Ointment 911 - composition, indications and instructions for use

Series 911 for the treatment of joints

911 is not just the name of one cream, but a whole series of topical preparations to get rid of the main symptoms of joint diseases. Here are the most popular of them: with bee venom;

  • Revmalgon;
  • with chondroitin;
  • Sabelnik;
  • Venolgon;
  • Traumalgon.

Most of these drugs have no direct contraindications, but one must always remember the possibility of an individual reaction, especially in cases where products of natural origin are used, which are the ointments and gels of the 911 series. It is also recommended to temporarily refuse or limit the use of local drugs in the presence of inflammatory processes directly on the skin or in case of injury (violation of the integrity) of the epidermis.


911 Your Emergency Service. MOSTADEN - denture Adhesive CREAM, extra strong adhesion, mint flavored. Denture Adhesive Cream: contributes to reliable adhesion preventing damage to the gums, prevents denture shifting, and helps to ensure that food particles do not get under it. Manufactured by: TWINS Tec JSC, address: 142712, Moscow Region, Leninsky District, village Leninskie Gorki, TechnoPark industrial area, ul. Vostochnaya, vl. 18, str. 1. Storage conditions: store at 5–25 °C. Shelf life: 24 months. The use by date and the consignment number can be found on the seam of the tube. 40 mL.


Sērija 911 JŪSU GLĀBŠANAS DIENESTS. MOSTADEN - Krēms zobu protēžu fiksācijai, Ekstra stipras fiksācijas, Ar piparmētru garšu. Krēms zobu protēžu fiksācijai: veicina drošu fiksāciju, novēršot smaganu bojājumu, nepieļauj protēzes nobīdi, pārtikas daļiņu nokļūšanu zem tā. Ražotājs: AS „TWINS Tec”, Krievija. Uzglabāt: temperatūrā no +5° līdz +25° С, bērniem nepieejamā vietā. Uzglabāšanas termiņš 24 mēneši. Derīgs līdz beigām un Partijas Nr. uzrādīti uz tūbas šuves. 40 ml.


911 SERVICIUL DE SALVARE. MOSTADEN - CREMĂ pentru fixarera protezelor dentare, EXTRA Fixare, Cu gust de mentă. Cremă pentru fixarea protezelor dentare: asigură o fixare dură, previne deteriorarea gigiilor, nu permite deplasarea protezei și oprește alunecarea particulelor alimentare sub proteză. Producer: SA "TWINS Tek", 142712, Russia, reg., r. Leninskii, s. Gorki Leninskie, zone industrială "Tehnopark", str. Vostocinaia, proprietatea 18, clădirea 1. Condiţii de păstrare: la tîntre +5°C şi +25°C. Termen de valabilitate: 24 luni. pînă la şi numărul lotului sînt indicate pe sudura tubulu. 40 ml.


911 Your rescue service. MOSTADEN - Cream for fixation on dentures, Extra strong fixation, Cops taste. Cream for fixation on the prosthesis: very reliable fixation and prevents damage to the denture. Prevent the prosthetic from movement and contact with particles stored under it. Suitable for and partiden No.: vizh kutiyata. Shelf life: 24 months. Storage: At temperatures from 5°C to 25°C. Yes, everything is saved for meat, it is inaccessible for small children. BACK Russia - Moscow. Official contributor: “Despik” EOOD, gr. Dupnitsa, st. “Khan Krum” No. 7, entrance B, ap. 28, tel.: 0887 51 71 36, www.despic.bg. 40 ml.


911 Jūsų gelbėjimo tarnyba. MOSTADEN - Dantų protezų fiksuojamasis kremas, Itin stiprios fiksacijos, Mėtų skonio. Dantų protezų fiksuojamasis kremas užtikrina stiprų, patvarų protezų fiksavimą, tvirtai prilaiko, neleidžia maisto dalelėms patekti po protezu. Nedirgina dantenų. Gamintojas: TVINS Tek JSC, address: 142712, Rusijos Federacija, Maskvos apskritis, Leninsky rajonas, Gorki Leninskije kaimas, Pramoninė zone „Technopark“, Vostocnaja g., koprusas 18, pastatas 1, tel. +7(495)-363-30-16, [email protected] Kilmės šalis: Rusija. Import: UAB “Elevita” Vilties g.11, Kuprioniškės Vilniaus r., Lietuva. Tel. +37052602848, www.elevita.lt. Atsakingas asmuo ES: D&D pharma Ltd. Han Krum 7, 2600 Dupnitza, Bulgaria. Laikymo sąlygos: nuo 5° iki 25° N. Galiojimo terminas: 24 mėnesiai.Geriausias naudoti iki pabaigos: žr. ant pak. Partijos nr: žr. ant pak. 40 ml.


