Some of the best exercises from Lana Paley's gymnastics. Discussion on LiveInternet

Gymnastics to correct posture and exercises for the back, part 2

How to alternate classes.
Our videos so far present 2 sets of exercises for the back. You can do them one at a time.

Let's say on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you do posture gymnastics, part 1. And on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (or Sunday) you do posture gymnastics, part 2. And one day a week, Saturday or Sunday, is a day off.

Or you can do all the gymnastics (part 1 and part 2) at once, on one day - but then you need to do it not every day, but every other day.

About class time.

You can do this gymnastics at any time. But it’s still better to do it in the afternoon (12 o’clock). Early in the morning, immediately after sleep, when all the muscles are still “sleeping,” this gymnastics is more difficult. And it brings a little less benefit.

But you can do it in the evening! For example, after work or school. Then gymnastics, surprisingly, will add energy to you and breathe new strength into you.

About breathing.

Please note that all strength exercises are performed while inhaling. Relaxation occurs as you exhale. Up – inhale, down – exhale.


When you do sit-up exercises while lying on your stomach, support your core by tightening the muscles in your mid-back.

About haste and pain.

When doing gymnastics, do not rush. If you want to improve your posture, you will somehow have to learn to perform all the exercises slowly and smoothly, without jerking. A “snatch” effort can only “tear” the back muscles and will bring absolutely no benefit.

Listen to your feelings. If an exercise causes severe pain, give it up completely or reduce its amplitude.

But at the same time, remember that the feeling of aching pain after doing gymnastics is quite acceptable. Aching pain is caused by the inclusion of previously uninvolved muscle groups. And they will disappear after 3-4 weeks of training.

Contraindications to our gymnastics:

These exercises should not be done:

– immediately after operations on the abdominal and chest organs (you need to wait 2–3 months); – for colds and flu, with elevated body temperature; – during pregnancy, especially for a period of 3 months and above; in the first 3 months after birth; – women should also skip classes on critical days;

– for any ACUTE diseases of internal organs - for example, with exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis, with appendicitis, etc.; – for inguinal hernias; – with severely increased blood pressure, with significantly increased intracranial pressure; – with severe heart damage, severe coronary artery disease;

Do with caution:

– with paroxysmal tachycardia, with atrial fibrillation; for heart defects; – for hypertension – do it under blood pressure control before and after classes! – with lumbar hyperlordosis; – for severe intervertebral disc herniations (spinal hernias) – but Schmorl’s hernias are not contraindications for gymnastics; – with listhesis – scalene displacements of the vertebrae.

And one more thing: you cannot do our exercises during an exacerbation of any illness without first eliminating the acute pain.

This is especially true for acute pain in the neck or lower back. And also in those cases when pain from the neck or lower back along the nerve root shoots into the arm or leg (the so-called radicular syndrome), since performing strength exercises with radicular pain often leads to even greater irritation of the pinched nerve, to increased swelling and inflammation in the nerve sheath trunk

Why does stooping occur and what to do about it?

In this paragraph we will not touch upon congenital causes: if a person has different leg lengths, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, or abnormal muscle development, exercises cannot correct this, or they are too specific. Let's talk about acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stooping usually appears after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when the child leans towards the screen, or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If you don’t notice anything, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and daily 20-minute exercises are enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It is useless to shout “Don’t slouch!” if the reason is fear, uncertainty, or emotional tightness. In this case, to remove stoop, it is better to do gymnastics together, or to understand the reasons for internal tightness.

During adolescence

A young body begins to grow quickly, and sometimes bones develop faster than muscles. That is why a teenager should be sent to swimming or introduced to some kind of sport, this will help make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their height and cannot stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if we take it in time, everything can be fixed.

In adults

The problem here, most often, is a sedentary lifestyle or work where you need to bend over a table, machine, equipment, etc. How to fix a slouched back? Exercises, special exercises for stooping, and constant monitoring.

