Petrov's mixture intravenously. Indications for use, composition, reviews

Hot injection or magnesium injection

Expectant mothers who have gone through the healing function of “hot” injections have their own worldview on this matter. Most of the ladies shared their feelings: as soon as magnesium is introduced, it seems that the lower part ( part is an element of the set; a military unit - in the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation - is an organizationally independent combat, training and administrative unit in the Armed Forces of the Union and
) the body became so hot that it was unbearable to endure. And also - almost all expectant mothers knew that they felt spontaneous urination. Actually this is not true.

Magnesia or magnesium sulfate is prescribed to almost all pregnant women to reduce the tone of the uterus and maintain pregnancy (in case of danger of miscarriage and even early labor).

  1. Magnesium is administered only intramuscularly and preferably into the upper gluteal quadrant. There is a lot of muscle tissue in this place.
  2. The product is introduced extremely and extremely slowly, so that the healing agent does not stagnate in the muscles.
  3. It is necessary immediately ( Gathering of citizens is a form of citizen participation in the implementation of local self-government in rural settlements in accordance with the law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation
    ”) and after inserting the needle into the muscle, make sure that it is not in a small artery or blood vessel vessel (the syringe plunger must be pulled towards you).

Pregnant women tolerate magnesium injections well, but immediately after administering the medication, you need to lie down for some time. You can’t get up and run suddenly, so as not to get dizzy. There were cases when ladies even lost consciousness if they suddenly got up from the couch after the injection.

In some cases, the administration of magnesium is prescribed ( an ambiguous term

) together with novocaine.

In addition to maintaining pregnancy, magnesium injections are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • late toxicosis in pregnant women (eclampsia);
  • if there is a deficiency of magnesium in the body (not only in pregnant women);
  • high pressure;
  • epilepsy;
  • stagnation of urine;
  • severe poisoning (to remove lead, arsenic and mercury);
  • disturbances of blood supply and oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • tachycardia.

What are the contraindications for administering magnesium sulfate:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the product is not administered before birth;
  • when taking other foods with calcium;
  • with a decreased heart rate.

An overdose of the product causes dizziness, breathing problems and drowsiness.

Side effect:

  • redness of the skin (burning face);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • headache.

Now you understand that the concept of “hot injection” can be different, that is, the patient is prescribed different products, taking into account his condition. So, you need to know that pregnant women should not be administered calcium gluconate and calcium chloride, so as not to provoke a miscarriage

But magnesium is well tolerated and, on the contrary, helps to stop the tone of the uterus (miscarriages and early births).

In addition to this, you also need to know that the introduction of the first 2 products (calcium chloride and calcium gluconate) can lead to tissue necrosis. The pharmaceutical product must be injected into a vein (of sufficient diameter) to prevent the development of a burn to the chemical products of the vein walls.

If, due to his own inexperience, a health worker does not enter a vein and administers the medication under the skin, then dire consequences are likely (this is necrosis and suppuration of tissues). Then the patient feels heat and a powerful burning sensation immediately after administering the first drops of the medication.

Hot injection or magnesium injection

“duralan”: instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews
Expectant mothers who have undergone the treatment procedure with “hot” injections have their own opinion on this matter. Most women shared their feelings: as soon as magnesium is introduced, it seems that the lower part of the body has become so hot that it is unbearable to endure. And also, many expectant mothers said that they felt spontaneous urination. Actually this is not true.

Magnesia or magnesium sulfate is prescribed to many pregnant women to reduce the tone of the uterus and maintain pregnancy (if there is a threat of miscarriage or even premature birth).

  1. Magnesium is administered only intramuscularly and preferably into the upper gluteal quadrant. There is a lot of muscle tissue in this place.
  2. The drug is administered very, very slowly so that the medicine does not stagnate in the muscles.
  3. It is necessary immediately after inserting the needle into the muscle, make sure that it is not in a small artery or blood vessel (the syringe plunger must be pulled towards you).

Pregnant women tolerate magnesium injections well, but immediately after administering the medicine, you need to lie down for a while. You can’t get up and run suddenly, so as not to get dizzy. There were cases when women even lost consciousness if they suddenly got up from the couch after the injection.

In some cases, magnesia is prescribed together with novocaine.

