What to do if your knee hurts when bending? Causes and treatment

People of all ages and different lifestyles can complain of pain in the knee joint when walking, although most often this symptom occurs in older people and professional athletes. The causes of pain in the knee joint include both minor injuries and serious diseases. When moving, healthy people, as a rule, do not experience pain; their occurrence may be due to daily wear and tear of the joints, excessive physical exertion, or injury. In this case, the occurrence of discomfort and impaired mobility can be felt during sports activities, recreation, household chores or work tasks.

Why does my knee hurt?

The knee joint is one of the most resilient in our body. However, degenerative processes often begin in it. They occur, for example, due to a genetic predisposition - in those whose relatives have already been treated for osteoarthritis. For many, pain occurs due to external factors - poor lifestyle, bad habits, injuries.

Knee pain during extension often appears after intense physical activity. It progresses especially in older age, when the cartilage tissue wears out on its own. The most common causes that lead to pain during extension are:

  • intense running;
  • prolonged carrying of heavy objects;
  • previous injuries;
  • bacterial infections;
  • age-related changes;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • poor circulation due to lack of movement;
  • degenerative-dystrophic changes in arthrosis;
  • deficiency of synovial fluid in the body;
  • pinched nerve fibers.

Whatever the cause of pain during extension, knee pads will never hurt

Osteopathic doctors, representatives of alternative medicine, have their own view of knee pain:

Knee problem: what to do?

The reasons why the leg does not straighten at the knee can be different. But in any case, you should not self-medicate. If the situation is not critical, you can postpone your visit to the clinic for a while. But in most cases there is no point in delaying this, because the situation will worsen every hour. Injuries are an absolute reason to see a doctor. It is also worth making an appointment at the clinic if your knee:

  • swelling or redness;
  • turned out to be fixed in one position;
  • hurts while walking.

Insensitivity of the muscles in the area of ​​the kneecap is also a reason to meet with an orthopedist or neurologist.

What happens when the knee extends

When we perform habitual flexion-extension movements, a huge number of structures are involved - bones, muscles, cartilage, nerve endings, synovial fluid, etc. If the knee cartilage has an integral, undamaged structure, a person does not even notice these movements. If the surface of the cartilage is destroyed, during extension the nerve endings are affected - pain and discomfort appear.

If there is not enough synovial fluid in the body, the cartilage quickly wears out because there is no lubrication between them. Damaged areas form on the surface - the joint ceases to function normally, and every extension movement causes pain.

You can partially replenish collagen reserves, which takes part in the synthesis of synovial fluid, from food products - meat and fish by-products, jellied meat. But this is usually not enough. To restore the functionality of the joint, it is better to insert the Noltrex synovial fluid prosthesis into it and stop the friction.

Does it hurt to straighten your knee? Avoid self-medication with jellied meat and gelatin

Arthritis of the knee joint

A distinctive feature of arthritis is discomfort at rest, and its weakening during movement. If arthritis continues to progress, the processes of deformation of the articular surfaces and destruction of cartilage tissue begin. At this stage, acute pain appears when the joint is extended, and redness of the skin in the knee area is noted due to inflammatory processes.

Arthritis is not limited only to local symptoms; the disease also affects other systems and organs:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • hyperthermia with signs of intoxication;
  • genitourinary system disorders, skin rashes and other symptoms.

In some cases, arthritis is aggravated by exposure to atmospheric conditions.

What diseases can cause pain in the knee when extending?

Sometimes this symptom occurs from fatigue, after active physical activity. But sometimes it accompanies serious pathologies, depending on which the nature of the pain changes:

  • Osteoarthritis – pain is constant and severe, intensifies with movement. If gonarthrosis is not treated, it can lead to disability.
  • Arthritis - pain develops gradually, subsides in the morning and becomes more active at night. The disease is chronic inflammatory in nature. It differs from arthrosis in the presence of inflammation.
  • Bursitis is intense pain, accompanied by stiffness of the knee joint. Inflammation of the knee bursa is also dangerous.
  • Synovitis is a dull and aching pain that intensifies with flexion and extension. The cause is a pathological accumulation of synovial fluid in the joint.
  • Osteochondrosis is a sharp pain, accompanied by pain in the back, neck, and other parts of the spine. The disease is accompanied by damage to the spine and intervertebral discs, but is also dangerous for the knees.
  • Osteoporosis – the pain can be aching and dull, as well as sharp. The reason is pathological fragility of bones.
  • Scoliosis is always combined with back pain due to the curvature of the spine.