  • A man is often more comfortable working out in the gym, where he pumps up his muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • The girl will most likely benefit from home gymnastics. Women by nature are more flexible, they enjoy going to yoga, they try to maintain their posture so that their tummy does not stick out and their breasts seem more attractive.
  • In older people, problems with posture often arise against the background of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without strain can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

Lana Paley gymnastics: strengthening the back, correcting posture, treating kyphosis and scoliosis

Lana Paley is the author of the book “Better Than Yoga”, the creator of her own original gymnastics system. A set of exercises for this gymnastics was developed by Lana Paley together with the famous rheumatologist, specialist in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, Dr. Evdokimenko, 20 years ago - in 1996.

Lana Paley's gymnastics is therapeutic gymnastics: for the treatment of kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease) and scoliosis of 1-2 degrees, for correcting posture with stoop, and for the treatment of joint hypermobility syndrome.

In addition, Lana Paley’s gymnastics can bring significant benefits (as an additional method of therapy) in the treatment of osteochondrosis and ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and many other diseases.

Lana Paley's gymnastics can also be used to quickly strengthen the muscles of the entire body, to improve the figure and for weight loss.

Lana Paley's gymnastics are great for both men and women; both beginners and people who have been involved in fitness, yoga or sports for a long time.

Hello, dear friends!

I, Lana Paley, am pleased to welcome you to my website. On this site you will receive detailed information about the most common postural disorders, such as scoliosis and kyphosis (Scheuermann-Mau disease, stoop).

I will also tell you about a way to correct your posture using our special therapeutic exercises.

Together with my husband, Dr. Evdokimenko, we have been successfully using this gymnastics for more than 20 years to treat scoliosis and kyphosis (Scheuermann-Mau disease), to correct posture due to stooping, and to treat joint hypermobility syndrome.

Lana Paley's gymnastics is a personal gymnastics technique that perfectly combines strength and stretching exercises, and static poses similar to yoga asanas are combined with special slow movements.

In addition to special physical exercises that improve posture and strengthen the body, Lana Paley’s gymnastics complex includes several special breathing exercises that help correct the shape of the chest and improve the vital capacity of the lungs.

Lana Paley's gymnastics are designed in such a way that anyone between the ages of 11 and 50 can start doing it, even if they have no physical training. And then you can continue to practice until old age.

All exercises are easy to understand and perform. There is no need to warm up before gymnastics. The exercises are very effective because each of them involves an entire muscle group or several muscle groups at once.

When performing exercises, you do not need to resort to weights, you work only with the weight of your own body - such gymnastics is safer than exercises with weights, and besides, it strengthens and pumps up the muscles of the body much more effectively!

Start doing this gymnastics, and after 2-3 months you will notice that your posture has improved, your stomach has tightened, your need for sleep has decreased, and your internal organs have begun to function better.

You will probably say that I exaggerate the capabilities of my gymnastics. But I won’t argue with you, but will suggest you try this gymnastics on yourself. Moreover, it is very simple - you can start practicing using the recommendations and exercises from this site.

Or you can buy my book “Better than Yoga” and practice according to it. Or visit my classes (in Moscow). The choice is yours.


Lana Paley is the author of the bookBetter than yoga", creator of his own original gymnastics system. A set of exercises for this gymnastics was developed by Lana Paley together with a famous rheumatologist, a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, Dr. Evdokimenko, 20 years ago - in 1996.
Lana Paley gymnastics - this is therapeutic gymnastics: for treatment kyphosis (Scheuermann's disease) and scoliosis 1-2 degrees, For posture corrections for stooping, and for treatment joint hypermobility syndrome.

In addition, Lana Paley’s gymnastics can bring significant benefits (as an additional method of therapy) in the treatment of osteochondrosis and ankylosing spondylitis, arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and many other diseases .

Lana Paley's gymnastics can also be used to quickly strengthen the muscles of the entire body, to improve the figure and for weight loss .

Lana Paley's gymnastics are great for both men and women; both beginners and people who have been involved in fitness, yoga or sports for a long time.

Hello, dear friends!

I, Lana Paley, am pleased to welcome you to my website. On this site you will receive detailed information about the most common postural disorders , such as scoliosis and kyphosis ( Scheuermann-Mau disease , stoop ).