911 Please contact us. MOSTADEN — Tіs protezderin turaktandirug arnalgan CREAM, Extra wash turaktandyr, Zhalbyz dәmіmen. This prosthetic turquoise arnal cream: qyzyliecterdin closed the baldirmay senіmdi turaktandirug ekpal edі, protezdіn zhylzhuyna, now astyna tamaq bolіkterin I'm sorry Bermaid. Ondirilgen: “TWINS Tech” АҚ, mekenzhayy: 142712, Maskeu oblysy, Lenin audany, Gorki Leninskie eldi-mekeni, “Technopark” Ond.aimagy, Vostochnaya kosh., 18-yelik, 1-kur. Saktau sharttary: 5° bastap 25° S daying t barysynda. Zharamdylyk merzimі: 24 ay. Deyin zharamdy zhane party nomiri tuba tigisinde korsetilgen. 40 ml.

Gel-balm with bee venom

Cream-balm 911 is one of the best products containing this beekeeping product. Compared to analogues, the content of bee venom here is slightly higher, and additional components enhance the effect of apitoxin, helping joints to recover faster. Actually, the name itself already mentions the main component of this product.

Apitoxin, isolated from bee venom, is a healing agent containing unique and rare biological active components, inorganic acids, vitamins and minerals. In loading doses, this agent has a paralyzing effect and can cause symptoms typical of a bee sting, and when applied externally in a small amount quantity, the opposite effect can be achieved.

Apitoxin quickly accelerates blood flow, removing swelling and stagnation of blood and lymph in the area of ​​inflammation. A mild irritant effect helps improve reflex functions, resulting in the restoration of sensitivity. Gel 911 with bee venom also contains additional components:

  • Horse chestnut extract. It is considered one of the best natural remedies for preventing the process of blood clots, and therefore is used in various fields of medicine.
  • Gingko biloba. The extract of this tropical plant promotes not only the expansion of blood vessels, but also the elasticity of their walls.
  • Red grape leaf extract. It also has a positive effect on the condition of vascular walls.


Despite its natural composition, the 911 series, used to treat problems associated with the joints and spine, has restrictions on its use. Most of them are associated with the main, most active, component. The instructions for use indicate that balms in this series should not be used:

  1. In case of individual intolerance to any of the components included in the composition.
  2. In case of damage or inflammation of the skin at the application sites.
  3. Bee venom balm should be used with caution if you are allergic to bee products.
  4. Balm with bischofite is contraindicated for people suffering from severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.

As for use in childhood or during pregnancy, the safety of these drugs has not been studied. All balms in the series have bright, specific odors due to the essential oils they contain. Therefore, people with hypersensitivity to fragrances should also use them with caution.

It can be useful:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of joints
  2. Indications for use of Meloxicam, instructions
  3. Medicine Allopurinol: instructions
  4. The drug Ostenil plus (Instructions)
  5. Chondroitin and glucosamine preparations, instructions for use


Revmalgon 911 balm is especially effective when used as a massage product. Thanks to the actions of the massage therapist, the active components quickly enter the skin, causing corresponding positive changes in the muscles, bones and ligaments. Revmalgon 911 is a balm that is effectively used as part of the complex treatment of diseases of muscles and joints, especially the spine.

Revmalgon is a remedy recommended for complex treatment of joints

List of diseases that this remedy can do:

  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis

Alezan ointment for joints and reviews about it

It contains chondroitin, glucosamine, hot pepper extract, essential oils and cinquefoil extract. The first two components are actively prescribed by orthopedic doctors and rheumatologists to their patients.

Indeed, chondroitin and glucosamine are included in the classic list of recommendations, since with their long-term use it is possible to restore even those joints whose destruction no longer inspired the patient with confidence that they would ever be able to function as before.