Knee pain occurs due to problems with the spine

Damaged ligaments

A common cause of ligament damage is injury caused by physical stress. Such problems are observed mainly in athletes or people with an active lifestyle. Prolonged stress can cause inflammation of the ligaments, and if they are not given time to rest, then, as a result of the damage, ligament ruptures can occur. Pain may appear immediately after exercise or the next day. It becomes difficult to move the legs; if a rupture occurs, swelling and cyanosis appear.

A good treatment in the early stages is rest, possibly splints for the ligaments, and special ointments prescribed by your doctor. When the consequences are more serious, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory and painkillers, special leg bandaging, or even surgical intervention if necessary.

How to treat knee pain during extension

If your knee hurts during straightening movements, first of all, limit your activity and avoid strenuous exercise until the cause is determined. Pay attention to the shoes you wear. Perhaps your feet are tired from too high a heel or platform, and replacing the pair with a new one, with preventative orthopedic insoles, will correct the situation.

If the cause is not so obvious, consult a specialist and undergo diagnostics to determine the cause of the pain. The treatment regimen will be different in each case. For example, for arthrosis, you will be recommended painkillers, physiotherapy, and intra-articular injections to replenish the deficiency of synovial fluid. If the cause is another disease, you will be referred to a specialized specialist who will adjust the prescriptions. In any case, do not ignore this symptom, otherwise you risk losing the most important thing - the joy of free movements!


For various pathologies, diseases, injuries, the doctor selects diagnosis and treatment individually. Complex therapy is usually carried out, which includes:

  • Taking medications;
  • physiotherapy;
  • repositioning of the cup;
  • surgical intervention;
  • folk remedies;
  • Exercise therapy.

First aid

If the patella is injured, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Reduction.
  2. Applying a cold compress.
  3. Taking painkillers.
  4. Bandages to provide therapeutic, analgesic effects.

Conservative methods

Among the conservative methods in the treatment of knee pain, medications are used:

  • Intra-articular injections;
  • pills;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • pain-relieving ointments.

Strict immobilization is also required. You may need massage, gymnastics, kinesitherapy.


Of the surgical methods of treatment for pain in the patella, arthroscopy is most often used. It is used in the treatment of many pathologies and diseases due to its minimal invasiveness. Other types of surgery may also be used.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine can be used to complement the main therapeutic complex. Treatment at home should be carried out carefully. Before using any popular recipe, consult with your doctor so as not to cause more harm.

Diagnostics and therapy

As part of diagnostic measures, first of all, anamnesis is collected and a clinical and orthopedic examination of the musculoskeletal system and, directly, the knee. If there are suspicions of pathological changes, the doctor prescribes a computed tomography or x-ray. These methods are not mutually exclusive. Often, in order to get as clear a picture as possible, several examinations are prescribed at once. So, for example, ultrasound cannot differentiate meniscus damage. Computed tomography is usually prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. Using a beam of X-rays, it is possible to study and visualize the deep structures of the knee.

You can determine the cause of discomfort using the latest diagnostic methods in the shortest possible time. Depending on the diagnosis and anatomical characteristics of the patient, a set of physiotherapeutic procedures is selected, and modern painkillers are selected for external and internal use. In particularly difficult cases, if there is extensive damage to the knee joint, surgical intervention (periarticular osteostomy, arthroscopy, endoprosthetics) is indicated.

Possible diseases

Pain when straightening the leg can be the beginning of various diseases. But if you know what to do, and if caught early, most devastating conditions can be reversed.


The disease is a consequence of joint abrasion due to degenerative depletion of cartilage tissue.


  • joint overload;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • metabolic disorders and hormonal fluctuations;
  • injury or complication after surgery.

Symptoms of the disease are not only pain, which intensifies with exercise and changes in weather, but also swelling and heaviness in the legs. Motor amplitudes are limited.

Arthrosis in the knee joint can be detected using an x-ray. For the treatment of the disease, exercise therapy, yoga, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Indomethacin, Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Ortofen and Diclofenac and others are indicated. In advanced stages, the destroyed joint is replaced with an endoprosthesis.

Arthritis in the degenerative stage

The clinic of joint inflammation in the early stages is not very pronounced. As the disease progresses, partial or complete immobility of the joint occurs, which causes severe pain when walking and stretching the leg, and in later stages - even at rest.

When it spreads to bone tissue, the joint becomes deformed. The leg seems to be jammed and cannot be fully extended.

Therapy includes basic anti-arthritis drugs "Azathioprine", "Methotrexate", "Sulfasalazine", non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds (for severe pain - in injection form), chondroprotectors and products with hyaluronic acid. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures and massage are prescribed.