I will also tell you about a way to correct your posture using our special therapeutic exercises.

Together with my husband, Dr. Evdokimenko, we have been successfully using this gymnastics for more than 20 years to treat scoliosis and kyphosis (Scheuermann-Mau disease), to correct posture due to stooping, and to treat joint hypermobility syndrome.

Lana Paley's gymnastics is a personal gymnastics technique that perfectly combines strength and stretching exercises, and static poses similar to yoga asanas are combined with special slow movements. This combination perfectly improves blood circulation in muscles and internal organs, and as a result gives a completely unique healing effect: strengthens the back, improves posture and helps in the treatment of many chronic diseases .

In addition to special physical exercises that improve posture and strengthen the body, Lana Paley's gymnastics complex includes several special breathing exercises that help correct the shape of the chest and improve the vital capacity of the lungs.

Lana Paley's gymnastics are designed in such a way that anyone between the ages of 11 and 50 can start doing it, even if they have no physical training. And then you can continue to practice until old age.

All exercises are easy to understand and perform. There is no need to warm up before gymnastics. The exercises are very effective because each of them involves a whole muscle group or several muscle groups at once.

When performing exercises, you do not need to resort to weights, you work only with the weight of your own body - such gymnastics is safer than exercises with weights, and besides, it strengthens and pumps up the muscles of the body much more effectively!

Start doing this gymnastics, and after 2-3 months you will notice that your posture has improved, your stomach has tightened, your need for sleep has decreased, and your internal organs have begun to function better.

You will probably say that I exaggerate the capabilities of my gymnastics. But I won’t argue with you, but will suggest you try this gymnastics on yourself. Moreover, it is very simple - you can start training using the recommendations and exercises from this site.

Or you can purchase my bookBetter Than Yoga ” and practice according to it. Or visit my classes (in Moscow). The choice is yours.

* * *

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New! Video: Lana Paley’s gymnastics for correcting posture and exercises for the back » A set of exercises for scoliosis, stoop, kyphosis, osteochondrosis.

How to do exercises for spinal kyphosis?

4. Back massage

Usually I recommend contacting a massage therapist not immediately, but after about 2-3 months from the start of gymnastics. By this time, some “fatigue” has accumulated in the back muscles, and the help of a massage therapist will be very helpful.

It is important to know! A competent back massage is performed very smoothly and softly, without sudden movements. It should give the patient a feeling of pleasant warmth and comfort, and in no case should it provoke pain or bruising.

Of course, slight pain may still be felt when kneading particularly tight muscles during the first sessions, but we are talking only about mild pain, and not increased pain! Remember that the procedure should be painless, causing warmth and relaxation.

If you have found a massage therapist who does everything correctly, and his actions meet the above criteria, I advise you to repeat massages with him regularly - twice a year, in courses of 8-10 sessions held every other day. If he gives a massage roughly, painfully, and especially with bruises, and “cannot be re-educated,” it is better to run away from him after the first session.

Attention! Remember that massage is contraindicated for women on menstruation days.

5. Manual therapy

Manual therapy for grade 2 scoliosis can be a very useful procedure. Especially in the case when, in addition to muscle imbalance, the patient has a displacement of the pelvic bones (pelvic distortion) or displacement of the intervertebral joints in some specific parts of the spine.

However, it must be remembered that manual therapy for grade 2 scoliosis should never be abused - too frequent use of the method, numerous repeated sessions (when 10-15 sessions are performed per course over a month or two) can lead to “looseness” of the spine and significant worsening, accelerating the progression of scoliosis.

In addition, it is undesirable to perform manual therapy for scoliosis in those patients who are not inclined to subsequently engage in therapeutic exercises. For scoliosis, manual therapy without gymnastics and massage is “money down the drain,” wasted time and money.

The optimal course of manual treatment for grade 2 scoliosis, as already mentioned, is 1-3 therapy sessions, carried out no more than 2-3 times a year.

