Gel-balm 911 with bee venom - instructions for use

Bee venom has been one of the most important medicines since ancient times. Bee venom has shown particular effectiveness in the treatment of joints from arthrosis, swelling and various types of pain. Treatment with bee venom is also prescribed so that post-traumatic and post-operative scars heal faster, so that their connective tissue changes to healthy skin.

Like all natural components, bee venom has a very complex composition. Its components are several types of acids, oils, various enzymes, proteins, many minerals, as well as antibiotic substances.

The best representative of apitoxytherapy (treatment with bee venom) is gel-balm “911”. In it, bee venom enhances its effect with the help of many excipients. All of them are of natural origin. “Gel 911” is effectively used in the treatment of joints, muscle and ligament injuries, against inflammatory and rheumatic processes.

Indications for use

Balm “911” is prescribed as an adjuvant. It is effective due to its tonic effect on smooth muscles, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Gel “911” is used:

  • For rheumatic diseases of bone and cartilage tissue (arthritis, myositis)
  • For degenerative or dystrophic changes in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, gout)
  • For injuries to muscles, tendons and joints accompanied by swelling and severe pain (myalgia, lumbago)
  • For diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, lower back pain)
  • To make scars after injuries or operations resolve faster
  • Before or after sports training to warm up muscles.

In what cases is the balm used?

Based on the name and effect on the body, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Closed and open mechanical injuries of soft tissues: bruises; compression; muscle strains; sprains; hematomas, bruises; abrasions, all types of “fresh” wounds (cut, torn, bruised, chopped and others).
  • Mechanical injuries of bones and joints: bone fractures; dislocations in the joint.
  • Thermal damage: superficial thermal and chemical burns of I, II, III degrees; superficial electrical burns of I, II, III degrees; frostbite I, II, III degrees.
  • Purulent-septic processes in the wound.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: boils and furunculosis; carbuncle; hidradenitis; abscess; phlegmon; dermatitis; erysipelas; lymphangitis and lymphadenitis; fistula suppuration.
  • Bedsores, diaper rash, skin maceration, calluses.
  • Acne rashes.
  • Suppuration of postoperative wounds.
  • Hypertrophic postoperative scars.
  • Dryness and flaking on the skin.
  • Epicondylitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, arthritis, radiculitis.
  • Insect bites.
  • Cracked nipples.
  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissure.


The balm contains many substances that enhance the effect of the main active component.

  • Bee venom
  • Methyl salicylate
  • Water
  • Acrylates;
  • cinquefoil extract
  • Oil of marjoram, cloves, thyme, rosemary
  • Camphor
  • Comfrey and golden mustache extract;
  • Juniper and eucalyptus oil
  • Triethanolamine
  • Propylene glycol
  • Isooctyl stearate
  • Diazolidinyl urea
  • Cayaput oil and guaiac wood oil
  • Iodopropynylbutylcarbamate
  • Methyl nicotinate.

Types of drug 911

Gel-balm Larkspur is effective for pain in the joints. Larkspur root fights infection and relieves inflammation. Tones blood vessels.

  • Chondroitin is a natural component. Regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bones and joints, strengthening them.
  • Arnica montana removes bruises and bruises.
  • Elecampane is rich in vitamins and microelements, contains alkaloids and flavonoids. Eucalyptus oil and menthol have local analgesic and vasodilating effects

Features of using the balm:

  • Zhivokost is recommended for diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis), spine (osteochondrosis);
  • with salt deposition (gout).

Gel-balm Comfrey is an activator of cell restoration.

Components included in the gel:

  • Comfrey root extract is known for its antiviral and toning effects.
  • Bodyaga extract is the best effective remedy for hematomas and abrasions.
  • Menthol and camphor have a distracting effect.
  • Chondroitin sulfate is a building material for cells.
  • Juniper oil has a powerful antiviral effect. It has long been used independently for the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis, and neuralgia.
  • Cajeput essential oil acts as a strong anti-inflammatory component, relieves inflammatory swelling, and stops bleeding.
  • Rosemary oil is an antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic and immunostimulant.
  • Eucalyptus oil - makes blood vessels wider, improving blood flow to the diseased organ, eliminates pain.
  • Clove oil is a powerful healing agent.

Features of the use of Comfrey balm:

  • prescribed for dislocations, osteochondrosis of the spine, all types of arthritis and arthrosis, osteomyelitis and gout.

Balm with a source of aqueous magnesium chloride. Reanimates cartilage tissue, giving joints new life.

It contains many microelements and plants:

  • Sodium ions stimulate processes in cells.
  • Calcium ions are the building material for bones.
  • Magnesium ions relieve spasms and relieve pain.
  • Iodine improves blood properties.
  • Potassium and bromine normalize the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Golden mustache extract contains phospholipids, carotenoids and has a lot of beneficial properties (pain relief, relieves inflammation, fights infection, improves immunity and healing).
  • Comfrey extract with anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Marsh cinquefoil extract has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Features of using gel balm:

  • the substance is rubbed into the damaged area for about 3-5 minutes;
  • After rubbing in the gel, it is effective to apply a warm compress.

