Everything about the Vitafon device for treating joints: reviews, instructions and my experience

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Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of the Vitafon vibroacoustic device for the body of men, women and children.

Vitafon is a vibroacoustic device used for therapeutic purposes. The device is used locally and helps in restoring the musculoskeletal system, has a non-invasive effect on blood circulation and lymph flow, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, especially the kidneys and liver. Today we will try to explain the main advantages of the device and find out for which diseases Vitafon can become your most important assistant in treatment.

What is Vitafon and how does it work?

Vitafon was developed in the nineties of the twentieth century. Since then, it has been used in many countries for both the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases. The operating principle of Vitafon is based on the use of microvibration currents. The therapeutic effect is possible due to the fact that Vitafon generates microvibrations with a frequency and amplitude compatible with vibrations that naturally occur in the body. Vitafon is able to significantly increase blood and lymph circulation in the affected area, which significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

A vitaphone consists of two or more vibraphones - round flat pads about 4 cm wide, which are connected by cables to the main unit of the device. Vitafon is convenient and practical to use due to its small size. It is easy to transport. The device runs on electricity, but there are also models with a battery that can be used without access to electricity.

According to many experts, the vibroacoustic effect has a beneficial effect on body tissue. It turns out that it not only improves blood and lymph flow, but also provides microvibration, which, according to doctors, is one of the body's main resources. In addition, it improves memory and helps to absorb information faster.

How much does Vitafon cost and where can you buy it?

I purchased the Vitafon model in 1997 for 500 rubles. in the Medtechnika store in Penza. The store is located at st. Srednyaya, 9, currently it works without a lunch break from Monday to Friday 8:30-17:30, Saturday 8:30-16:00, Sunday – closed. Phones: 68-43-70.

Recently I decided to update the information, visited this store again and compared the prices with those that I saw on the official website of the company https://www.vitafon.ru/, which produces the products.

As it turned out, it is more profitable to buy the product from the manufacturer on the official website indicated above. The Vitafon model can be purchased for 4,750 rubles, the Vitafon-5 costs from 13,550 rubles. depending on the configuration. The site has all the models that we reviewed in this article.

There are promotions on the official website, for example, the price is reduced if, together with Vitafon-5, you immediately purchase an ORPO mattress or a lumbar-thoracic cuff and quad vibraphones.

The manufacturing company is located in St. Petersburg at the address Ogorodny Lane, 23. Delivery is made to your apartment or to a delivery point in Russia. If you are from another country, you can arrange private delivery.

There are many online portals on the Internet where they offer to buy these devices along with other medical equipment and products, but I settled on the two options listed above.

Every city probably has a pharmacy or a Medtekhnika store, where you can examine the treasured device and ask the sellers about its properties. And if there is no such outlet, then you can go to the official website of Vitafon LLC.

Here you will read in detail about everything that interests you and be able to order a home healer for yourself who will make life easier for you and your loved ones for many years.

Advantages of Vitafon

The use of the Vitafon device allows you to provide non-invasive support in the fight against disease. Vibroacoustic therapy supports natural physiological and immunological processes. Thanks to vibrations of the desired frequency and amplitude, you can remove excess fluid, properly nourish cells and stimulate blood circulation. Vitafon provides nutrition to cells, cleanses blood vessels, enhances metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

Vibroacoustic therapy gives excellent results not only during treatment, but also during prevention. Therefore, the use of the device by healthy people also makes sense and brings many benefits. For example, it can improve kidney and liver function. As a result of the procedures, you can expect that the treatment will be more successful and lasting.

Complete cure

At the current stage of medical development, a complete cure is impossible. Articular cartilage cannot regenerate, and given that the disease is diagnosed at stages 2-3 (because the 1st is asymptomatic), almost all patients will sooner or later have to undergo surgery. The only scientifically proven measure to reduce pain symptoms, but you need to understand that pain reduction is not a cure for the disease - weight loss, the more the better.

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Indications for use

Vitafon is often used in the treatment of acute and chronic pain syndromes (for example, in people after a broken limb or suffering from severe back pain). Vitafon is also useful in the treatment of degenerative diseases, including arthrosis and arthritis, as well as during the rehabilitation period after injuries and operations. It can be used to perform phonophoresis and electrophoresis.

