MRI of the brain and cerebral vessels

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is an imaging method that does not rely on x-rays (as is the case with), in which the patient is not exposed to radiation. With its help, it is possible to detect even small changes in tissues and diagnose the disease at an early stage of progression.

Magnetic resonance imaging is used to examine the brain and spinal cord, ligaments, joints and internal organs. In some cases, it becomes necessary to administer a contrast agent to better detect differences in tissue.

Unlike computed tomography (CT) and X-rays, MRI does not use X-rays or other ionizing beams, eliminating the possibility of radiation exposure for patients. Diagnostics allows you to identify vascular diseases in a non-invasive way and without the need for catheterization.

The instrumental diagnostic method provides morphological, dynamic, functional and metabolic information about various body systems. Due to the use of a powerful magnet, there are contraindications: wearing a pacemaker and other metal implants. To obtain reliable results, preparation for MRI is of particular importance.

Types of MRI studies

MRI allows you to display the condition of an organ or joint in real time. In magnetic resonance imaging, vessels are represented using a contrast agent. Unlike conventional angiography, the result is a three-dimensional image. This clears up the suspicion of vascular closure, thrombosis or vascular malformations.

Magnetic resonance imaging is divided into:

  • Functional MRI (fMRI). Used to study active areas of the brain. Using fMRI, brain metabolic disorders that are considered precursors to depression or anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are diagnosed.
  • Perfusion MRI. It is carried out to display circulatory disorders and ischemia in the brain, heart or lungs, to display the blood circulation of tumors. If necessary, a contrast agent is injected.
  • Diffusion tensor imaging (diffusion MRI). Used in brain research. Allows you to diagnose strokes at an early stage.
  • MR elastography (MRE). An indispensable diagnostic method for identifying tumors. Using this procedure, you can display the condition of the tissues of the heart, liver and brain.

As an alternative, research methods such as ultrasound, x-ray, etc. can be given. As a rule, MRI is a more informative and absolutely safe diagnostic method if the recommendations are followed.

In what cases is MRI of the spine indicated?

An examination using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner is prescribed when it is necessary to study in detail the condition of the vertebrae, spinal cord, cartilage and blood circulation along the entire trunk. This situation can arise in several cases:

  • there was a spinal injury;
  • suffer from chronic headaches;
  • curvature of the spine is observed;
  • coordination of movements is impaired;
  • an infectious lesion of the brain stem was detected;
  • there is a herniated disc.

When other diagnostic methods do not provide sufficient information to make a diagnosis, MRI is prescribed. This method allows you to carefully study not only the condition and position of the bones, but also determine their density, detect neoplasms and identify the substance of which they are composed.

Preparing for MRI of different types of organs

Women must inform their doctor about a possible pregnancy. In practice, it is not recommended to conduct diagnostic testing during the first 3-4 months of pregnancy if the potential benefit to the mother does not outweigh the possible risks.

The need to take mild sedatives arises in the presence of claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces). Anti-anxiety medications can also be taken if you have mild anxiety.

Patients must leave all metal objects in the locker room before visiting the MRI room.

These include:

  • glasses, magnetic eyelashes;
  • piercing, jewelry, hairpins;
  • wristwatch, keys, wallet;
  • belts, clothing with zippers or metal buttons;
  • removable dentures, braces, hearing aids, cochlear (ear) implants).

During the examination, sounds occur that may disturb the patient. To avoid discomfort, it is suggested to use earplugs or headphones. Sometimes you can also listen to music to distract you during an MRI.

How to prepare for an MRI depending on the area being examined

MRI of the pelvic organs in women and men

  • Avoid foods that increase gas formation in the intestines: milk and dairy products, fruits and fruit juices, cabbage, onions, garlic, mushrooms, legumes, yeast baked goods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, etc.
  • You should stick to the diet only on the day of the examination: do not eat 3 hours before the procedure, you are allowed to drink without restrictions.
  • It is planned to take the following medications: “Espumizan” (2 days and in the morning before the study), “No-shpa”.
  • The last bladder emptying is allowed one hour before the examination.

MRI for rectal tumor

  • 2 hours before leaving home (during the initial study), a microenema (“Microlax”) is indicated.
  • For re-diagnosis (after chemotherapy), a microenema is given in the clinic 30 minutes before the examination.
  • Espumisan is prescribed 2 days and in the morning before the examination, and No-shpa is prescribed 30 minutes before the examination.
  • The bladder is emptied 1 hour before the procedure.

MRI of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneum

  • It is carried out on an empty stomach (last meal 6 hours before the start of diagnosis).
  • You can only drink water (without restrictions).
  • No medications are required.

MRI of the brain

  • Temporarily remove existing metal crowns, braces, or dentures in the oral cavity.
  • Leave electronic and metal removable devices outside the area in which the MR unit is located.
  • Prepare emotionally for an MRI.

MR cholangiography

  • It is carried out on an empty stomach (do not eat for the last 6 hours before the diagnosis).
  • 3 hours before the procedure, stop drinking liquids.
  • No medications required.

