Which doctor should I consult with osteochondrosis of the spine?

If you feel fatigue, discomfort, pain and suspect that you have osteochondrosis, you should consult a doctor. But the question immediately arises: what is the name of the doctor who treats osteochondrosis? Fortunately, there is no mystery here. Osteochondrosis is treated by a chiropractor who specializes in neurology. But before treating, he must make sure that it is osteochondrosis. And for this he must conduct a neurological examination and manual muscle testing. This requires professional knowledge and the ability to identify the symptoms of osteochondrosis, as well as qualifications and experience. After all, it is the doctor, and not at all the X-rays or MRI, that determines the exact diagnosis and treatment results! Now do you understand how important it is to find an experienced and knowledgeable doctor?

When choosing a clinic, the main thing is to get to an experienced and knowledgeable doctor.

Briefly about osteochondrosis

It is generally accepted that osteochondrosis is caused by factors that negatively affect the human body, primarily the musculoskeletal system. Among them: metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle, spinal microtraumas, poor posture, stoop, lack of physical activity, spinal muscle dystrophy, constant stressful situations and much more.

In modern medicine, it is customary to distinguish the following types of osteochondrosis, in accordance with the parts of the spine that are affected by this disease.

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar;
  • common.

The most common are cervical and lumbar. Their manifestations are pain in the back and neck, pain and numbness of the extremities, dysfunction and pain of internal organs. In general, the symptoms of this disease are quite extensive, but the main clinical symptom, nevertheless, is pain, which can appear and disappear with a certain frequency, and also have different intensity.

If you feel fatigue, discomfort, pain and suspect that you have osteochondrosis, you should consult a doctor. But the question immediately arises: what is the name of the doctor who treats osteochondrosis? Fortunately, there is no mystery here. Osteochondrosis is treated by a chiropractor who specializes in neurology. But before treating, he must make sure that it is osteochondrosis. And for this he must conduct a neurological examination and manual muscle testing. This requires professional knowledge and the ability to identify the symptoms of osteochondrosis, as well as qualifications and experience. After all, it is the doctor, and not at all the X-rays or MRI, that determines the exact diagnosis and treatment results! Now do you understand how important it is to find an experienced and knowledgeable doctor?

When choosing a clinic, the main thing is to get to an experienced and knowledgeable doctor.

What is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic pathology of the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones of the musculoskeletal system - vertebrae and discs.

Intervertebral discs are a kind of shock absorbers that are designed to alleviate pressure on the spine.

The reason for the widespread nature of the disease can be attributed to the predominantly vertical lifestyle of modern man. He spends most of his time sitting or standing, and at the same time the load on the spine increases significantly. So, after some time, the outer shell of the intervertebral disc cracks. The result of this process is the formation of hernias that compress the blood vessels or roots of the spinal cord. These changes lead to impaired blood circulation, the development of pain and reflex tension in the back muscles.

Back diseases

The most diagnosed disease is spinal osteochondrosis . As it progresses, limb weakness increases and fatigue increases. The patient takes an unusual body position. The pathology is dangerous due to compression of intervertebral discs, nerve roots and the development of diseases masquerading as neuralgia.

In second place are spinal curvatures : kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis. Diseases are first diagnosed in childhood and adolescence if the child maintains incorrect posture while sitting at a desk. A change in physiological curves in any direction threatens displacement of internal organs, compression of the spinal nerves, joint diseases and osteoporosis in the future. In old age, radiculopathy is often diagnosed. The diagnosis is a consequence of an advanced form of osteochondrosis and, if left untreated, can lead to disruption of the pelvic organs. Against this background, men develop prostate adenoma and prostatitis, and women develop cystitis.

Intervertebral hernia is a diagnosis for both young and older patients. As the tumor grows, it compresses the blood vessels and leads to a deterioration in blood flow to the brain. This increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region

With osteochondrosis, a person may feel pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, back or chest. Often, patients are in no hurry to turn to specialists, but try to independently determine the root cause of the discomfort. However, this is very dangerous. One has only to imagine: a person suspects a heart problem, although in reality it is a pinched nerve that is aching. What if it's the other way around?

Important!. Never self-medicate! Pain of any nature is a reason to visit a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment method.

Who is a neurologist and what does he treat?

