Phonophoresis: indications, contraindications, home use

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To improve the condition of the skin and solve various cosmetic problems, cosmetologists come to the aid of hardware techniques. One such method is ultraphonophoresis.

Since the main processes of skin aging occur inside the skin, cosmetologists have the goal of delivering nutrients to a sufficient depth of the skin. Even the highest quality creams and lotions are not effective enough when applied superficially due to the shallow depth of penetration. Only with the help of special cosmetic devices and procedures can nutrients and medicinal substances be delivered to a certain depth of the skin and effectively slow down destructive processes and achieve high-quality treatment. One of these procedures is ultraphonophoresis, which is used to moisturize the skin of the face and neck, reduce the severity of signs of aging, eliminate some defects, and treat acne.

Ultraphonophoresis is a combined effect on the skin structures of ultrasonic waves and specially selected cosmetic preparations.

This technique has found its niche in cosmetology thanks to such properties of ultrasonic waves as:

- the ability to loosen and warm the structure of connective tissue;

-implementation of massage effects at the cellular level;

- significant increase in the permeability of cell membranes and intercellular substances for therapeutic agents;

-increasing the transport of liquids and elements dissolved in them through the walls of capillaries and lymphatic vessels;

-improving blood microcirculation in small vessels and enhancing lymphatic drainage;

- stimulation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin;

-reducing cellular and blood barriers to the diffusion of drugs and cosmetics;

-accumulation in the skin and potentiation of the effect of drugs;

- the ability to stimulate cellular enzyme systems and local immunity, reduce inflammation and side effects of used cosmetics.

The introduction of drugs into tissues using ultrasonic waves is carried out to a depth of 2-6 cm through the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, intercellular spaces and extracellular substance. During a one-time procedure, only about 5-10% of the cosmetic product applied to it penetrates from the surface of the skin, but it gradually accumulates and has its effect after 5-15 sessions.

The maximum effect of ultrasonic waves and the penetration of the products used are possible only if the rules and parameters of the procedure provided for in the device instructions are correctly followed.

As a result of the combined action of phonophoresis and various therapeutic effects of ultrasound (mechanical, thermal, chemical), the therapeutic effects are potentiated and are quite pronounced

In our center, for this procedure we use medicinal or cosmetic products developed specifically for hardware cosmetology. During phonophoresis, contact and special cosmetic preparations are additionally applied as needed, and after the end of the session they are left on the surface of the skin.

Stages of the procedure:

— make-up removal and facial cleansing.

— a medicine or a special (for phonophoresis) cosmetic product is applied to the face. And using a device sensor that generates ultrasonic waves with a certain frequency, this substance is injected into the skin within 5-20 minutes. A smooth change in the power and frequency of ultrasonic waves during an ultraphonophoresis session facilitates the penetration of the active components used to different depths.

— applying a moisturizing protective cream after the end of the session.

Phonophoresis (ultrasound therapy) at the Paracelsus Clinic, Sergiev Posad


Online consultations with doctors (more than 18 specialties) are available.

Phonophoresis (ultrasound therapy, ultrasound)

- a physiotherapeutic method in which medications are delivered to tissues using ultrasound.

Ultrasound not only itself has a positive effect on various organs, it also improves the effectiveness of drug therapy. Phonophoresis is a method of introducing medicinal substances into the body using ultrasonic vibrations. During the procedure, there is a double effect on the diseased organ - physical through ultrasound, and chemical through injected drugs. Phonophoresis uses anti-inflammatory, painkillers, muscle relaxants (drugs that relax muscles), vitamins and other nutrients.

The advantage of phonophoresis is that, under the influence of ultrasound, the drug is absorbed into the surface layers of the skin (epidermis), then enters the blood and lymph and thus spreads very quickly throughout the body, penetrating directly into the cell. Therefore, drug therapy becomes more effective, and the risk of side effects from drugs is reduced.


— Acute and chronic purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin and organs.

- Acute thrombophlebitis.

- Oncological diseases.

- Pregnancy.

- Hypertonic disease.

— Coronary heart disease, rhythm disturbance.

— Diseases of the endocrine system.

To achieve the effect, it is recommended to carry out a course of treatment ranging from 5 to 15 procedures at intervals of several days. Their effect is noted after 5-6 sessions. Repeating the course of phonophoresis is recommended after 3-5 months.

