Massage of the lower extremities: benefits, indications and contraindications

Types of foot massage

There is a wide range of types and techniques of massage aimed at improving human health and well-being. Main types of lower limb massage:

  • Classic massage
    of the lower extremities is aimed at relieving leg fatigue, relaxing and improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility.
  • Anti-cellulite massage
    is performed on areas prone to cellulite - legs and thighs.
  • Acupressure
    involves influencing the bioactive points of the feet and legs in order to activate those processes in the body for which they are responsible.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage
    is associated with the movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels. Its purpose is to facilitate the outflow and improve the circulation of lymphatic fluid.
  • Vacuum
    or cupping
    is aimed at increasing skin elasticity, reducing the appearance of cellulite, rehabilitation after plastic surgery, and eliminating stretch marks after childbirth.
  • Massage therapy
    can include several types of techniques, the overall goal of which is to correct musculoskeletal disorders.

Heel massage instead of head pills

The feet and heels are the foundation on which the entire body rests. The slightest violation of their functions will lead to negative consequences for the entire body. For example, if the left foot is slightly deformed or any of its muscles are tight, the body will begin to compensate for this by straining the right half of the body and will put additional stress on the right leg: ankle, knee, hip joint, then the lower back and neck will be involved. As a result, compression of the blood vessels will occur, blood pressure will increase, and a headache will appear...

What does the most ordinary person do in most of these cases? He takes medicine for blood pressure or migraines to suppress an unpleasant symptom that interferes with his life. And certainly the very last thing to do is massage your feet. It turns out that it was in vain.

Nature intended that our ancestors could run barefoot for a long time over rough terrain. Since birth, we have been wearing shoes, and not always comfortable ones. Most often, the feet are deprived of our attention and care, although they bear a huge burden. Therefore, massage and walking barefoot on the ground or on special massage mats is our chance to thank our feet and give them the sensations they need.

In return, we will receive not only pleasure, but also the prevention of many diseases and injuries, reduced stress levels and improved mood. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of foot massage.

The therapeutic effect of lower limb massage.

Massaging the lower extremities has therapeutic effects:

• Improved blood circulation; • Improving lymph outflow; • Relieving muscle spasms and, as a result, eliminating pain from muscle tension; • Relaxation and relief from fatigue; • Stimulating tissue nutrition by improving the movement of blood and lymph; • Strengthening muscles and increasing muscle tone; • Relieving anxiety and improving well-being as a result of eliminating spasms and pain.

Which foot bath to choose?

The secret of the effectiveness of the baths lies in their natural composition, rich in magnesia and beneficial acids. The product is ideal for relieving fatigue and swelling, reducing inflammation, relieving pain after sports, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, preparing for a pedicure, as well as for people suffering from skin diseases. Epsom offers two foot baths that may interest you:

Foot bath “Foot Pleasure” with mint and lemon essential oil relaxes, relieves swelling and moisturizes the skin of the feet. A cooling bath will soothe discomfort and relieve swelling after sports or high heels, and the invigorating aroma of mint and lemon will instantly lift your spirits.

Epsom salt relaxes muscles, relieves pain and spasms. Salt removes excess fluid, quickly reducing swelling.

Sea salt relieves inflammation, promotes skin regeneration, healing of calluses and small wounds. Baths with sea salt reduce sweating and stop the development of nail fungus.

Lemon and mint essential oil restores tone to the legs, refreshes and relieves fatigue.

Tea tree essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, improves blood circulation and fights fungus.

Sage essential oil soothes and heals damaged skin.

Macadamia oil nourishes and softens the skin, moisturizes the cuticle and takes care of the delicate skin of the feet.

Epsom Relax foot bath with chamomile and lavender essential oil nourishes the skin, relaxes muscles and relieves nervous tension. A warm evening bath with the aroma of lavender will give your feet lightness and comfort.