Another powerful component of the product is methyl nicotinate, which has a pronounced vasodilating effect, thereby improving blood microcirculation and reducing swelling in the joint. The patient feels obvious relief. Finally, hot pepper and cinquefoil extract are known anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. Hot pepper has an irritating effect, causing blood to flow faster to the places where the balm is applied.

As a result, congestion in the joint subsides and the patient feels relief. Despite the fact that the product’s packaging says “for joints,” it can also be used for muscle injuries. Thus, the rate of tissue and cell restoration during microtears, injuries, and inflammatory processes in muscles, which most often occur during physical exercise, will be much higher when using Revmalgon 911.

Features of application

Ointments from the 911 series are used to relieve acute, chronic pain in joints and muscles.

Before using them, you must consult a doctor who will take into account the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s body.

The drugs can be used for a long time (from 3 days to 4-5 months in a row), applied to the affected areas of the skin three times a day.

Articles on the topic

  • Rescuer ointment - indications, active substance and contraindications
  • Pain-relieving ointments for children with bruises and injuries - effective remedies with description
  • Ointment for bruises and sprains for athletes - effective remedies with description

Gels, balms and rubs from the 911 series are rubbed into clean, dry skin with gentle massaging movements, and compresses can be applied on top of them. If the composition contains hot pepper extract, it is prohibited to apply the product to damaged, damp skin. There are rarely any side effects when used. Allergic reactions on the skin may occur: rash, burning, itching, irritation, redness.

Gel-balm with chondroitin

It is used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, because in any case, destructive processes are characterized by a decrease in the level of chondroitin in the body, and the use of the gel allows it to be restored. Chondroitin is a substance vital for the normal functioning of cartilage tissue and ligaments.

That is why gel-balm 911 with chondroitin helps restore the disturbed balance and prevent further destruction of the articular surfaces.

In some patients, the regenerative processes are so active that even a joint destroyed under the influence of various factors begins to restore its structure. In addition to chondroitin, the manufacturer added elecampane extract, as well as vitamins F and E, which are so necessary for the skeletal system. This remedy is especially needed for patients with chronic processes, when therapy lasts a long time, but there is no expected effect.

Gel with chondroitin 911 can be called a classic remedy for saving joints among the entire series

Balsam Sabelnik

The manufacturer created Balsam Sabelnik series 911 based on an extract from this plant. This herbal medicine gently relieves inflammation and relieves pain, and therefore can be used as an assistant in complex therapy. It is based on cinquefoil extract, revered by herbalists for its ability to eliminate inflammatory processes even when applied topically.

The roots of this plant contain carotene, organic acids, essential oils and minerals valuable for joints - magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Thanks to its oilier texture, the balm can be used for massage. This will help you cope with swelling and pain faster. This product also contains:

  • Indian frankincense extract. This plant, revered in eastern countries, effectively and delicately relieves inflammation.
  • Willow tree bark extract. This component has been used since ancient times as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Venolgon 911

Venolgon foot gel can be used at the first signs of weakness of the vascular system in the lower extremities. This will help prevent more serious conditions and diseases, including thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. By improving metabolic processes, Venolgon indirectly maintains joints in good condition. This remedy can only indirectly be classified as a drug for the treatment of joints, but it cannot be called useless either, because only if the vascular system in the joint area is in good condition can we talk about their health.

So, what does it contain:

  • Dihydroquercetin. This component is isolated from larch, and therefore can safely be called natural. It has a pronounced positive effect on small vessels and capillaries, and also helps eliminate the inflammatory process, as a result of which the patient feels obvious relief.
  • Ascorbic acid. This component is necessary for patients with joint diseases for several reasons. Firstly, it helps accelerate recovery processes in the body. Secondly, it neutralizes the effect of toxins and free radicals in the body, as a result of which it prevents the development of pathological processes in tissues. Finally, ascorbic acid is responsible for the process of keratin synthesis, which is so necessary to maintain the turgor of most tissues.
  • Rutin. Together with ascorbic acid, rutin helps increase the elasticity and firmness of vascular walls.
  • Horse chestnut extract. This is one of the best tonic and anti-inflammatory remedies of natural origin.
  • Hesperidin. Extracted from the peel of citrus fruits (oranges), it tones the entire vascular system, preventing stagnation of blood in the veins.

Thus, Venolgon 911 is indicated for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, as well as when it is necessary to prevent them. Also, this local drug can be used for hemorrhoids, since this disease of the lower intestinal mucosa is also of a vascular nature.