At Interval MC, qualified cosmetologists will offer you the following procedures using ultraphonophoresis:

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Many acute and chronic diseases in the initial and pronounced, but not advanced stages can be treated using a physiotherapeutic method such as phonophoresis or ultraphonophoresis, if ultrasound is used.

In medicine, phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) refers to a procedure in which, through ultrasonic vibrations, favorable conditions are created for deeper penetration of drugs for local use through the skin into deep-lying tissues.

Ultrasonic radiation (oscillation) in this case serves as a mechanism:

  • making cell membranes more susceptible to drug molecules;
  • increasing the conductivity of the substance by improving the microcirculation of blood, lymph and fluid in the tissues.

Thus, medicinal substances applied to the knee, elbow, hip joint, heel spur or tonsils penetrate better and deeper into the problem area, increasing the therapeutic effect. A universal remedy for phonophoresis is hydrocortisone, a hormonal drug of the glucocorticosteroid group, which has a powerful antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and analgesic effect.

Ultraphonophoresis (phonophoresis) with hydrocortisone is a physiotherapeutic procedure with many advantages:

  • rapid delivery of the drug directly to the problem area, bypassing the systemic bloodstream;
  • the ability to create a depot of the active substance and prolong its action;
  • painlessness, absence of unpleasant sensations;
  • safety;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • affordable cost of the procedure with high efficiency.

Indications and contraindications for ultrasonic phonophoresis

Treatment with phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) is used, naturally, not as the only and main method of treatment, but as an addition to the traditional one. Phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) usually takes place in a physiotherapy office or at home, using portable devices.

Phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) indications for use

Phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) is effective and is used for such serious diseases as:

  • arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, polyarthritis, periarthrosis and other joint diseases;
  • osteochondrosis, herniated disc and other degenerative changes (processes) with severe pain;
  • chronic pelvic pain in men and women, andexitis, menstrual pain, tubal infertility, chronic prostatitis in men;
  • postoperative and post-traumatic scars;
  • pinched nerve, neuralgia, neuritis, peripheral nerve damage, sciatica;
  • dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, erysipelas, gout, cellulite, lymphostasis and other lesions and diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) contraindications for use

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • malignant, benign tumors;
  • systemic blood diseases, tuberculosis;
  • acute thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, the presence of thrombosis and embolism;
  • the presence of open purulent wounds, skin lesions, burns;
  • mental illness, seizures of any nature;
  • the presence of metal implants in the area of ​​influence;
  • pregnancy.

Phonophoresis in cosmetology

When using cosmetic ultrasound therapy, stages, types, types and forms of cellulite are distinguished, such as compact, flaccid and edematous cellulite.

Acoustic waves in ultrasonic devices “Delta Combi” and “Delta” with a frequency of 1 MHz are used in medicine as phonophoresis for the treatment of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous fat, including cellulite.

Ultrasound creates bubbles (cavities in fat tissue), which quickly collapse and transfer energy to fat cells, which are also destroyed, and the fat that comes out of them is easily removed by the lymphatic system, including through lymphatic drainage. This technique is called non-surgical (non-surgical) liposuction.

Cellulite is a disease of the subcutaneous fat tissue. Its consequence is an increase in the volume of fat cells, as well as stagnation of fluid in the intercellular space.

In addition to the treatment and elimination of cellulite, phonophoresis, especially with the use of hydrocortisone, helps eliminate scars, adhesions, improve the condition and nutrition of the skin of the face and body, tones, and has a light massage effect.

Phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) at home with “Delta” and “Delta Combi” devices

Today, the latest developments in the field of portable devices for physiotherapy make it possible to carry out phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) at home. To conduct high-quality, effective and safe ultrasound phonophoresis procedures at home, we present you with ultrasound devices:

  1. Practical, mobile, compact, inexpensive ultrasonic device “Delta” ;
  2. Combined (ultrasound + electrotherapy), improved, with 15 impact programs, ultrasonic device with the “Delta Combi” electrical neurostimulation mode.

