Bandage for pregnant women: why is it needed, how to choose, how to wear

When to think about buying an accessory

There are a number of indications for which a pregnant woman needs to think about purchasing a special bandage:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit;
  • low placenta adherence.

Before purchasing a bandage, you should consult with your pregnancy doctor. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the age of the woman and the conditions of pregnancy, the specialist will decide on the need to purchase a bandage and help you choose the right accessory.

Choosing a bandage

Among all accessories for pregnant women, the bandage is perhaps the most popular. Often friends who have already given birth are advised to wear it, saying that it is simply impossible to do without it. But there is another opinion: some women, having bought a bandage, say that they did not feel any effect from it. And obstetricians and gynecologists believe that not all expectant mothers need to wear a bandage. So is he needed or not? And if you need it, how to choose it and how to wear it?

What is it for?

A bandage is a special belt that supports the abdomen and internal organs in the desired position. During pregnancy, this is precisely necessary, because the belly increases significantly during this time. The bandage will also come in handy after childbirth: it will help the uterus contract better and the internal organs to quickly return to their normal position. A postpartum bandage has another undoubted advantage: it is believed that if you put on a bandage immediately after giving birth, your tummy will “tighten up” faster. And of course, you need a bandage after a cesarean section: it will fix the postoperative sutures and additionally support the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Prenatal bandage – to wear or not

It seems that the bandage has many advantages, so why is there no consensus on whether it is necessary to wear it during pregnancy? Everything is very simple: every woman experiences pregnancy in her own way, so in this case everything will depend on her well-being. The bandage will be useful if:

1. The expectant mother has a large overstretched belly, which is difficult to carry.

2. Twins or even several children are expected.

3. There is polyhydramnios and the stomach grows by leaps and bounds.

4. The expectant mother is active: for example, she loves walking or has a long commute to work.

5. If you are worried about back pain or have any problems with your spine.

6. If wearing a bandage is more comfortable than without it.

If there are no unpleasant sensations from the enlarged abdomen or there are no other indications, then the bandage does not need to be worn.

Postpartum bandage - when is it useful?

A postpartum bandage is also worn depending on how you feel. If a woman thinks that her stomach is weak, sticks out a lot, needs additional support, or just wants to get in shape quickly, it’s worth wearing a bandage. There are no such problems - you can do without a bandage.

But after a caesarean section, a special postoperative bandage is recommended for all mothers to wear. It is really much more comfortable to endure the postoperative period with it, because the stomach needs support after the incision much more than after a normal birth, and the bandage will additionally secure the sutures.

Bandage models

For expectant mothers, there are two types of bandages - in the form of a separate tape and bandage panties. A wide elastic band is put on the lower back and fixed under the stomach, it both supports it and relieves the lower back. This bandage can be worn both lying down and standing, and can also be worn over underwear and tights. Bandage panties - the name speaks for itself: a ribbon is sewn into the underwear, running under the stomach, along the hips and lower back. This model must be worn while lying down.

Postpartum wraps look like a corset or high-waisted panties. They have a wide, tight belt, which tightens the stomach.

By the way, there are also universal “2 in 1” bandages; they can be worn both before childbirth to support a growing tummy, and after - to tighten it. Before birth, the wide base of the bandage supports the lower back, and then the bandage is simply turned over, and the same reinforced part becomes a tummy tuck.

How to choose a bandage

· Buy a bandage only after trying it on, and it’s worth looking at several models - this will make it easier to understand which option is best suited.

· Ask the seller how to put on this or that model correctly (standing or lying down), see if the bandage is convenient to remove. For expectant mothers who lead an active lifestyle, the model that is quickest and easiest to remove will suit you.

· It would be good if the bandage had multi-level fasteners that allow you to adjust the size and adjust the model to your body shape.

· Bandages come in several sizes, usually S, M and L. To choose the correct size, you need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips at the widest point. Typically, the sizes of tape bandages S, M, L correspond to the sizes of women's underwear. The size of bandage panties is selected as follows: pre-pregnancy underwear size + 1 size.

How to wear a bandage

· The band can be worn from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy (when the belly is already clearly visible), but some mothers feel that they need a band much later - at 36-40 weeks of pregnancy (when the belly becomes very large).

· You cannot wear the bandage 24 hours a day. Every 3 hours you need to take a break for half an hour.

· If you use the prenatal panties as regular underwear, you will have to wash it every day. It is worth either buying a second bandage, or wearing it over regular panties.

· A postpartum bandage can be put on as early as the day of birth - but first you should consult your doctor.

Color, model, price - when it comes to a bandage, all this is of minor importance. The main thing you need to know about the bandage: it should be comfortable and it should fulfill its main task - to support the stomach.

When is it better not to wear a bandage?

In some cases, it is not recommended for a pregnant woman to wear a bandage.

Such cases include:

  1. If after 30 weeks of pregnancy the baby is not positioned correctly in the womb. In this case, it is recommended to perform special exercises on the advice of a doctor, which will help restore its correct position, because the bandage cannot change the baby's position.
  2. The bandage is not suitable for women who have already given birth and who have had a caesarean section, as the bandage can rub the seams, which will lead to inflammation.
  3. In case of digestive problems, wearing a bandage is prohibited.
  4. For kidney disease, the bandage is also contraindicated.


  • Why do you need a bandage during pregnancy?
  • Types of bandages
  • How to choose a bandage for pregnant women?
  • Short description

Many pregnant women are faced with the question: “What bandages to wear during pregnancy?” This product, made of elastic fabric and sewn according to a special pattern, will help a woman feel more comfortable and not experience back pain or heaviness in the lower abdomen. From what week of pregnancy should I wear a bandage? Typically, wearing it is recommended from 20 to 24 weeks, but if necessary, the doctor can prescribe wearing it at an earlier date.

