Massage of arms and hands - benefits, features, home massage


Many scientists at different stages of human development spoke about the importance of developing hand motor skills. Even ancient thinkers, for example, the great Kant, argued that the hand is nothing more than the outer convexity of the human brain. Subsequently, Sukhomlinsky expressed a similar idea, giving the world the famous phrase - “The mind of a child is at the tips of his fingers.” Ivan Pavlov, the first Russian to become a Nobel laureate, also noted that the hands teach the head, and then vice versa, and this is a circular process. That is why it is important for responsible parents who strive to develop their child not only physically, but also intellectually, to learn how to do finger massage from the first days of their baby’s life.

Indications for massage

A direct indication for a doctor to prescribe a children's hand massage may be long-lasting tone, due to which the child constantly clenches his fingers into a fist. In general, hand massage can be used by parents almost from the first days of a baby’s life (subject to prior consultation with a pediatrician and neurologist).

If you want to benefit your newborn baby for the development of speech and thinking in the future, you should not wait until the doctor recommends or prescribes such a massage. From the first months of life, gradually introduce special techniques and educational games for fingers, palms and hands into your daily routine. There certainly won't be any harm from them.

Daily care

Home care should be systematic. The rules are as follows:

  • after the hands have been wet, dry them well and use cream to moisturize;
  • Wash your palms only with warm water, not ice or boiling water, especially if the skin is constantly peeling, drying, cracking;
  • Brushes should be washed with cleansing agents with a pH no higher than 5;
  • after working in the country, you should not wipe off dirt with a hard cloth, wash it carefully several times, and even better, work with gloves;
  • When cleaning the house, you should wear rubber gloves - they will protect the dermis from the action of chemicals.

You need to apply the cream every day, morning and evening.


The close relationship between speech and fine motor skills can be traced back to the specifics of communication of primitive people, when explanatory gestures were accompanied by emotional exclamations. Speech has evolved, but has remained “in company” with gestures. Have you noticed how often people, unable to find the right word in a conversation, accompany their story with “body language,” actively using nonverbal communication? This is a clear example confirming that the centers of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech and gestures are located next to each other.

It is quite logical that the mother’s use of massage on the palms and fingers of her newborn baby stimulates the awakening and activation of the part of the brain on which speech activity depends. To predict possible difficulties in mastering it in speech therapy, there is a certain test applicable to children 7 months old: if the child pulls at least one finger out of the fist without much effort, no difficulties should be expected.

Causes of rapid aging of hand skin

One of the main reasons for early changes and premature aging of the skin of the hands is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, that is, sunlight (this is the so-called photoaging). It leads to the formation of wrinkles of varying depths. As a result:

  • the dermis becomes very thin;
  • skin volume is lost;
  • Pigmentation appears on the hands.

The skin daily experiences the effects of negative factors from the outside: a person regularly wets his hands, immerses them in water, washes dishes without gloves, exposing his hands to the chemicals that make up the detergent compositions.

In winter and autumn, with a decrease in air temperature, so-called “pimples” and small cracks form on the skin, and in the summer, when it is hot, the dermis dries out, and pigment spots form on the surface.

The condition of the skin is influenced by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • problems of metabolic processes - disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, digestive disorders, intoxication of the body;
  • untimely or improper care of the skin of the hands.

Cigarettes, regular lack of sleep, stressful situations, consumption of junk food, excessive alcohol consumption - all this provokes problems, entails hormonal imbalance, which, like a chain, leads to early age-related changes in the skin on the hands.

If a woman is young and takes good care of herself, but her hands are flabby and wrinkled, she should consult a specialist, since only a doctor can accurately diagnose the cause of aging, choose the right method of rejuvenation, and solve the problem as efficiently as possible.

Why is this necessary?

It has long been proven that at the fingertips there is a huge number of nerve endings and points that are closely related to the activity of the brain and are responsible for the correct functioning of internal organs. For example, the little finger is responsible for heart health, the ring finger is responsible for liver function, and the index finger affects the gastrointestinal tract.

That is why it is difficult to overestimate the benefits of hand massage for fine motor skills. Regular movements of the hands and fingers help the baby learn to talk faster. It has been proven that the development of motor skills is directly proportional to vocabulary and memory indicators. Such children pronounce sounds more clearly, even at the stage of their formation. It is enough to devote up to 15 minutes a day to finger games to soon see clear results and prevent the development of speech problems.

Benefits of arm and hand massage

There are many sensory receptors and nerve endings on the arms, hands and fingers. These are biologically active points associated with internal organs. To carry out a massage, you can contact specialists or do it yourself at home, at any convenient time, but only after carefully studying the technique.

