Acupuncture: indications and contraindications



Irina Dmitrievna

23 years of experience

Reflexologist of the first category, member of the International Professional Association of Complementary, Alternative, Traditional Medicine and Psychologists, member of the Professional Association of Reflexotherapists of Russia

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A feature of reflexology treatment, like all other non-medicinal methods, is the mobilization of the body’s own resources, the active involvement of all the patient’s organ systems at the same time in the healing process. Such a powerful participation of the vital forces of the body gives a very fast and quite effective response of the body to the influence.

Currently, reflexology is often included in the overall treatment of many diseases. In some cases, it can be prescribed independently, when for some reason conventional methods of therapy cannot be used (intolerance to drugs, unsuccessful treatment with them, allergic reactions, etc.)

The most favorable results are achieved with complex treatment in the early stages of the disease, while many diseases with organic changes can be treated over a longer period of time.

In each specific case, the selection of points, the method of influence, the number of sessions are determined individually, based on the leading syndrome, the patient’s age, and general condition. When prescribing reflexology, you should not abruptly cancel previously long-term treatment, but do it gradually and subject to the beneficial effects of reflexology.

Briefly about the treatment method

Acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture) is a set of procedures that involves stimulating anatomical sites on or in the skin by introducing thin needles.

How does acupuncture work? The classic Chinese explanation is that human skin has patterns of energy channels called meridians, like rivers flowing through the body to irrigate and nourish the tissue. An obstacle is like a dam that prevents a river from flowing normally. The meridians can be influenced by acupuncture. The needles will unblock obstructions at the dams, restoring the regular flow of energy through the meridians. Thus, acupuncture treatment can help internal organs and systems eliminate imbalances in their vital processes. The improved energetic and biochemical balance created by acupuncture results in stimulation of the body's natural healing abilities and promotes physical and emotional well-being.

As a natural form of healing, acupuncture has the following benefits:

  • Provides pain relief
  • Effectively treats a wide range of acute and chronic diseases
  • Treats the underlying cause of the disease as well as its symptoms
  • Provides a holistic approach to treating illness by connecting the body, mind and emotions
  • Helps in preventing disease as well as maintaining overall well-being


  • Benign and malignant neoplasms of any location.
  • Diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs: hereditary hemolytic anemia, bleeding disorders, purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Acute infectious diseases and febrile conditions of unknown etiology.
  • Chronic infectious diseases in the acute stage (tuberculosis, etc.).
  • Decompensated diseases of the heart, lungs and other internal organs.
  • Pneumosclerosis with a tendency to pulmonary hemorrhage.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Active rheumatism.
  • Venous thrombosis and embolism in the acute period.
  • Sudden exhaustion.
  • Physical overexertion.
  • Frostbite and inflammation of the ear.
  • Acute inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Congenital malformations of the central nervous system.
  • Infectious hepatitis.

Indications and contraindications for the treatment method

Acupuncture is known to have many indications, including:

  • Neurological conditions such as headaches, migraines, difficulty sleeping, nervous tension, stroke, some forms of deafness, facial neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, some forms of paralysis, effects of polio, peripheral neuropathy, tinnitus, vertigo, Meniere's disease.
  • Cardiovascular disorders such as high or low blood pressure, fluid retention, chest pain, angina, poor circulation, cold hands and feet, and muscle cramps.
  • Respiratory conditions such as bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, acute tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, chronic cough, laryngitis, sore throat, flu and colds.
  • Digestive system disorders such as toothache, pain after extraction, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, hiccups, esophageal spasms, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastric hypersensitivity, gastritis, heartburn, digestive hernias, flatulence, paralytic ileus, colitis, diarrhea , constipation, hemorrhoids, liver and gallbladder disorders, and for weight control.
  • Urogenital disorders such as cystitis, prostatitis, low sexual performance, urinary retention, kidney disease, nocturnal enuresis and bladder dysfunction.
  • Gynecological and obstetric disorders such as premenstrual tension, painful, heavy or irregular menstruation, abnormal uterine bleeding, hormonal disorders, menopause-related disorders, uterine or bladder prolapse, difficulty conceiving.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, herpes zoster, acne, scar tissue and resulting adhesions, hair loss and dandruff.
  • Eye diseases such as visual disturbances, red and itchy eyes, conjunctivitis, simple cataracts, myopia in children and central retinitis.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis, sciatica, lumbago, weak back, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tenosynovitis, shoulder and neck pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, frozen shoulder and tennis elbow.
  • Sports injuries such as sprained ankles and knees, cartilage problems, muscle tears, torn ligaments and bruises.
  • Psychological conditions such as depression, phobias, emotional disorders, anxiety, nervousness and drug addiction, smoking.

Exposure to needles is prohibited for pregnant women, people with chronic disorders of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, patients with viral and fungal diseases, as well as hypersensitive people with increased nervous excitability. Old age after 75 years, like infancy, is also a contraindication for acupuncture.