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Home phonophoresis using portable devices has many advantages:

  • you can do procedures prescribed by your doctor without visiting a clinic, at a time and place convenient for you;
  • the devices can be used for various purposes, ranging from pain relief of any nature - headaches, joints, post-traumatic, chronic pain (neurostimulation mode), to the treatment of cellulite;
  • Phonophoresis treatment can be performed on patients of all age categories. Thus, phonophoresis for children (after 12 years of age) is prescribed for frequent diseases of the respiratory system, ear, throat (bronchitis, otitis media, sinusitis), bronchial asthma (out of an attack), scoliosis, etc.
  • you don’t have to spend extra money, especially if you have chronic diseases, and you can buy a phonophoresis device and do the procedures for free, thereby regularly performing courses of prescribed procedures. Ointments and gels for phonophoresis procedures are inexpensive and can be found in any pharmacy.
  • Facial phonophoresis at home can be an inexpensive but effective procedure for maintaining youth and beauty, and you will have the opportunity to do salon procedures without leaving home.


buy ultrasonic devices for phonophoresis (ultraphonophoresis) “Delta” and “Delta Combi” right now through the order form on our website. All products presented by us are 100% original goods from the manufacturer, which are sold with a minimal margin.

Care and cleansing for normal skin using ultraphonophoresis

The purpose of the program: comprehensive cleansing of the facial skin, removal of excess sebum, improvement of skin condition.

Cosmetics used in this procedure have an anti-inflammatory, detoxifying effect, blur fats in the pores, cleanse the skin, thereby increasing the effect of the procedure. Due to the hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, E, C, salt from the Ostrovnoye mud lake, collagen hydrolyzate and aloe vera, the preparations have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effect, restore firmness, elasticity and color of the skin, increase its protective properties, prevent the formation of wrinkles

The juice of the medicinal plant Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates irritation, peeling, and dry skin.

The duration of the procedure is 60-70 minutes.

The effect of hydrocortisone and the advantages of combination with phonophoresis

Hydrocortisone is a synthetic substance similar to a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. It has steroidal anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, antihistamine, and antipruritic properties.

A course of taking hydrocortisone restores the independent process of hormone production. Used locally, intravenously, intramuscularly, intra-articularly for the treatment of pathologies in the following areas:

  • ophthalmology;
  • rheumatology;
  • neurology;
  • dermatology;
  • venereology.

When combined with hydrocortisone + phonophoresis, ultrasound “conducts” the therapeutic agent directly into the cell membrane, actively suppressing foci of inflammation. The main advantage of physiomedicinal symbiosis is the minimization of side effects, since hydrocortisone acts locally, only on the affected area.

Acne ultrasound therapy program

Purpose: anti-inflammatory effect, acceleration of skin regeneration.

This program uses drugs rich in medicinal components that provide anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effects.

The mask used at the beginning of the procedure, due to its constituent pectin, pilmoist, lactic acid, Rapan salt, significantly improves the effectiveness of ultraphonophoresis, promotes the natural peeling process, prepares the skin for toning and moisturizing, increases the effectiveness of cosmetics that will be applied to the skin after the mask .

The gel has anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing effects, stimulates the renewal of the epidermal layer of the skin. Hyaluronic acid in the gel moisturizes the skin and makes it more elastic. The sulfur preparation has antiseptic, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory effects, and also promotes the formation of epidermal cells. Aloe vera juice has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates irritation, peeling and dry skin. Thanks to the content of polyvinylpyrrolidone, it quickly and effectively cleanses the skin of impurities.

The tonic tightens pores, normalizes skin color and elasticity, and minimizes inflammatory processes. Ideal for use as a skin tightening agent after all types of facial cleansing. The salts of Lake Ostrovnoye contain a large amount of minerals, trace elements and biologically active components, provide high electrical conductivity of the gel and enhance lymphatic drainage.

Thus, the procedure has a therapeutic and bactericidal effect on problem skin and is effective for acne and rosacea. After the first procedure, the skin becomes clean, without inflammation, the number of pustules and papules is significantly reduced, redness and discomfort go away. Thanks to vitamins and antioxidants, irritation and redness of the skin are instantly relieved, it is cleansed, imperfections and inflammation are hidden.