With the help of massage you can achieve the following effects:

  • Elimination of hand fatigue and joint pain;
  • Restoration of strength and energy;
  • Reduction of toothache and headaches;
  • Normalization of digestion and gastrointestinal function;
  • Relieving stress and emotional tension;
  • Improved blood circulation;
  • Getting rid of depression, improving mood.

It must be remembered that a good result can only be achieved if there are no contraindications and if the correct massage technique is followed.

Why is it useful?

It is well known that finger massage has a positive effect on speech and thought processes, but its benefits are not limited to this. Similar gymnastics:

  • relaxes and relieves muscle tone;
  • helps the baby learn to control his upper limbs and “feel” them;
  • develops flexibility and coordination of fingers;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates the active activity of internal organs;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes breathing;
  • improves the condition of the skin, removes peeling and makes it softer;
  • generally increases the child’s activity.

In addition, special techniques and exercises for fingers, complemented by funny poems and funny nursery rhymes, always delight children. They can be used from 3-6 months. The older the child gets, the more he learns to listen in the process of such activities. He develops a sense of rhythm, he tries to project his mother’s words onto real objects. In parallel with hand massage and nursery rhymes, you can learn the names of fingers, count to 5, and remember family members. For example, “This is a little little finger, he brought a gift to Sasha. Oh, look, the big one is just a daring guy, and this is the index finger - he is strict and influential...”, “This finger is the grandfather...”, “On my hand there are 5 fingers, 5 graspers, 5 holders...”, etc.

From what age

Finger massage can also be used for a newborn, subject to the approval of a neurologist. It happens that high or low muscle tone becomes an obstacle to such activities. Other general medical contraindications include:

  • high body temperature;
  • the presence of infections in the body;
  • inflammatory processes, irritation, minor damage to the delicate skin of the hands;
  • fungal diseases and allergic reactions.

In general, for each age stage (from 3 months to 3 years) its own methods are provided, including special individual exercises and their entire complexes aimed at developing fine motor skills and speech.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure should only be performed on clean skin by people without health problems. This is not a therapeutic massage; it solves only cosmetology problems: hand care and relaxation.

The results are as follows:

  • The hand relaxes;
  • The elasticity of the skin improves;
  • Promotes blood circulation;
  • Tendons and joints are worked out.

Massage is contraindicated if the client has:

  • Heart problems, high or low blood pressure;
  • Polyarthritis, arthrosis.
  • Eczema-like rashes, skin diseases, warts, papillomas;
  • Various types of allergic reactions that appear on the skin;
  • The hand has wounds or sores.

Even self-massage should be done with caution for such people.

Photo: massage of hands and fingers

Techniques and Techniques

Basic principles of any hand massage for a child:

  • kneading the hands and wrists;
  • light tingling of the skin around the fingers;
  • stroking, including on the inside of the palm;
  • vibrating, oscillatory movements performed at different speeds and intensity;
  • massaging movements.

In infants up to 3 months, provided they do not have problems with neurology, the entire hand massage technique comes down to light stroking, rubbing, and then kneading, not depriving each finger of attention. The next effect on the baby will be the clenching of the fist and its unclenching. At the same time, the mother’s hands should be clean and warm; it would be nice to lightly lubricate them with baby oil. The finger massage time should not exceed 3 minutes.

With children older than 3 months, you can already use special finger massagers or household items/gifts of nature that you can roll in your hand (for example, a pencil, a walnut, a ball with pimples, a pine cone, etc.). The simplest techniques:

  • bend your fingers one by one, repeat several times;
  • we rub their fingers in a spiral, not missing the palms in the process;
  • perform stroking movements from the hand to the fingertips, and then in the opposite direction;
  • We perform gentle rotational movements with our hands clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • knead the fingertips, moving in a circle, pressing on them with springy movements, without excessive pressure;
  • roll a nut/pencil, etc. over your palm;
  • We pinch it with our handles, move them, thereby massaging the surface of our palms.

When the baby turns one year old, additional exercises are used that he can perform independently with the support or slight help of adults:

  1. The child intertwines the little fingers of one and the other hand, and the mother tries to release their “hug.”
  2. Simultaneous compression of the pads of the thumb and index fingers on both hands. This way the baby will learn to concentrate, control the intensity of the compression and try to equalize it on both limbs.
  3. Any of the “residents” of the right hand is inserted between the middle and index fingers of the left hand (“the finger is captured”). There he spins in all directions, trying to “free himself”, and then is pulled out with rotational movements.