Vibroacoustic therapy is most often used to treat chronically ill elderly people. The Vitafon device is also indicated for diseases such as:

  • Allergic reactions of the body;
  • Valgus deformity;
  • Hypertension;
  • Edema of the lower extremities;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Heel spur;
  • Diabetic foot;
  • Limb fractures;
  • Hematomas;
  • Various inflammations;
  • Bruises;
  • Muscle strains;

The use of Vitafon in the kidney area is especially relevant, since this organ performs the main cleansing function in our body - the procedure in this area stimulates the kidneys to regenerate and work more intensively. In addition, the use of this device in this case helps to get rid of inflammatory processes and pain.

Solving men's problems

The male half of humanity is often bothered by prostatitis. The disease is associated with blood stagnation as a result of low activity. Of course, pathology can have many causes, including sexually transmitted diseases. However, the use of Vitafon, reviews confirm this, helps speed up the healing process by reducing inflammation. However, doctors emphasize that you cannot rely only on this device and ignore other treatments. Also, the entire process should be under the supervision of a specialist. The technique has found its adherents who leave grateful reviews. In particular, the product is successfully used for preventive purposes to eliminate problems in the male genital area.

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Men are often interested in the possibility of improving potency using this device. The problem can be solved, but, according to experts, only if it is associated with blood stagnation in the pelvis. Reviews from doctors show that the vibroacoustic device is not able to solve the problem of male ill health, which is associated with mental trauma or other psychological pathology.

The benefits of Vitafon for women

The advantages of Vitafon for women are that this device can be used in conjunction with various cosmetics. Any creams, ointments, gels, lotions and balms are compatible with Vitafon and significantly increase its effectiveness and beneficial effects on the skin. Many plastic surgeons recommend using this device during the rehabilitation period after surgery, as it effectively helps eliminate swelling and promotes faster healing of wounds and scars. Vitafon is very often used in the treatment of various skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, erysipelas, trophic ulcers, neurofibromatosis.

If you suffer from insomnia, try using Vitafon before bed. The device will help relieve fatigue, ease muscle tension and allow the body to relax as much as possible, which will improve the process of falling asleep. If it is possible to purchase several of these devices, you can use them one at a time.

Doctors also recommend using Vitafon for women after childbirth. A month after giving birth, microvibration therapy procedures will help relieve back pain, normalize the menstrual cycle and stabilize hormonal balance. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures.

Literature sources

1. Egorova E.A. Application of shock wave therapy for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system / E.A. Egorova // Medical file. - 2002. - No. 5. — P. 16-18.

2. Garilevich B.A. Study of the effect of shock wave pulses on tissue metabolism when modeling various pathological conditions: Research report / B.A. Garilevich. M., 1996. - 50 p.

3. Orhan Z., Apler M., Akman M. An experimental study on the application of extracorporeal shock waves in the treatment of tendon injuries: preliminary report // J. Orthop. Sei. -2001. No. 6. - P. 566-570

4. Boddeker R., Schafer H., Haake M. Extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of plantar fasciitis—a biometrical review. Clin. Rheumatol. - 2001. - Vol. 20(5). -P. 324-330.

5. Fuente M., Long Y., Hein M., Röhl A., Becker M., Radermacher K. Investigation of the correlation between Shockwave induced mechanical stress and biological response // Abstracts, 14th congress of the ISMST. - 2010/ - P. 27.

6. Haake M., Buch M., Schoellner C., Goebel F., Vogel M., Mueller I., Hausdorf J., Zamzow K., Schade-Brittinger C., Mueller HH Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis: randomized controlled multicentre trial // BMJ. -2003.-Vol. 327.-P. 75-9.

Which Vitafon device to choose?

All models of the VITAPHONE series are able to fully compensate for the deficiency of biological micro-oscillations, but at different times and with different convenience.

There are two main groups of devices based on the type of impact:

  • Devices with vibroacoustic effects only (Vitafon, Vitafon-T, Vitafon-5). These devices only have vibraphones for microvibration effects;
  • combined vibroacoustic and infrared devices (Vitafon-IK, Vitafon-2). In addition to the vibraphone(s), they have ONE infrared emitter.

