“Horse balm” for joints: composition, instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews

History of creation and manufacturer

This popular and effective product is produced by the German company dr. Forster. This company is engaged in the production and supply of not only the drug “Horse Balm”, but also medicinal cosmetics, as well as dietary supplements. The recipe for the product was once created by the owner of this plant, Dr. Walter Ferstein. This specialist used an ointment used to treat thoroughbred horses taking part in races as the basis for a new drug for a modern day.

The legs of such animals are known to be subjected to very serious stress during training and competition. As a result, various kinds of pathological processes begin to occur in the joints of horses. The miraculous properties of the ointment, which allows you to bring the horse back to normal in a short time, were noticed by Dr. Ferstein. Having adapted the product for humans, after some time he created his own company and began producing it and supplying it to the market.

Release form

The “Horse Power” balm is, rather, not a medicinal remedy, but a folk remedy. With the exception of vitamins, its composition includes only various natural ingredients - herbs and oils.

“Horsepower” balm for joints is a green creamy mass that is easily rubbed and absorbed into the skin. This product is supplied to the Russian pharmacological market in 250 ml jars that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation. These branded containers, in turn, are packaged in a box with a rearing horse drawn on it. For the convenience of domestic consumers, the inscriptions on the jar are in Russian. It is by the rearing horse that you can recognize “Horse Balm” from dr. Forster.

There is another similar product on the market today called “Horse Power”. This drug is produced by a Hungarian company and is also considered quite effective. The cost of this medicine is comparable to Horse Balm. However, those patients who want to purchase a German product should, of course, definitely pay attention to the logo.


Combination of extracts: green eyebright, marigold flower, green yarrow, green horsetail, tricolor fragrant violet flower, green speedwell, wild chestnut seeds, Moorish mallow flower, lanceolate plantain leaf, common linden flower, angustifolia lavender flower, black elderberry, arnica color, spearmint green, daisy color, nettle color, dandelion flower, cinquefoil green, toadflax green (in equal parts). Liquid extract of the Indian incense tree - boswellia, extract from the fruit of red pepper, dry extract from the fruit of the grapevine with 95% polyphenol content, liquid extract from common hop cones, liquid extract from the seeds of Mariana thistle. Oils: sage, common rosemary, common thyme, mountain pine, common basil, globulus eucalyptus, menthol.

What do the components help with?

The main ingredients of the drug are:

  • horse chestnut seed extract;
  • fir and mint oils;
  • mountain arnica;
  • rosemary extract;
  • vitamin E;
  • menthol and camphor.

Using “Horse Balm” for joints allows you to achieve the desired effect very quickly. This is explained simply. The balm, among other things, is able to penetrate directly into the joint capsule and stimulate the processes of cell and tissue regeneration from the inside. Not every modern product in this group can boast of this property.

The horse chestnut seed extract included in the drug has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant;
  • pain reliever;
  • tonic.

Also, this component of the balm restores the walls of blood vessels destroyed due to inflammation.

Siberian fir oil gives the product a pleasant smell and makes it soft. The peculiarity of this component, among other things, is that it is capable of accelerating the blood.

Peppermint oil also makes the smell of “Horse Balm-Gel” from joints more pleasant and has a refreshing effect on tissues. In addition, this component eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products from the skin.

Rosemary extract, which is part of the medicine, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the patient’s joints. In addition, the manufacturer includes this ingredient in its “Horse Balm” in order to speed up its healing effect.

Mountain arnica extract can quickly heal various types of bruises and injuries. Camphor has exactly the same effect on the human body. Menthol has a calming effect on the patient using Horse Balm. This component also cools the skin, thereby reducing the pain effect.

Side effects

The medicinal gel in practice does not cause adverse reactions , however, theoretically, the drug can cause irritation if individual components of the drug are intolerant. In this case, itching, rash, and redness may occur.


An overdose of Horse Balm involves excessive application of the product to the affected area. However, the skin will absorb as much as necessary. Excess must be removed with a napkin a few minutes after applying the drug.