In addition to maintaining pregnancy, magnesium injections are prescribed for the following diseases:

  • late toxicosis in pregnant women (eclampsia);
  • with a lack of magnesium in the body (not only in pregnant women);
  • high blood pressure;
  • epilepsy;
  • stagnation of urine;
  • severe poisoning (to remove lead, arsenic and mercury);
  • disturbances of blood supply and oxygen starvation of the brain;
  • tachycardia.

What are the contraindications for administering magnesium sulfate:

  • low pressure;
  • the drug is not administered before childbirth;
  • when taking other drugs with calcium;
  • with a low heart rate.

An overdose of the drug causes dizziness, breathing problems and drowsiness.

Side effect:

  • redness of the skin (flaming face);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • headache.

Now you know that the concept of a “hot injection” can be different, that is, the patient is prescribed different drugs, taking into account his condition. So, you need to know that pregnant women should not be administered calcium gluconate and calcium chloride, so as not to provoke a miscarriage. But magnesium is well tolerated and, on the contrary, helps stop the tone of the uterus (miscarriages and premature births).

In addition, you also need to know that the introduction of the first 2 drugs (calcium chloride and calcium gluconate) can lead to tissue necrosis. The drug must be injected into a vein (of sufficient diameter) to prevent the development of a chemical burn on the vein walls.

If, due to his inexperience, a healthcare worker does not enter a vein and puts the medicine under the skin, then serious consequences are possible (this is necrosis and suppuration of tissues). Then the patient feels heat and a strong burning sensation instantly, after administering the first drops of the medicine.

Which ones can you install yourself?

You cannot install IVs on your own, because doing it yourself can turn spinal treatment into a deadly undertaking.

The fact is that droppers have one unpleasant nuance: if the medicine in the bag runs out, then air begins to flow into the vein. If this happens, then air bubbles can clog a small vessel, leading to a heart attack or stroke. If there are no doctors nearby, this can lead to death.

Magnesium sulfate is prescribed by injection for: hypertensive crisis (including with symptoms of cerebral edema), myocardial infarction, eclampsia, encephalopathy, hypomagnesemia, with an increased need for magnesium (pregnancy, growth period, recovery period, stress, excessive sweating), acute hypomagnesemia (signs of tetany, impaired myocardial function), convulsive syndrome (for example, in acute nephritis in children), complex therapy of premature birth, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias (especially supraventricular and caused by therapy with antiarrhythmic or diuretic drugs, glucocorticoids or cardiac glycosides ), poisoning with salts of heavy metals, arsenic, tetraethyl lead, soluble barium salts (antidote).

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Types of injections

Ketonal ointment: instructions for use, composition, indications for use

Injections for blockade for osteochondrosis should be given by a doctor

Numerous studies have proven that painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to cope with the pain syndrome that arose due to the development of osteochondrosis. In complex treatment, antispasmodic injections, solutions that improve blood circulation, and chondroprotective agents are also used.

Injections for osteochondrosis are divided into several types, taking into account the method of administration of the medicinal composition:

  • Intramuscular. The drug is injected into the muscle layer. Most often this is the gluteus maximus muscle. They use painkillers and analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, and muscle relaxants.
  • Intravenous. The injection is made into a blood vessel. As a rule, this is the area on the elbow. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and vitamin compounds are administered in this way.
  • Subcutaneous. The solution is injected into the fat layer on the buttock, thigh area or forearm. The method is used to administer vitamin preparations.

Medicines used

The term “hangover drip” is usually used not in its literal sense, but to describe a detoxification procedure, which involves not only intravenous medication, but also additional intramuscular injections and symptomatic rehabilitation therapy. To relieve hangover symptoms use:

  • Polyionic solutions
    , plasma substitutes (reopolyglucin, hemodez, polyfer, reamberin, etc.). Such drugs have a detoxifying effect, reduce blood viscosity and improve hemodynamics, compensate for acid-base imbalances, and eliminate fluid deficiency.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1).
    Helps eliminate (or prevent) alcoholic tremors and coordination problems.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6).
    Necessary for stimulating metabolic processes.
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12).
    Improves hematopoiesis, helps restore the functions of the central nervous system.
  • Ascorbic acid.
    It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, normalizes metabolism and the production of coenzymes.
  • A nicotinic acid.
    Stimulates blood circulation in peripheral vessels.
  • Drugs to prevent brain hypoxia (pyridoxine, cerebrolysin, etc.).
    They improve the functioning of cells of the central nervous system in conditions of oxygen starvation, increase intellectual and cognitive abilities.
  • Sedatives.
    In most cases (in the absence of contraindications), preference is given to drugs from the benzodiazepine group. They have a pronounced sedative effect, which minimizes the risk of developing psychosis, and anticonvulsant activity to prevent generalized seizures.
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics.
    For obvious reasons, non-narcotic painkillers are used.