Gel-balm with bee venom - a medicine from the 911 series will help with joint pain and pain in the spine.

The composition is varied with components valuable for joint health:

  • Bee venom, a secretion produced by bees, is a good vasodilator, thereby improving blood flow in the tissues.
  • Ginkgo biloba has been a widely used component lately, as it has a lot of useful properties: it removes inflammation in tissues, strengthens the walls of veins and arteries, and relieves swelling. It is a good anticoagulant (thin the blood).
  • Horse chestnut extract has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them and reducing the permeability of veins. It also has analgesic properties and reduces the inflammatory response.
  • Red grape leaf extract is an original component with antiviral and anti-edematous activity, relieves pain symptoms and normalizes microcirculation.

Features of using gel-balm with bee venom:

  • used for the treatment of arthritis of all origins and osteochondrosis;
  • the product is very effective for varicose veins;
  • Due to the content of gingo biloba, it is better not to use it during pregnancy, due to its effect on blood clotting.

Gel-balm with chondroitin. Chondroitin sulfate is an organic substance, an integral part of the cartilage tissue of the joint.

In addition to the main active ingredient - chonroitin, the balm gel includes:

  • Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Elecampane extract stops bleeding and inflammation.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) and arachidonic acid are stimulators of repair and regeneration processes.

Features of using gel-balm with chondroetin:

  • use the gel as an auxiliary medicine for the treatment of arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis;
  • pre-clean the application site;
  • Rub thoroughly into the joint area with massage circular movements so that the gel is completely absorbed into the skin.

Chaga gel-balm for joints is another one of the most highly effective medicines for helping with joint problems. Helps relieve inflammation, pain, swelling, and gets rid of salt deposits.

Composition of Chaga gel-balm:

  • Chaga is a parasitic mushroom that lives on trees. Due to the rich content of useful elements in its composition, it has powerful antibacterial, hemostatic and antiseptic effects.
  • Vitamins F and E encourage cells to heal quickly.
  • St. John's wort essence is a good anti-inflammatory, restorative, hemostatic and antimicrobial component.
  • Elecampane essence, eucalyptus and tea tree oil in tandem perfectly relieve the symptoms of inflammation, enhancing each other's effect.
  • Peppermint oil warms up well.
  • Lanolin is an animal wax that softens the skin.

Features of using Chaga gel-balm:

  • used for rheumatoid and other types of arthritis, osteomyelitis, radiculitis, spinal osteochondrosis and gout;
  • The frequency of rubbing the gel is up to 3 times a day.

Revmalgon body gel is another lifesaver from the 911 series, which ranges in helping joint diseases. The main components of Revmalgon are essential oils.

The composition of the gel is almost similar to the composition of Chaga gel-balm, additionally including:

  • Hot pepper extract and bee venom - warm, cause a rush of blood, relieve pain, relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • Essential oils of eucalyptus, juniper, cedar and fir effectively combat the inflammatory process.

Features of using Revmalgon body gel:

  • an indispensable remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, neuralgia.

Traumalgon body gel is an assistant for mechanical injuries. One of the first on the list of first aid remedies for bruises, sprains, and tissue ruptures.

Composition of Traumalgon body gel:

  • Camphor, hot red pepper and eucalyptus essential oil cause blood flow to the site of application, warm and relieve pain; relieves vasospasm, resolves bruises and bruises.
  • Sage, which is part of the gel, prevents or relieves inflammation and has a bactericidal effect.
  • Lavender, in addition to its wonderful aromas, also inhibits inflammation.

Features of using Traumalgon body gel:

  • effectively prescribe the balm for closed mechanical injuries (bruises, fractures, dislocations, sprains and tears of ligaments and muscles);
  • Travalgon can be used for muscle pain due to myositis and neuralgia;
  • The gel has also found use for arthritis and osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • the gel should be rubbed every 2 hours into the area of ​​injury. And to enhance its strength, you need to put an insulating oilcloth bandage, or use a wide fabric adhesive plaster.

Sabelnik balm is made on the basis of cinquefoil, a plant valuable for its medicinal properties. Therefore, the plant is also called “Russian ginseng”. Sabelnik is endowed with powerful anti-inflammatory, salt-expelling and antimicrobial effects.

Together with the main component, consisting of:

  • Extracts of arnica, willow bark, boswellia, and juniper realize the anti-inflammatory effect of Sabelnik.
  • Chondroitin sulfan is a building material for articular cartilage.
  • Glucosamine is an essential component of joint fluid.
  • Nettle extract triggers regeneration mechanisms and eliminates inflammation.

Features of using Sabelnik balm:

  • It is advisable to prescribe the balm for joint inflammation of any etiology, gout, myositis, neuralgia.

Venolgon foot gel is a rescue service for the lower extremities, a remedy for the treatment of varicose veins.

