person’s whole life changes, he gets sick.

Some of the diseases described are life-threatening, so it is important to determine the cause of the disease immediately after the onset of pain.

Quick elimination of the source of the disease increases a person’s chance of a full recovery.

For example, in oncology, time is the main factor. The method of therapy that will be applied to the patient, the assessment of the chance of complete cure and remission - everything depends on the time of detection of the disease.

Prostatitis and pubic pain

In men, pubic pain is possible with prostatitis.

It can be bacterial and congestive. In the first case, inflammation is caused by bacteria.

In the second case, the source of pain is pelvic congestion. These are vascular disorders.

Stagnation of blood leads to edema, increased sensitivity of the pelvic tissues and prostate gland.

Often not only the pubis hurts, but also the perineum, lower back, and scrotum.

Sometimes a man cannot pinpoint the exact place that hurts.

Increased pain often occurs during ejaculation. Urinating may be difficult.

Palpation is painful when palpated through the rectum.

Groin and lower back pain in men

In some cases, pain is detected in the groin and lower back, the causes of which are related to the functioning of the male reproductive system. There are several types of diseases that can cause pain in the groin and lower back.


It is a fairly common disease that occurs in approximately 15% of the stronger sex. Varicocele appears because the outflow of blood in the veins near the spermatic cord is disrupted. Men complain that the groin hurts and at the same time radiates to the lower back; pain occurs near the scrotum or testicle, most often the left one.

Prostate cancer

Lower back pain most often occurs during a long and chronic course of the disease, when the kidneys or urinary ducts are already affected. The pain has a different character: long aching, shooting or short sharp. At the same time, there is a burning sensation when urinating, stomach pain, erectile function is impaired, and discomfort appears during sexual intercourse.

Spermatic cord cyst

The reason why lower back pain radiates to the groin may be a funicocele, which means the development of a cyst - a cavity in the membrane filled with fluid. In this case, one side of the groin is noticeably painful, and the lesion may affect the left or right cord. Upon examination, the doctor reveals swelling of the scrotum, and the leg may swell on one side.

Pubis hurts: what tests are needed

To successfully treat pubic pain, an examination is necessary.

Because the symptom can be caused by pathologies of completely different origins.

First, the doctor examines the patient.

He evaluates complaints, objective symptoms, and asks a number of clarifying questions.

Then he determines possible diagnoses and takes tests.

May require:

  • skin scraping;
  • tests for infections (culture for bacteria, PCR for herpes);
  • serological tests (if syphilis is suspected);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate and pelvic organs in women;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • PSA blood test;
  • blood tests for hormones;
  • Dopplerography of pelvic vessels, etc.

This does not mean that all these tests are performed on every patient.

The doctor prescribes those that are required to confirm or exclude a preliminary diagnosis.

Treatment of groin pain in women

To treat groin pain, a woman should follow a strict diet. Exclude fried, flour, sweet, salty and smoked foods from the menu. Eat plant-based foods. Limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates. Steamed fish and meat, fruits and vegetables are suitable. Be sure to drink clean drinking water. Salt should be excluded, as pain in the groin may indicate kidney problems. It is advisable to include physical therapy and massage in your daily routine after a doctor’s prescription.

Drug treatment should not be started without visiting a doctor. At the KDS Clinic you will be referred for blood, stool, urine and biochemistry tests. It is necessary to do an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging is used to obtain a clearer effect, however, this procedure has a number of contraindications. It is prohibited:

  1. Children under sixteen years of age. The child’s body is not yet strong, so the radiation will damage healthy organs.
  2. Pregnancy. During pregnancy, magnetic resonance imaging is strictly prohibited. It will harm the development of the fetus.
  3. Lactation period.
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