6. Electrical stimulation of the back muscles

Electrical stimulation of the back muscles can be a good help in the treatment of scoliosis. But we must keep in mind that electrical stimulation of the muscles of the middle back (that is, the muscles of the thoracic spine) causes very unpleasant sensations from the heart in many people. And sometimes it can even cause arrhythmia!

Therefore, electrical stimulation as a method of treating scoliosis is not suitable for everyone. However, if you tolerate this procedure well, it makes sense to conduct a course of 10-12 sessions of electrical stimulation of the back muscles 1-2 times a year.

It is generally accepted that swimming is very useful for treating scoliosis. Indeed, in the first degree of scoliosis, when the curvature of the spine has not yet acquired the character of a persistent bone deformity, swimming can be very useful - after all, the muscles of the back and chest work symmetrically when swimming, and both sides of the body, right and left, develop evenly.

But with 2 degrees, and even more so with 3-4 degrees of scoliosis, when the spine is strongly curved and rotated around its axis, one cannot expect strong benefits from swimming - after all, a person with 2, 3 or 4 degrees of scoliosis, even in water the abnormal type of movements persists.

That is, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to cure advanced scoliosis by swimming. Although, of course, there will be no harm from swimming.

8. Use of special orthopedic insoles

The use of special orthopedic insoles is often presented as a panacea for almost all diseases of the spine and joints. Including as a panacea for scoliosis. I hope you understand - all this is just a publicity stunt from insoles manufacturers. Special orthopedic insoles, which at best only treat flat feet, cannot correct the curvature of the spine and eliminate rotation of the spine around its axis.

Perhaps insoles can be useful only if the patient has scoliosis combined with a noticeable difference in leg length. In this case, one insole is placed under the shortened leg to lengthen it. But the insole compensates for a maximum of 1-2 cm of shortening.

9. Use of calcium supplements

Many articles posted on the Internet recommend the use of calcium supplements to treat scoliosis. However, I don’t understand one thing - how can calcium supplements correct the curvature of the spine? Will calcium accumulate on one side of the spine and not on the other?

Probably, as often happens on the Internet, there was confusion. Doctors do not use calcium to treat scoliosis. But sometimes doctors prescribe calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D in cases where it is necessary to stop the worsening of rapidly progressing severe scoliosis - only when the curvature is getting stronger and stronger every day, and this process cannot be stopped by any other means.

In such a situation, calcium supplements in combination with vitamin D may be able to at least slightly slow down the process. In other cases, they will be useless. And of course, calcium supplements will be completely useless when the formation of scoliosis has already occurred and it is no longer progressing. The maximum you can achieve by consuming calcium in such a situation is the formation of “calcium stones” in the kidneys!

* Article written by Lana Paley

Types of scoliosis. Causes of scoliosis

Consequences of scoliosis for health, complications of scoliosis

Lana Paley's gymnastics for the treatment of scoliosis and kyphosis

Exercises for kyphosis are a therapeutic gymnastic complex aimed at eliminating curvature of the spinal region, relieving pain and strengthening the spinal muscles and blood supply to the paravertebral tissues. Exercise therapy is very effective for grade 1 kyphosis, when the disease is just beginning, in childhood.

Kyphosis is a disease of the upper spine, which is an arched curvature. There are hereditary and acquired diseases. Kyphosis is also classified according to physiological characteristics:

  • Congenital, associated with pathology of vertebral development, still in utero.
  • Hereditary, genotypic, inherited in a dominant manner, appears in several generations.
  • Compression, appears after receiving characteristic spinal injuries.
  • Mobile, caused by incorrect posture and dystrophy of the spinal muscles.
  • Rachitic, associated with a lack of vitamin D in infancy, muscle flaccidity and soft vertebrae.
  • Senile, due to wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, with age, the muscle corset weakens.
  • Total, the type is associated with pathology - ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Tuberculosis, during the course of the disease, destroys the vertebrae and increases the pressure on them.
  • Physiological, formed without pathologies, considered the norm during preventive therapy.

The disease differs in severity (from first to third), which depends on the angle of inclination and the pathology that has arisen (from 30 to 60 degrees or more). The time period of treatment and the complexity of the complex depend on the severity of kyphosis.

