Ogarkova balm for joints: composition, indications for use, instructions, reviews

There are many local medications that can cope with joint diseases. “Golden Balm” was developed by the famous folk healer Vladimir Ogarkov. This medicine prevents the development of various pathological changes in the joints. The components of the drug are selected so that they penetrate deep into tissue structures. The balm has a warming effect, helps relieve inflammation, and improves blood circulation. When used, the quality of joint nutrition increases and excess salts are removed.

What is Ogarkova balm?

Balm is a gel or ointment sold in tubes or jars. The product is a combination product and contains both chemicals and medicinal herbs. It is worth noting that it was developed by the famous folk healer and doctor Ogarkov, who has many years of practice in treating joint pathologies.

It is important to know that this balm contains a huge amount of essential oils, camphor, red pepper extract, Nimesulide, bee components, as well as medicinal herbs. Thanks to this combined composition, the product not only removes the symptoms of the disease, but also penetrates deep into the tissues and improves the condition of the joints. In this way, it is possible to kill several birds with one stone: eliminate pain, and also provoke regeneration in the area of ​​bone and cartilage tissue.


When is Ogarkov’s “Golden Balm” prescribed for joints?

An effective and natural remedy for joint pathology.
Ogarkov’s “Golden Balm” for joints is intended to prevent pathological conditions of the joints that are associated with age. It was developed by the famous herbalist and folk doctor V. Ogarkov specifically for use by older people. When penetrating deep into the tissue, the renewal processes in cartilaginous tissues are stimulated with the help of the active substances of the drug. Joint helper “Golden Balm” slows down age-related joint degeneration, reduces pain, and improves blood microcirculation.

Effect of Ogarkova balm and indications for use

Effect of the cream and indications for use:

  • This product warms the tissues, improves blood circulation in the joints, and also improves their nutrition.
  • In addition, it removes excess salts, eliminates swelling and pain.
  • Most often, the drug is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, as well as bursitis and injuries.
  • A few days after injury, thanks to this remedy, you can warm the painful area
  • Therefore, the balm is often used to treat colds, to rub the heels and chest.


How to get rid of tachycardia?

The symptom of tachycardia occurs as a manifestation of various cardiovascular diseases. With tachycardia, the heart rate increases from 90 beats per minute.

Tachycardia can occur due to disorders in the nervous autonomic system. Vladimir Ogarkov proposed a balm based on an alcohol tincture of dichorisandra mustache (“golden mustache”) for the treatment of tachycardia. Reading the reviews, you can understand that for tachycardia the balm is used quite often, especially if there are diseases of the thyroid gland.

It is recommended to drink the balm for tachycardia for about 2 months three times a day. As practice shows, the very next day swelling decreases, the heart rhythm returns to normal, breathing becomes smoother, and the symptoms of tachycardia disappear.

From the newspaper Healthy Lifestyle for 2001: “The medicine contains two components: oil and a vodka extract from the golden mustache. It is prepared like this: 40 ml of natural sunflower oil (unrefined) and 30 ml of golden mustache extract are poured into a container. All this needs to be quickly mixed and drunk immediately. Layering should not be allowed. Before taking, you should not eat for two hours; after taking, refrain from eating for 20 minutes. As it is written in the source, you cannot interrupt the course of treatment - this can worsen the situation.” To prepare the golden mustache tincture, you need to take 40 joints of the plant. Grind them, pour vodka (1.5 liters). All this is infused in a dark place for two weeks.

We remind you: before using any medicine, consultation with your doctor is required.”

Composition of Ogarkova balm for joints

Below are the most active components of this balm and their effects on the body.


  • Ogarkova balm contains red chili pepper extract , which is distinguished by the presence of capsaicin. This substance improves blood circulation and promotes blood flow to sore spots, which improves the supply of damaged tissues with nutrients. This helps them recover faster. Red pepper is irritating, so there may be a slight burning sensation at the site where the balm is applied, as well as redness of the tissues. This is a completely normal reaction to using the product.
  • The balm contains golden mustache extract , which has effective anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, this remedy helps the drainage of lymph from diseased joints, thereby removing swelling and redness. The composition of the drug makes it possible to use this remedy not only in the treatment of joint disease, but also after muscle strain and sports injuries.
  • Comfrey in the product has restorative properties. It stimulates the restoration of bone and cartilage tissue, which is effective for arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Marsh cinquefoil contains flavonoids, organic acids, and essential oils, which help to quickly relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and reduce swelling of the injured area. It is most effective for non-infectious bursitis, as well as various joint injuries.
  • Camphor . This remedy actively copes with inflammation, as well as deterioration of blood circulation in diseased joints. Accordingly, this remedy warms up the sore spot, improves metabolism in the affected joints, which has a positive effect on their condition and improves the clinical picture of the disease. It is possible to get rid of swelling and severe pain in a short period of time.
  • Boswellia is a plant that grows in India. Moreover, in mountainous areas, which are clean and environmentally friendly. The resin of this tree helps cope with severe inflammation and has the properties of a natural antibiotic. Therefore, in a short period of time it will be possible to get rid of inflammation. In addition, this remedy prevents the penetration of leukocytes into diseased joints and the synovial bursa, which prevents the accumulation and increase in the amount of fluid. Thus, the plant helps to resolve swelling during joint trauma, and also improves blood supply to the capillaries and stimulates bone tissue regeneration.
  • Tea tree oil . This remedy is characterized by high biological activity towards diseased tissues. It improves tissue regeneration, stimulates the restoration of cartilage fibers, which slows down the process of destruction of joints due to arthrosis. In addition, it improves blood supply to sore areas, which helps restore joints after injury.