At this age, during the massage process, in order to develop fine motor skills, the impact should be on the entire hand. Procedure for mom:

  1. We stroke each hand, starting from the elbow to the fingertips. At first we do everything gently, barely perceptible, then a little more intensely.
  2. We completely stretch the wrist - from the nails to the very top, trying to maximize the impact on the joints.
  3. We pinch the side surface of the brush.
  4. We massage the tubercles under each finger.
  5. We bend/unbend each of the 10 fingers one by one.
  6. We shake our hands intensely.

If all these exercises are accompanied by jokes, the child will find it more interesting and fun, and besides, this will maximally stimulate the speech centers of the brain.

Massage of arms and hands as prevention and recovery

Proper massage will not only relieve tension in the hands, improve the condition of the joints, but also affect certain organs:

  • Thumb – liver, bronchi, lungs. Massaging this area allows you to improve blood circulation in these organs, as well as relieve a sharp attack of coughing.
  • Index finger – gastrointestinal tract. Stimulating your fingertip can help reduce toothache. The closer to the base, the further along the digestive tract we move. That is, if you need to improve the functioning of the stomach, you need to massage somewhere in the middle of the finger.
  • The middle finger is the circulatory system. Those who have vascular diseases can use massage to improve their condition. Massaging the middle finger is a kind of signal to the brain.
  • The ring finger is the nervous system. This finger is the least mobile. If you influence it correctly, you can lift your mood, increase resistance to stress, and normalize your emotional state.
  • Little finger – small intestine and heart. The massage of this finger is carried out very carefully. He is the smallest and most fragile. If you gently stimulate the point near the nail, you can improve intestinal motility and get rid of constipation.

This massage is an excellent prevention of various diseases of internal organs, promotes rapid recovery of the body after illness, accelerates regeneration and normalizes functioning.

Many active points are located on the palm itself. Massaging your palms fills you with energy and normalizes your heartbeat.

Passive massage techniques

The word “passive” means that all manipulations are performed by an adult.

As an option, you can use a finger massage suggested by Oksana Georgievna Prikhodko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, current director of the Institute of Special Education and Comprehensive Rehabilitation at Moscow State University:

  • 6-8 strokes of the inner and outer surface of the hand (from hand to elbow);
  • 2-4 simultaneous flexion/extension of fingers, except for the thumb, which should remain motionless;
  • 2-4 “spirals” on each palm (an adult makes circular movements with his finger, moving from the middle of the palm to the base of the fingers);
  • 1-2 massages of each finger from the tips to the base (an adult performs all movements with the thumb and forefinger, massaging the entire surface, including the interdigital and dorsal-palm planes);
  • abduction of the thumb in different directions - forward/backward, right/left;
  • 5-6 strokes of the child’s hand from the periphery to the center.

In addition, famous nursery rhymes can be used as passive techniques, for example, “Magpie-Crow” (tapping on the palm/bending the fingers), “Spider” (“draw” along the palm with the edge of the hand from top to bottom, then diagonally), etc.

Medicinal properties

It has been scientifically proven that the palm and fingers are the strongest reflex zones. Their stimulation awakens the body's hidden potential, which can fight many diseases.

After a stroke

In medicine, a stroke is an acute pathology caused by a circulatory disorder in parts of the brain or adjacent structures. The ischemic form of the pathology occurs due to a disruption in the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The cause of a hemorrhagic stroke is the rupture of a vessel, as well as the leakage of blood into the brain structures, which is fraught with dangerous consequences, including disability or death. The patient's limbs are especially often affected. Hand massage in these cases is prescribed to:

  • stabilize blood circulation in the affected limb and throughout the body;
  • restore hand mobility;
  • reduce spasms;
  • prevent the formation of contractures;
  • improve the functioning of muscle fibers;
  • relieve pain.

The procedure is prescribed immediately after the patient’s condition has stabilized. In the ischemic form of stroke, this usually occurs already on days 2–4, and in hemorrhagic pathology a little later.

Only a specialist should perform massage. The selection of techniques, duration and intensity of exposure are always selected taking into account the condition of each individual patient.

Although there are a number of rules that should be taken into account in any case:

  • The patient should sit, lie on his side or back.
  • The massage begins with a healthy limb.
  • They adhere to a specific algorithm of actions, individually prescribed for each patient in the treatment protocol.
  • Manipulations are performed carefully to avoid spasms.
  • To stimulate atrophied muscles, the intensity of the effect is slightly increased.
  • Start with 3-5 minutes, gradually increasing the session time.

Damage to the left hemisphere is often accompanied by a failure of the speech centers to function. By massaging the hands, it is possible to reflexively influence these areas of the brain, activate the transmission of sensitive impulses, and fully or partially restore the ability to speak.