The best types of bandages for pregnant women

When buying an accessory for pregnant women, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Relaxan - an Italian manufacturer produces the X-Static product. This accessory is very effective and flexible. The bandage does not cause discomfort while wearing, due to the fact that it is made of cotton.
  • “Fest” - bandage panties are suitable for pregnant women whose stomach is located quite high. This product should be worn in cold weather. The product consists of knitwear.
  • BeSafe Pregnant is a safety belt for expectant mothers that can be used while traveling in a car.
  • Ecoten LuxS – this accessory is worn before childbirth; it helps reduce the load on the spine. This bandage has 4 inserts. Special ties are necessary to maintain the abdomen in the correct position.
  • Products with stiffening ribs help the expectant mother not to think about stretch marks.
  • Oppo Medical Inc. - makes a highly elastic belt that normalizes the position of the hip muscles.
  • Anita – makes a bandage T-shirt. The different knitting densities of this T-shirt support the chest and tummy. Contains microfiber. This bandage has absolutely no seams. The pregnant woman feels comfortable. The T-shirt allows you to remove moisture from the body, leaving the skin dry.
  • Bliss are bandages with an adjustable degree of tightening that perfectly correct the shape. 10 flexible bones allow you to remove the load from the vertebral part of the body. The bones of the corset are located ergonomically, so that a pregnant woman does not experience any discomfort while wearing the bandage.

Why do you need a prenatal bandage?

An antenatal bandage makes it much easier for women to carry a child to term. Today, obstetricians and gynecologists recommend wearing it to almost everyone after the 20th week, regardless of the volume of the abdomen (if there are no contraindications), and if indicated, from the 16th week.

The bandage performs many functions:

  • ensures the optimal position of the fetus for its favorable development and successful physiological birth;
  • lifts the abdomen, improving blood supply to the fetus;
  • in the third trimester reduces the risk of breech presentation;
  • prevents premature descent of the fetus and, as a consequence, pathologically early birth;
  • reduces the load on the spine, legs and pelvic organs when standing and walking (prevention of varicose veins);
  • relieves discomfort when the pelvic bones separate before childbirth;
  • acts as a prophylactic against stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs, and against sagging.

With each repeat pregnancy, the abdominal muscles weaken. Therefore, for women carrying a second, third, or fourth child, the question of which prenatal bandage to choose for pregnant women is especially relevant. You also cannot do without it in complicated cases - with osteochondrosis, curvature in the lumbar spine and back pain of unknown origin.

How to choose a bandage

There are several tips that can help a pregnant woman choose the best bandage for herself.

Of course, it is best to seek the help of a doctor who is managing your pregnancy. A specialist, having taken the correct measurements, will help you choose the best accessory option.

It is very important to pay attention to the material of the bandage. It should contain cotton or viscose, thanks to which the skin breathes. Elastane, lycra, microfiber, polyester are necessary for the elasticity of the accessory.

The number of Velcro is also important, which allows you to change the size of the bandage. The product must be purchased in pharmacies. Thus, the online pharmacy “Aptstore” offers a large selection of high-quality bandages for pregnant women in Odintsovo.

Are there any contraindications

Your doctor will tell you what kind of bandage is needed for pregnant women and how safe it is to wear it. Prenatal, for example, cannot be worn if the fetus is in an incorrect position (pelvic or transverse after the 30th week). The remaining contraindications are relative; the doctor must make a decision in each case. You may be prohibited from wearing this product for the following diseases:

  • inguinal and umbilical hernias;
  • open wounds and burns in the area where the bandage is used;
  • allergic reaction to the materials of its manufacture;
  • kidney problems that lead to swelling;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • seams in the perineal area (for postpartum models).

There are situations when you cannot do without a prenatal bandage for medical reasons, for example, with a low-lying placenta, multiple pregnancies, or the threat of miscarriage in the second or third semester. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the bandage will help make it more comfortable, and the universal model will also quickly return to its previous shape after childbirth.

When should you purchase the product?

Experts advise pregnant women to buy a bandage at 4 or 5 months of pregnancy, which depends on the woman’s condition and the size of her abdomen.

Before giving birth, the belt allows you to support the abdomen, which is necessary since the growth of the child increases the pressure and load on the pregnant woman’s spine every month. As a result, her lower back hurts.

The postpartum bandage can be worn immediately after the baby is born only on the recommendation of a doctor. After the birth of the baby, the mother needs to return her body to its previous state. Exercising after childbirth is not recommended for a long period of time, so a special postpartum bandage can come to the rescue.

If the bandage is chosen correctly and does not cause discomfort during use, then such an accessory will benefit both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

A woman can simplify her life during pregnancy by wearing a bandage, which can be purchased at the Aptstore online pharmacy. With the support of the bandage, bearing a baby will become much easier. The main thing is to choose the bandage that perfectly suits you.

What is a postpartum bandage for?

A postpartum bandage helps to recover faster - to restore tone to the abdominal skin and muscles. It creates compression in the weakened abdominal area, improves the silhouette and conceals figure flaws. If stretch marks appeared during pregnancy, a slimming belt will help deal with them.

The mechanism of action of the postpartum bandage is simple:

  • it normalizes the pressure inside the abdominal cavity and helps the uterus contract faster;
  • internal organs quickly return to their usual places after displacement;
  • The tone of the abdominal muscles is restored, they acquire their former elasticity and firmness.

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