Massage of arms and hands - benefits, features, home massage

There is medical and cosmetic massage. Salon Masters OK! master various techniques that can significantly improve the appearance of the hand and fingers, increase skin tone and speed up blood circulation.


Salon massage


A cosmetic massage that concludes a manicure session is recommended for healthy clients and solves only cosmetic problems. He will help:

  • Relieve tension in arm muscles
  • Improve blood supply to fingertips
  • Relieve stress and help you relax
  • Using creams used during the massage procedure, make your hands pleasant to the touch and stimulate skin rejuvenation processes.

Massage is useful for increased fatigue of the hands, decreased skin tone, and high loads on the hands. For preventive purposes, joints and tendons are worked on.

Benefits of arm and hand massage

There are many sensory receptors and nerve endings on the arms, hands and fingers. These are biologically active points associated with internal organs. To carry out a massage, you can contact specialists or do it yourself at home, at any convenient time, but only after carefully studying the technique.

With the help of massage you can achieve the following effects:

  • Elimination of hand fatigue and joint pain;
  • Restoration of strength and energy;
  • Reduction of toothache and headaches;
  • Normalization of digestion and gastrointestinal function;
  • Relieving stress and emotional tension;
  • Improved blood circulation;
  • Getting rid of depression, improving mood.

It must be remembered that a good result can only be achieved if there are no contraindications and if the correct massage technique is followed.

What ailments does it treat?

Impact on biologically active points located on the fingers helps to get rid of many diseases, even if they have become chronic. If you massage your hands, the functioning of the whole body improves. Therefore, many health problems can be easily solved using this procedure.


Most often it is caused by negative emotions and nervous tension. In rare cases, headaches occur for physiological reasons.

After acupressure, relaxation occurs and the feeling of discomfort goes away.

Osteoarthritis, arthritis, numbness

Massage movements improve peripheral blood circulation and actively saturate cells with oxygen. As a result, arthrosis of the joints and arthritis disappear, and numbness in the hands no longer bothers me. The walls of blood vessels are maintained in tone, spasms disappear.


Thanks to massage techniques, the following pathologies of the respiratory system can be cured:

  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • runny nose.

Massage is also effective for asthma - it reduces the frequency of attacks and makes breathing easier. To achieve maximum results during the procedure, you can use available means - small pebbles or peas . They enhance stimulation of active points.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

If you massage your fingertips with a smooth transition to their base, this will help get rid of nervous tension and relieve accumulated fatigue. And due to the additional flow of oxygen to the tissues and the improvement of blood circulation, fatigue disappears and the immune system is strengthened.

Digestive system diseases

Massaging your index fingers will help get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the functioning of the liver and gall bladder is also improved, and skin diseases disappear.

Types of massage

There are different types of arm and hand massage. Some can be done independently at home, while others can only be done by a specialist. Let's look at the main varieties:

  • Manicure . In addition to the relaxing effects of massaging movements, this technique includes nourishing baths and masks. It is aimed at maintaining the beauty of the skin of the hands and nails. Manicure massage is also recommended to be combined with special gymnastics to maintain joint mobility.
  • Spot . The impact is aimed at specific biologically active points on the fingers, palms, and wrists. Pressure is applied using the fingertips. This massage helps improve metabolism, normalize the functioning of internal organs and avoid various diseases.
  • Children's . This massage helps improve finger mobility and develop fine motor skills. The procedure can be carried out for children without any violations. To improve the effect, you can supplement the massage with developmental exercises with small objects, for example, buttons.
  • Complex . This massage affects not only the fingers and hands, but also the forearms and shoulders. The massage begins from above, and then gradually the specialist moves on to the hands and fingers. This procedure serves as an excellent prevention of various joint diseases.

There is also a medical massage, which is performed exclusively by a specialist. It is recommended after strokes and other disorders leading to decreased mobility of the limbs.

Massage can be done manually, or you can use additional devices: balls, massage rollers, rollers. They are made of soft silicone or natural stone. To improve blood circulation, brushes with natural bristles are sometimes used. They perfectly warm up the skin and have an anti-cellulite effect.

Hand massager after stroke

It happens that after a stroke, a patient can almost immediately perform massaging movements on himself. A massager after a stroke can help him with this; this is a special device for self-massage. Doctors consider even such simple movements as extension, flexion and stroking with the hand to be massage movements and recommend their use for muscle rehabilitation. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital recommend self-massage for 30 minutes a day. You need to do it every 5 minutes and then break for a short rest. A doctor at the Yusupov Hospital will help you choose the necessary massager based on the individual characteristics of the patient. These can be cubes or pyramids, vibration devices, a small ball, expanders, for fine motor skills - fingering rosaries, unzipping zippers, buttons. The rehabilitator will select a detailed program of massage exercises individually. You can make an appointment with a specialist 24/7 by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Indications for hand massage

Massage will help avoid joint problems for people who constantly type, as well as assemblers, writers and students during lectures. We often don't notice how much stress is placed on our hands and fingers until pain appears or our hands become cramped from fatigue.