The vertebral region is divided into sections such as cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Separate exercises have been developed for each of them, since kyphosis affects both individual parts and the entire spine.

Top 5 exercises for any age

In fact, almost all movements that are aimed at strengthening the spinal muscles and arching the spine will be effective. You can create your own complex to eliminate slouched back, or do the ones we suggested every day.

Forward facing bends

This is a simple warm-up exercise that is great even for older people. The point is to support yourself with your hands, take a long step and slowly bend forward. Start doing this from the wall, then you can do it with a chair, leaning on the back. Stretch, opening your shoulder blades. Do 8-10 approaches.

From a lying position

This is how we correct not only problems with posture, but also with intervertebral discs and clamps.
Lie on the mat on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, tense your legs and do the “Boat” (Superman), arching at the lower back and lifting your palms and feet. For those over 50, lifting your legs may be difficult, in which case you should try doing a backbend with a chair. Place a chair in front of you, lie on your stomach so that your hands are on both sides, approximately in the middle of the seat. Bend over, raise your arms, place them on a chair and stretch. Fix your body for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Sitting on my knees

The most effective exercises for slouching are sometimes very simple. Sit on the floor on your knees, grab your feet with your hands and try to stretch, starting from your shoulders. Bring your shoulder blades together, bend, lower your arms. You can return to the starting position, or simply sway while sitting like this.

On all fours

One option is the “Cat” exercise. Bend as if trying to crawl under a low obstacle. We start forward, bend the thoracic region, then move the body a little forward and bend at the lower back, raising the chest. Now the same thing - back.

The second version of gymnastics against slouching is to lift your straight leg up in the same position, throw your head back, and stretch. We change the leg. 6-8 times is enough to start with, then increase the repetitions.

With a stick

Not everyone has gymnastic sticks, but that doesn’t matter.
For example, a mop handle, a vacuum cleaner pipe, a piece of water pipe or something similar will do. Place it behind your back and hold it with bent elbows as you twist from side to side. By the way, one of the reasons why a person slouches is simple forgetfulness to keep his back straight. If you don’t know how to stop slouching, sit with this stick in front of the TV or even at the computer, and as soon as you try to bend, it will put pressure on your spine. Typing this way is not very convenient, but watching TV series or using the mouse is fine. This will help you become accustomed to the correct posture.

You can, of course, buy a posture brace or corset, but a stick is much cheaper.

Finally, we’ll tell you about one more way to learn to walk upright without slouching : put an old notebook (or a book, if you don’t mind) on your head and walk around the house like that. If you drop it, it means that without noticing it, you are slouching. Try to maintain the correct position.

Try to see what happens if you make this set of exercises your daily exercise. Many people note that after just a couple of weeks they began to hunch much less, and after a month their back became noticeably stronger.

The best gymnastics exercises by Lana Paley

Ecology of health: Today, Lana Paley’s gymnastics complex includes 24 basic exercises (they are suitable for everyone, including beginners) and 8 additional ones - mainly for those who have been practicing Lana Paley’s method for more than 2 months.

Lana Paley's exercises are effective and well-balanced - each of these exercises has its own healing and therapeutic effect.

Below are a few exercises from Lana Paley's routine for you to try for yourself. And so that you can imagine their effectiveness for strengthening muscles and pumping up the body.

Exercise 1

Benefit: posture is corrected, shoulders are turned around. The back muscles are strengthened.

What is tense: Shoulders, interscapular muscles.

Starting position: performed on the floor, lying on your stomach. Place your arms along your body, palms down. Move your arms a little further away from your body. Legs lie relaxed.

Exercise drawing 1. Starting position

Doing the exercise.

1. Statics. Without leaning on your hands and without lifting your palms from the floor, slowly bend your body upward. Roll your shoulders back and try to squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Do not throw your head back, keep it parallel to the floor.

Feel the tension in the muscles between your shoulder blades. Try to save it. Fix in this position and maintain the achieved position of the body with your back muscles for 20–30 seconds. Then slowly lower yourself to the starting position and relax.

