The tailbone hurts during pregnancy in the early and late stages: causes and treatment

In the life of every woman, the time of waiting for the birth of a child is one of the most beautiful and exciting. However, it can be overshadowed by the onset of various unpleasant phenomena and symptoms of diseases. Thus, expectant mothers often complain that their tailbone hurts during pregnancy. In some cases this phenomenon is completely normal, in others it is a sign of pathology. Therefore, you should not hesitate to visit a neurologist
, because the health of the woman and baby depends on the timely identification of the causes of pain.

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy?

There can be many manifestations of pain, varying in duration, intensity and other characteristics. It is worth considering the main reasons why pain in the lower back occurs during pregnancy.

Pregnancy related

If your tailbone hurts during pregnancy, this may be completely normal. The fact is that already in the first stages, the body of the expectant mother produces a hormone called relaxin, the main task of which is to soften the connective tissue in the joints and ligaments. The more this hormone is in the blood, the more the coccygeal bone will deviate back, which causes pain. In the second trimester, due to the increase in the size of the uterus, the uterosacral ligaments also increase, the pelvic bones tighten, as does the tailbone. This process is a kind of protective mechanism for successful gestation, but at the same time it can cause very unpleasant sensations. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the tailbone begins to pierce and hurt; the pain also spreads to the lower abdomen. In later stages of pregnancy, the tailbone often also hurts. This may be due to the fact that the child’s head presses on the tailbone, which leads to discomfort. The woman often notes that the pain increases sharply when laughing, sneezing and any muscle tension.


Any injury to the coccygeal bone that a woman received at one time or another in her life may be the reason why the tailbone hurts during pregnancy. Even if in her youth she hit her tailbone on the seat of a swing, an old injury can cause pain. If there is a history of untreated fractures, dislocations, cracks, the pain will be especially intense. It may also happen that the tailbone hurts during pregnancy in the second trimester due to pathological processes in the intestines, gynecological parts, etc. For example, if there is intestinal cancer, the coccyx bone will begin to ache at the very beginning of pregnancy. Another problem may be a pinched nerve or problems with the nervous or muscular system. Later stages of pregnancy are often more difficult due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In this case, the intensity of the pain syndrome increases sharply at night and when one or another organ gets cold.

Causes of pain in the tailbone

The causes of such pain can be different and occur completely suddenly - it all depends on the individual development of the body, heredity, the presence of injuries, etc. Some causes do not represent any serious pathology, while others are quite serious and can lead to unpleasant consequences from increased pain to amputation of limbs.

The structure of the coccygeal region

The coccygeal spine consists of 4 or 5 fused vertebrae. It is a solid, triangular-shaped bone that is immovable. The coccyx is a rudiment, but it is important: it connects the upper part of the spine with the lower limbs, and also correctly “builds” the genitourinary system, which is innervated by nerve endings passing through the vertebral foramina.

Despite the fact that the coccygeal region practically does not move, injuries still sometimes occur in it, and most often in women. The tailbone is responsible for the proper functioning of the pelvic bones, which are used during pregnancy and especially during childbirth. Since every woman experiences pregnancy on average twice in her life, this area can be susceptible to weakening and injury, since childbirth is still a fairly heavy load on the spine.

But there are other reasons.


Sometimes pain after injury occurs immediately, sometimes it can “linger” for several weeks or even months - this means that initially the damage was not severe, but over time the integrity of the tissue began to deteriorate. Injuries may be of the following nature:

  • Falls . Every person has fallen at least once in winter during icy conditions. The feeling is unpleasant, but even more unpleasant when the landing is on the coccygeal region. Often, due to such a blow, cracks appear in the tailbone, which disrupts the functioning of some internal organs. In this case, the vertebrae can become displaced and the nerves become pinched, which further increases the pain.
  • Displacement of the pelvic bones. May be a consequence of a difficult birth.

Displacement of the pelvic bones is quite common in women who have given birth. This pathology can become a reason for the development of infections in the pelvic area.

  • Injuries caused by sports activities. Coccyx injuries in women most often occur during horseback riding or cycling. A woman, holding an incorrect position for too long, puts her tailbone in danger - it can either move or crack. Therefore, you should either take a more natural position for the spine, or, in principle, not endanger your health.

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Pilonidal cyst

Pilonidal cyst is a disease that can occur in anyone, regardless of gender. It is extremely unpleasant both physically and visually. This type of illness occurs infrequently and can be avoided. The key to the health of this area is regular hygiene.

