Narrowing of blood vessels in the cervical spine: symptoms, treatment

Causes of vasoconstriction

Vasoconstriction, also called stenosis, is familiar to a large number of people, especially those who spend a long time at the computer for work. But constant overstrain of the anatomical structures of the neck in a sitting position is far from the main cause of the development of pathology. There can be a lot of reasons, and they are divided, first of all, into:

  1. Congenital.
  2. Purchased.

We need to look at the reasons in more detail.

Congenital pathology

In the first case, narrowing of the vessels of the cervical spine is preceded by congenital hypoplasia of the veins and arteries of the cervical spine, as well as stenosis of the carotid arteries and disorders in the development of the spine in this area, vertebral arthrosis. Congenital causes may occur due to:

  • distribution of toxins throughout the pregnant woman’s body;
  • injuries to a pregnant woman;
  • infection of the expectant mother's body.

In general, any stressful situation for a pregnant woman’s body can result in abnormal development of the fetus.


In the case of acquired causes of the development of pathology, it is worth noting that the development of the disease is provoked by: atherosclerosis, a decrease or increase in blood pressure, an increase in blood sugar levels, injuries and hernias in the cervical spine, as well as various tumors. In addition, the disease can appear with intense mental or physical work, neglect of sports and even minimal physical activity, bad habits and stress.


With atherosclerosis of the vertebral artery, it is quite difficult to give a prognosis for the life and health of the patient. With large narrowings, blood flow is compensated by the second vertebral artery; in addition, there is collateral blood flow. There have not yet been large studies assessing the risk of stroke with damage to the vertebral arteries. However, the fact remains that strokes in the vertebrobasilar system account for at least 25% of all strokes and are much more severe than strokes associated with the carotid artery. Therefore, the identification of significant narrowing of the vertebral artery should be a reason to eliminate this risky condition.

Without identifying and eliminating the causes of the development of vertebral artery syndrome, the prognosis for recovery is unfavorable. Most often, the patient's condition gradually worsens, which negatively affects the quality of life.

The most difficult thing is to identify the exact cause. Knowing the cause will allow it to be eliminated surgically or endovascularly and relieve the patient from painful symptoms.


Symptoms of vasoconstriction in the cervical spine do not appear for a very long time, and a person with this disease does not notice any deterioration in well-being. However, later in the development of the disease it begins to manifest itself:

  • constant dizziness;
  • lack of strength even with constant rest;
  • sudden loss of consciousness for no reason;
  • flickering before the eyes;
  • noise or ringing in the ears;
  • pressing or aching pain in the head, particularly in the back of the head, may spread to the neck.

In general, two groups of symptoms can be distinguished. The first group includes manifestations that reduce a person’s level of performance, but do not lead to a desire to visit a doctor. The second group includes obvious pain manifestations and symptoms that indicate significant blockage of blood vessels and the need for urgent hospitalization of the person.

Causes of vertebral artery syndrome

The most common cause of vertebral artery circulatory disorders is atherosclerotic plaque. Less common are stratification (dissection) of the artery, compression of it in the neck or at the entrance to the skull, and inflammatory diseases (vasculitis). It is quite difficult to accurately determine the likelihood of developing a stroke with such a localized lesion. According to anatomical studies, damage to the vertebral arteries during death from ischemic stroke was observed in 12% of cases.

Damage to the intracerebral parts of the vertebrobasilar system more often leads to ischemic strokes than narrowing of the artery in the neck. The risk of developing ischemic events with such lesions is about 7% per year. Symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome are being diagnosed more and more often. Many factors influence the development of the syndrome. It usually represents a combination of cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis and cervical spondylosis (degenerative changes in intervertebral disc tissue) as the main clinicopathological components.

Diagnostic methods


It is not enough to interview and examine the patient to identify narrowing of the blood vessels of the spine; in any case, additional examinations will be prescribed. These include:

  1. Duplex scanning
    - despite the fact that this is a rather dangerous diagnostic method in this situation, it is informative and accessible, it allows you to determine the degree of narrowing and its nature.
  2. Angiography - the process uses a contrast agent to examine the vessels.
  3. and MRI
    - allow you to obtain layer-by-layer 3D images, with which you can make a diagnosis.

All this will allow the doctor to determine not only the patient’s health status, but also the reasons that led to the occurrence of stenosis.

