Cream-balm “Shungite” for joints: reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

Packaging and composition

What does Shungite cream-balm for joints contain? Reviews from experts indicate that this medication includes the following ingredients: glycerin, emulsion wax, DEG stearate, cedar oil, collagen hydrolyzate, shungite, mumiyo, preservatives, wheat germ oil, water enriched with silver ions, and oil extracts of such components , like aloe, ginseng, wormwood, St. John's wort, fragrance and withanol.

The drug in question for topical use is sold in 75 ml tubes.

Cream composition

The cream-balm contains useful substances that ensure its effective effect on joints.

Table “Components of Shungit cream-balm”:

Natural ingredientsBeneficial features
ShungiteThe main active ingredient that provides the main medicinal properties of the drug. Saturates with useful components and transports additional nutrients to the joints.
Cedar oilIt contains vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Thanks to this, tissues are protected from free radicals, rejuvenated and renewed.
GinsengAnesthetizes the area where the balm is applied and promotes tissue rejuvenation.
AloeIt has bactericidal properties, helps stimulate metabolism in joint tissues and restores them.
SagebrushHelps reduce pain, heal wounds and stop the inflammatory process.
NettlePromotes collagen formation and connective tissue restoration.
St. John's wortAntiseptic and natural preservative that prolongs the life of the balm.
MumiyoPromotes rapid recovery of the joint. It has healing properties and even promotes healing of fractures.
Collagen hydrolyzateIts composition is pure protein. Has restorative and analgesic properties. Used to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system
VitanolHas the properties of the strongest antioxidant.

The balm, thanks to the beneficial ingredients included in its composition, allows you to fight many joint diseases. The combination of components enhances the properties of the drug several times.

Pharmacological action

What properties does Shungite cream-balm for joints have? Reviews claim that this is a very effective remedy of natural origin, intended for joints and the spine. Its use improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, and also slows down destructive processes, activates the regeneration of articular tissues and prevents aging of joints.

It should also be noted that applying this remedy to painful areas of the body helps eliminate discomfort, significantly improves nutrition and blood supply to the joints, and also prevents the formation of salt deposits.

The effectiveness and mechanism of action of this drug are ensured by the high bioactivity of its components, as well as their synergism.

Cream-balm “Shungite” for joints, reviews of which are presented below, exhibits pronounced antioxidant, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. The advantage of this drug over others is the high penetrating properties of fullerenes, as well as their ability to include in their structure the active ingredients of a cream-balm, which easily penetrate deep into the affected tissues.

The multicomponent and natural composition of this product has a complex effect on periarticular tissues and joints. Highly effective antioxidants contained in the drug trigger the process of natural cartilage regeneration, and do not cause adverse reactions or addiction even with prolonged use.

Description of the mineral

The stone received its name in the 19th century after the name of the village of Shunga, where its mining was first organized. Previously it was called slate and black slate. Shungite contains: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and hydrogen.

The mineral has many healing properties due to its composition, plus it additionally contains a peculiar combination of molecules (fullerenes).

Shungite is able to place useful substances in fullerenes and deliver them to the affected joint. Therefore, the components of the healing balm for joints were selected taking into account the enhancement of the properties of the mineral.

Indications for use of the balm

What are the indications for use of Shungite cream-balm for joints? Reviews from experts indicate that this remedy is actively used to prevent diseases of the spinal column and joints, especially in the presence of risk factors such as predisposition (hereditary), sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, increased load on the joints and skeleton in general, inflammatory diseases of chronic character and viral infections.

It should also be said that this medication helps well with:

  • hypersensitivity of the patient’s joints to any weather changes;
  • age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system and diseases associated with them.

In addition, Shungite cream-balm can be used in the complex treatment of serious diseases of the spinal column and joints (as an additional medicine), as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of joint diseases, including seasonal ones.


The drug is used to treat the following disorders:

  • as part of complex therapy for pathologies of the spine and joints;
  • to prevent age-related changes in bone tissue;
  • to eliminate the high sensitivity of joints to weather factors;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the joints and spine under the influence of harmful factors (intense loads, hypothermia, viruses, chronic inflammation, genetic predisposition, “sedentary” lifestyle).

Dosage and method of administration

How should you use Shungite balm for joints at home? Reviews from doctors say that before applying this product to problem areas, you should definitely consult a specialist.

For the best therapeutic effect, the cream-balm should be applied to painful areas of the body in a circular motion. Such procedures should be carried out for 3-6 minutes three times a day. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the medication is completely absorbed into the skin. If possible, the treated parts of the body should be provided with complete rest and warmth.

How long should Shungite cream-balm be used to treat joints? According to the instructions, the maximum effect from using this medication is observed after 3-5 weeks. If required, the duration of therapy can be increased by another 5-7 days.

Atheroclephitis as an antiatherosclerotic agent for the treatment of cardiovascular pathology

Currently, in the context of increasing adverse chemical effects on the body, as well as violations of the principles of a balanced diet, there is an increase in the number of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the first place among which is occupied by atherosclerosis and its complications associated with atherosclerotic lesions of the main arteries of the heart, head, and arteries of the lower extremities , aorta. We are talking about various forms of coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular diseases of atherosclerotic nature, etc. These diseases still remain the most common cause of decreased ability to work, disability and mortality in economically developed countries.

