Pain in early pregnancy

What's happening

Now the body of the embryo is C-shaped, but you can already visually determine where the head, arms, legs, tummy, back and butt will be.

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the upper respiratory tract and heart of the little person begin to form. And already from the middle of this week, the tiny heart is slowly starting to work. At first the contractions will be irregular, but after three days the heartbeat will become rhythmic.

At this stage, the first blood cells are formed, blood vessels gradually form, and the liver and pancreas begin to form.

Also, at the 5th week of pregnancy, the middle section of the neural tube partially closes. This will later develop into your baby's central nervous system, so it is important to continue taking folic acid daily.

During this week, the skeleton, urinary system and intestines begin to form.

Diagnosis of non-developing pregnancy

Ultrasound is the most reliable method for diagnosing pathology. It allows not only to identify pathology, but also to clarify whether the embryo continues to develop in the uterus and whether a heartbeat is present. A repeat control ultrasound will be required in 5-7 days.

Blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin. During a frozen pregnancy, the hCG level does not correspond to the due date, stops growing, or begins to gradually decrease. A control repeat of the analysis over time is required.

Pregnancy test. It must be understood that a positive result may persist for several weeks after the death of the fetus. Therefore, this condition cannot be recognized using a pregnancy test.

Attention! The fetus does not stop developing due to a gynecological examination or ultrasound.

What to do?

When an undeveloped pregnancy is detected, the tactics are chosen by the attending physician. There are 2 options:

  • wait for spontaneous miscarriage under weekly ultrasound monitoring. In case of prolonged absence of signs of fetal expulsion, an inflammatory process, heavy bleeding and other complications may begin.
  • pharmacological or surgical methods, which are used based on the gestational age, the presence of contraindications, etc. Medicines and vacuum aspiration are used in the early stages of pregnancy, abortion (curettage) in the later stages. As after any surgical intervention, the patient will need rehabilitation therapy - taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes, and avoiding physical activity.

Main reasons

The causes of pathology depend on many factors related to the woman’s health:

  • Chromosomal or genetic abnormalities of the embryo (it is initially non-viable);
  • Anomalies in the uterine cavity - duplication of the uterus, bicornuate, saddle-shaped, septum in the uterus, myomatous nodes, adhesions in the uterine cavity after curettage, abortion;
  • Thin endometrium against the background of chronic endometritis after infection, surgery;
  • Disturbance in the blood coagulation system (thrombophilia);
  • Autoimmune processes;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Unfavorable external factors - drug use, alcohol use, hazardous production, stress);
  • Deficiency conditions in the body (anemia, hypovitaminosis);
  • Age over 30 years.

After a frozen pregnancy

The abundance and regularity of menstruation may change due to a sharp hormonal surge.

The woman's ability to become pregnant is not lost. Therefore, doctors recommend protection to allow the body to recover well and avoid early re-pregnancy.

The next pregnancy should be planned no earlier than 6-12 months after the frozen one. This period is considered safe. In this case, pregnancy should occur quickly and without additional risks.

A medical examination is necessary after 2 frozen pregnancies. In this case, there is a high probability of chromosomal abnormalities.

Physiology of frozen pregnancy

Pregnancy is an extremely complex process that develops according to a genetic program.

After conception, the developing embryo moves through the fallopian tube for 5 days and over the next 5 days the process of implantation of the embryo into the endometrium of the uterus occurs. Thus, 10 days after fertilization, the embryo begins to produce the specific hormone hCG and the woman’s menstrual cycle stops.

Until 7 weeks of gestation, any negative internal or external factors have a detrimental effect on the embryo - it stops its development.
From 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the most complex processes of embryogenesis occur. Exposure to unfavorable factors during this period causes malformations or pregnancy stalls. The woman's body recognizes the abnormal chromosomes in the fetus and does not attempt to continue the pregnancy because the embryo will not develop into a healthy, viable fetus. If you suspect that your pregnancy is not developing, especially in the early stages, come to the Miracle Doctor gynecology office. An experienced gynecologist will perform an ultrasound and make an accurate diagnosis. Make an appointment by calling the clinic.


It usually appears in the morning, and may intensify during the day. In some women, nausea becomes so severe that it progresses to the stage of uncontrollable vomiting. To date, there are no 100% effective remedies for this unpleasant condition. And to ensure that toxicosis ruins your life as little as possible, try following a few recommendations:

  • Eat more often, but in small portions;
  • Avoid foods with unpleasant odors;
  • Eat foods high in protein;
  • To avoid dehydration, drink enough fluids;
  • Rest often;
  • Avoid stressful situations.


Toxicosis occurs in the first half of the term and is manifested by dyspeptic disorders and disorders of all types of metabolism.

In almost 90% of cases, early toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy is manifested by nausea and vomiting. If pregnancy is proceeding normally, then nausea or vomiting may occur no more than 2-3 times during the morning, more often on an empty stomach. These disorders do not require treatment and should go away on their own after 12-13 weeks.

Toxicosis is a condition in which nausea and vomiting occur at any time of the day, regardless of meals, and are accompanied by decreased appetite, exhaustion, weakness and weight loss.

Risk factors

If you are bothered by constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen, similar to what you felt on the eve of your period, this may indicate increased tone of the uterus. However, sometimes these symptoms are associated with intestinal dysfunction - in this case, they appear after squeezing the abdomen or prolonged sitting. Discuss the problem with your doctor: if it is truly related to digestion, the specialist will prescribe a safe antispasmodic and help you create the right diet.