Complications of cervical-vertebral syndrome

Cervical-vertebral syndrome is dangerous due to its complications, which often pose a threat to the patient’s life. This disease can cause the following consequences:

  • ischemic stroke in the blood supply of the vertebral artery;
  • myocardial infarction associated with dysfunction of the neurovascular bundle that supplies the heart muscle;
  • suffocation as a result of impaired swallowing reflex.

All complications of SPA can be prevented with the help of timely and competent treatment, which can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist with extensive experience.


The method of treating narrowing of blood vessels in the cervical spine is prescribed depending on the degree of progression of the disease. The earlier the condition is detected, the easier it is to get rid of it; in the later stages, only surgery is indicated.

Drug treatment

It is prescribed if the manifestations of stenosis are not yet very pronounced. In such a situation, the patient will have to take a large number of medications, among which will be:

  • antioxidants;
  • vasodilators;
  • statins;
  • fibrates;
  • antidepressants.

Treatment with medications for vasoconstriction of the cervical spine involves quickly relieving pain and stopping the progression of the disease.


If the doctor determines vascular spasm and their occlusion by more than 70%, only surgical intervention will be indicated. There are several options to solve the problem:

  1. Carotid endarterectomy - the vessels are “cleaned” of plaques by scraping them out.
  2. Angioplasty - the lumen of the vessel is increased thanks to a special catheter.
  3. Stenting - a special frame is installed, which leads to straightening of the narrowed section of the vessel.

The possibility of performing each type of operation is determined by the doctor individually, since each type has its own indications and contraindications. Everything will depend on the diagnostic results.

Signs of arterial stenosis

Long-term disruption of the blood supply to the brain causes the following phenomena.

  1. Numbness of facial muscles. If there is a one-sided pathology, then the face may become distorted. When it is bilateral, facial expressions become more complicated, speech becomes unclear, and the face becomes white.

    Numbness of facial muscles

  2. Dizziness, inability to hold a stable position . Such symptoms may indicate an approaching fainting state. The patient should be immediately laid down and the head should be placed in the most comfortable position.

Long-term painful conditions have a negative impact on the psyche of patients and serve as an impetus for the onset of depression. The earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment measures taken, the less likely there are negative consequences. In the most complex forms, pathologies cause strokes.

Massage and preventive measures to minimize the negative effects of symptoms

Massage roller

Massage should be treated with great caution; such manipulations can only be performed by a medical professional after a full examination. Otherwise, excessive compression of the vessels, the formation of blood clots and their uncontrolled displacement, and the appearance of severe pain may occur. Preventive measures include the following.

  1. Healthy and active lifestyle . If work requires prolonged sitting in one position, straining the neck muscles, etc., then it is definitely recommended to take breaks for preventive exercises. You can do it right at your workplace for 10–15 minutes.
  2. Proper nutrition . It is necessary to reduce the amount of salt consumed to the values ​​recommended by medicine, and do not abuse fatty and fried foods.

Proper nutrition

Therapeutic exercise to relieve the syndrome

Specific exercises are prescribed only by a specialist with a medical education. If you detect the slightest signs of deterioration, you should immediately stop exercising and consult your doctor again.

  1. Head tilts. You should start with a small amplitude; as the condition improves, the number of inclinations increases and the amplitude increases. The sensation of a slight painless cracking sensation during bending is not considered a reason to stop exercising.

    Head tilts to the sides

  2. Shrug . The head should always be in a strictly vertical position. The shoulders are raised to the maximum amount. The number of repetitions is not limited, the exercise does not have a direct effect on pathological areas, it only helps to improve blood flow in nearby areas.
  3. Head turns. During this exercise, cracking sounds may also be heard in the cervical vertebrae. Such crackling sounds indicate the presence of changes in bone tissue. If they are painful, then the amplitude should be reduced. In most cases, the cracking stops after a few days of exercise, which indicates an improvement in the condition of the spine.

    Head turns

  4. Tilts the head forward/backward with increasing effort . A more complex exercise, you need to counteract the tilt with your hands. A very effective exercise for improving the condition of the muscle tissue of the cervical region. Strong muscles are able to maintain the correct position of the head, due to which the load on the vertebrae is significantly reduced, they occupy a natural physiological position and free up pinched or curved arteries.
  5. Tilts of the head to the sides with increasing effort . The exercise is similar to the one described above, the only difference is in the direction of the inclinations.

Head tilts forward and backward

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