The balm has no special contraindications, therefore the product is recommended for all patients. However, if you are intolerant to certain elements that make up the product, you should first apply the product to a small area of ​​skin, and then, in the absence of visible irritation, use it systematically on the affected area.

Do not apply the product to affected skin.

Main indications

According to the manufacturer, “Horse Balm” can be successfully used to treat absolutely all joint diseases. This remedy can also be used for other problems with the musculoskeletal system. Most often, consumers buy this balm in pharmacies if they have problems such as:

  • myositis and rheumatism (for pain relief);
  • swelling in the legs;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • muscle strains;
  • bruises;
  • damage to ligaments and tendons;
  • osteocondritis of the spine.

“Horse Balm-Gel” treats joints and other organs of the musculoskeletal system very effectively. But it is often used simply when carrying out various types of massage procedures. This remedy is very good; judging by the reviews, it helps, among other things, to relieve fatigue and heaviness in the legs.

Truth or scam? Reviews

In accordance with reviews of doctors and patients who have used Horse Balm, it can be noted that the product really has a positive effect.

More reviews can be read at the end of the article..

Read reviews from people who have used Horse BalmReviews from doctors

Many experts recommend Horse Balm after being convinced of its effectiveness. There is a rapid recovery from injuries, swelling occurs on the first day of use.

Some recommend the remedy to patients with arthrosis. This remedy is natural, the positive effect is noticeable quite quickly.

Also, massage therapists often use Horse Balm and patients talk about the effect that is observed after the first day of use.

Patient reviews

Many people compare Horse Balm with other gels and ointments, and notice the effect after the first uses.

When used for rheumatoid arthritis, they are satisfied with the result: swelling and pain disappear. There is no talk of a complete recovery yet, but the symptoms of the disease can be eliminated.

Check out the following related material:

  • Symptoms and treatment of muscular-tonic syndrome
  • You can learn more about treating neck myositis at home here
  • You can read about how to treat inflammation of the back muscles on the page


You can use “Horse Balm” for joints, back and muscles with virtually no danger. This drug, as already mentioned, is made largely on the basis of natural ingredients. However, Horse Balm still has contraindications. This remedy should not be used to treat, for example:

  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people who are allergic to any of its components.

Also contraindications to the use of “Horse Balm” are:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • ulcers and open wounds at the site of application.


The warming balm has the consistency of a light emulsion, a red tint, and a characteristic smell of red pepper and rosemary. It is a unique Swiss recipe based on 30 alpine herbs.

The product is comfortable to use, does not cause a strong burning sensation at the site of application, does not leave marks on clothing, is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed. Causes an individually expressed reaction of hyperemia (redness) at the site of application, a burning sensation and tingling sensation, which is a normal reaction to the components of the product. The effect of the drug usually lasts several hours.

The main active ingredients of warming Horse Balm are red pepper, rosemary, and incense tree extract.

Frankincense tree extract (Boswellia) has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Red pepper extract (Capsaicin) has a local warming, distracting, analgesic effect. Causes hyperemia at the site of application.

Rosemary oil - improves blood microcirculation, relieves swelling.

The high quality of the balm base ensures rapid penetration of biologically active substances through the skin. At the same time, the process of penetration of active components is NOT accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of strong burning, but rather provides a pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort.


This medicine is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. But of course, before using it, you should definitely consult with a specialist. If the pain is not too severe, the drug is in any case usually applied to the affected area once a day. This dose of gel-balm for joints “Horsepower” allows you to get rid of discomfort quite quickly. When using this regimen, treatment is usually continued for two weeks.

In severe cases, the drug may be prescribed to be used twice a day. The course of treatment is extended to a month.

Instructions for use

Most often used in the treatment of muscles and joints is “Horse Balm” for rubbing. In this case, a small amount of the product is first applied to the skin. Then they begin to gently rub it in with massage circular movements. Perform these actions for 5-7 minutes. until the balm is completely absorbed.