For tendonitis

With this disease, the tendons in the hands become inflamed. The cause of its development is excessive physical activity, long-term repeated movements, injuries, or one-time direct force, for example, when lifting heavy objects. Symptoms increase gradually: tingling, numbness or weakness in the hand are replaced by pain, swelling, and limited mobility. To prevent the development of degenerative processes in the tendons and muscles of the hand, you need to try to immediately relieve inflammation.

To do this, limit the load, ensure limb immobility, and take non-steroidal medications. Only when the acute period has passed does the doctor prescribe a massage to improve blood flow and restore damaged structures. The impact is carried out in stages:

  1. While swelling or pain persists, the emphasis is on working the overlying forearm using basic techniques: squeezing, rubbing, kneading. When massaging the affected area, limit yourself to light stroking.
  2. As soon as the patient’s condition has stabilized, add semicircular or spiral rubbing of the area of ​​inflammation, as well as light kneading, following the massage lines indicated in the figure.

All movements are performed without unnecessary pressure, slowly, so as not to provoke inflammation and swelling. The entire session lasts about 10–15 minutes.

For arthrosis and arthritis

The cause of pain in the hands can be diseases such as arthritis and arthrosis.


This is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint, accompanied by the release of a large amount of fluid (exudate). As a result, articular structures and periarticular soft tissues swell, increase in size, and growths form on the surface of the synovial membrane. The cartilage itself remains unaffected at first, but later, in the chronic stage of the disease, it disintegrates.

Massage is prescribed once the acute stage has passed: pain subsides, swelling and redness go away. The procedure is performed in stages:

  1. Slowly and smoothly stroke part of the hand from the nails to the elbow.
  2. Massage the forearm, rubbing its outer and inner surface along the lymph flow.
  3. They work on each finger: clasping it, stroking it from the nail to the base, without touching the joints. The movement is repeated 2-3 times.
  4. Using your thumb, rub the tendons located on the back of the hand from top to bottom.
  5. Massage the palm in a circular motion, pressing it in straight lines.
  6. Apply stroking to work on the wrist area.

    Photo: wrist area

The purpose of the procedure is to speed up lymph flow and remove excess fluid accumulated in the interstitial space. The therapeutic effect is enhanced by passive exercises: flexion-extension, adduction-abduction, rotation of the hand and fingers. Folk remedies work well: baths, rubbing, compresses.


This pathology is accompanied by deformation and destruction of cartilage tissue, caused by age-related changes or injuries. Bone growths appear at the edges of the joints, causing pain, impaired mobility, and deforming fingers, noticeably thickening the joints or curving them.

Massage for arthrosis is aimed at restoring mobility and reducing joint deformation. Percussion massage, which we discussed above, is added to the basic therapeutic techniques. It helps get rid of osteophytes, facilitating movement, eliminating discomfort and swelling.

When a nerve is pinched

Injuries, prolonged compression, and some infectious diseases can cause neuropathy - pinching of the ulnar, radial or median nerve, which provides sensory and motor reactions in the hand. The radial nerve is most often affected, as it is located especially close to the surface. As a result, the functions of the flexors and extensors of the fingers are disrupted, pain appears, the hand hangs, becomes numb, and immobilizes. The patient loses the ability to pronate and supinate (rotate the palm up and down), straighten the fingers, and clench the fist with force.

95% of all cases of neuropathy are treated conservatively. An indispensable part of such therapy is massage, which involves influencing the entire arm and even the spine, since the fascicular nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the upper extremities exit there. It should only be performed by a chiropractor. Any exposure during the acute period is contraindicated.

At a fracture

Fractures of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers are common. In this case, the patient is given a cast, which ensures proper fusion of the affected limb. The treatment lasts quite a long time, during which time atrophic changes occur in the immobilized structures: blood supply and nerve conduction are disrupted, muscles weaken and decrease in volume.

Massage prevents the development of such symptoms, so it is prescribed at the earliest stages of rehabilitation. They affect areas located in the immediate vicinity of the plaster cast, as well as the cervical-collar spine, which is responsible for the innervation of the upper extremities. The treatment procedure is based on classical massage techniques:

  • stroking;
  • rubbing, light and heavy;
  • circular, transverse, longitudinal kneading with fingertips;
  • vibration.

After removing the plaster, add light stroking of the affected surface. All movements are performed smoothly, slowly, for 10 minutes. If pain occurs, the procedure is stopped immediately. Rolling balls in your palms or tapping your fingers on a tabletop, imitating playing the piano, will also help develop your hand after a fracture.

Photo: a great exercise for city traffic jams.