If you want to find out in more detail what it is and how to treat a cyst on the coccyx in women, as well as consider alternative treatment methods, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Nature of pain

The causes of coccygeal pain have a great influence on the nature of the discomfort. Each woman whose tailbone hurts during pregnancy in the first, second or third trimester describes the situation in her own way and says that the pain:

  • pulling;
  • spicy;
  • sharp;
  • piercing;
  • appear in fits and starts;
  • permanent

Often in the second trimester of pregnancy, the tailbone hurts more noticeably when a woman tries to bend over, stands on her feet for a long time, sits in an uncomfortable position, etc. For some, pregnancy proceeds easily and without complications, while for others, pain in the tailbone appears constantly, causing very severe discomfort and chaining to the bed. Sometimes such pain radiates to the intestines, lower abdomen, pelvic organs, perineum, and even legs. Often, expectant mothers complain to the doctor that they cannot move normally due to acute pain and are forced to ask loved ones for help.

Diagnostic methods

If you experience even minor pain in the tailbone area, you should consult a doctor. To accurately diagnose the condition, an examination of the pregnant woman is necessary. In addition, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations that will allow you to fully assess the condition of the pregnant woman:

  • ultrasound examination - allows you to determine the size of the pelvis and the location of internal organs;
  • radiography – is carried out to identify the curvature of the coccyx and determine its shape (devices with low radiation are used);
  • rectal examination;
  • blood test - to determine the level of the hormone relaxin and progesterone (prescribed in the first months of pregnancy).

During the examination, it is necessary to inform the specialist about early pelvic injuries. Diagnostics allows you to determine the nature of the pain and the cause of the discomfort. Based on the data obtained, the gynecologist makes a conclusion about the further management of childbirth (natural birth process or cesarean section).

Pain relief

Often, the doctor does not find pathologies that cause coccyx pain during pregnancy, which means that there are no deviations from the norm. In general, we can say that coccygeal pain during pregnancy is, to a certain extent, considered normal, so it is best to listen to the doctor’s recommendations and follow all the instructions given by him to alleviate your condition. These recommendations have been tested by time and by more than one woman.


Therapeutic physical education, the use of a fitball during exercise, special gymnastic exercises and yoga for expectant mothers are a great way to alleviate the condition without harm to the health of both your own and your baby. If you experience pain in your tailbone during pregnancy, and the doctor has not found any pathologies, you should ask him what exercises will help you relieve the pain and start exercising regularly. Such exercises, among other things, will strengthen the muscles and also help the woman feel at ease even in later stages. As a result, you will get rid of pain in the coccygeal area and will be completely ready for the upcoming birth.


If your tailbone hurts during pregnancy, it would be a good idea to visit a physiotherapist or chiropractor. These specialists know how to influence certain points on a pregnant woman’s body to relieve pain and alleviate the condition. Acupuncture is one of the most effective ways to relieve pain, the only thing is that to attend such procedures you must obtain permission from your attending physician. Otherwise, an attempt to improve your well-being can lead to a significant deterioration.

Find the cause of pain without X-rays and MRI

As you know, during pregnancy, radiation diagnostic methods are undesirable. You can almost always do without pictures if the doctor knows how to compare the existing symptoms and has time for this. We study the tone of certain muscles, reflexes and sensitivity in the various peripheral nerve systems and this gives us enough information. Such an examination may take 30-40 minutes, but it is informative and 100% safe.

As a last resort, you can resort to examining peripheral nerves and the spinal cord using electromyography (during pregnancy, some electromyography methods are allowed).


As a rule, most pregnant women suffer from such an unpleasant phenomenon as coccygeal pain. There are only a few who have not encountered this problem throughout pregnancy, but the rest are recommended to take some actions that will help improve the condition or not experience pain at all. There are special bandages for pregnant women; such a bandage can be worn after the end of the first trimester. The device allows you to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system of the expectant mother. In addition, in order not to think about why the tailbone hurts a lot during pregnancy, do not brush aside solving problems with stool, if any. Solving them means ridding yourself of unpleasant manifestations now and in the future. Don't wear shoes with heels. Your shoes should be comfortable and not cause discomfort, increasing the stress on your legs and back. Sleep on a flat, hard bed, preferably on an orthopedic mattress. In this case, neither in the first, nor in the second, nor in the third trimester you will not have to think about why your tailbone hurts during pregnancy.


To help expectant mothers, there are also folk methods that allow you to get rid of pain in the tailbone. For example, a compress made of white clay, to which you need to add a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Give these ingredients the consistency of dough, roll out with a rolling pin and apply to the sacrum. After 15-20 minutes, the discomfort will begin to subside.

If the doctor has not prohibited heating, a salt compress will be effective. Pour table salt preheated in a frying pan into a linen bag or piece of any fabric and apply to the lower back. Keep the compress until it cools completely.

It is also recommended to combat pain in the lumbosacral spine with the help of a valerian compress. This drug has an antispasmodic effect, so just soak a bandage in valerian tincture and apply it to the sore spot. For greater effectiveness, wrap with film, wrap in a woolen scarf and leave for 1.5-2 hours.

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