Composition of Venolgon foot gel:

  • Lemon essential oil has the property of thinning the blood, which is very important for the prevention of blood clots in varicose veins. Lemon oil also stimulates healing processes in tissues. Gingo biloba is a powerful anticoagulant and antiplatelet agent that improves microcirculation in blood vessels.
  • The essence of red grape leaves increases the stability of the vascular wall and reduces their permeability.
  • Pine bark extract is an essential source of hyoluronic acid, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Horse chestnut essence, due to the active substance escin, has a pronounced vascular strengthening effect and prevents inflammatory reactions.
  • Hazelnut extract not only normalizes blood composition, but also has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthens and tones them. Both properties of the component are simply ideal for the treatment of varicose veins.
  • Butcher's broom extract is a powerful vascular strengthener and has an anti-edematous effect.

Features of using Venolgon foot gel:

  • the gel has found its use in varicose veins, both for preventive and therapeutic purposes;
  • the substance is applied generously to the limb and rubbed in with massage movements in the direction from the ankle to the thigh;
  • the leg should be in an elevated position while applying the gel;
  • to increase the effectiveness of Venolgon, it is advisable to wear a compression stocking or use an elastic bandage after using it;
  • It is possible to apply the gel for the prevention of varicose veins and for its treatment;
  • Do not use Venolgon during pregnancy due to the influence of the drug components on blood clotting.

According to doctors, “Rescuer” is an effective and safe remedy for adults and children. According to the instructions for use, the drug has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

Medicinal properties

Bee venom has several main actions. It relieves inflammation, causes local irritation, simulates metabolism, blood circulation, and also produces a local antibacterial and anesthetic effect. The therapeutic effect is formed due to its main components: melittin (the main component), phospholipase, hyaluronidase, tryptophan, histamine, choline, apamin. Bee venom also contains other substances, but in much smaller quantities.

The gel relieves pain, stimulates the outflow of intercellular fluid, relieving swelling. The strong anti-inflammatory effect is based on the action of milittin on cell membranes and the adrenal cortex. Scars resolve faster due to the action of hyaluronidase. It also stimulates the formation of cartilage tissue, restoring the activity of joints and tendons.

Due to a decrease in blood clotting, its rheological properties (fluidity) increase. Due to this, the speed of blood circulation increases, metabolic processes and tissue nutrition improve. Methyl salicylate has an additional anti-inflammatory effect; it stops the action of cyclooxygenase and the production of prostaglandins.

The average price is from 110 to 150 rubles.

Mode of application

For external use only, keep away from contact with mucous membranes. Before use, so that the balm is better absorbed, wash the skin with warm water and soap and dry thoroughly with a towel. Then apply a thin layer of ointment and rub the preparation over the skin with massaging movements for several minutes. For better absorption of the cream, the treated area is kept warm. To do this, wrap it in a towel or scarf. Gel “911” is used one to three times a day for 2-4 weeks.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Treatment with bee venom is not recommended for children under 6 years of age, as well as for women during pregnancy or lactation.

Spasatel-Forte ointment and balm: differences

Spasatel balm and Spasatel-Forte ointment have much in common, but there are a number of distinctive points between them:

  • Rescuer (instructions for using the balm are discussed in the article) does not have a warming effect, and Rescuer Forte ointment is a kind of thermal balm.
  • The release form is different: ointment and balm.
  • The composition is somewhat different: the ointment does not contain the component naphthalan oil, and also contains additional ingredients (eleutherococcus, red hot pepper, Siberian ginseng, fir oil, methyl nicotinate).
  • Similar, but slightly different spectrum of action. The rescuer is characterized by anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tissue-healing effects. Rescuer Forte's main effect is warming; it locally improves blood circulation.

  • Rescuer Forte ointment affects deeper tissues (muscles, ligaments), while the balm affects only the integumentary tissues of the body.
  • Both drugs are produced by different pharmaceutical companies. The balm is of Ukrainian origin, and the ointment is of Polish origin.
  • Small difference in price: the balm is slightly more expensive than the ointment.


Balm “911” with bee venom has two well-known analogues: “Apizatron” and “Cream Sofya”. Both of them are widely used to treat joints.


Esparma GmbH, Germany Price from 150 to 250 rub.

Available in tubes of 20 grams or 50. It has local irritant and analgesic properties.


  • Effective - begins to work within a few minutes
  • Low price


  • Strong smell
  • To get the effect you need to apply in large quantities.

"Cream Sofia"

Fora Pharm, Russia Price from 150 to 220 rubles.

Sophia cream is packaged in 125 grams per tube. Contains 6 times more active substances than its analogues.


  • It is well tolerated - can be used for a long period of time
  • Pleasant aroma


  • The effect does not occur immediately and is not suitable for everyone.

Who is the 911 series for?

Series 911 is a whole list of medicines. The range of applications of the series is quite wide.

Indications for use of the 911 series:

  1. mechanical injuries (fractures, dislocations, bruises, sprains, muscle and ligament ruptures, abrasions, bruises, hematomas);
  2. rheumatism;
  3. thermal injuries (burns and frostbite);
  4. protection against sunburn;
  5. hair loss and alopecia (baldness);
  6. dandruff;
  7. cracked feet;
  8. diaper rash in children and their prevention;
  9. vein diseases - varicose veins;
  10. sweaty feet;
  11. acne;
  12. trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds.
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