2. Dynamics. After a short rest (no more than 30 seconds), perform this exercise in a dynamic version: slowly bend your body upward (the lift is performed without jerking, smoothly, for 4-5 seconds - while lifting, slowly count to four or five).

Bend upward and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Be sure to feel how the interscapular muscles tense. Do not throw your head back, keep it parallel to the floor.

Hold at the top for 2 seconds, then also slowly lower to the starting position and relax for 1-2 seconds. Repeat this up and down motion 10-15 more times. Move very slowly and smoothly.

Important: bend up as you inhale, lower as you exhale!

Drawing of exercise 1. Doing the exercise

Exercise 2

Benefit: tightens the buttocks. The back surface of the legs is strengthened; the legs take on a beautiful shape. The lumbar muscles are strengthened.

What's tight: Gluteal muscles. The entire back of the legs.

Starting position: performed on the floor, lying on your stomach. Place your arms along your body. Legs are brought together.

Drawing of exercise 2. Starting position

Doing the exercise.

1. Statics. Slowly raise your straight legs up as far as you can without “tearing” - about 20-40 centimeters from the floor. Do not raise your legs too high, otherwise the load on the lower back will be too great, and this is fraught with painful spasm of the lumbar muscles. Stop the moment you feel a strong tension in your gluteal muscles.

Important: do not lift your shoulders and stomach off the floor when performing the exercise. Lock in the achieved position for 30 seconds. Squeeze your buttocks tightly. Try to keep your legs together, do not spread them. After 30 seconds, slowly lower your legs and relax completely.

2. Dynamics. After a short rest (20-30 seconds), perform the exercise in a dynamic version: slowly raise your straight legs up (the lift is performed smoothly, without jerking, for 4-5 seconds). Raise your legs, tighten your gluteal muscles and hold this tension for 2 seconds. Then slowly lower your legs and relax for 1-2 seconds.

Repeat this movement with your legs up and down 10-15 more times. Move very slowly and smoothly.

Important: raise your legs as you inhale, lower them as you exhale. While performing the exercise, keep your legs together, do not spread them.

Drawing of exercise 2. Doing the exercise

Exercise 3

Benefit: This is a unique exercise because it is one of a kind. Exercise pumps blood in the pelvis and, as a result, improves the functioning of the pelvic organs. It is necessary for everyone and at any age. In addition, the exercise strengthens the gluteal muscles and the anterior thigh muscles.

What to tense: Gluteal muscles.

Starting position: performed on the floor, lying on your back. Bend your knees and place them approximately shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms along your body.

Drawing of exercise 3. Starting position

Performing the exercise

1. Statics. Leaning on your shoulders and feet, slowly lift your pelvis as high as possible, squeezing your gluteal muscles. Having raised your pelvis to the maximum possible height, tense up and press it up a little more. Lock in this position for 20–30 seconds.

Try not to lower your pelvis, pull it up, maintaining tension in the muscles of the thighs and gluteal muscles. After 30 seconds, slowly lower yourself and relax.

Figure of exercise 3. Performing the exercise - static

2. Dynamics. After a short rest (20–30 seconds), perform the exercise in a dynamic version: while inhaling, slowly lift your pelvis as high as possible, linger a little at the top point (literally for 1–2 seconds), feel the tension in the muscles. Then, as you exhale, slowly lower your pelvis 15–20 cm down so that the hip muscles relax a little. Then again slowly raise it as high as possible, etc.

Perform 12–15 such movements with your pelvis up and down, moving extremely slowly and smoothly, without making jerks or sudden movements. Then slowly lower yourself down to the starting position and relax completely.

Figure of exercise 3. Performing the exercise - dynamics

Exercise 4

Benefit: Strengthens abdominal muscles. The skin on the abdomen is tightened. Whether or not you get six-packs on your stomach will depend only on you. You can do this exercise 8 times, or you can... 20.

Advice. This exercise can be performed in 2 versions. Body position affects which abdominal muscles will be tensed.

What to tense: Abdominal muscles. It is with these muscles that you hold your body upright.