This is the minimum required dropper for a hangover. But drug treatment clinics also offer clients “advanced” options to address not only withdrawal symptoms but also recovery treatment. These are double, triple, VIP droppers containing:

  • Hepatoprotectors.
    They contain essential phospholipids or plant components that promote the restoration and regeneration of hepatocytes and improve the filtration function of the liver.
  • Drugs for the correction of cardiac disorders.
    As a rule, withdrawal syndrome is accompanied by arrhythmia and hypertension. Therefore, the patient is usually administered adrenoreceptor blockers and calcium antagonists. When there is a critical increase in blood pressure and the risk of cerebral edema, diuretics are indicated.

Hot prick - why is it called that?

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People who have experienced a hot prick at least once in their lives are convinced that it is simply impossible to forget this feeling. Similar statements and descriptions raise even more questions and misunderstandings. In order to bring more clarity, it is necessary to debunk several misconceptions regarding the given type of pharmaceuticals.

It is necessary to start with the fact that the product is not heated before injection; it has a temperature equal to the temperature of the human body. It is also important to note that the body temperature itself does not increase at all after the substance is introduced into the body. Another fundamental note is that the product is not administered intramuscularly; if the injection is carried out specifically into the connective tissue, and not into the bloodstream itself, then severe consequences are likely. The best way to administer the pharmaceutical solution is intravenously.

The name “hot injection” refers to the type of injection because after the procedure is carried out in the body, an active distribution of burning and heat is felt throughout the body. At first the feeling is local, and then it spreads from top to bottom, dissolving in the bloodstream. It is this global feeling of fire passing through the entire body that is the prerequisite for the name of the group of injection solutions.

The described feeling occurs because the products are based on organic and inorganic salts. These substances significantly dilate blood vessels, which leads to an effect characterized by a “fiery” aspect.

What does petra mixture cure?

A mixture of petroleum or a hot injection is called an intravenous injection of a solution of calcium chloride. It is made from tablets of the same name and is blood substitute. Calcium supports the functioning of the heart and smooth muscles, helps bone formation and improves blood clotting.

Indications for use

This mixture is widely used in medical practice, but has proven itself best in the treatment of hypovolemia. Or, in simple terms, dehydration. It is used for all forms of this disease, helps to recover from severe blood loss, and is also used for:

  • Sepsis;
  • Severe infectious diseases;
  • Calcium deficiency;
  • Intoxication;
  • Antishock therapy;
  • Allergies;
  • Vascular impermeability;
  • Inflammation;

Indications for the use of Petrov's mixture intravenously are very extensive. And even in the practice of treating neurological problems, the drug has also found its niche, effectively coping with problems such as:

  • Meningitis of bacterial etiology;
  • During operations, severe hematomas with large blood losses;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;

In some cases, hot injections may be used to treat hydrocephalus. Due to its slight hypersomatic effect on the body. It is an excellent solvent for a number of medicines. It should be noted that for intravenous use it is prohibited to use the drug in quantities exceeding 2 liters per day.


Petrov's mixture is no different from saline liquids for intravenous administration, so in reality there are no contraindications. Excluding individual intolerance or sensitivity to some of the components of the composition. But unlike its analogues, it has a huge advantage: it can be prepared right on the spot, which is very convenient when traveling and transporting hospitals.

The drug is difficult to buy in city pharmacies; it specializes more in hospitals, especially in places remote from cities. This is not difficult to explain: such products are not intended for long-term storage.

Composition and dilution method

This mixture is a simple composition, similar to similar blood replacement drugs:

It should be noted that the use of such a remedy can only be prescribed by a competent specialist. Otherwise, the consequences may be unforeseen.

