10 Best Shoulder Exercises for Home and Gym

Exercises for developing the shoulder are specifically aimed at restoring the mobility of the shoulder joint, strengthening the ligaments, muscles and their tendons. They will be especially useful for people after injuries, operations or prolonged immobilization of the upper limbs.

I recommend that you discuss this treatment method with your doctor or an experienced rehabilitation therapist. It will also be appropriate to undergo 2-3 sessions of gentle muscle massage to eliminate muscle spasms and dysfunctions.

Clothes should be loose, it is advisable to remove shoes. Perform all exercises (especially the first days) smoothly and gradually. Remember the important principle: “Endure mild pain, do not allow severe pain.”

Perform these exercises daily for at least 2 weeks.

Internal rotation

Stand with your developing hand facing the door. Attach the end of the expander to the door at waist level, take the other end of the expander with your working hand and bend it at the elbow 90 degrees. Keeping your elbow tucked in, rotate your forearm away from the door toward your body and then slowly return to the starting position. It is important to keep your forearm parallel to the floor. 2 sets of 8 to 12 reps.

What shoulder exercises to do

How to pump up the front delts

Standing dumbbell press

Raise your hands with the selected weight to shoulder level, turn your palms with your fingers forward. Press the dumbbells up and slightly behind your head, then lower them to the starting position and repeat.

Do three to five sets of 10–12 reps.

Standing chest press

Take the projectile on your chest, bring your elbows forward, tense your abs, buttocks, and legs. Press the barbell up, lower it back down, and repeat.

When the bar passes your face, do not lift your chin up, but press it in: this way the bar will pass along the optimal path.

If at the top point the projectile remains in front of the body and not above it, the load on the lower back increases. Therefore, try to move the bar behind your head.

Do three to five sets of six to eight reps.

Handstand push-up

This exercise has not been tested using EMG, but the movement itself replicates the barbell press up in a reduced range.

Get into a handstand with your feet against the wall. Bend your elbows, lower yourself and touch the floor with your head. Push yourself back up and repeat. Be careful when placing your head on the floor: careless movements can injure your neck.

To make the exercise easier, place something under your head, such as a folded blanket or several thick books. To make it more difficult, place a solid support under your hands.

Perform as many times in a set as you can. Do 3–5 approaches, depending on how you feel.

How to pump up middle deltoids

Incline dumbbell row

Set the bench at a 45-degree incline and lie on your stomach. Hold the dumbbells with your arms extended and lowered, with your wrists facing forward.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together, point your shoulders back and bend your elbows at right angles. At the extreme point, the shoulders are in the same plane with the body, and the forearms are perpendicular to it and directed towards the floor. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Do three to five sets of 10–12 reps.

Barbell row to the chin

Grab the barbell with a grip 1.5–2 times shoulder width. This starting position ensures Effect of grip width on electromyographic activity during the upright row maximum involvement of the middle delts in this exercise.

Raise the barbell to the level of your collarbones, pull your elbows up. Lower the bar and repeat.

Perform three to five sets of eight repetitions.

Dumbbell lateral raises with a turn

Stand up straight, take dumbbells, point your wrists with your fingers towards each other. Spread your arms to the sides, turning your little fingers up. Lower to the starting position and repeat.

Do three to five sets of 10–12 reps.

Exit to side plank on forearm

Stand in a lying position, place one hand on your forearm. Place the palm of your other hand on the opposite shoulder. From this position, rotate your body to the side into a forearm plank and then return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise as many times in a set as you can. Then switch hands and repeat. Do three sets with each arm.

How to pump up your rear deltoids

Seated dumbbell flyes

Sit on a bench, bend your body with a straight back, as far as flexibility allows, hold dumbbells in your lowered hands. Without changing the position of the body, spread your arms with the weight taken to the sides to shoulder level. Slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position and repeat.

Do three to five sets of 10–12 reps.

Reverse butterfly

This exercise can be performed on a machine, with an expander or dumbbells. The main rule is to spread your arms outward, so that at the extreme point your little fingers are pointing upward.

If you want to perform an exercise with dumbbells, place a bench on two boxes, lie on it with your stomach and spread your arms with the weight to the sides.

Perform three to five sets of 10–12 reps.