MR defecography

  • A microenema is required 2 hours before leaving the house.
  • The bladder is emptied 1 hour before the procedure.
  • Before the examination in the clinic, the patient is injected into the rectum with warm gel (150 ml).

MR enterography

  • It is carried out on an empty stomach (last meal 6 hours before the examination).
  • An hour before the procedure, the patient is asked to drink a special solution.
  • The study involves intravenous administration of a contrast agent.

MRI with contrast

Preparing for an MRI with contrast includes the need for a preliminary examination. The doctor must make sure that the patient does not have kidney or liver diseases. If there are pathologies, a urologist's opinion will be required. It is necessary to exclude the presence of allergic reactions to the contrast agent. To do this, tests are carried out in advance to determine the rejection of the composition.

Modern drugs do not cause allergies, but are excreted through the liver and kidneys. If you have chronic diseases of these organs, problems may arise, so prior consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Some types of MRI can be performed without prior preparation. These include:

  • MRI of the anorectal area;
  • MRI of the external genitalia;
  • MR urography;
  • MRI of the heart;
  • MRI of the breast.

When conducting diagnostics, correction of the subject’s movements is important. Despite the use of various fixing devices, it is impossible to achieve complete absence of movement. Even minor movements can lead to significant changes in the MR signal, which can affect the result. To exclude such situations, a conversation is held with the patient as part of the preparation.

Features of MRI of the spine

Research using a tomograph does not require any diet or other type of preliminary preparation from the patient. However, it is important to know the body's reaction to iodine, since this element is part of the contrast agent often used in certain situations. There are other contrasts that are injected into the vertebral area. Therefore, in each specific case, it is important to know whether there is an allergy to the components included in the composition.

In addition, to maintain the accuracy of the images, it is important to lie still inside the device. If a person suffers from claustrophobia or other disorders associated with a fear of narrow and confined spaces, you should tell your doctor about this. The slightest movement will make the examination uninformative.

General rules for preparing for MRI

The duration of an MRI scan depends on the area of ​​the body being examined and can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. During this time, the patient should lie as still as possible. For children and some categories of patients, a short anesthesia is provided to maintain calm.

To conduct an MRI under anesthesia, preparation for the study is also required.

Magnetic resonance imaging is not performed in this case:

  • for decompensation of any chronic diseases;
  • in case of impaired consciousness;
  • if the patient is registered in a psychoneurological clinic.

You must have with you the results of an ECG (not older than a month) and a certificate from a doctor stating that there are no contraindications for anesthesia.

When conducting an MRI in children, the examination is scheduled for the morning. You must also have with you:

  • ECG is not older than a month;
  • information from the pediatrician and specialized doctors about the absence of contraindications for anesthesia;
  • chest x-ray;
  • consultation with an endocrinologist for thymomegaly;
  • results of previous studies.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a reliable and accurate diagnostic method with virtually no health contraindications.

There are a number of factors that cannot be ignored when preparing a patient for an MRI:

  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • metal vascular clamps;
  • foreign metal objects of a fragmentary nature in the body;
  • metal crowns or pins in the mouth;
  • implanted cochlear prosthesis;
  • CNS (central nervous system) stimulants;
  • compression-distraction device;
  • stationary limb prostheses.

These factors are a serious obstacle to undergoing tomography.

There are some simple rules that must be followed:

  1. It is necessary to choose comfortable clothing for the procedure without metal buttons, zippers, hooks, buckles and decorations.
  2. When going for an examination, you should remove all jewelry in advance.
  3. Be sure to check your pockets for any metal objects.

The patient must be informed in advance about the duration of the procedure. If all recommendations are followed, then it is possible to obtain the most accurate result with minor errors - only 3-5%. The obtained data is subjected to static analysis: a curve is plotted depending on the intensity of the MR signal as a function of time for each voxel of the image.

MRI of the abdominal region: normal indicators

The report provided to the patient indicates the exact dimensions of each abdominal organ. Information about neoplasms, if any, is displayed, also indicating the location and size in millimeters.

Detailed information on abdominal examination

The segmental location of each formation, the clarity of the boundaries are described, and if cysts are detected, a detailed picture of each of them is given. For those wishing to independently analyze the provided data, you should remember that you should not compare your own information with online manuals and example images.

Each MRI study is a unique treasure for the diagnostician, requiring a considerable amount of medical knowledge from several areas to decipher. The diagnosis is never confirmed solely by a single diagnostic procedure.

How preparation for research affects the result

It is important to remain still during the examination, otherwise the image quality may be somewhat distorted. Throughout the examination, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist. Inside, there is a button at hand to contact staff in case of an emergency. When examining children in the examination room, in exceptional cases (depending on age), an accompanying person may be present.

If you have a pacemaker, there are serious contraindications for MRI examination. You should consult your cardiologist as MRI may affect the implants and their function. When receiving a referral for diagnostics, you should have the implant passport with you.

Metal parts that are in the body (surgical screws, replaced joints, artificial heart valves, tattoos with metal particles) must be told to the doctor before the examination. Magnets can interfere with the normal functioning of pacemakers and can move pieces of metal that are present in the body.