After the bruise

Often, due to a blow or fall, the soft tissues of the hands are injured, while the bones and skin remain intact. Massage can achieve rapid restoration of damaged structures, since the procedure accelerates blood circulation, improves metabolism, removes excess fluid, promoting the resorption of infiltrates, and activates muscle contractions, preventing the development of atrophy.

If large vessels and muscles are not damaged, massage can be performed already 2–3 days after the injury. It happens:

  • Preparatory – carried out in areas above the lesion. This is done with basic techniques that promote the outflow of lymph and venous blood from the site of injury.
  • The main thing is direct massage of the affected area. It is performed when swelling and pain have completely disappeared. To do this, use stroking, pinching, patting, and light pressure.

Lost mobility is restored by circular rotation of the hands, squeezing and unclenching of fingers, rolling a ball with the palm of the hand, exercises with dumbbells, using massagers, picking up small objects: buttons, coins, matches.

Materials for massaging other parts of the body:

  • Foot massage
  • Head massage

Techniques of active influence

As your little one grows up, it is worth involving him in the process of hand massage; for this purpose, the following fun exercises will be optimal:

  1. “Come on, catch up!” – the baby’s fingers “run” across the palm, and the adult’s fingers try to catch them.
  2. “Rollers” - plastic tennis balls, pimply balls or any other round object should be rolled, held between two palms. You can try doing this at different speeds.
  3. “Removing the mittens” - one hand jerks the fingers onto the other, imitating the removal of mittens or gloves.
  4. “Iron” - you need to imagine that one palm is clothes, and the second is an iron, which needs to iron this very clothes thoroughly.
  5. “Helicopter” - using a simple pencil placed on the palm of your hand, you need to imitate the movements of the propeller.

Parents should use their imagination as much as possible, emotionally and vividly commenting on every action of their child. Not only will the baby be delighted with such a pastime, but such exercises will come in handy for any kind of pronunciation problems.


Any hand cosmetics that indicate that they are “massage” are suitable. It can be:

  • Fat cream or oils are suitable for use in the cold season due to their nutritional ingredients. Cosmetic oil can be added as needed. It will suit any. If the skin is very dry, you can benefit from a mixture of fat-based cream and oil in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Serums and lotions are used in the summer due to their ease and speed of absorption. With their help, the skin improves.
  • Scrub and peeling are recommended in spa massage. For better effects, you should then use a nourishing or moisturizing agent.

You will need approximately 20 ml of cosmetics for both hands. You will need a disposable spatula and napkins. The average cost of the procedure is calculated as follows: the price of 20 ml of product, used napkins, spatula, plus the time spent. The rest depends on skill.

Play massage

Some inspiring ideas on how you can massage your hands to develop motor skills while playing (which, by the way, is the best option for an older child who has difficulty sitting in one place):

  1. While swimming, ask the little one to use his hands to depict a fish that is quickly swimming in the sea, escaping from an angry shark.
  2. Crumple sheets of paper, giving them a spherical shape and the desired size (i.e., the baby will have to perform all the actions, making varying degrees of effort), then you can play snowballs with the balls, glue a snowman out of them, or practice accuracy by throwing “balls” at “basketball hoop” (bucket or basket).
  3. Play shadow theater with your palms.
  4. Make your fingers characters from fairy tales who need to perform different actions: ride a horse, sweep the floor, etc.
  5. Draw with your fingers on semolina (or any other) cereal, imagining yourself as a fashionable artist of our time.

It is important for parents to understand that a hand massage alone will not be able to stimulate speech and thinking if you do not talk to your baby at the same time. Therefore, always combine massage exercises and finger games with tongue twisters, poems, made-up stories and just your funny comments.

Bioactive points on the palms

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Our body is amazingly strong. Nature created it in such a way that some organs duplicate each other (for example, kidneys, ovaries). There are also those that, thanks to a large margin of safety, are able to perform their functions even in the event of damage of 50% (lungs) or 25% (liver). In addition, the body is designed in such a way that it allows you to determine where the failure occurred and immediately begin troubleshooting. One of the methods of diagnosis and treatment is exposure to bioactive points located on the body.

Bioactive points on the right hand

We will talk about the points located on the palms (the figures indicate points corresponding to certain organs and parts of the body). The principle of treatment is simple - to get rid of pain, you need to massage the point on the palm that corresponds to the suffering organ. Sometimes it is difficult to determine. But there is a way out. Slowly and carefully work through the entire area where the desired point is located. You will find a place that responds to massage with mild pain - this is the desired point.

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The conclusion suggests itself: before you grab a pill when you are irritable, tired, have a headache or, for example, PMS, try massaging the corresponding point on your palm. Palm massage will help get rid of discomfort without chemicals!

Bioactive points on the left hand

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