Lifting from the floor using fists

Lie on the floor, spread your arms in a cross. Leaning on your fists, lift your upper body and try to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. It is important to use your abdominal muscles to a minimum: try to rise only with your arms.

Hold the position at the top, then lower to the floor and repeat. Perform as many times in a set as you can. Do three to five sets.

External rotation

Stand with your extended arm away from the door. Attach the end of the expander to the door at waist level, and take the other end of the expander with your developing hand. Bend your elbow 90 degrees and place it on your stomach. Keeping your elbow tucked in, rotate your forearm away from the door—outward. Then slowly return your hand to the starting position. It is important to keep your forearm parallel to the floor. 2 sets of 15 reps.

How to practice

When training the deltoid muscles, it is very important to pump all three bundles evenly. This will protect the Dynamic inferior stabilizers of the shoulder joint from injury.

The deltoid muscle bundles perform different functions, so it will not be possible to load them all with one exercise: you will have to include at least three movements in the training.

We have divided all the exercises into three parts: for pumping the front, middle and rear bundles. Choose one exercise from each category and add them to your workouts.

The weight is needed so that the last repetitions of the set are not easy, but without compromising technique.

Posture correction

From a standing position, lean forward slightly, hunching slightly. Do not overdo it. Then straighten up. Repeat 3-5 times.

Ask someone to place their thumb between your shoulder blades and remember the sensation at this point so that next time you can concentrate on it without assistance.

To position your shoulder blades correctly, move your shoulders up, back and down. Without fanaticism, a shift of just a centimeter in each direction is enough. Repeat 10 times.

Are deltoid exercises at home safe?


Now you know why you can easily tone up your deltoids at home, but how can you tone up your shoulders at home without dumbbells?

Before moving on to practice, we consider it necessary to touch upon an important topic - security.

The human shoulder is an incredibly complex combination of muscles, tendons and bones that can be easily damaged by improper movements.

There are several traditional exercises that have been included in training for decades that have caused a huge number of injuries.

The barbell overhead press, when done correctly, is a very effective exercise. Unfortunately, few people perform it correctly, hence the frequent injuries to the shoulder joint. When training with complex weights, the temptation is always to lift as much as possible. The concept of “more is better” is inherent in human nature. But don't forget that NASA research has shown that it is the tension in the muscles that matters, not the actual weight that caused the muscles to grow.

The more weight you take, the less control you will have over your range of motion, which puts you at risk for serious injury.

Shoulder Stabilizer Pre-Training Exercises

This complex can be performed both on shoulder day and before each workout.

The shoulder joint is involved in one way or another during many movements. Its anatomical structure is extremely complex, it contains many ligaments and is easily injured.

A similar set of exercises for warming up the shoulder joints can be performed even on rest days to strengthen and stabilize.

1. Y-raise dumbbells on an incline bench
2 sets, 5 times

2.T-raising dumbbells on an incline bench
2 sets, 5 times

3. I-incline dumbbell raise
2 sets, 5 reps

4. 90-90 with external rotation
2 sets, 5 times

Exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulders

Chin Pull

This movement is especially good for those who tend to keep their head in one position all day long. Pull your chin forward and then move it smoothly back. Keep your chin parallel to the floor. Repeat 10 times.

Neck rotation

Tilt your head to the right and turn to the left through an inclination towards the chest. Then back to the right. Repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction. But don't make a full turn - bending back only increases tension in the neck.

Shoulder rotation

Straighten your back. Raise your shoulders, then lower them back and lift them back to the starting position in a smooth circular motion. Do the exercise 10 times in one direction, and then another 10 in the opposite direction.

Side neck stretch

While sitting, tilt your right ear towards your right shoulder. Place your right hand on your left temple and apply light pressure. To increase tension, hold the seat straight with your left hand. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

"Castle" behind

Raise your right arm and lower it behind your back, bending it at the elbow. With your left hand, reach down to your right shoulder blade. Try to grab the fingers of your right with your left hand.

If it doesn’t work out, pick up a towel and slowly move along it. Hold for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

Shoulder stretch

Move your straight right arm to the left side in front of you. With your left hand, lightly press the upper part of your right hand to better stretch the muscles. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then relax and repeat with the other arm.