But when a brownish-bloody “smear”, heavy bleeding or discharge with clots is added to the pulling abdomen, there is a possibility that a spontaneous abortion has occurred. The reasons for a miscarriage can be very different: from a common cold (a temperature of 38 degrees and above is very dangerous) to some abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In addition, at the 5th week, a frozen pregnancy is possible, when the embryo stops developing and dies in the womb. In this case, weak bloody discharge appears, and pain is felt in the abdomen. To establish the fact of a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

Also at this time, some women develop herpetic rashes on the mucous membranes of the lips. If this is not the first time you have had such rashes, at the moment herpes is not dangerous for the fetus: your unborn child will be protected by your immune system.

Causes of miscarriage

The reasons for a non-developing pregnancy in the early stages are quite similar to the general situation when a woman cannot bear a child.

There are many reasons why a pregnant woman may lose her baby:

  • the presence of infectious diseases (bacterial, fungal and viral diseases lead to inflammation of the endometrium, and this prevents the fetus from gaining a foothold in the uterus and developing);
  • sexually transmitted infections (herpes, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia);
  • endocrine diseases, which can lead to hormonal imbalance and, as a result, miscarriage;
  • mental, physical and emotional exhaustion;
  • lack of female hormones, such as progesterone, which can lead to termination of pregnancy;
  • chromosomal and other fetal abnormalities;
  • congenital and acquired pathology of the uterus (for example, as a result of abortions and miscarriages in the past);
  • Rh conflict (a negative Rh factor in the mother and a positive Rh factor in the father can lead to a conflict of antibodies, as a result of which the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign body and tries to push it out of the body);
  • the presence of bad habits in a pregnant woman (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs, which leads to intoxication of the body;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, radiation.

1 Diagnosis of complications during pregnancy

2 Diagnosis of complications during pregnancy

3 Diagnosis of complications during pregnancy


The main rule for the 5th week of pregnancy is to eat whatever you want, but without overeating. The best option is frequent and small meals. Even if there is no appetite, you still need to eat, because your baby needs nutrients. Try to eat what is least disgusting right now. The feeling of nausea may disappear from a product that you like, and real hunger will wake up instead. And don’t forget that the diet should be balanced and not just consist of new food cravings.

During this period it is recommended to avoid:

  • Raw shellfish;
  • Pates;
  • Raw eggs;
  • Unpasteurized milk;
  • Meat that has not undergone heat treatment;
  • Soft cheeses (Camembert, Brie, Roquefort, Feta, etc.).

Lifestyle of an expectant mother

Over the next few months, the pregnant woman needs to take care not only of the baby, but also of herself. After all, the expectant mother should provide conditions for the birth of a strong and healthy child and maintain her own health. Therefore, you should adjust some aspects of your life.

Nutritional features.

For those who consider a pregnant woman’s diet to be something special and requiring a serious investment of time and money, there is good news. In fact, such a menu is no different from a regular healthy diet. You should limit fried, smoked, spicy foods, alcohol in your diet, and also minimize the consumption of sweets and baked goods. In return, you need to introduce as many fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs into your diet, give preference to lean meat and fish, and do not forget about fermented milk products and whole grain porridges and bread. When cooking, it is recommended to use stewing, boiling and steaming.

Taking vitamins.

It is best to take vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain pregnancy and the proper development of the baby before conception. This way the body will prepare as fully as possible for bearing a child. But during pregnancy, vitamins and minerals are no less important. Which ones should be taken will be advised by the doctor who is involved in pregnancy management.

Medical observation

The 5th week is the very period when there are reasons to suspect that you are pregnant. This means you will need medical supervision.

If you become pregnant while taking oral contraceptives, be sure to tell your doctor. Are you still not sure about your “interesting position”? Stop taking the pills anyway and go to the gynecologist.

Pregnancy that occurs with an intrauterine device often ends in miscarriage. Visit your doctor as soon as possible to have the IUD removed immediately.

Ultrasound is usually not done at 5 weeks. However, if it is necessary to confirm the “diagnosis” or exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, an unscheduled ultrasound is performed. An ultrasound examination will show how many fetuses are developing in the mother’s womb and where exactly they are implanted. The specialist will also assess the condition of the uterus. So far, neither the weight nor the expected gender of the unborn child can be determined: your baby is still too small. But by the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, you will be able to hear your baby’s heart and even see it beating on the screen.

Diagnosis of complications during pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnancy or its complications begins with a visit to a gynecologist. The doctor pays attention to the woman’s complaints, which include weakness, malaise, delayed menstruation, the appearance of toxicosis, engorgement of the mammary glands, etc.

A home test for determining pregnancy based on the level of the hCG hormone in the urine is indicative (a study of the morning urine sample is especially informative).

A gynecological examination can reveal an enlarged uterus and other signs of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs up to 10-11 weeks of pregnancy is carried out in cases where the attending physician needs to determine the location of pregnancy (uterine or ectopic) or exclude a frozen pregnancy.

Then tests are prescribed to determine the level of hCG in the blood, blood and urine tests for infections such as herpes simplex virus and type 2, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, etc.

To prevent pregnancy complications, consultations are held with related specialists: ophthalmologist, therapist, ENT doctor, dentist, etc.

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