Relative readings

  • Thyrotoxicosis with or without goiter.
  • Diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Hypothalamic syndromes without pronounced neuroendocrine and metabolic disorders.
  • Gout.
  • Encephalitis, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, consequences of acute polio.
  • Progressive muscular dystonia.
  • Shaking palsy (Parkinson's disease).
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Syringomyelia.
  • Peripheral retinal degenerations, focal retinochoroiditis, acute and subacute iridocyclitis, vascular disorders of the iris and ciliary body.
  • Glaucoma (initial form, pain syndrome).
  • Otosclerosis.
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified.
  • Transient cerebral ischemia, long-term consequences of cerebrovascular disease (with moderate dysfunction).
  • Pain syndromes in diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Pain syndromes in organic diseases of the genitourinary organs.

How the treatment method works

Acupuncture points are located in all areas of the body. Sometimes the corresponding points are far from the area that worries you. The acupuncturist will tell you about the planned treatment and ask you to remove your clothing if necessary. You will be placed on a soft couch for the procedure, which includes:

  • Installation of the needle. Acupuncture needles are very thin, so insertion usually causes slight discomfort. Standard treatment uses between five and 20 needles. You may feel a slight aching sensation as the needle reaches the desired depth.
  • Masking of needles. Your doctor may gently move or rotate the needles after placement, or apply warm or gentle electrical impulses to the needles.
  • Removing the needle. In most cases, the needles will remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you lie still and relax. There is usually no discomfort when the needles are removed.

For what diseases should acupuncture not be performed?

Acupuncture is not a harmless procedure. Reflexologists at the Yusupov Hospital do not use acupuncture if there are contraindications:

  • high temperature;
  • acute surgical diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases.

If the patient has temporary contraindications (burn or pustular skin diseases, inflammation at the site of needle insertion, hyperthermia), the procedure is postponed until complete recovery. Doctors individually decide on the use of acupuncture for elderly people and children under seven years of age, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and mental balance disorders.

Can thyroid nodules be treated with acupuncture? Nodular goiter is a benign neoplasm. Thyroid nodules can be a sign of cancer. Treatment with acupuncture in the presence of thyroid nodules is unacceptable.

Observation program after treatment method

Acupuncture is performed daily or every other day. Sometimes the procedures are repeated 2 or more times a day, especially at different points and in different shapes. To prevent adaptation to therapeutic effects, the number of procedures for each course of treatment is limited to 10-20, but courses can be repeated with an interval of 2 weeks to 2 months or more. It is advisable to continue maintenance therapy after completion of the course of treatment - procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week.

Mechanism of action of acupuncture

The positive effect of acupuncture on the body is not disputed by modern medicine. This is confirmed not only by patient reviews, but also by serious clinical studies. They show that the effectiveness of acupuncture varies from 80 to 91%.

According to the capillary theory, the effect of acupuncture occurs due to the fact that under the action of the needle, blood flow through the capillaries inside the skin is activated and restored. The metabolism between the skin and neighboring tissues improves. According to the tissue theory, after inserting a needle into the surface layers of the skin, the release of biologically active substances from the cells of damaged tissues is activated. They stimulate the body, activate cell division and restoration, improve the penetration of oxygen into tissues, and increase the level of immunity.

Proponents of the neuro-reflex theory argue that after irritation of certain points on the skin, the signal is transmitted along nerve fibers to the corresponding parts of the spinal cord, and from there to the brain. As a result, a complex cascade of reactions is launched. It involves changes in blood circulation, release of biologically active substances and hormonal response. A certain amount of endorphins – joy hormones – is released.” They improve emotional well-being and reduce the perception of pain.

Conditions for the effectiveness of acupuncture

In order for treatment with acupuncture to be effective, doctors at the Yusupov Hospital adhere to the following principles:

  • the procedure is prescribed after examining the patient and establishing the correct diagnosis;
  • to choose the right acupuncture regimen, they use knowledge of the anatomy and location of all 1,700 acupuncture points;
  • competently combine acupuncture points that are affected in a particular case.

An attentive approach to the patient’s wishes, high professionalism of reflexologists, and a patient-oriented approach allow acupuncture to be highly effective. The procedure is used as an auxiliary method, which is included in the complex therapy scheme.

Acupuncture for osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis with acupuncture is a method of alternative therapy. With the help of acupuncture, you can quickly eliminate pain, relax muscles and strengthen the body as a whole. Osteochondrosis affects various parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar. Reflexologists at the Yusupov Hospital select points of influence depending on the location of the pathological process. Acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis is carried out at points located along the inner edges of the shoulder blades and in the space around them. Eight needles are inserted to a depth of two centimeters.

For thoracic osteochondrosis, needles are placed throughout the thoracic spine. They are inserted to a depth of 1.5 centimeters at each of 7 points. For mild stages of the disease, six needles are enough. If a patient is diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, 5 needles are used, which are inserted into points located in the lumbar region.

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