The injection is made from a mixture of Petrov tablet solution with 100 ml of sterile injection water and 10% blood. The resulting drug is filtered using a special paper filter, and then the flasks are filled with it and sent for sterilization. However, before filling the vessels, the liquid is heated to 38 degrees and homogeneous, and most importantly compatible, canned blood is mixed in the ratio of the salt solution.


This information should not be taken as a guide to action and is intended for informational purposes only. Intravenous medications require regular monitoring by a doctor and individual dosage calculations. In addition, any physical manifestation of the disease is the result of destructive internal processes. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to make a thorough diagnosis and identify the true problem. This is impossible at home. Symptoms provide only superficial knowledge of the subject, and careful research is required to establish the correct diagnosis. Correct treatment relies entirely on a correct diagnosis.


  1. Problems of addiction. Ed. A. M. Rapoport / Mosgorzdravotd. Neuropsychiatric. Institute named after P. B. Ganushkina and Neuropsychiatric. hospital for acute alcoholism. - Moscow / Leningrad: Medgiz, 1934 ([M.]: 16th type of the Polygraph Book trust). — Region, 116 s
  2. Alcoholism / Donald W. Goodwin; [Transl. from English B. Pinsker]. - M.: Olimp-business, 2002. - XII, 224 p.
  3. A manual on narcology for doctors and paramedics of primary medical care / A. A. Churkin, T. V. Klimenko. / Moscow ; Khanty-Mansiysk: Health and Society, 2006 (Cheboksary: ​​IPK Chuvashia). — 173 p.

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What does Petrova’s mixture help with?

The composition for injection, Petrova's liquid, is a solution of calcium chloride, which, according to experts, is one of the main sources of this microelement for humans. Petrov's mixture is known for the following positive effects on the body:

  • improving the functions of the entire heart muscle;
  • maintaining the normal process of blood clotting;
  • improving the process of transmitting impulses from the nervous system;
  • assistance in the formation of human bones;
  • maintaining the contraction function of skeletal as well as smooth muscles.

Note! Despite such an abundance of positive effects, under no circumstances should you prescribe this drug yourself. The fact is that this can result in a large number of unpredictable side effects and irreversible consequences that sometimes occur, they can even pose a danger to human life!

Side effects

Before you are given the solution, it is important to learn about all possible side effects. The very first manifestation is heat that occurs in the oral cavity, where it is localized for several minutes

After this, the heat spreads throughout the person’s body, and in most situations there is a significant decrease in blood pressure. It is worth mentioning that if the doctor makes a mistake (we are talking about the drug getting into the muscle), then severe irritation will occur, as well as tissue necrosis.

Note! Yes, this material described many beneficial properties of this mixture, but this in no way means that you should use it. The fact is that if you do this without the supervision of specialists, then there is a high risk that everything could even end in death!

What it is

The composition of the polarizing mixture is characterized by a set of drugs that affect the heart muscle. Polaris enters the body through intravenous drip administration. The mixture contains 4 ingredients.

The drug was used for a long time for severe myocardial infarction, then it began to be used for other pathologies associated with worsening heart rhythm.

The mixture is used to restore disturbed electrolyte balance during rehydration therapy. In case of severe encephalopathy, the patient is prescribed a polar, which corrects the electrolyte balance in the blood. The medication is necessary for a patient with persistent atrial fibrillation.


Treatment of myocardial infarction or cardiac pathology involves the use of a medicine such as polar, the composition of the dropper includes the following ingredients:

  1. The solution may contain 5 or 10% of the necessary substances.
  2. A certain amount of potassium chloride or the drug Panangin is added to the medication.
  3. Magnesium is included in the mixture.
  4. Glucose load is regulated with the drug Insulin, which has a short period of action.

Polarka is a complex mixture; the classic composition can be supplemented with magnesium salts, which enhance the therapeutic effect. The dropper is used in a hospital; it contains 40 g of potassium chloride dissolved in 250 ml of a 10% glucose solution. 8 units of insulin are added to its composition.

A drip is given to the patient once a day.

Operating principle

Instructions for use of the mixture contain information about its use in the acute period of myocardial infarction. Treatment with a dropper increases the amount of glucose and potassium in the blood serum on day 1 of treatment.

Polars are awarded individually, taking into account the indications and danger of use. If the benefit for the patient is obvious, the doctor uses the medicine while monitoring the course of the disease.