Course and frequency of the procedure: 15 procedures with a frequency of 2 times per


Indications and contraindications for phonophresis

Ultrasound phonophoresis is effective in the treatment of many diseases, especially those where pain is present. Thus, the list of indications for phonophoresis can include:

  • Joint diseases:
  • arthritis, arthrosis, periarthrosis and other similar conditions of moderate severity; phonophoresis relieves inflammation, restores nutrition to all tissues in the damaged area, and promotes regeneration.

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
  • osteochondrosis, herniated disc and other degenerative processes with severe pain.

  • ENT diseases:
  • sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, otitis media, etc.; by reducing swelling, inflammation, and accelerated regeneration.

  • Gynecological area:
  • chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

  • Postoperative and post-traumatic scars.
  • Neurological diseases:
  • pinched nerve, neuralgia, peripheral nerve damage.

  • Skin diseases:
  • dermatitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.

The list of indications for the use of ultrasonic phonophoresis can also include cosmetic problems such as cellulite, post-acne scars and much more. Phonophoresis with hydrocortisone at home will also be effective for comprehensive skin rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles, tightening skin contours, increasing its tone by stimulating microcirculation, a light massage effect, and restoring nutrition.

Lifting program for skin with age-related changes using ultraphonophoresis

Suitable for mature, atonic skin with a network of superficial and deep wrinkles, as well as stressed, tired skin with signs of early aging.

Thanks to the unique composition of the preparations, the procedure has a good preventive effect, increases skin density and elasticity, reduces the depth of wrinkles, relieves inflammation, smoothes the skin, restores turgor, and makes the face noticeably younger. Moreover, all these changes are achieved thanks to the internal mechanisms of the body and are natural for human skin. Hyaluronic acid penetrates into the deep layers of cells, “pushes out” wrinkles, gives noticeable turgor to the skin, increases its density, and straightens the network of superficial wrinkles. Vitamins A, C and E, Aloe Vera, extracts of dandelion roots, parsley seeds and licorice roots restore the skin's antioxidant protection, have a rejuvenating effect and prevent premature aging.

The program has a noticeable rejuvenating effect, provides a lifting effect, makes the skin smooth and radiant.

The duration of the procedure is 60-70 minutes.

Course and frequency of the procedure: 15 procedures with a frequency of 2 times per


Order of conduct

The procedure does not require specific preparation. The doctor cleanses the patient's skin in the affected area and applies the medication, usually in the form of a gel similar to what is used for ultrasound diagnostics. After this, the specialist begins to treat the skin area with an ultrasound sensor. Ultrasonic equipment generates vibrations with a frequency of up to 3000 kHz. This allows the active substances of the drug to penetrate deep into the tissue (up to 4-5 cm), directly into the pathological focus.

The procedure does not cause pain or discomfort; patients note only a slight sensation of warmth in the treated area. If unpleasant sensations arise, it is important to report them to a specialist, he will adjust the strength of the impact. After the session is completed, the doctor removes any remaining drug from the skin.

Usually the course is 10-15 sessions. The duration of the procedure depends on the indication, area of ​​treatment and other factors. Usually 15 minutes is enough to get the desired effect.

Hydrocortisone is often used as a medication. This is a glucocorticoid hormone with anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, anti-allergic effects. It is used not only to relieve allergic reactions, but also to eliminate pain and tissue swelling by reducing cellular and tissue infiltrates.

However, there is a wide range of other drugs used in combination with ultrasound. These include:

  • antibacterial agents;
  • amino acids, vitamins;
  • vasodilators;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • chondroprotectors, etc.

Benefits of phonophoresis

  • deep penetration of the drug into the pathological focus, precise delivery of drug components to the tissues;
  • high efficiency due to the action of the drug and the therapeutic effect of the high-frequency ultrasonic waves themselves;
  • safe and painless phonophoresis procedure, no discomfort, minimum contraindications, can be used in children.

High-frequency ultrasonic waves increase the activity of drugs and increase their exposure time. They increase the permeability of cell membranes, stimulate cell activity, and contribute to the saturation of tissues with oxygen and beneficial nutrients. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the systemic effect of drugs on the body, and sometimes completely eliminate the need for oral administration of drugs, which means eliminating potential harm to the digestive system.

Ultrasound has positive effects:

  • mild anti-inflammatory effect;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of lymph flow;
  • normalization of tissue elasticity;
  • strengthening the regeneration of muscles, tendons, cartilage, ligaments.
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