Regular hand massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • Chronic joint pain;
  • Fatigue , constant fatigue;
  • Decreased mobility of the hands or fingers;
  • Long-term work involving hands (typing, weaving, handling objects, etc.);
  • High load on the limbs.

It is also recommended to massage the hands and fingers of children under 3 years of age more often, as the points on the palms and fingers stimulate brain function. This massage helps the child develop normally and better assimilate information.

The procedure has a number of contraindications

For example, you should not massage your hands if the pain in the joints is acute and severe, or if you have fungal or other skin lesions. It is also not recommended to resort to massage if you have psoriasis, dermatitis, oncology, or diabetes. In case of viral and bacterial diseases, or increased body temperature, it is better to postpone the procedure until complete recovery.

If you have experienced a hand injury, then before starting a massage, you need to consult a doctor . You can massage your arms and hands only after tissue restoration.

Questions and answers

What time of day is best to massage your hands? Most experts recommend carrying out the procedure in the evening, and after it no longer do any business. The processes of recovery and relaxation initiated during massage continue during rest and sleep, which significantly improves the result of the procedure.

In Beauty Salons Ok! The masters will offer a hand massage that fully takes into account the state of your overall health, skin and nails.

What are the contraindications for cosmetic massage? The procedure is carried out with extreme caution or not at all in the following conditions:

  • Heart diseases
  • Hypertension or hypotension
  • Acute forms of joint diseases

  • Dermatological problems - rashes, mycosis, warts, papillomas, psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • Suspicion of the presence of malignant tumors
  • High fever associated with colds and other illnesses
  • Wounds and ulcers.

Massage of arms and hands as prevention and recovery

Proper massage will not only relieve tension in the hands, improve the condition of the joints, but also affect certain organs:

  • Thumb – liver, bronchi, lungs. Massaging this area allows you to improve blood circulation in these organs, as well as relieve a sharp attack of coughing.
  • Index finger – gastrointestinal tract. Stimulating your fingertip can help reduce toothache. The closer to the base, the further along the digestive tract we move. That is, if you need to improve the functioning of the stomach, you need to massage somewhere in the middle of the finger.
  • The middle finger is the circulatory system. Those who have vascular diseases can use massage to improve their condition. Massaging the middle finger is a kind of signal to the brain.
  • The ring finger is the nervous system. This finger is the least mobile. If you influence it correctly, you can lift your mood, increase resistance to stress, and normalize your emotional state.
  • Little finger – small intestine and heart. The massage of this finger is carried out very carefully. He is the smallest and most fragile. If you gently stimulate the point near the nail, you can improve intestinal motility and get rid of constipation.

This massage is an excellent prevention of various diseases of internal organs, promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness, accelerates regeneration and normalizes functioning.

Many active points are located on the palm itself. Massaging your palms fills you with energy and normalizes your heartbeat.

Prices for services

Massage of the upper limb, shoulder girdle and scapula area (1 side)RUB 1,210
Upper limb massage (1 side)935 rub.
Hand massage770 rub.

Throughout the working day, the arm muscles experience quite heavy loads. As a result, tension accumulates, which negatively affects our performance and our health, causing pain in the neck, shoulders, etc. It seems incredible, but hand massage can relieve all discomfort, pain and tension.
Hand massage has a special place. Because it is there that there are a huge number of points with reflex cells, which in turn have an effect on certain parts of our body and can improve our well-being.

Hand massage: benefits of the procedure

  1. With the help of proper hand massage, you can get rid of fatigue, as well as improve skin tone and elasticity. This is an easy and affordable way to care for your hands.
  2. Massage has a comprehensive effect on this part of the body. In particular, on blood vessels, joints, bones and skin. Regular therapeutic hand massage prevents salt from depositing in the joints and prevents the development of such an unpleasant disease as arthritis
    . By the way, do not forget that there are many pressure points on the hands, which makes hand massage beneficial for the entire body as a whole. There are separate methods and techniques for performing the procedure that are aimed at solving a single problem.
  3. In some cases, hand massage is simply necessary to restore their motor ability. In particular, sessions are indicated for salt deposition in joints, sprains, fractures, paralysis, stroke, and also as a method of preventing and treating arthrosis
  4. Regular use of hand and foot massage can reduce overall fatigue, prevent joint pain, increase joint mobility, improve the elasticity of ligaments, increase the tone of all muscles, reduce swelling, accelerate the healing of soft tissues, and normalize blood and lymph flow. Massage also solves some cosmetic problems. For example, it can improve the appearance and shape of your hands, speed up nail growth, and restore skin elasticity.
  5. In addition, hand massage helps to cope with stress and nervous tension.