Epsom salts soothe muscles and relieve pain and spasms. Salt removes excess fluid, quickly reducing swelling.

Dead Sea salt relieves inflammation, reduces sweating, promotes the healing of small wounds, and effectively fights fungus.

Himalayan salt softens calluses and corns, accelerates skin regeneration, and tones.

Lavender essential oil soothes the skin and nervous system, helps you relax and fall asleep faster.

Tea tree essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, improves blood circulation and fights fungus.

Chamomile extract relieves irritation and itching, soothes the skin after insect bites.

Macadamia oil nourishes and softens the skin, moisturizes the cuticle and takes care of the delicate skin of the feet.

Stages of the procedure

Step-by-step procedure for lower limb massage:

1. The patient lies on his stomach or back. When lying on your back, place a cushion under your knees, while lying on your back - under your ankle joints. 2. Oil or cream of medium fat content is applied to the skin of the person being massaged. 3. The massage begins with light stroking movements that relieve muscle tension. Strokes are performed from bottom to top. 4. Then palmar rubbing is carried out. As the muscles warm up, shallow and light movements gradually intensify, becoming more intense and deeper. 5. Palm rubbing is replaced by kneading. The skin is grasped so that a fold is formed together with the adjacent muscles. 6. The next techniques are grasping squeezes and pushes with the heel of the palm, alternating with twists. 7. These techniques apply to all parts of the body. The foot area is warmed up using circular movements in a spiral. 8. Kneading and twisting alternate with vibration techniques. They begin with tapping with the edge of the palm. Next, grasping vibration is applied, when low-amplitude vibrations are given to the tissues being held. 9. The session ends with light strokes, starting from the toes up to the hips.

Massage for flat feet

Typically, doctors prescribe at least 12 massage sessions performed every other day.
The procedure begins with kneading the muscles of the lower back, in which nerve fibers associated with the legs are formed. Then, gradually going down to the foot, the calf muscle, Achilles tendon, lower leg, and then the foot are massaged. The further procedure for influencing the massaged areas largely depends on the degree of the disease and the physiological characteristics of the patient. A professional massage therapist must choose the right massage technique. But their general principle is the same.

The massage begins with soft stroking movements in the direction of lymph flow, with a gradual increase in intensity and speed of impact. Then the massaged surface is rubbed until hyperemia (slight redness) of the skin appears. This is followed by a thorough and deep kneading of the muscles using conventional massage techniques, and at the end vibration or patting is performed. The foot is massaged from the toes to the heel, and it is important to pay attention to each toe and a separate area of ​​the foot.

It is possible to completely get rid of flat feet only in childhood, until the musculoskeletal system is fully formed. Therefore, when the first signs of illness appear in a child, immediately contact a doctor for qualified help.


The choice of type and technique of massage depends on medical indications, which may include:

• Rehabilitation after injuries and in the postoperative period; • Correction of flat feet; • Paralysis and restrictions in movement after a stroke; • Joint diseases - arthritis and arthrosis; • Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, complicated by radiculitis and inflammation of the sciatic nerve; • Increased physical activity; • Nervous stress; • Impaired motor functions of the legs; • Cellulite; • Excess body weight and metabolic disorders.

Massage for hallux valgus

Valgus or planovalgus deformity develops in children most often during the period when the child begins to walk and the weight of the body affects insufficiently developed ligaments of the feet. It can occur both due to heredity and as a result of prematurity or rickets. In this case, the foot seems to “fall” inward, which visually resembles the letter X. This pathology is characterized by weak muscle tone, so the main goal of massage with this diagnosis is to strengthen the child’s ligaments and muscles. And since in this case not only the foot suffers, but also the ankle and even the knee joint, the massage should be carried out over the entire surface of the leg.