Before using “Horsepower” for treatment, experts recommend that patients take a warm shower. This will cleanse the skin and help open pores. Accordingly, treatment with the balm will be more effective.


Horse balm is a complex remedy used after injuries to O.D.A. (musculoskeletal system) without damaging the skin: muscle sprains, ligaments, bruises, ecchymosis (bruises).

Facilitates the course of acute and chronic diseases of O.D.A., accompanied by acute or chronic pain (arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatic pain) of a local traumatic and inflammatory nature.

The product will help with symptoms of diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

  • lumbishalgia (lumbago, radiculopathy)
  • dorsopathy (osteochondrosis)
  • neuritis (inflammatory disease of peripheral nerves)

The balm is recommended to be used as an additional product under a massage base for anti-cellulite, therapeutic, and sports massages. In sports pre-start practice (red balm) to improve blood supply to muscles before the start, improve well-being after training.


Sometimes people experiencing problems with joints use “Horsepower” for treatment using a slightly different method. In this case, wraps are used instead of rubbing. Treatment using this technology is carried out as follows:

  • the balm is applied to the skin over the entire area of ​​the affected area without rubbing;
  • wrap the sore spot with cling film in 2-3 layers;
  • wrap the affected area with a blanket or warm scarf;
  • after 30 minutes, remove the film and wash off the balm with warm running water.

Things to know

The use of “Horse Balm” for the back and joints, if necessary, can be a very good solution. However, when using this remedy, patients should still be more careful. For example, this drug should not be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, the affected area should be quickly rinsed under running warm water.

The “Horsepower” balm works effectively for various types of problems with the musculoskeletal system. However, it should be applied systematically. If this rule is not followed, it will most likely not be possible to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Most often, “Horse Balm” (Germany) for joints is used in combination with conventional pharmacological agents. This ointment interacts very well with most of these drugs, enhancing their beneficial effects. However, it is, of course, still worth consulting with a doctor before using this remedy to treat joints, muscles or the spine in combination with any medications.

Comparison with pharmacy analogues

The main advantage of Horse Balm compared to pharmacy analogues is its ability to treat and not temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Since the active components act directly on the affected area, blood circulation in the pathological area improves and the action of the active components occurs quickly. Pharmacy products with a similar composition cost from 2000 rubles.

In addition, these products have a superficial effect, which is due to the removal of redness and temporary relief of pain. When you stop using analogues, the pain often returns, and the destructive process in the joints intensifies.

Cost of the product

Thus, the “Horsepower” balm intended for the treatment of joints can rightfully be called a very effective remedy. It actually helps with various kinds of pathologies. But at the same time, unfortunately, such medicine is quite expensive. The price of a standard 250 ml bottle of “Horsepower” is approximately 2000 rubles.

The price of this drug is high, but it can be purchased online from some suppliers and at a special price. In this case, you will, of course, have to pay less for the medicine. The only thing is, if you choose this method of purchase, you should definitely read reviews about the supplier. You should only buy balm from trusted sellers with a good reputation.

How to spot a fake

Since “Horse Balm” for joints has received good reviews from patients, its popularity in our country is only growing every year. And of course, many counterfeits of this product have appeared on the market. Such drugs usually cost much less than the original, but not only do they not have any beneficial effect on the joints, but can even harm the patient.

In order not to run into a fake, when purchasing this medicine, be sure to carefully read the certificate. The original “Horse Balm” is tested annually by independent specialists, after which the manufacturer is issued an appropriate document confirming the quality of its products. Corresponds to the balm from dr. Forster to both European and Russian standards and regulations regarding medicines.

How to buy? What is the price?

The manufacturer made sure that counterfeit Horse Balm was not distributed in the retail chain of pharmacies and stores. This is due to the popularity of the product. In addition, markups from pharmacy chains contribute to a significant increase in the price of the original drug.