Starting position: performed on the floor, lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, but do not place them too close to you; on the contrary, move them forward slightly. Place your feet together. Stretch your arms along your body.

Pay attention to the position of your legs; the load on your abs depends on this. If you place your feet slightly forward, away from you, the load will increase. Bring it a little closer to you, the load will decrease slightly.

Figure of exercise 4. Starting position

Doing the exercise.

Statics. Depending on what kind of muscle tension you want to get, perform the 1st or 2nd option, respectively.

1st option: As you inhale, slowly lift your body and stretch your chest up and forward. But don’t pull your head forward, look up. Keep your back straight. Keep your hands along your hips. In this position, your upper abdominal muscles will tighten.

Move your body forward as much as possible and lock in the achieved position for 20–30 seconds. Then, as you exhale, slowly lower yourself to the starting position and relax your abdominal muscles.

Figure exercise 4: 1st option. Performing the exercise

2nd option: As you inhale, slowly lift your body, reach towards your knees with your shoulders and chest (its upper part), and tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Keep your hands in front of you, but do not pull them forward. In this position, the muscles in your middle and lower abdomen will tighten.

Move your body forward as much as possible and lock in this position for 20–30 seconds. Then, as you exhale, slowly lower yourself to the starting position and relax your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 4 drawing: 2nd option. Performing the exercise

Dynamics. After a short rest (20–30 seconds), perform your chosen version of the exercise in a dynamic version: while inhaling, slowly lift your body and stretch your body forward (the lift is performed smoothly, without jerking, for 4–5 seconds).

Hold at the top point for 1-2 seconds, then, as you exhale, slowly lower to the starting position and relax your abdominal muscles for 1-2 seconds. Perform this dynamic variation of the exercise 8–15 more times in a row.

Important: lift your body as you inhale, lower it as you exhale.

Exercise 5

Attention! This exercise is performed only in a dynamic version.

Benefit: Exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles. The skin of the abdomen is tightened. You will never have folds of fat hanging down your sides.

What to tense: Abdominal muscles.

Starting position: the same as in the previous exercise, but the arms are extended forward.

Figure of exercise 5. Starting position

Doing the exercise. From the starting position, lift your body forward and to the right, trying to pull your right shoulder towards your knees as much as possible.

At the same time, do not stretch with your arms, but with your shoulder. Make sure that your feet are pressed to the floor and your knees are straight and do not fall to the side.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, then slowly lower to the starting position and relax your abdominal muscles for 1-2 seconds.

Then immediately perform this exercise to the left side.

Perform the exercise alternately 5-10 times in each direction (depending on your physical capabilities).

Important: lift your body as you inhale, lower it as you exhale.

Figure of exercise 5. Doing the exercise

Exercise 6

Benefit: The exercise very quickly strengthens the thigh muscles. With it, you can easily cover long distances without feeling tired in your legs. And it is this exercise that gives the feeling of “light gait”.

Execution technique. The exercise is performed 1 time, only statically.

Lean your back against the wall, lean on it. Move your feet forward and place them shoulder-width apart. The feet are parallel to each other.

Without lifting your back from the wall, go down along the wall, as if you were sitting on a chair. Legs stand at right angles.

Fix the achieved position for 1-2-3 minutes (as long as you can, but you need to start with at least 40 seconds).

Then slowly lift yourself away from the wall, straighten up and relax.

Figure of exercise 6. Doing the exercise

Exercise 7

Benefit. The back relaxes. The muscles and ligaments of the front thighs are stretched.

What to relax. Try to completely relax your bent leg.

Initial position. Performed on the floor, lying on your stomach.

Doing the exercise. Bend your left leg at the knee. Try to grab the ankle or foot of your bent left leg with both hands and press your heel to your left buttock.

Hold the position for 1 minute, trying to relax the tense muscles of the front thigh as much as possible.

After a minute, release your left leg and slowly return to the starting position. Relax. Get some rest.

Then perform the same exercise with your right leg.

Figure of exercise 7. Doing the exercise

Advice. If the stiffness of your ligaments does not allow you to freely grasp the ankle or foot with both hands, use a belt or towel. Throw a “loop” of these available means around your foot or shin, and hold the ends of the “loop” with both hands. Using the “loop” will make it easier for you to pull your heel towards your buttock.