Model "Vitafon"

If you have time to carry out procedures and limited funds, you can choose the simplest Vitafon model, which has been produced since 1994. It has a minus - there is no timer and the time of exposure to each area needs to be tracked by the clock, but it also has a plus - the simplest controls (on two buttons). For convenient use of this model, an extension cord is usually required, since the power supply and control unit are combined in one housing with a power plug.

If it is difficult to keep track of time using a watch, you can use Vitafon-T, which has a timer, indicator and automatic shutdown. This model does not require an extension cord, since the control unit and power supply with mains plug are separated. Otherwise, the Vitafon and Vitafon-T models are identical.

Model "Vitafon-IK"

This model is structurally similar to the Vitafon model, in which one vibraphone is replaced by an infrared emitter. Infrared exposure has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and local anesthesia, improves the functioning of the lymph nodes. This model is usually used for common diseases: rhinitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis. A method for treating lymphostasis of the lower extremities and chronic hepatitis has been developed for Vitafon-IK. At the same time, to fully compensate for the lack of microvibration, it takes twice as long as when using Vitafon-T.

Model "Vitafon-2"

This model was developed for use in clinics, but has also been successfully used at home. Vitafon-2″ consists of one single and two double vibraphones, a mattress with 8 vibraphones and an infrared emitter. Vitafon-2 implements all the capabilities of Vitafon-IR and Vitafon-T in significantly less time.

Model "Vitafon-5"

This model allows you to minimize the phonation time. In the standard configuration it corresponds to three Vitafon-T devices. In the additional configuration with the “OPPO Mattress”, all zones are simultaneously phonated according to the program of general resource provision of the body (the entire spine, kidney and liver area), which is very convenient for weekly preventive use. The built-in battery allows you to carry out from 2 to 8 hours of procedures without recharging. Vitafon-5 has a better matched microvibration frequency response for lymphatic drainage.

Treatment of bilateral coxarthrosis of the hip joint

Bilateral coxarthrosis affects both hip joints at once; the damage is usually of varying severity. Pain and physical limitations are present in both the right and left limbs. The pain is often concentrated not only in the affected part, it radiates to the groin and knees.

With each subsequent stage, the disease progresses, thinning of the cartilage occurs, until its complete death. So, a person begins to experience more and more discomfort, even after light exertion. From the second stage, lameness and an extreme reduction in the amplitude of movements may appear, from the 3rd stage. There is usually a dependence on mobility aids such as a cane, walker, or wheelchair.

Bilateral coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Methods of therapy:

  • physiotherapeutic sessions (electrophoresis, UHF, paraffin therapy, magnetotherapy, etc.);
  • Exercise therapy and local massage (exclusively after appointment by an orthopedist and only under his supervision);
  • drug therapy (painkillers, vascular, anti-inflammatory, drugs from the classification of chondroprotectors and muscle relaxants, etc.);
  • surgical intervention on two joints (if the form of pathology is critical).

We offer for review some tactics that, according to patients and traditional healers, can alleviate symptoms.

Gelatin treatment

Treatment of coxarthrosis with gelatin is an unconventional method, the principle of which is the local and internal use of ordinary gelatin powder. The culinary product is used for the preparation of compresses, ointments and rubs, as well as suspensions for oral administration. Since gelatin is a hydrolyzed protein and a rich source of collagen and vitamins, it nourishes cartilage, bones and ligaments that have lost strength and elasticity, and regression of degenerative changes occurs.

We recall the pictures of destroyed joints at the beginning of the article and answer the question - can gelatin help heal such damage or not?

Mud therapy

Therapeutic mud will have a productive effect in the early stages of coxarthrosis, as well as after surgery on the joint, especially after endoprosthetics. It allows you to normalize blood circulation in the weakened area, reduce pain attacks to a minimum, and generally achieve positive dynamics in restoring the motor potential of the joint. You can undergo a course of mud therapy only in sanatoriums that accept people with impaired functioning of the musculoskeletal system. It is recommended to take a mud therapy course every six months, consisting of 15-20 procedures. Sulfide-silt muds are most often prescribed. Be careful, this method has many health contraindications.