The specialist treats diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. Back pain is a symptom of PNS pathologies, so to find the cause and establish a diagnosis, turn to a neurologist.

The doctor’s competence includes checking:

  • coordination of movements;
  • muscle strength;
  • sensitivity;
  • index samples;
  • skin and tendon reflexes;
  • pressure on the body from objects of different weights;
  • balance with closed legs, outstretched arms and closed eyes.

The doctor studies the connections between neurons, the functions of the brain and spinal cord.

People turn to a neurologist not only for back pain. Indications for a visit to a specialist:

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness and fainting;
  • ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes;
  • poor coordination of movements and unsteadiness of gait;
  • cramps, tingling of hands and feet;
  • goosebumps;
  • muscle weakness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • poor memory, decreased visual acuity and hearing.

What symptoms are characteristic of thoracic osteochondrosis?

  • pain in the chest area and between the shoulder blades, which is especially noticeable when raising arms, bending over and other physical activity;
  • pain intensifies at night, with deep inhalation and exhalation, as well as in case of hypothermia;
  • the appearance of “goosebumps” on the skin and numbness of its individual areas;
  • itching, burning, cold feet syndrome;
  • feeling like a hoop is squeezing my chest.

If a person has noticed at least some of these symptoms, he should definitely contact a neurologist or traumatologist. After listening to the complaints, the doctor will conduct an initial examination of the spinal column and determine whether there are problems with cerebral circulation. One of the important steps in diagnosing the disease is referral for hardware examination. Modern medicine uses a number of methods, the most accurate of which are MRI and CT.

Types of back pain and possible causes

Most requests for medical help are explained by weakness of the muscular frame of the back, lack of exercise and physical overload. Less commonly, discomfort in the spine is associated with intervertebral hernia, spinal cord tumors and bone tumors.

Mostly the cervical and lumbar spine hurts due to high mobility.

There is a sharp pain in the neck. I often have headaches and find it difficult to turn my head to the side. In the lower back there is shooting and girdling pain. It increases during a long walk and is accompanied by numbness of the lower extremities, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pelvis. If the lower back is pulled, one can assume the development of scoliosis, myositis, pinched nerve and degeneration of the vertebrae.

Pain in the thoracic region is burning, pulling, sharp, aching. Occurs due to intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis. In some cases, pain between the shoulder blades appears due to exacerbation of angina pectoris, stomach ulcers and even myocardial infarction, so only a doctor can determine the cause.

Sometimes my back muscles hurt. Discomfort is explained by hypothermia, overexertion or excessive physical activity the day before.

Treatment methods

So, the diagnosis has been established. This means the next stage is the appointment of effective treatment. As a rule, doctors are guided by the characteristics of a particular case and approach the issue of choosing methods individually. There are two types of treatment – ​​conservative and surgical. Which of them will be applied to the patient directly depends on the severity of the disease, the availability of internal resources of the body, as well as indications and contraindications.

What conservative methods are most common:

  • taking medications and dietary supplements prescribed by a doctor;
  • manual therapy;
  • traction;
  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • Exercise therapy, etc.

Reference. The human body is a delicate, unique system. If gymnastics helped one patient, this is not an indication for prescribing it to another. The attending physician always selects an individual course based on the physical characteristics of the person.

The main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is considered to be gentle manual therapy, and massage, medications, etc. play a supporting role.

This is due to the fact that the nutrition of the discs depends on the condition of the muscles surrounding the spinal column. Moreover, the spinal muscles themselves are a component cause of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The chiropractor, smoothly influencing the tissue, helps normalize reflexes and muscle tone, eliminates spasms and clamps, relieves and distributes the load from the affected discs, as a result of which the nutrition of the intervertebral discs and spinal circulation improves, and the motor functions of the body are restored.

How to choose the right doctor treating osteochondrosis?

Considering the number of offers from both large and small clinics, it is difficult to know where to go. After all, many highly educated specialists practice in Moscow, so choosing a doctor is not an easy task.

If you have specific recommendations from relatives or friends about a particular doctor who treats osteochondrosis as a competent specialist, then you are in luck - feel free to contact him.

If there are no such recommendations, we offer you some tips that will help you find a doctor to cure osteochondrosis.