Traumalgon 911

This remedy is very effective for various types of injuries, and therefore is most often used by athletes. It contains:

  • Hot pepper extract. Capsaicin (the main component of hot pepper) is included in most remedies for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain of various origins and even colds.
  • Sage oil. It acts as an antiseptic and kills most known pathogens. It also has a positive effect on local immunity, increasing the body’s ability to independently resist infection. Finally, it helps relieve spasms, resulting in pain disappearing.
  • Bodyaga extract. This is one of the best known decongestants. Badyaga not only resolves bruises and hematomas, but also disinfects the place where it was applied. It will also help with problems with veins, improving their elasticity.
  • Camphor. Derived from turpentine, camphor quickly warms up and anesthetizes the area of ​​application, and also helps disinfect the tissues of the subcutaneous layers. By increasing blood flow, recovery and healing occurs at an accelerated pace.
  • Lavender essential oil. It gently reduces pain in muscle and joint pathologies, as well as injuries. It gently relieves inflammation and helps normalize all processes in the area of ​​application.

Traumalgon gel should be in the first aid kit of those who are actively involved in sports, but it will also help in other cases, for example, during country work, where there is a high probability of injury - sprains, bruises, bruises

It turns out that its active components contribute to the resorption of hematomas and the removal of swelling, and also accelerate blood circulation and promote a faster removal of uric acid. Inflammatory processes disappear very quickly, and the patient feels relief.

All products in the 911 series can successfully complement the main treatment prescribed by a specialist. If you follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, you can achieve quick results. Existing analogues (Sofya2 and Apizatron creams) cannot completely replace ointments and balms for joints of a well-known brand, and the effect may differ from the expected result.


The entire variety of dosage forms of the 911 series can be divided into three large groups: gel-balms, rubs and simply balms. Gel-balm and balm have a thicker base, are similar in appearance to regular ointment and are well suited for massage. In contrast, the rub is a liquid form that resembles a body lotion. It is easily rubbed in and can also be used as a stand-alone product or as an addition to a massage.

All 911 series drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store without a prescription. They should be used according to the instructions or doctor's prescription.

However, the different forms are not all that distinguishes the products in this series. There is also a difference in their composition.

Gel-balm Larkspur

Its basis is the delphinium plant, popularly called larkspur (larkspur ointment). Delphinium-based decoctions and ointments were used back in the Middle Ages for various joint diseases, damage to ligaments and muscles, after injuries and bruises. In addition to the extract of this medicinal plant, the product includes:

  • Arnica is a plant that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties.
  • Golden mustache or fragrant callisia, which has the ability to accelerate regeneration in damaged tissues.
  • B vitamins, necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and also help damaged nerve fibers recover faster.
  • Elecampane as a source of vitamin E, which helps the body cope with premature aging processes.
  • Eucalyptus oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Delphinium is often confused with another medicinal plant - comfrey, which people also dubbed larkspur. However, despite the similarity of folk names and medicinal properties, these are two different plants.

Gel-balm and rubbing Comfrey

The main active ingredient of this series is the comfrey plant, rich in the unique substance allantoin. This natural compound has the properties to accelerate the regeneration of damaged body cells, including those that make up bone tissue. In addition, comfrey root is rich in vitamin B12, vital for the proper functioning of the nervous system. The 911 series based on comfrey is presented in three dosage forms:

  • Comfrey balm gel, which additionally contains chondroitin, which also helps restore damaged joint and muscle tissue.
  • Rubbing Comfrey is a liquid that needs to be rubbed into the sore joint. In addition to comfrey extract, it contains golden mustache, glucosamine and chondroitin.
  • Gel-balm Comfrey with the addition of formic acid has a pleasant warming effect.

Gel-balm Bischofite

Bishofite is a mineral that is a magnesium salt and has the ability to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation and relieve pain in a damaged joint. In addition, bischofite is able to increase magnesium levels and thereby have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

The gel-balm also contains iron, iodine and bromine, as well as extracts of golden mustache, cinquefoil and comfrey. Ointment with bischofite is especially effective for chronic diseases of the joints and spine, such as rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis deformans, radiculitis and lumbago.

Gel-balm Bischofite 911 should be used with caution in case of cardiovascular failure, exacerbation of coronary heart disease and severe vascular sclerosis.