The main means that allow, to some extent, to control the level of lipids in the blood and the course of atherosclerosis are statins. Their effectiveness in the primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease and other complications of atherosclerosis has been demonstrated by a number of clinical studies (WOSCOPS, LIPID, etc.). At the same time, according to the VALIANT study, in Russia only 0.6% of patients who have suffered acute myocardial infarction receive statins. The main reasons for such a low frequency of their use are high cost, the possibility of drug interactions (in particular with fibrates), and the risk of undesirable effects, primarily on the liver and muscles.

Due to the need to correct hyperlipidemia, as well as the refusal in many cases of patients and doctors to use statins, herbal preparations that have low toxicity and are harmless with long-term use are of great interest.

These drugs include atheroclephyte, created by the pharmaceutical company Evalar based on the herb red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and containing a wide range of biologically active compounds, including flavonoids and isoflavones, which have hypocholesterolemic, hypolipidemic and pronounced anti-sclerotic effects.

In addition to the above biologically active compounds, the drug contains amino acids, sitosterols, saponins, protein, glycosides, folic and pantothenic acids, macro- and microelements (copper, zinc, magnesium, manganese, selenium), vitamins B1, B2, C, A, D, E , K. These components have antioxidant activity, improve heart function, restore rhythm, and reduce blood pressure (BP). They are able to improve the neutralizing function of the liver and accelerate its recovery after intoxication, increase immunity and the body’s resistance to infections. Unlike many other dietary supplements, atheroclephitis has an effectiveness comparable only to the strength of the effects of medications. This was proven during long-term clinical studies conducted at the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy, as well as at the clinic of the Altai Medical University. Ongoing research has confirmed that the effectiveness of the drug is so high that the issue of transferring atheroclephitis to the category of drugs is being resolved. In his report at the XII Congress “Man and Medicine,” Professor M. V. Gavrilin, head of preclinical research on the drug atheroclefit, noted that extraction preparations based on red clover, which is atheroclefit, can become a real alternative to widely used statins, since they affordable, easy to use, and most importantly, they are sufficiently effective with the complete absence of side effects found in statins.

As a result of studies conducted on a model of twin hyperlipidemia in rats and experimental atherosclerosis in rabbits, specialists from the Pyatigorsk Pharmaceutical Academy found that clover extract contained in atheroclephitis, with a course of preventive administration, reduces the content of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low lipoproteins (LDL) and very low density (VLDL) and promotes an increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Also, as a result of the use of the drug, the cholesterol content in the liver is reduced, the content of active thiobarbituric acid products is normalized, and the development of atherosclerotic damage to the aortic wall is almost completely prevented.

It has been experimentally proven that in terms of the severity of the anti-sclerotic effect, atheroclephitis is not inferior to Lipanor (Sanofi-Winthrop, France) and is even somewhat more effective than the reference drug in protecting the aortic wall from the penetration of atherogenic LDL and cholesterol into it, reducing the intensity of peroxide processes that increase the permeability of the arterial wall .

As for the pharmacological properties of the drug, in the mechanism of action of atheroclephitis the main role belongs to the normalization of lipid metabolism (especially the reduction of cholesterol) in the blood and liver, disturbances of which largely determine the development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, atheroclephitis promotes the redistribution of cholesterol from the LDL fraction to the HDL fraction, in which cholesterol is more quickly metabolized and removed from the bloodstream.

Scientists noted the ability of atheroclephitis to reduce lipid peroxidation and normalize the permeability of the arterial wall, which inhibits the penetration of atherogenic lipoproteins into the aortic wall and the accumulation of cholesterol in it.

A study was conducted at the Altai Medical University, the purpose of which was to substantiate the use of atheroclephitis as a drug with an anti-atherosclerotic effect in patients with cardiovascular pathology. Patients were observed over a 50-day period with assessment of biochemical blood parameters, coagulogram, ECG, echocardiography, and ophthalmoscopy. Observation was carried out at the time of patient selection, after 14–16, 30 and 50 days. A total of 122 patients with cardiovascular pathology were observed; the age of the patients ranged from 46 to 74 years. Two groups were formed (61 patients each): the first group included people with hypertension (HTN), the second group included patients with coronary artery disease without increased blood pressure.

In each group, upon treatment, patients were randomly assigned to subgroups A and B. Patients receiving the drug atheroclefit were subgroup A, those receiving placebo were subgroup B. Atheroclefit was prescribed 30 drops per 1/3 glass of water 3 times a day while eating. The duration of treatment was 50 days.

The patients included in each of the subgroups were comparable in terms of such parameters as age, gender, and duration of the disease, which made it possible to attribute differences in clinical symptoms and laboratory and functional indicators to the therapy provided.

More than half of the hypertensive patients in both subgroups had pathological conditions associated with atherosclerotic lesions: coronary heart disease, manifested by angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances and chronic circulatory failure; cerebrovascular accidents.