Accrual of polarity for myasthenia gravis in neurological practice makes it possible to stabilize the patient’s condition. The mixture eliminates cerebral edema and delivers the nutrient glucose to the neurons.

The polarizing mixture worsens the condition of a diabetic patient with high levels of glucose in the blood serum.

Polar is indispensable for polyneuropathy accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances.

Droppers for osteochondrosis

How to treat osteochondrosis? One of the degenerative changes in the articular surfaces of the spine is called osteochondrosis. Treatment of the disease continues for a long time and requires an integrated approach, including therapeutic treatment. The goals of therapy for osteochondrosis are aimed at relieving the causes and symptoms of the pathology, as well as suppressing degenerative changes. There is no single drug that fully copes with therapeutic tasks. It is necessary to use drugs from several groups:

  • analgesics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • agents that restore cartilage tissue;
  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • vasodilators;
  • restoring abnormalities in blood circulation;
  • special means for normalizing metabolism in cartilage tissue;
  • immunomodulators.

Droppers are used to administer many of the drugs on the list.

Drip (infusion) administration of a medicine does not mean its use only in severe conditions.

The dropper is a transparent plastic tube with two metal needles at the ends: one is for insertion into the patient’s vein, the second is inserted into the container with the medicine. There is an extension in the middle of the tube to allow the infusion solution to accumulate. A device is attached to the tube to regulate the flow of the solution, which is used by a medical professional to change the rate at which the medicine enters the patient's body.

The container with the medicine must be placed above the patient's vein, so the bottle is mounted on a stand. A second needle is inserted into the container with the medicine to introduce air, displacing the solution from the bottle into the tube.

The extension of the tube must have the required level of solution. The medical professional excludes the presence of air below the expansion, otherwise it may enter the venous bed and cause a gas embolism.

For osteochondrosis, droppers are required when administering certain medications, since other use of the drugs does not guarantee the proper therapeutic effect. Such drugs are quickly destroyed in the body or do not have time to be captured by cells, leaving the body through the excretory organs.

The doctor may prescribe a drip when the concentration of the drug in the blood should be elevated for a long time. A blood level of medication lower than prescribed will not provide the expected improvement. Too high a concentration can cause a toxic condition or severe side effects.

The indication for infusion administration of the drug is to quickly help a patient with severe pain syndrome or an acute period of the disease. Medicines are taken up by cells faster, which avoids impending danger to the life or health of the patient. By monitoring the patient’s condition, the doctor can cancel further administration of the drug, speed up or slow down its rate of entry into the body.

Certain medications are not intended for use in other ways because their action does not achieve the expected result.

Some of these drugs for osteochondrosis are administered intravenously using droppers.

The essence of the procedure

Many people mistakenly believe that drip administration of the drug is prescribed for patients in serious condition. In fact, the use of infusions is determined by specific indications. What is a dropper?

An IV is placed in an emergency

This is a plastic tube, in the middle part of which there is a small reservoir for the solution, and at the ends there are two needles. One of them is inserted into a bottle of medicine, and the second is injected into a vein. The dropper is equipped with a pipette through which the drug drips into the end of the tube directed towards the vein. The healthcare worker performing the procedure can monitor the speed of movement of the medicine and regulate it using a special device that compresses the upper part of the tube from the outside.

When adjusting the drip, it is necessary to create a certain level of liquid medicine at the bottom of the reservoir to prevent air from entering it, which can then enter the vein. Another long needle is inserted into the bottle to introduce air: without it, the drug cannot enter the tube.

When administered routinely, many medications are quickly broken down in the body or eliminated, preventing the desired therapeutic effect from being achieved.

Some drugs need to be administered by infusion

  1. For osteochondrosis, a dropper is prescribed in cases where it is necessary for the drug to be in the blood in a certain constant concentration. It should not be too high so as not to lead to side effects. However, the other extreme must be avoided: too low a concentration of the product: in this case, the effect will not be achieved. When administered by drip, the liquid agent enters the bloodstream gradually, evenly, over a fairly long period of time.
  2. A drip for osteochondrosis is also placed in case of need for emergency assistance - for example, in case of exacerbation of the disease, development of severe pain. With this method of administration, the active substances have a faster and more pronounced effect. The doctor monitors the effect of the drug and can decide whether to increase the dose, reduce it, or stop the drug altogether.
  3. Some drugs are intended specifically for drip administration. When used differently, they do not have the proper effect.