This procedure affects all muscles, joints, layers of skin, and blood vessels. Separately, I would like to draw attention to how massage affects the central nervous system, stabilizing its functionality. And undoubtedly, the sessions have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. As already mentioned, there are a large number of acupuncture points located on the palms. By stimulating these points, we influence certain organs, improving their functionality.

A certain point affects a certain internal organ

Hand massage is especially recommended after heavy physical activity in order to restore muscle performance, relieve tension, and strengthen joints and blood vessels. Also, under the influence of massage, you can get rid of such consequences as swelling, bone fractures, and damage to soft tissues.

It is very good to use this procedure for cosmetic purposes. So, with the help of a hand massage, you can cleanse the top layer of skin from keratinized epidermis, dust particles, and any external contaminants that clog the pores. As a result of rubbing, the outflow of lymph is activated, which helps improve skin nutrition at the micro level. Ultimately, the skin becomes firm, elastic, velvety, acquiring a vibrant color.

With the help of various nourishing creams, massage oils, gels, massage increases its effectiveness.

The massage technique includes massage of the fingers, massage of the hands, wrist joints, forearms, elbow joints, shoulders, shoulder joints.

Hand massage: contraindications

There is a small list of contraindications for which it is better not to massage your hands. These include in particular:

  • the presence of cracks, wounds or scratches on the surface of the skin of the hands;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • fungal infection;
  • presence of tumor formations;
  • increased body temperature;
  • soft tissue sepsis;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute stage.
  • osteomyelitis;
  • dislocations and fractures.

In the ViTerra clinic network, you can entrust your hands to real hands of professionals. Our experienced massage therapists will make every effort to ensure that you are always healthy!

Execution technique

The effectiveness of massage largely depends on the correct execution of the technique. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Finger massage . The patient places his hand on a special roller and relaxes the hand muscles as much as possible. The massage therapist fixes the hand with one hand and massages the fingers with the other, starting with stroking. Then he proceeds to rubbing in the transverse and longitudinal direction. At the end, the fingers are withdrawn and brought together.
  • Hand massage . The position of the hand is the same as when massaging the fingers. First, the massage therapist will stretch the fingers and then move on to the palm part. Use your thumb and index finger to warm up the skin and work each tendon. Stroking and kneading are also carried out. The massage also ends with the fingers moving in and out.
  • Forearm massage . The procedure begins with stroking from the fingertips to the wrist joint. The forearm and wrist are treated with continuous stroking. Then shaking is carried out if the patient does not have injuries or any contraindications.

During a manicure massage, the figure eight exercise is also performed. The hand is placed on the table, palm up. You need to draw the number 8 with your finger on the surface of your palm, pressing on the skin, but without causing pain.

To make your hands glide better, special creams and oils are used, but they need to be applied in small quantities, otherwise your fingers will slip and you won’t be able to apply the necessary pressure to the active points. When performing a manicure massage, it is recommended to exfoliate or treat the skin with a scrub before the procedure.

Massaging hands and fingers is carried out without gloves, so the specialist must not only wash his hands before starting the procedure, but also treat them with an antiseptic.

Self-massage for arthritis of the hands

Therapeutic massage of the palms and fingers for a disease such as arthrosis is not a panacea. But the patient’s further well-being largely depends on it. For arthritis in acute stages, as well as during observation of the patient in a hospital, massage is performed by a specialist strictly according to the doctor’s indications.

During the period of remission, the patient can independently perform self-massage at home.

It starts with tapping. With your hand relaxed, tap on a hard surface. This could be the floor or countertop. After this, you should thoroughly rub your hands one against the other. This manipulation should take an average amount of massage time - from 2 to 4 minutes. Then you need to rest your right palm on the tabletop, and with your other hand raise your fingers and make rotational movements with them from left to right. The left thumb should be on the outside of the right hand, and the rest will tightly clasp it on the inside. Then you should repeat the manipulations, changing hands.

The next stage of self-massage should be performed as correctly as possible. This is necessary in order to effectively use each joint. Both hands must be rested on a hard surface and rotated simultaneously with each finger. The correct fit is also important. I follow my back

Can't rest against the back of a chair or wall. When performing self-massage for arthritis, you can also use stroking, pinching and kneading techniques. All of them are aimed at reducing pain.

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