Sore joints

Composition and properties of the drug

Red pepper (chili)Stimulates sensitive skin receptors, activates local blood flow
Has a strong warming effect
Helps improve muscle metabolism, microcirculation in tissues located near the joints
ComfreyRegenerates diseased tissues, best of all bone and cartilage
Golden mustacheRemoves inflammation
Has antispasmodic, antioxidant and lymphatic drainage effects
CamphorHas antiseptic, analgesic and warming-cooling effects
Relieves inflammation and dilates blood vessels
Marsh cinquefoilRelieves pain, reduces inflammation
Has antirheumatic, antibacterial, regenerating, biostimulating and salt-removing properties
BoswelliaIs an antiseptic
Reduces inflammation
Prevents the penetration of leukocytes into joint fluid
Promotes blood circulation in capillaries and nutrition of joints, activates the restoration process in cartilage and bones
Tea tree oilReduces inflammation and relieves pain
Improves the functioning of the immune system
MeadowsweetRelieves pain and inflammation
Has antispasmodic and antibacterial properties
Improves blood flow and nutrition in joints

Natural components have antispasmodic and warming abilities. Pain and inflammation are relieved, and there is an anti-edematous and regenerating effect.

Balsam Ogarkova: features of use and contraindications

Features of application:

  • The product contains bee venom, as well as other aggressive components. Accordingly, people who suffer from various allergic reactions need to be very careful, because herbal extracts, as well as beekeeping products, can adversely affect the condition of the skin and provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Please note that Ogarkova balm must be used 3 times a day. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the affected areas and rub into them for 3 or 5 minutes. After performing these manipulations, there is no need to wash off the balm.
  • It is worth noting that there are no contraindications to the use of Ogarkov balm. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, as well as allergic reactions. Lesions and damage to the skin are possible.
  • That is, the product cannot be applied to atopic dermatitis, eczema or cracks, as well as damaged skin. Because this can cause severe burning and swelling. The main advantage of Ogarkova balm is its low price.

Golden balm


The balm is applied using massage movements to the joint area for 4-5 minutes until completely absorbed. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day every day. The treated area should be kept warm and at rest for 1-2 hours. The product does not need to be washed off. The course of treatment is at least 6-8 weeks. To consolidate the effect, the therapy is repeated after 3 months. To avoid joint pathologies that are associated with seasonality, a course of treatment should be carried out in the spring and autumn.

Balsam Ogarkova: reviews

Below are reviews of use.


Marina, 45 years old. I often suffer from inflammation of the joints and exacerbation of chronic arthritis. Usually the disease overtakes me in the spring and autumn. At this time, I only save myself with Ogarkov’s balm. It quickly relieves pain and also reduces swelling, which allows you to quickly return to normal life and work.

Konstantin 50 years old. I regularly use Ogarkova balm. I really like its consistency, although the smell is quite specific. His neighbor at the dacha recommended it to me. Since then I have been using it regularly. I really like this product, it helps get rid of joint pain and also relieve swelling. I use it in combination with chondroprotectors and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ekaterina, 27 years old . Ogarkova balm was recommended to me by my grandmother, who uses it for rheumatism and joint inflammation. Helped me with a sprain and injury.

The product is inexpensive and effective. Thanks to the combined composition, it not only reduces pain, but also reduces inflammation.

How to use?

Apply the product to the sore joint. Massage for 3-5 minutes. And in the future this place should be kept warm. Do not rinse off.

Do 2-3 procedures per day. It is recommended to keep the balm on the joint for 6-8 hours a week. It is advisable to do prophylaxis during the exacerbation season to prevent joint pain.

In order to get rid of tachycardia, you need to use Ogarkov's balm according to folk recipes. Drinking it is not very pleasant, but after the first week of use, shortness of breath and swelling in the legs disappear. Course of application: two months. Below is a recipe from the newspaper Vestnik ZOZH.


Lyudmila: “The list of diseases that V. Ogarkov’s balm treats is very long. This tincture is prepared from the stems and leaves of a plant such as “Golden Mustache”. Preparation instructions provided. It improves the microflora of the stomach very well - the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed. At the same time, toxins are removed from our body. Vision becomes better, joints become more flexible. I know firsthand cases where people were cured even from cancer. The main thing is to believe that the remedy helps. And remember that Ogarkov’s balm affects everyone differently.”

Nikolai: “I have always been not very keen on medications that contain alcohol. I think that alcohol is very harmful to the liver, that the treatment of the medicine is immediately disrupted due to the harmful effects of alcohol. There are many forms on water. This is the most harmless and the liver remains healthy. You can use the leaves by simply taking them internally: some plants cannot be used this way, golden mustache is useful. There are many examples of using this plant in this way. And people leave positive reviews of treatment in this way.”

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