A strong magnetic field can affect magnetic cards, electronic devices, and any magnetized metal body located inside or outside the body. Therefore, before entering the examination room, you must remove jewelry and watches. Personal belongings may be handed over to accompanying persons or placed in storage rooms located outside the examination room.

Medicines before the procedure

When preparing for an abdominal MRI, you should consult with your doctor about taking medications. If the patient is undergoing long-term drug treatment, most medications are taken as usual. But there may be exceptions.

To conduct MRI in people with chronic constipation and flatulence, sorbents or antispasmodics, enzymes, and drugs that prevent bloating may be prescribed. Cleansing with an enema is also discussed with the doctor. In the presence of certain pathologies, such a procedure can be harmful because it stretches the intestinal walls.


  1. Konovalov R.N., Krotenkova M.V., Kremneva E.I. Functional magnetic resonance imaging [Electronic resource] // Journal “Annals of Clinical and Experimental Neurology”, 2011.
  2. Kukhtevich I.I., Goryunova T.I., Goryunova V.V. Practice and safety of MRI studies [Electronic resource] // Journal “International Student Scientific Bulletin” - 2021.
  3. Ternovoy S.K., Sinitsyn V.E., Belichenko O.I., Stukalova O.V. Clinical application of magnetic resonance imaging [Electronic resource] // Regular issues of “RMZh” No. 7, 1996.

How to sign up for an examination in Moscow

To do this, just use the services of our portal. It is designed for the convenience of patients and works for their benefit free of charge. Our staff will tell you which medical institutions operate in the area you are interested in. Operators will contact the selected clinic and make an appointment at a convenient time. The website contains information about the licenses of all medical centers with which we cooperate. There are price lists with the cost of their services, benefits and current promotions for brain MRI and MR angiography.

We tried to place important and useful information on the site. They talked about different types of examinations. There is information on how to prepare for them, what to take with you to the diagnosis. The portal notes which contraindications hinder hardware research.

Here is information about:

  • Addresses, telephone numbers, opening hours of medical centers;
  • Free recording time;
  • Models and technical characteristics of devices, type of tunnel, weight restrictions;
  • Qualifications and work experience of medical personnel;
  • Availability of support services for visitors with limited mobility and an accessible environment: ramps, gurneys, freight elevators;
  • Location of parking nearby;
  • Acceptable payment options.

There is a list of banks whose cards you can make payments with. The service contains verified patient reviews. Based on them, a rating is formed. It allows you to select the most client-oriented institutions.

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

Diagnostic cost

Every year, prices for magnetic resonance scanning become more affordable, as the number of clinics offering this service grows. Our service contains all verified tomography centers, distributed by region, ratings, reviews and other parameters. Starting prices for the examination are posted in the table; more accurate data is available via links to price lists of specific organizations. Go to the main page of the portal, indicate the name of the procedure and choose the best clinics based on your own request.

Name of procedure Prices, rub.
MRI of the brain 2500
MR angiography of cerebral vessels 2500
MR angiography of the vessels of the head with contrast 2500
MR angiography of neck vessels 3600
CT angiography of cerebral vessels 3600

How often can I scan with a tomograph?

During scanning of the vascular system of the brain, the body is not exposed to radiation, so there are no restrictions on the frequency of such examinations. The decision on the appropriateness of such a diagnosis is made by the attending physician. For multiple sclerosis, for example, the procedure is performed 1 to 2 times a year. It is prescribed after strokes; in such cases, preventive examinations can be done up to 4 times a year. In Alzheimer's disease, a one-time diagnosis is sufficient to confirm the presence of pathology.

How to Prepare for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan

The principle of MRI is the use of a magnetic field that affects water dipoles in cells. The saturation of tissues with liquid is assessed by the intensity of the reverse reaction. The procedure lasts approximately half an hour, if contrast is used - 45 minutes.

The patient is asked to lie down on a mobile couch, after which his head is secured with straps to ensure immobility. This is all part of the preparation - the final manipulations.

A magnetic pulse generator with indicators that read data is installed in a wide part of the tomograph, which has a pipe configuration. The platform with the patient slides into the scanning apparatus section, where the brain is examined in various projections.

It is possible to increase the information content of the examination through the use of a contrast agent, the main component of which is gadolinium. The contrast is injected into a vein and is non-toxic. Its removal from the body takes 1-2 days. A contrast agent is used to illuminate brain vessels and visualize the slightest deformations in soft tissues and blood vessels.

During the examination, the tomograph makes noise; headphones or earplugs help reduce discomfort. During the consultation, the doctor explains to the patient that he will monitor the process from the next room and that if necessary, he can be contacted through a two-way voice communication system.

To perform an MRI examination of the brain, no complex preparation is required. The patient should consult a physician to exclude the presence of factors that are considered a contraindication for magnetic resonance examination. These include:

  • The presence of metal products in the patient’s body – these can be pins with dental crowns or implants.
  • Electromagnetic devices integrated into the body - pacemaker, insulin pump.
  • Numerous tattoos on the skin, made using inks with a high concentration of metal.
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