Such a diagnosis requires long-term treatment and painstaking adherence to all doctor’s recommendations, since hallux valgus can lead to poor posture, curvature of the legs and spine, and the appearance of arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Treatment is carried out comprehensively. This complex also includes a long massage course of 15-20 procedures daily with a break of 2-4 weeks. The impact on the massaged surface should be quite intense, but not cause discomfort or pain to the baby. The intensity of movements should increase towards the end of the course:

  1. You need to start the massage with stroking movements over the entire surface of the back in the direction from the buttocks to the head.
  2. Then vigorous rubbing and kneading of the back muscles is carried out with the fingertips, paying special attention to the lumbosacral area. Movements should be directed from bottom to top and from the spine to the sides.
  3. When massaging the baby's buttocks with deep circular movements, you can use the dorsum of the first phalanx of the fingers, tapping and patting.
  4. The leg massage begins with the thigh muscles by kneading from the popliteal fossae to the buttocks from the inner to the outer surface.
  5. Then they move to the Achilles tendon and up.

    The lower leg muscles are thoroughly worked out.

  6. The foot is given special attention. Vigorously rub the outer and inner surfaces with your fingers in the direction from the heel to the toes. Using pincer-like movements, knead the edges of the foot and massage each toe.
  7. After massaging the front part of the leg, the procedure is completed with passive gymnastics for the legs using the massage therapist’s hands and stroking.

You can learn to do therapeutic massage for foot deformities yourself at home. This is possible after consultation with an orthopedist and a professional massage therapist. The procedure can be supplemented with various massage devices, mats or rollers to improve blood circulation and normalize muscle tone.

With proper mastery of massage techniques, the acquired skills can be useful in many life situations (for example, after a broken leg to speed up the recovery process).

Side effects

Undesirable consequences from massaging the lower extremities occur if precautions and contraindications are not observed. Such situations arise if massage procedures are resorted to without a doctor’s prescription or if they turn to an uncertified specialist. As a result of careless and unnecessary manipulations, damage to joints and ligaments may occur, as well as complication of an existing disease. For example, as a result of thrombophlebitis, blood clots can break off and travel through blood vessels, threatening to block blood vessels.

Foot massage oil

For a relaxing foot massage to be effective, you need to make the right oil for the procedure. You need to take the base - 2 tsp. castor, soybean, jojoba or olive oil. Add 3-5 drops of German chamomile, bergamot, lavender or geranium ether to it.

All components mix well, the resulting amount of oil is enough for the girl for one procedure. During the massage, oil is applied to the palms with a spoon, rubbed and evenly distributed over the massaged area of ​​the body.

The inhaled pleasant aroma allows you to relax faster, having a calming effect on the nervous system.

After the massage, it is advisable to wait until the oil is completely absorbed into the skin, then put on socks and leave this compress overnight.

Features of the procedure

For some categories of patients, procedures require extreme caution and have their own characteristics.

Children's lower limb massage

Children's foot massage can begin at 1.5-2 months, but only according to the pediatrician's indications and should only be performed by a certified specialist. The procedures help correct some defects of the lower extremities: hip dysplasia, clubfoot, flat feet, hyper- and hypotonicity of the leg muscles.

Massage of the lower extremities during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for massage of the lower extremities. However, during this period there are a number of restrictions for the procedure: • I trimester of pregnancy; • Toxicosis; • Risk of miscarriage; • High blood pressure and edema; • Phlebeurysm; • Chronic diseases of internal organs; • Colds with high fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Vibration and energetic techniques must not be used; sudden movements and electric massagers are prohibited.