Important: try to lie flat. And while performing the exercise, make sure that the “stretched” leg does not move to the side at this moment.

Attention! If you have problems with your knees, be sure to place a rolled-up towel in the popliteal fossa when you perform this exercise and bend your leg - the rolled-up towel will prevent your knee from jamming at the time of bending. Published by If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project here.

Gymnastics from the book “Better than Yoga.” Author: Lana Paley

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

Treatment methods for 2nd degree spinal curvature

Scoliosis 2 degrees is a deviation of the spine from the axis to the right or left by 11-25 degrees. This curvature is quite noticeable and is a noticeable external flaw. Treatment of grade 2 scoliosis does not require delay - the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of success!

We discussed the prospects for treating grade 2 scoliosis in detail in a previous article. Now it’s time to look at each of the treatment methods for stage 2 scoliosis in more detail.

1. Therapeutic gymnastics to strengthen the back muscles and correct the position of the spine - gymnastics by Lana Paley. This gymnastics is complemented by special breathing exercises by Lana Paley - they help correct those deformations of the chest and ribs that are frequent companions of scoliosis;

2. Breathing exercises according to the method of Katharina Schroth;

3. Wearing Abbott-Chenault corrective corsets.

Additional methods of treating scoliosis. massage, manual therapy, electrical stimulation of the back muscles.

Common questionable or ineffective methods: swimming, using special insoles. Use of calcium supplements.

Let's now take a closer look at each treatment method.

1. Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis 2 degrees

As I already said, grade 2 scoliosis is much more difficult to treat than grade 1 scoliosis. With gymnastics alone, even the best, we are unlikely to be able to completely correct a severe curvature of the spine.

But nevertheless, Lana Paley’s exercises will help stop the progression of scoliosis. And for particularly persistent patients, such exercises will help to significantly reduce the amount of spinal curvature. Or at least they will slow down the further development of curvature in the most severe cases - for example, with rapidly progressing scoliosis.

You need to do therapeutic exercises for grade 2 scoliosis a lot and for a long time - at least 3-4 times a week for 1-2 years.

One session of therapeutic exercises using the Lana Paley method takes about 40-50 minutes. And about 3-4 more minutes should be devoted to breathing exercises. In this case, the patient usually spends the first few classes under the guidance of Lana Paley herself - in order to learn how to do the necessary exercises correctly. And then he studies at home, on his own.

Please note that no special conditions are required for independent training: it is enough to allocate 2 square meters of space at home and buy an inexpensive floor mat at any sports store. For example, a yoga mat or a travel mat. All that is required of you is regularity in home gymnastics and diligence.

Let's argue. I may repeat myself. But it's important. There are now very popular articles on the Internet that criticize all types of treatment for scoliosis - from any gymnastics to manual therapy (it’s strange that these articles haven’t gotten to my gymnastics yet; it’s okay, they’ll get to it soon). )))

The only thing that is not in these articles, other than the desire of their author to promote themselves, is the answer to the question: what should be done with scoliosis? If you carefully read these articles, you get a strong feeling that the author recommends doing nothing.

2. Breathing exercises according to the method of Katharina Schroth

Breathing exercises using the Katharina Schroth method is also a fairly effective method of treating scoliosis. The method is based on specific breathing exercises that allow you to consistently influence different parts of the chest.

We remember that scoliosis of 2, 3 and 4 degrees is not only a curvature of the spine, but also a deformation of the chest: depression of the ribs on the bottom side, and convexity of the ribs on the other (in an advanced stage - a hump).

Katharina Schroth noticed that people with scoliosis, when inhaling, involuntarily use mainly the side of the chest on which the convex side of the arch (hump) is located. And to a lesser extent, the opposite, sunken part of the chest is involved.

That is, their respiratory movements occur in the same direction as the curvature (rotation) of the spine. Such incorrect breathing movements gradually worsen the curvature of the spine and form an even greater convexity of the ribs (hump).

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