Infusion administration of drugs is not indicated for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • tendency to edema.

One of the most important components of the treatment of osteochondrosis is the use of painkillers. They are prescribed a course. In most cases, analgin, sedalgin, and paracetamol are used. In case of a severe attack in the first days, patients are administered mixtures of medications, which include:

  • analgesics;
  • decongestant (dehydrating) drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • sedatives.

Actovegin for droppers

1 or 2 ml of a 50% solution of analgin and painkillers of other groups (5-10 ml of baralgin, 20-100 ml of a 0.5% solution of novocaine) in most cases are prescribed with 20-40 ml of hydrocortisone, 10 ml of a 2.4% solution of aminophylline, 20-40 mg of Lasix, 1-2 ml of tranquilizers (for example, Relanium), up to 2000 mcg of vitamin B12. For osteochondrosis, droppers with these mixtures in various optimally compatible combinations are recommended twice a day.

Novocaine and its derivatives are used in various dilutions:

  • sovcaine – 0.5-10%;
  • trimecaine – 0.5-0.25%;
  • lidocaine – 0.5, 1 or 2%.

For osteochondrosis, infusions of the following mixtures are most often used:

  • 50% solution of analgin no-spa lasix 0.25% solution of novocaine saline solution;
  • baralgin relanium dexazone novocaine glucose;
  • 50% solution of analgin 2% solution of no-shpa reopirin.

Decongestant, or dehydrating, complexes are prescribed mainly for the severity of radicular syndrome. In many cases, it is advisable to use rapid-acting saluretics or dexazone. There is no consensus among experts regarding the effectiveness of these medications.


Treatment of osteochondrosis is a long process. Most of the drugs used are quickly eliminated or disintegrate and cannot bring the body the desired result. Therefore, intravenous magnesium is prescribed with Novocaine or other medications. Treatment of osteochondrosis with droppers is indicated in the following cases:

  • So that the necessary medicine remains in the blood longer in a certain concentration. An excess will cause side effects, and small doses will not be effective in therapy, so it is necessary to adhere to the dosage.
  • Emergency situations in which an immediate effect is required: exacerbation of the disease;
  • severe attacks of pain or cramps.
  • If the necessary drug is produced and intended only for injection, and only in this way does the medicine affect the body.
  • Composition and dilution method

    This mixture is a simple composition, similar to similar blood replacement drugs:

    • Potassium chloride;
    • Calcium chloride;
    • Concentrated blood;

    It should be noted that the use of such a remedy can only be prescribed by a competent specialist. Otherwise, the consequences may be unforeseen.

    The injection is made from a mixture of Petrov tablet solution with 100 ml of sterile injection water and 10% blood. The resulting drug is filtered using a special paper filter, and then the flasks are filled with it and sent for sterilization. However, before filling the vessels, the liquid is heated to 38 degrees and homogeneous, and most importantly compatible, canned blood is mixed in the ratio of the salt solution.

    How do you feel about mandatory vaccination?

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    More about IVs

    So what is a “dropper”? A dropper is a bag of medicine that is located on a tripod. The tripod is needed to ensure that the medicine enters the body - it secures the bag above the vein. If the vein is higher than the sac, blood will begin to flow into it. There are two tubes going from the bag itself: one to the vein, the second just to the side (sometimes it is replaced with a valve). The second tube is needed to allow air to enter the bag, otherwise the medicine will not flow out due to internal pressure.

    Why all this complexity? Why can't you just get an injection? The fact is that droppers have some advantages that conventional injections cannot boast of:

    • The medicine enters the body continuously. This means that the effect of the treatment will last as long as the patient is on a drip.
    • It is very easy to maintain the desired dosage. Firstly, due to continuous receipt. Secondly, due to the fact that the medicine goes directly into the bloodstream, and not into the muscles. With injections, the final amount of medicine entering the body depends on many uncontrollable factors.
    • The human factor is excluded. When a doctor prescribes injections to a patient at home, the patient may simply forget to take the injection. The dropper solves this problem.