Patients with coronary artery disease had stable angina of functional class II and III.

The drug was well tolerated in all patients; no complications or side effects were identified.

A clear effect of atheroclephitis manifested itself by the end of the first month of treatment, as evidenced by the dynamics of the leading clinical indicators of the cardiovascular system in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease, as well as the dynamics of lipid metabolism.

In the group of patients receiving atheroclephitis, the number of patients with dizziness and palpitations decreased by 1.5 times (compared to patients receiving placebo) (p < 0.05), and the number of patients with tinnitus decreased by 1.4 times; There was a significant decrease in the number of patients with high blood pressure (> 140/90). When examined on the 50th day of treatment, further improvement in the same symptoms was noted (p < 0.05). Among patients in subgroup B, during treatment using placebo, positive but weakly expressed dynamics (statistically unreliable) were recorded.

In the group of patients with coronary artery disease receiving atheroclephitis, by the 30th day of observation, the number of patients with increased tolerance to physical activity increased, days were noted with a decrease in the dosage of nitrates taken, in a larger number of patients blood pressure normalized and heart rhythm was restored.

In this group, the number of patients in whom the number of angina attacks per day decreased from 6 or more to 1–3 also increased.

In patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease who received the herbal medicine atheroclefit, a statistically significant (p < 0.05) decrease in the content of cholesterol and LDL, as well as an increase in the content of HDL, was detected (Table 1).

Despite the fact that during the observation period it was not possible to achieve optimal levels of lipids and lipoproteins (cholesterol < 5.0 mmol/l, HDL > 1 mmol/l), a significant decrease in cholesterol and the amount of LDL allows us to confirm the fact of the active effect of the herbal medicine atheroclephitis on a whole range of risk factors for the development of atherosclerotic processes. It was concluded that repeated courses of therapy were necessary to evaluate the results not only in the immediate but also in the long term.

During the clinical trial of the drug, taking into account the decisive importance of these factors in the formation of atherosclerosis, the study of hemostasis indices in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease receiving atheroclephitis was of great interest (Table 2).

During the observation process, significant changes in a number of indicators were recorded: a decrease in soluble fibrin monomer complexes (SFMC) and an increase in platelet aggregation time (p < 0.05); There was a more pronounced tendency towards a decrease in fibrinogen concentration and an increase in activated thromboplastin time.

From the above we can conclude that atheroclephitis has a mild disaggregant effect and helps improve blood rheology and microcirculation.

During observation of patients taking atheroclephitis, an important clinical sign that was not included in the questionnaire when planning the study was identified - weight loss in 32.2% of patients. Weight loss, found mainly in persons with II and III degrees of obesity, ranged from 2 to 5 kg.

Thus, the results of the study allow us to draw the following conclusions.

  • The drug atheroclefit, produced by the company Evalar (Register of Medicines of Russia 2005; registration certificate 004974.Р.643.12.2002), has an antiatherosclerotic effect and is effective in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension.
  • Atheroclephitis affects all three conditions under which atherosclerosis develops and progresses: the state of the vascular wall, the level of lipid (cholesterol) metabolism and the state of blood rheology.
  • The drug is well tolerated, non-toxic, and has no side effects.
  • Atheroclephitis can be used in long-term courses as a prophylactic agent, as well as in complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

G. V. Trubnikov , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B. I. Kozlov, Candidate of Medical Sciences Altai State Medical University, Barnaul

Analogues and cost

Shungit cream-balm has no analogues for the active substance. Experts say that for pain in the spine or joints, you can use any anti-inflammatory and painkillers. However, it is advisable to use them only after reading the attached instructions and contacting a specialist. This is due to the fact that local NSAIDs very often cause adverse reactions and have many contraindications.

As for the price, this product is not very high and is approximately 135 rubles.

Theory of the origin of shungite

For a long time, humanity knew nothing about the healing properties of this mineral. Currently, there are many theories about the origin of the stone, so it is still considered a big mystery for scientists.

The origin of the shungite mineral (pictured) still remains a mystery to scientists.

So, after its discovery and description, the following versions of its appearance were proposed:

  1. Sapropel version. It is assumed that the mineral arose from bottom sediments, which were compacted and compressed. Under the influence of high temperatures, they were transformed into shungite rock.
  2. Space theory. According to it, scientists have suggested that the mineral is the remnant of a meteorite that fell on the planet.
  3. Volcanic theory. According to this version, the stone is a representative of volcanic rock.

The mineral can be used as a water purifier to remove impurities and to strengthen hair. It is thanks to the outstanding properties of shungite that a healing balm for joints was created on its basis.

Consumer reviews of cream-balm “Shungit”

The drug in question is very popular among those who suffer from diseases of the spinal column and joints. According to patients, Shungite cream-balm has proven itself well for osteochondrosis, as well as other problems of the musculoskeletal system. After using this drug, in 8 out of 10 patients, not only did the mobility of the spine and joints improve, but all pain subsided.

It should also be noted that after completion of systemic therapy, inflammation and pain in people who used the treatment do not develop for a long time.

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