Shoulder rotation in opposite directions

Press your back against the wall so that your shoulder blades are relaxed. Bend your elbows at a right angle, pressing your biceps against the wall. Without changing the position of your elbows, raise your right hand up to touch the wall with the outside of your palm. Turn your left hand down in the same way. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise in the other direction: left hand up, right hand down. Repeat for about 30 seconds. Try to maintain a right angle at your elbows.

Stretch against the wall

Place your palms on the wall in front of you so that your arms form a right angle with your body. Step back slightly so that your body is tilted and your arms are extended. Don't push against the wall or raise your arms too high.

Angle neck stretch

While sitting, turn your head to the right 45 degrees and look down towards your armpit. Place your right hand behind your head and apply gentle pressure to better stretch the muscles. Additionally, you can grab the seat of the chair with your left hand. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

Raising arms from the sides

Press your back against the wall, arms along your body. Raise your arms straight out to the sides along the wall, forming a T. Continue upward until your thumbs touch. Make sure your upper back remains straight. Smoothly lower your arms to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.

Lower "castle"

Place your hands behind your lower back and lock them together. Open your chest and squeeze your shoulder blades slightly together. Hold for 10 seconds. Then unclasp your hands, switch your top thumb and repeat.

Rotation by hand

Standing with your right side to the wall, perform smooth large circles with your right hand without losing contact with the wall. Repeat 10 times. Then stand against the wall with your left side and repeat for your left arm. Watch your posture.

Reverse Prayer Pose

Place your hands behind your back and try to fold your palms into a prayer gesture (palm to palm). Hold for 30 seconds. If stretching does not allow, do a simpler version: bend your arms and place your right elbow on your left palm, and your right palm on your left elbow. Hold for 15 seconds, then switch top hands and hold for another 15 seconds.

At three points

Get on all fours. Along the floor with your left hand, reach to the side between your right hand and right thigh. Allow the chest to move, but do not change the position of the hips. Hold for 15 seconds at the point where your hips begin to shift. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Sphinx pose

Lie face down. Bend your arms, place your palms down parallel to your body, fingertips pointing forward. Without lifting your arms, lift your upper back without straining your lower back. Keep your elbows close to your sides and don't throw your head back. Lift your right hand off the floor and extend it forward. Aim to raise your biceps to ear level. Make sure your shoulders and neck are not tense. Stay in this position for 5 seconds. Then lower your right arm to the starting position and repeat with your left.

Lateral twist

Lie on your right side with your legs bent, arms extended in front of you perpendicular to your body. The back is relaxed. Raise your left arm and move it behind your back in an arc, opening your chest. Follow the movement of the hand with your eyes, but do not move your hips. Hold for 5 seconds and then return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times. Turn over to the other side and perform the exercise 10 times in the other direction.

All of these exercises are quite simple, but they are very effective for relaxing the shoulder muscles. Perform the entire complex after a hard day at work or in parts every evening, and tension in the neck and shoulders will decrease. This means that your head will become lighter and your mind will become more alive.

How to strengthen your shoulders at home

Now you know that you can strengthen your shoulders without special equipment. You learned what the shoulder girdle is made of and how easy it is to get grass.

It's time to learn how to pump up your shoulders in conditions. By the way, the matter is not limited to push-ups.

Do push-ups!

The venerable first place, of course, goes to push-ups. This exercise was a staple of military training even before the Greeks conquered the world under Alexander the Great.

Properly performed push-ups are the most effective way to pump up your chest, deltoids and triceps.

Let's look at the best variations on how to pump up your shoulders with push-ups.

Reverse Grip Push-Ups

Reverse-grip push-ups, like a laser-guided missile, are the perfect way to pump up your deltoids.

To begin, get into a standard push-up position with your palms flat on the floor and your fingers pointing forward. Now turn your hands so that your fingertips are pointing towards each other.

Keeping your elbows tightly pressed to your sides, slowly lower and rise to the starting position.

Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are a shoulder-building exercise from powerlifting. When done correctly, it helps develop incredible strength.

Unless you have incredible athletic talent or are a professional gymnast, you'll need to hit the wall.