    If in a particular case one or more of these benefits are very important, the doctor will prescribe an IV rather than injections.

    Possible options for detoxification

    The vast majority of modern private clinics offer the service of a narcologist visiting the patient directly, and many prefer this method of therapy. But in some cases hospitalization is required.

    Hangover dropper at home

    Specialized medical centers operate around the clock, so you can call a doctor at any time of the day. Detoxification begins with a mandatory examination of the patient. The narcologist assesses his well-being, mental and neurological status, measures temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and takes an ECG.

    Based on the examination results, the doctor determines the list of necessary medications, explains the features of the upcoming procedure to the patient himself (if, of course, he is able to adequately perceive the doctor’s words) and his relatives. Then the patient is placed on the couch and given a hangover drip.

    While the procedure lasts, the doctor remains next to the patient, monitoring his condition. After detoxification is completed, the specialist leaves recommendations for further rehabilitation treatment and talks in detail about available methods of combating alcohol addiction.

    Hospital treatment

    Indications for mandatory hospitalization are:

    • temperature rise to febrile levels (39° and above);
    • liver, kidney, heart failure;
    • symptoms of psychosis (even mild);
    • lack of effect from a dropper against a hangover at home;
    • severe dehydration and exhaustion;
    • elderly age;
    • severe tremors, seizures;
    • confusion;
    • severe alcohol intoxication, drug use.

    In the hospital there is the possibility of continuous administration of drugs under the constant supervision of medical personnel. In addition, a hangover drip can be supplemented with intravenous laser irradiation, hemosorption, and physiotherapy. A quick start to psychotherapy also has good results.

    A detoxification drip is the only correct option for eliminating binge drinking and relieving hangover symptoms. This procedure can be the first step towards final recovery from alcohol addiction.

    Preparation and use

    The petrochemical mixture has the following composition:

    • calcium chloride;
    • potassium chloride;
    • concentrated blood.

    As mentioned earlier, this remedy can only be prescribed by qualified doctors due to the possible development of unforeseen and irreversible consequences. If you have to breed it yourself, follow these instructions:

    • Take injection completely sterile water in a volume of 100 ml, as well as blood (it should be strictly 10%).
    • Now mix it all and start filtering.
    • Now you will need to fill the flasks with the drug, after which they will need to be sterilized.

    Note! Before filling these vessels, the liquid in question must be preheated (the required temperature is 38 degrees). After this, you will need to mix the canned and homogeneous salts in the required ratio

    As for the administration itself, doctors note that this can be done using several methods. We are talking about:

    • drip and intravenous administration;
    • administration by bolus and intravenously;
    • intracardiac administration.

    Particular attention should be paid to intracardiac administration, which should also be carried out only by a specialist. The problem is that the doctor must get exactly into the cavity of the heart ventricle, otherwise there is a high risk of damage to the coronary arteries

    As for the basic rules of administration, among them it is important to note the need to use the thinnest possible needle, because the only option is to inject into a large vein. If you do not follow these rules, the concentration of calcium in the blood will sharply increase, which is why it will almost immediately begin to penetrate into the tissues

    If you do not follow these rules, the concentration of calcium in the blood will sharply increase, which is why it will almost immediately begin to penetrate into the tissues.

    Drug Review


    Analgesics are medications that reduce or eliminate pain.


    Sometimes, along with inflammation, edema occurs - an accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Edema worsens the course of the disease.

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are needed to relieve inflammation that usually puts pressure on the nerve, leading to pain.

    Muscle relaxants

    This group of products relieves muscle spasms.


    Sedatives are used to calm a weakened nervous system. Problems with it can arise both due to pain and stress, and due to a pinched cervical artery.


    Preparation and use

    The petrochemical mixture has the following composition:

    • calcium chloride;
    • potassium chloride;
    • concentrated blood.

    As mentioned earlier, this remedy can only be prescribed by qualified doctors due to the possible development of unforeseen and irreversible consequences. If you have to breed it yourself, follow these instructions:

    • Take injection completely sterile water in a volume of 100 ml, as well as blood (it should be strictly 10%).
    • Now mix it all and start filtering.
    • Now you will need to fill the flasks with the drug, after which they will need to be sterilized.