Gel-balm Bee venom

Bee venom or apitoxin is a natural substance that is produced by special poisonous glands of the worker bee. It is a thick transparent liquid with a strong honey smell and a bitter, burning taste.

Scientists have found that due to the presence of 20 amino acids, special enzymes, inorganic acids and a large number of trace elements such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and iodine, bee venom can help with many diseases.

In therapeutic doses, apitoxin relieves inflammation and pain, improves not only blood circulation, but also blood composition, and also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Like bischofite, it is able to penetrate the body through the skin. In addition, ointment with bee venom contains a unique substance:

  • Gingko biloba is an amazing relict plant containing sesquiterpenes and tricyclic diterpenes in its leaves that can dilate blood vessels and increase their elasticity.
  • Horse chestnut extract – can prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.
  • Extract of red grape leaves, which helps with swelling and severe fatigue, strengthens the walls of blood vessels in various diseases.

Ointment with bee venom (Sofia ointment) is especially effective for joint diseases that are accompanied by poor circulation and swelling. It is also recommended for people suffering from venous diseases and prone to blood clots.

Gel-balm Chondroitin

Chondroitin sulfates are substances that are one of the most important components of cartilage tissue and synovial fluid, which provides joint protection and mobility. The lack of these substances can cause destruction of the articular surfaces, provoke inflammation and ultimately cause the joint to lose its mobility.

If there are already existing problems with the joints, the chondroitin sulfates produced by the body are usually not enough. To compensate for this deficiency, medications containing natural or synthetic chondroitin are used. Such as gel-balm 911 with chondroitin, which helps stop the destruction of cartilage tissue in acute and chronic diseases. In addition to chondroitin, the ointment contains eucalyptus oil, elecampane extract, vitamins E and F.

Chaga gel-balm

The birch mushroom, popularly known as chaga, is a parasite that most often develops on birch, alder, elm, maple or rowan. Its antimicrobial, hemostatic and antiseptic properties have been known to people for centuries. Birch mushroom is rich in flavonoids, organic acids, tannins and trace elements, the most valuable of which are silver, zinc and magnesium.

Chaga-based ointment is well suited for pathologies of the joints and spine, accompanied by poor circulation, hematomas and swelling. It is able to remove accumulated salts and toxins from the joints. In addition to birch mushroom extract, this product also contains juniper and tea tree oils, which enhance its ability to relieve inflammation and fight infection.


Just like most products from the 911 series, they are used for pain and inflammation in the joints and spine. They differ from each other in dosage form and composition. What they have in common is that both contain glucosamine, chondroitin and cinquefoil extract.

The composition of Revmalgon cream is supplemented with hot pepper extract, bee venom, eucalyptus, juniper, fir and cedar essential oils. But the main substance in the composition is methyl nicotinate, which has a pronounced vasodilating effect, improves microcirculation in tissues, and also promotes the removal of salts and toxins.

The Revmalgon rub is different in that it contains Adam's apple extract. The Adam's root plant is rich in many active substances, the most valuable of which are histamine-like compounds, organic acids and trace elements. In terms of effectiveness, the action of Adam's root extract is compared to acupuncture, since it is able to influence nerve endings and thereby relieve pain.


Traumalgon ointment contains the already familiar camphor, eucalyptus oil and hot pepper extract. Thanks to the last component, it has a soft, warming effect. The difference between this gel is the following components:

  • Lavender essential oil is known for its healing and anesthetic properties.
  • Sage essential oil is also known for its ability to relieve pain and inflammation in muscle, joint pain and neuralgia.

Traumalgon ointment is a kind of first aid for injuries, bruises, sprains and hematomas. Thanks to the high concentration of essential oils, it quickly reduces pain and prevents the formation of swelling.

Balsam Sabelnik

The plant base of the product is marsh cinquefoil. In folk and official medicine, various drugs are used that are prepared from its rhizome. The special value of this medicinal plant is its essential oil, carotene, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and ascorbic acid.

The balm has a slightly oilier structure than the gel, so it is well suited for use during massage. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. In addition, cinquefoil balm contains:

  • Willow tree bark extract, which is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory natural substances.
  • Boswellia or Indian frankincense extract, which is also valued for its pronounced ability to relieve inflammation.
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