We recommend!

Laser therapy

Laser treatment has proven itself to be an effective additional treatment to the main treatment and rehabilitation program. The procedure involves the use of a laser that generates a stream of electromagnetic radiation - a light beam consisting of infrared and ultraviolet waves of various lengths. The laser beam penetrates deep into the soft tissues, warming them up, stimulating regeneration processes in the muscles and activating biochemical reactions in the joint itself. Swelling is reduced, pain is suppressed, muscle tone and water-salt metabolism in the joint are improved. Tactics give in the initial stages of pathology.

Treatment with Vitafon

Vitafon is a vibroacoustic device that has a physiotherapeutic effect. It generates vibrating microwaves, which improves tissue trophism, blood microcirculation, lymph and venous outflow, metabolism, and also stimulates reparative processes and local immunity. Vitafon is used to treat arthrosis-arthritic pathologies. Sessions can only be started after consultation with the treating orthopedist. It is prohibited to use the device during exacerbation of the disease and in the presence of active inflammation in the joint.

According to Dr. Evdokimenko

The therapy system of Dr. Evdokimenko P., who is a leading Russian rheumatologist, involves a combination of traditional medicinal methods (officially accepted) with manual and physical therapy techniques. The exercise therapy complex consists of 11 exercises that have a productive effect on restoring the biomechanics of the hip joint, which has undergone degenerative and dystrophic changes during the course of a complex disease called coxarthrosis (stage 1-2). After each session, a light massage is performed (rubbing and stroking the limbs) with the application of a warming ointment. The therapeutic course should be carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.

Doctor Evdokimenko.


The Vitafon technical solution includes an electronic control unit connected to two acoustic signal converters - vibraphones. The front panel of the device contains operating mode switches and a timer. The device operates from the general electrical network.

The instructions supplied with the device contain detailed rules for each operating mode. When one of the operating modes is set, the device begins to excite microvibration in tissues by contact method, when exposed to alternately changing sound frequencies. The change of sound frequencies, as well as the transition to each of the ranges, occurs automatically. The installed switches control the amplitude of microvibration and are also intended to enable modulation of pulse frequencies.


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Sasha 01/30/2021 23:32:54

Hello, is it dangerous to use ultrasound on yourself? I heard that there can be unpleasant consequences after a long period of time.

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SKRYPOVA Irina Viktorovna 02.02.2021 19:17:01

Hello! The shock wave does not pose a health hazard; no negative consequences have been observed over 20 years of shock wave use.

Maria 01/24/2021 22:44:07

Tempting information about why only the doctors at the clinic where I am treated have never offered me UVT. Do they not know about this method or is it not beneficial for them? Tell me, if the problem is running, will 10 sessions be enough? And another question. My job is flexible, and limiting the workload is not always possible, especially for such a long period of time. Will there be an effect if I continue to walk a lot during UFT?

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SKRYPOVA Irina Viktorovna 01/25/2021 19:53:43

Maria, good afternoon! Usually 5-7 sessions per course are enough. Yes, you can walk, but it is advisable that you wear orthopedic insoles, arch supports and shoes with soles of 1-1.5 cm to absorb the load on your feet.

Evgenia 01/23/2021 21:29:48

Is there any recovery period? I’m thinking about getting shock wave therapy and don’t know if I should take sick leave. If yes, for how many days? And in general, I’m interested in what restrictions exist. For example, on this leg, where the spur is, I have varicose veins in the initial stage. Swelling is common. Is there a risk that chronic diseases will worsen after the procedure?

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LITVINENKO Andrey Sergeevich 01/24/2021 11:19:39

Evgeniya good afternoon! Varicose veins of the lower extremities do not limit the use of the technique, all sessions are performed on an outpatient basis, so you do not need to take a sick leave, come for the procedure once a week and that’s it.


The Vitafon device has successfully passed all clinical trials and tests, for which there are appropriate safety certificates. However, some of its effects remain unexplored to this day. In this regard, the device is not recommended for use when:

  • Existing malignant neoplasms.
  • Acute infectious processes in the body.
  • Severe vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Pregnancy, lactation.
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