The inflammatory process in the joint bursa leads to the accumulation of purulent contents. The patient suffers from severe pain. The skin in the affected area may turn red, and bumps may appear at the bottom of the joint. The knee becomes swollen and hot.

The disease can be caused by both the proliferation of infectious agents and inflammation.

The disease is difficult to cure and requires surgery. But often the disease recurs, so it is not always possible to get rid of bursitis.


The inflammatory process covers the patellar tendons and nearby tissues. The pain is localized in the front. Professional athletes and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle usually suffer. Inflammatory processes and rheumatoid pathologies can provoke the disease.

Most often, ultrasound of the knee joint is used to detect the disease. And before the operation, CT and MRI are prescribed.

Surgery is not necessary. Treatment is possible by immobilizing the affected leg and taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If the inflammation is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are included in the course of treatment.

Baker's cyst

A tumor-like formation in the popliteal fossa, which is noticeable with full extension of the leg. A tumor in the socket of the back of the knee presses on blood vessels and nerve endings, causing pain, numbness in the limbs and visible swelling. The formation is detected by X-ray, diaphanoscopy and ultrasound examination. The main causes of the disease are old age and injury. Surgical treatment is required.

Meniscus injury

A common type of injury in athletes or as a result of severe contusion. Damage is possible in both the external and internal meniscus. Visually the joint swells. When a rupture occurs, the pain is sharp, and you cannot stand on your leg. The disease is difficult to identify and requires arthroscopy - an endoscopic diagnostic operation. Sometimes during the examination it is possible to resect damaged tissue and polish defects. In difficult cases, transplantation is required.

Ligament rupture

Pathology can be caused by:

  • strong direct impact and side impacts to the knee area;
  • falling with emphasis on a bent limb;
  • twisting of the foot or lower leg;
  • rotation of the body with a stationary lower leg;
  • reverse knee extension of more than 10 degrees.

Even if you just pull the ligament, acute pain will occur; if it ruptures, it will be unbearable. Additional signs are severe swelling and hematoma. Determining the complexity of the injuries will require x-rays, ultrasound, CT and MRI.

With a low degree of sprain, it is sufficient to immobilize the limb, apply cold compresses, massage with influence on bioactive points, physiotherapy and restorative ointments. It is possible to use folk remedies. In difficult cases, torn ligaments will have to be stitched.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The disease is preceded by prolonged hypothermia, injuries, hernias, and vascular pathologies. Sciatica also develops due to overwork of the legs, if you do not straighten them for a long time. When a person sits for a long time, the cartilage of the joints also degrades, which provokes arthrosis. There will be pain not only in the hip area, but also in the knee area.

The following will help identify the disease:

  • radiography;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • CT and MRI.

The therapeutic course includes anti-inflammatory drugs, including hormonal ones, physical therapy, novocaine blockades for severe pain, and vitamin therapy.

Problems with the knee joints can also arise due to flat feet. It affects posture and gait, which can lead to injury to the kneecaps and cartilage. When a person with flat feet walks, the legs seem to turn inward, which increases the load on the cartilage and provokes their deformation. Knee pain can also occur with back problems - osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

Pain on the inside requiring an MRI of the knee

Internal pain may be accompanied by an upward change in local tissue temperature, redness of the skin, visible swelling and bruising. Caused by the following pathologies:

  • arthritis;
  • experience of trauma, recent or old;
  • the same daily exhausting overloads;
  • bone infection;
  • cystic formations in the joint structure;
  • osteochondritis, clearly visible on MRI of the knee.

As a result of incorrect load distribution, deformation of the “hinged” section occurs. The tissues lose their safe interaction, rub against each other, and the main pressure falls on the inside of the joint.

Anatomy of the human knee

From our school anatomy course, we know that the knee joint is the largest joint in the human body, connecting the hip bone and the lower leg bone. There are two separate joints in the knee: the patella joint, located between the shin bones and the kneecap, and the popliteal joint, between the femur and the upper surface of the tibia. From an anatomical point of view, the knee joint also includes the joint between the tibia and fibula. On the back of the knee joint is the popliteal cavity, penetrated by nerve endings and blood vessels. The knee joint contains muscle and bone structures. Optimal fit of the bones is ensured by the fact that the condyles of the bones are covered with smooth hyaline cartilage. The knee joint is fixed by the menisci. The menisci, which are an elastic cartilaginous pad, along with the knee ligaments, provide shock-absorbing properties of the knees.

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