Acupressure or reflexive foot massage

Acupressure foot massage is based on traditional methods of ancient oriental medicine, according to which the reflex effect on the nerve endings on the surface of the foot makes it possible to remotely influence various functions and systems of the body in order to improve their health. Its benefits are as follows:

  1. The reflex effect brings deep relaxation, reducing stress, which is responsible for many psychosomatic problems. Foot massage is more relaxing than massage of any other area of ​​the body, with the possible exception of the head.
  2. By imparting elasticity to the internal tissues, foot massage improves venous circulation and therefore facilitates the outflow of lymph and the removal of waste. This results in relief from fatigue. Moreover, the massage therapist can feel under the fingers small crystals and deposits of lactic and uric acids, which are responsible for cramps.
  3. Reflexology massage quickly relieves the most painful symptoms, regardless of their cause. The effect on the nerve endings of the feet provides this effect. Foot massage promotes the release of endomorphins and enkephalins, which block the transmission of pain (as in the case of acupuncture anesthesia).
  4. Acupressure stimulates the self-healing processes of internal organs and thus improves the basic functions of the body: breathing, digestion, hormonal regulation, etc. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  5. Thanks to detailed maps, reflex massage allows you to act specifically on a specific organ or part of it. This is especially effective in cases of functional impairment, i.e. in conditions caused by dysfunction of the organ, in the absence of its damage. In this case, it works through the neurovegetative and endocrine systems.

Acupressure can identify many health problems, but does not help diagnose them. It is possible to detect the improper functioning of a certain organ by massaging the foot, thanks to the perception literally under the fingers. Reflexology does not indicate how the organ is affected or what disease, if any, is present. It is impossible, for example, to distinguish gastritis from an ulcer. Only a doctor will be able to determine whether this is an acute or chronic pathology, hyper or hypofunction of the organ.

Acupressure is easy to practice on yourself.

Reflex zones are easily identified with minimal knowledge of anatomy. The massage technique is simple and does not require special equipment, and the necessary sensitivity develops with practice. The benefits of such procedures are the same for both women and men, the results are usually quick and long-lasting, and contraindications apply only to infants, the elderly and pregnant women.

Anti-stress finger massage: technique

Toe massage.

  1. To begin, take the little finger, pull it straight, then make a short, strong pressure at the root of the toe. We do this with our thumb. Press until a white dot appears. We work each finger this way. We press sharply with our thumb on the place at the root of the client's toes. Before doing this, do not forget to straighten the client’s finger. Press sharply and release.
  2. Then we also straighten the little finger, make it absolutely straight and press on the end of the finger. At the same time, you can hear a click, which indicates the release of tension.
  3. We repeat the movements with all fingers in turn.

Contraindications for massage

Is it always possible to massage your heels? Like other manipulations, massage has a list of restrictions:

  • The presence of open and purulent wounds in the heel area
  • Neoplasms on the extremities
  • Presence of difficulties with blood flow to the extremities
  • Tuberculosis
  • Infectious pathologies
  • Blood disease

Before conducting sessions, consultation with a specialist is required to exclude the presence of restrictions.

Massaging the heels will become an effective method of therapy if it is combined with medications, doing therapeutic exercises as much as possible, using orthopedic insoles.

How to do self-massage

Often, self-massage for spurs on the heels is carried out to eliminate pain and make the ligaments of the feet stronger. In this situation, it is recommended to carry out the manipulation in the evenings, when gymnastic exercises have been done.

Before massaging, you need to steam your heels in a bath with the addition of salt, honey, and clay.

To enhance the effectiveness of the session, use warming ointments:

  • Voltaren
  • Fastum-gel
  • Capsicam

Pyatkashpor cream, which removes thorns and softens the skin of the soles, will help increase the effectiveness of the procedure. The product is quickly absorbed, dissolving the spur, removing swelling, and reducing pain.

Before massaging, you need to warm up the heel and prepare the foot and shin by massaging them with your hands from bottom to top. You can really enhance the effect by using a massage mitten.

Therapy at home is recommended using special devices:

  1. Massage mats help to reduce pain in the legs, their tension, remove swelling, and eliminate the main factor of spurs – flat feet. The mat is used in this way: they stand on it with their feet and copy the walk, moving to different areas for 15 minutes.
  2. Massagers – strengthen the fascia, ligaments, tendons, which leads to the elimination of pain symptoms and preventing the growth of the spine. They use hand roller and hardware vibromassage devices.
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