  • Firstly, you should go for a consultation with not just one, but several chiropractors. Just go and not ask on the phone. Don't waste your money on this. Find out how each of them sees your treatment and what they offer. After all, the cost of a consultation is much less than the cost of a course of therapy, and finding out the expected costs is very important. Agree, the treatment budget matters. But keep in mind, the question “How much does chiropractic care cost?” — does not give a final picture. The concept of a “manual therapy session” in some places may mean only 5–10 minutes of treatment, while in others it may mean five to six times more. In some places, they will limit themselves to only what the average person thinks about, that this is manual therapy - “repositioning” the vertebrae. In other places, manual treatment will be carried out according to all the rules, leaving no germs of the disease anywhere - neither in the spine, nor in other structures of the musculoskeletal system - joints, muscles, ligaments. Remember - everything is interconnected. By leaving the germ of a disease, you give it a chance to recur. And further. Don't forget, modern medicine is commercial. And the main principle of commerce: wholesale is cheaper, retail is more expensive. By comparing how much a session costs in different clinics and how long it lasts, you will find out the real price-duration ratio. Keep in mind that manual therapy consists of various techniques that must be performed in succession. But, according to the laws of commerce, it is much more profitable to sell these methods as separate procedures, taking advantage of the fact that people do not understand this. This is the principle of “retail is more expensive”. In general, find out everything, compare - otherwise you risk greatly overpaying. Know that it is always possible to get effective treatment at a very reasonable cost.
  • The next important aspect of selecting a doctor or clinic is, of course, patient reviews, which can be obtained from various sources. You should analyze the information and figure out where there is frank advertising, and where there are real words of gratitude for effectively carried out therapy.
  • You should be wary of clinic offers that are full of discounts, bonuses and free consultations. Often this is a clever bait that allows you to later turn your pockets inside out. The same goes for abundant advertising. This, of course, does not mean that normal clinics do not advertise their services, you just need to more closely analyze everything you see, hear and learn.

It is important to understand that in the end you must get real results at an adequate cost. Don't make a decision quickly, weigh the pros and cons. And then you will be able to choose for yourself the optimal chiropractor in all respects, who treats osteochondrosis and will be responsible for the result.

Rehabilitation and lifestyle restoration

Rehabilitation of patients with osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach. To maintain the results of treatment over a long period of time, it is necessary to combine many techniques from various fields of medicine. For example, in addition to following a therapeutic diet, performing special gymnastic exercises and visiting a chiropractor, the patient should include in the list of mandatory procedures:

  • Isometric kinesiotherapy;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Reflexology;
  • Underwater hydromassage;
  • Traction treatment;
  • Magnetic, electrical and vibration stimulation;
  • Ultrasound and laser therapy;
  • Mobilization-vacuum therapy;
  • Psychotherapy.

Important!. At home, it is quite difficult to take into account all the nuances of the rehabilitation period - from training on exercise machines to strict adherence to sleep and wakefulness. Departments of public hospitals do not always have the necessary equipment or personnel. The solution to the problem is often specialized clinics, such as the Kuntsevo Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. Technical equipment, instruments and equipment of world quality standards allow you to undergo effective therapy in a comfortable and safe environment under the supervision of specialized specialists.

Lifestyle with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

To prevent the disease, as well as to maintain the general condition of the patient’s body with osteochondrosis, doctors advise:

  • Correct spinal curvature and postural disorders in a timely manner.
  • Actively engage in sports, which will strengthen your muscles and develop your muscle corset.
  • Follow a diet to maintain normal levels of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  • Fight excess weight.
  • Ensure even distribution of the load on the spine if you need to lift something heavy.
  • Sit so that your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Choose chairs and armchairs that support your back.
  • Try to “dilute” static time at work with walking, warming up, and office gymnastics.
  • Sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

How does an appointment with a neurologist proceed?

The initial consultation includes a survey and neurological examination of the patient. During the conversation, the doctor listens to complaints and asks additional questions. During the examination, reflexes and the presence of external signs are checked - symmetry of the shoulders and limbs, disorders of posture and motor ability. For a professional neurological examination, special instruments are used, the set of which depends on the nature of the disease. It could be:

  • hammer (reflexes);
  • needle, brush/cotton wool (deep and superficial pain sensitivity, respectively);
  • tuning fork (susceptibility to vibration);
  • compass (sensitivity at different points of the body);
  • pens, pencils, keys (object sensitivity);
  • dynamometer (muscle strength measurement).
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