Stand facing a wall, bend over and place your hands on the floor directly in front of you. Raise your legs up so that they rest against the wall. Yes, this may not happen right away, but don’t despair.

While standing still, turn your hands so that your fingers point to the side (not towards the wall). This position of the hands will significantly reduce the risk of injury and fix the shoulder joint in the most comfortable position. Slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself towards the floor, then return to the starting position.

Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time. There are still quite a few variations of this exercise:

  • Standing bent push-ups: Instead of keeping your spine straight, bend at the waist, placing your feet and palms on the floor.
  • Do handstands without push-ups. Isometric exercises are also good.
  • Partial repetitions. Push up shallowly, gradually, as you increase strength, decreasing the distance from the floor.

Elastic tape

The elastic band provides the ideal resistance to develop strength and muscle size with minimal risk.

The resistance level of the band is ideal for training delts with variable resistance.

Raising arms to the sides with an elastic band

This exercise targets all three parts of the deltoid muscle:

  • Front;
  • Rear;
  • Medial.

Stand on the elastic band, holding the edges firmly in your hands. Slowly raise your arms just above shoulder level, bending your elbows slightly. Maintain this position for as long as possible.

  • By adding an isometric exercise while keeping your arms overhead, you will enhance the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The variable resistance of the elastic band will help pump up the deltoids as much as possible, stimulating muscle growth.

Raising your arms in front of you with an elastic band

This exercise works well on the front and sides of the deltoid muscle, allowing you to significantly increase strength and endurance.

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Raise your arms straight in front of you until your palms are at eye level. Stay in this position for as long as possible, then return to the starting position.

Raising arms with an elastic band to the sides in an inclined position

It is known that it is difficult to pump up the rear deltoid, but an elastic band is a good solution to this problem.

This time tilt your body down, lower your arms down, palms facing each other. Slowly raise your arms to the sides and hold them there until the muscles begin to “burn.”

  • Focus on the degree of resistance rather than the number of repetitions.
  • Tension is your best friend. Remember that growth is stimulated by the duration of the effort, not the number of repetitions.

Isometric shoulder exercises at home (static)

Isometric exercises are an unusual way to train muscles with minimal risk of injury. The Doorway Press is an exercise that targets the shoulders and ensures that you get the right load.

Stand in a doorway with strong jambs, raise your arms up and place your palms on the top edge of the door. Making sure that your elbows are slightly bent, push your body forward.

  • This exercise is done for time, not for number of repetitions.
  • Do your best, don't hold back!
  • Do not hold your breath while doing the exercise. Breathe slowly and smoothly.

Verified by NASA

NASA research has shown that the conditions under which you train do not matter for muscle growth. The muscles just need tension. It is this that stimulates their growth and increase in strength.

Kenneth Baldwin, a professor in the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at the University of California, supported by NASA, studied muscle growth in rats trained using different types of physical activity.

Through painless electrical stimulation, Baldwin stimulated the rats' muscles to contract isometrically (static contraction), isotonic (normal contraction), and eccentrically (negative contraction). The results forever closed the debate about the best way to train.

Baldwin stated, “We found that after 12 sessions of each type of training, the amount of muscle growth in each group was the same,” even with isometric exercises, which are not actual movements.

A little anatomy lesson

The shoulder complex includes the humerus, collarbones, thoracic spine, rib cage, and shoulder blades. His strength is the huge range of movements he can perform. The disadvantage is dependence on many ligaments and muscles at once. If these muscles are overused or improperly used, the shoulders lose mobility.

To avoid pain, all four joints must function properly. At a minimum, it’s worth stretching your shoulders throughout the day: moving back and forth, up and down, rotating. But if you still feel tense in the evening, 16 simple exercises will help you.

Karina Wu

physical therapist, owner of a physical therapy center in New York.

These exercises will help you relax and improve your flexibility. But first you should pay attention to your posture.

The secret is tension

Muscles react to tension. They are designed to resist any force, be it lifting a heavy object, resisting the pull of an elastic band, or isometrically pushing against a wall.

The greater the external force, the more the muscles tense. Then how to pump up deltoids at home without iron? Keep reading and you'll learn that dumbbells and barbells are just one of many options for creating this muscle tension.

How to pump up your shoulders at home - video


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