    Note! Before filling these vessels, the liquid in question must be preheated (the required temperature is 38 degrees). After this, you will need to mix the canned and homogeneous salts in the required ratio

    As for the administration itself, doctors note that this can be done using several methods. We are talking about:

    • drip and intravenous administration;
    • administration by bolus and intravenously;
    • intracardiac administration.

    Particular attention should be paid to intracardiac administration, which should also be carried out only by a specialist. The problem is that the doctor must get exactly into the cavity of the heart ventricle, otherwise there is a high risk of damage to the coronary arteries

    As for the basic rules of administration, among them it is important to note the need to use the thinnest possible needle, because the only option is to inject into a large vein. If you do not follow these rules, the concentration of calcium in the blood will sharply increase, which is why it will almost immediately begin to penetrate into the tissues

    If you do not follow these rules, the concentration of calcium in the blood will sharply increase, which is why it will almost immediately begin to penetrate into the tissues.

    What does Petrova’s mixture help with?

    The composition for injection, Petrova's liquid, is a solution of calcium chloride, which, according to experts, is one of the main sources of this microelement for humans. Petrov's mixture is known for the following positive effects on the body:

    • improving the functions of the entire heart muscle;
    • maintaining the normal process of blood clotting;
    • improving the process of transmitting impulses from the nervous system;
    • assistance in the formation of human bones;
    • maintaining the contraction function of skeletal as well as smooth muscles.

    Note! Despite such an abundance of positive effects, under no circumstances should you prescribe this drug yourself. The fact is that this can result in a large number of unpredictable side effects and irreversible consequences that sometimes occur, they can even pose a danger to human life!

    Additional treatment of osteochondrosis

    Manual therapy is indicated as an additional treatment for osteochondrosis

    Injections for spinal diseases are not an independent method of treating pathology. It is possible to get rid of the degenerative process only in a comprehensive way. Along with the injections the following is prescribed:

    • a set of physical exercises: therapeutic exercises prescribed by a doctor and morning exercises, which are useful for preventing the progression of inflammation;
    • massage sessions, which are performed in repeated courses over a period determined by the doctor - sometimes treatment lasts a year, or even more;
    • physiotherapeutic procedures;
    • manual therapy;
    • use of medications: you can take medications orally or use local remedies in the form of ointments, gels, solutions.

    Many doctors are in no hurry to immediately prescribe medications. At the initial stage of development of osteochondrosis, non-drug methods, for example, therapeutic exercises and massage, and physiotherapeutic procedures, can help.


    1. In what cases is a hangover dropper needed?
    2. Medicines used.
    3. Possible options for detoxification:
    4. 1.1. Dropper for hangover at home. 1.2. Hospital treatment.

    Each person has their own experience of first “acquaintance” with alcohol. For some, alcohol causes unpleasant drowsiness and weakness, for others it causes emotional uplift, lightness and excitement. This pattern of intoxication predisposes to repeated episodes of drinking, requiring more and more alcohol over time to achieve the usual state. Usually the situation gets out of control unnoticed, episodic drunkenness develops into multi-day binges with a painful hangover. And in most cases, the addict prefers the easiest way to get rid of withdrawal symptoms - to drink again. But such tactics will only lead to a new round of binge drinking, so it is better to resort to professional help and put on an IV for a hangover. Only in this way can you completely get rid of the consequences of many days of drinking and prepare for comprehensive treatment of alcohol addiction.

    Petrov mixture injections

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    What is included in the petrova mixture and is it possible to give these injections - injections of the petrova mixture - topic - hello. 08 was in the hospital with a tick bite. Tick ​​bite tests - answers@mail.

    Ru: injection of Petrov's mixture when they gave an injection into a vein, they got into the muscle of the arm in this place, red and swollen, what. Who was prescribed petrova mixture and received petrova mixture intravenously? (glucose, magnesium. Does this injection help? Petrov’s mixture - consultation.

    Please tell me if Petrov's mixture injections can help me with VSD. Petrov's mixture - hello - hello! Please tell me the exact composition of Petrov's mixture, dosage, route of administration - Petrov's mixture - what kind of mixture is this, and - Petrov's mixture - what is this mixture, and how often can it be given? , Petrov's mixture | 1 answers, 0. Petrov tablets (tabulettae petrovi). Contains sodium chloride 1.5 g, potassium chloride 0.02 g, calcium.

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