Important! Horse balm is sold exclusively on the manufacturer’s website, is not sold in pharmacies, and is not distributed to other countries. Unscrupulous sellers convince buyers from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other nearby countries to supply Horse Balm from Russia. However, this is a publicity stunt: Horse balm is sold only in Russia on the official website on the Internet.

The cost of natural Horse Balm on the website for a 250 g jar is 1980 rubles . To increase the rating due to negative reviews on the network, we are currently running a promotion - a 50% discount. Negative reviews of Horse Balm are based on the use of counterfeit products that do not have a positive effect.

Important! It is permissible to leave truthful reviews only on the manufacturer’s website to real buyers who are registered on the official website.

Only after purchasing the balm can you leave a review on the Horse Balm website. In review sites on the Internet, real buyers also leave their impressions, however, among them there are many who used a fake.

It’s very easy to place an order on the website : click on the “Place an order” icon, enter your name and phone number in the appropriate lines. An employee will contact the potential buyer and discuss all the details of the order.

Please note that our website does not sell medicines.

Gel "Horsepower"

In addition to the balm, there is another form of this drug on the pharmacological market. If desired, patients can treat their joints, spine or tendons using the Horsepower gel. This product is also quite expensive, but at the same time it has earned very good reviews from consumers.

Unlike the balm, the “Horsepower” gel for joints contains, among other things, a component such as leech extract. Therefore, it is often used to treat varicose veins.

Advantages of the drug and confirmation of effectiveness from a scientific point of view

The healing balm, unlike oral painkillers, not only does not harm the internal organs, but helps to penetrate directly to the source of inflammation and act quite quickly . Within a few minutes after rubbing the product in, relief is observed.

The ability of the product not to mask, but to treat and eliminate pain has been proven by clinical studies. The effectiveness of the remedy has been experimentally proven: a course of treatment in almost every case promotes cure. In addition, the completely natural composition ensures the harmlessness of the drug.

Horse balm does not mask, but eliminates and treats pain

Unlike other similar drugs, which should be used as part of complex therapy, Horse Balm can be used as monotherapy.

Balm “Horsepower” for joints: positive reviews

Consumers have a really good opinion about this product. As Internet users note on various forums dedicated to health, in addition to effectiveness, its undoubted advantages include speed of action. For edema, this drug, for example, helps in literally 2-3 days. When using Horsepower, pain in the spine goes away in 10-15 minutes, and in the joints - in 3-5 minutes.

Some women recommend using this product for anti-cellulite wraps. After using it, your waist and legs really look slimmer. However, this effect of the drug is caused by the usual reduction in swelling, and, of course, not by the fact that it is capable of burning fat. In any case, thanks to this effect, the drug has earned good reviews, including from those who want to lose weight.

Gel-balm “Horsepower” for joints: are there any negative reviews?

Internet users consider some of the disadvantages of this product to be that the packaging is not very convenient. The dimensions of the bottle of “Horse Balm” are quite large. And, according to patients, carrying it with you is a little uncomfortable. Joint or spinal pain can strike a person at any time. Therefore, patients usually have to additionally buy small bottles and transfer part of the balm into them.

Some consumers also note that while helping to relieve pain, the “Horsepower” balm usually does not have a long-term effect on the affected area. They have to lubricate the sore spot many times a day. And this, of course, somewhat contradicts the instructions for use.

In general, consumers praise this German product. “Horse Balm” for joints received good reviews from patients. However, the effect of this drug, according to most consumers, is still not so much therapeutic as symptomatic analgesic. Therefore, using this remedy without consulting a doctor is highly recommended. When treating joints, it must still be used in combination with other drugs, which should, of course, be selected exclusively by a specialist.

Where to store the drug

This balm is therefore produced in fairly capacious bottles. However, you can store “Horsepower” for a long time. The shelf life of this drug is 2 years from the date of issue. After this time, the balm should be discarded.

You need to keep this product at home, of course, in a place where children cannot reach it. The manufacturer recommends storing this drug at temperatures from +2 to +30 °C. That is, it is still better not to carry it with you in winter.

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