The healing power of cabbage with honey. Help with coughs, migraines, fever, burns and bruises

Author Marina Lebedeva

06/07/2004 08:52 (Updated: 06/17/2021 08:45)

Health » Health and prevention » Prevention

Engineer Anna Zhurina lives and works in Moscow. She prefers folk remedies in the fight against infections and pain and is confident that they are no less effective, moreover, do not cause any side effects and, importantly, are able to support the immune system. Anna Pavlovna shared her secrets of healing with cabbage Pravda.Ru

White cabbage

What causes the healing effect of cabbage leaves with honey?

Honey and white cabbage are a powerful tandem that can quickly overcome a cold. In the old days, cabbage was called the poor man's medicine. A cheap remedy saves you from many ailments. Cabbage leaf, thanks to a number of healing properties, works excellently as part of complex therapy in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, mastitis, arthritis and purulent inflammation. What is the secret of this vegetable in a hundred clothes?

  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has a slight analgesic effect.
  • Suppresses pathogenic microflora.
  • Soothes cough.
  • Liquefies and removes mucus.

Honey is considered a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic. It successfully treats colds and internal diseases, heals infected wounds and is used in cosmetology, saturates the body with vitamins and essential microelements, improves immunity and helps restore male strength.

The only contraindication is the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

A dense cabbage leaf locally increases body temperature by 2-3 degrees. Honey, partially dissolving under the influence of temperature, mixes with liquid cabbage juice and easily penetrates through the pores of heated skin. Once in the bloodstream, the beneficial components of the compress ingredients reach the inflamed bronchi, promoting a speedy recovery.

Cabbage with honey for cough:

  • with a wet cough, it effectively clears the bronchi;
  • when dry – helps to liquefy sputum and its subsequent removal;
  • softens attacks of suffocation during allergic cough;
  • relieves swelling of the larynx, restoring normal function of the respiratory tract;
  • speeds up recovery.

What cough helps to cure

Attacks of dry cough (doctors call it unproductive) are exhausting, irritate the throat, cause headaches, and reduce the quality of life. Treatment with cabbage and honey allows you to quickly transfer a dry cough to a more favorable stage - a wet one, when, with conscious or involuntary coughing, sputum is released from the trachea and bronchi, the airways are cleared, accelerating the healing process.

When treating a dry cough, it is necessary to take into account that the body needs a sufficient amount of fluid to thin the sputum. Don't forget about your drinking regime. During illness, the daily fluid intake should be increased by at least 30%.

What kind of cabbage should you use?

Man cultivates many types of cabbage: cauliflower, savoy, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi. Each of these types has its own taste and has many admirers. We are talking about the use of cabbage for medicinal purposes, which means we will talk about white cabbage, because it is this representative of the large cabbage family that effectively treats coughs.

For a compress, tight, flat heads with succulent leaves, without damage and black spots, are best suited.

Pay attention to the stalk - it should be white and dense. Cabbage, like a sponge, absorbs nitrates and pesticides, and therefore it is better to buy the vegetable from grandmothers at the market - the likelihood of them using large quantities of expensive chemicals in their beds is reduced to zero.

The most revered and “medicinal” product in the house is cabbage

It fully corresponds to the gastronomic preferences of many. We love fresh

  • cabbage salads,
  • sauerkraut and stewed cabbage,
  • ruddy pies and kulebyaki with cabbage.

What about crispy cabbage in borscht or cabbage soup? Indeed, the miracle vegetable is delicious in all forms.

It is less known that cabbage also easily copes with many colds.

“If anyone in our family has a fever, a sore throat or a cough, I tie a cabbage leaf around the “victim’s” neck. I apply a dry, clean cabbage leaf to the neck and wrap it with a cotton scarf on top. This compress should be changed every two hours,” says Anna Zhurina.

Cabbage as a remedy:

  • “takes away” the heat,
  • reduces temperature,
  • cleanses the breath
  • makes the pain quickly subside.

Already after the second compress, noticeable relief is felt. For severe sore throats and advanced bronchitis, you should grate the cabbage and stalk, apply the pulp to the area of ​​the throat and bronchi, secure with paper or cloth and wrap the compress tightly with cotton cloth or a terry towel. Keep for at least an hour.

“You will quickly, after just one procedure, feel the calming, relaxing effect of the cabbage compress,” assures Anna Pavlovna.

How to prepare a compress

Treatment with cabbage leaves and honey should begin from the very first day of the disease, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. To get the maximum effect, you must follow a few simple rules.

Cooking instructions:

  1. We remove the top 2-3 leaves from a tight fork (they can be used to prepare a salad), and the next ones, those under them, will become our remedy.
  2. Carefully remove several leaves, being careful not to break them.
  3. Place in boiling water for a minute and then under a cold “shower”. Dry with a towel. You should not use paper ones, as they will certainly soften and pieces of paper will remain on the surface of the sheet.
  4. Place on a clean cutting board and cut off any rough parts. Our task is to achieve the maximum area of ​​​​contact of the compress with the body.
  5. Beat or roll the sheet with a rolling pin so that the juice comes out. If, when “stripping” the cabbage, the leaves are torn, then one layer will not be enough. To prevent honey from leaking out, you will need to cover the leaf with another one.
  6. While the leaves are warm, add a tablespoon of honey. If the bee product is thick, spread it with your fingers and apply it to the sick person’s chest, bypassing the heart area.
  7. All that remains is to fix and insulate.

White cabbage leaves against skin damage

White cabbage leaves have many healing resources. They are able to heal all skin damage without exception:

  • bruises and burns,
  • purulent ulcers and wounds,
  • bruises and cuts.

cabbage leaves

Only when applying cabbage to open wounds, you need to disinfect it by scalding the leaves with boiling water. Then the cabbage leaves are wiped dry. Because almost all the vitamins found in cabbage are water-soluble and should not be kept in boiling water for a long time.

How to use correctly

A cabbage compress with honey for cough will bring the expected result only if used correctly:

  • Choose large, juicy leaves.
  • Do not heat-treat crystallized honey. The healing product will lose its healing properties.
  • Monitor the temperature of the cabbage leaf. At the moment of applying the compress, it should be pleasant to the body - not cold and not hot.
  • Keep the compress for the prescribed time; it is ideal to leave it overnight, but for small children this will be very problematic.
  • In the morning the compress must be removed. Usually honey is absorbed without any residue, but wiping the body with a warm towel won’t hurt.
  • The course of treatment to consolidate the result is at least 5 procedures.

For adults

It is best to secure the compress with several layers of cling film. During the procedure, it is better to lie down, but situations when it is necessary to get up are not excluded. The film will securely hold the sheet and will not allow it to slip. In order for the composition to start working as quickly as possible, you need to cover the patient with a warm blanket. The duration of action is at least an hour.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a compress from leaves

If an adult coughs

Benefits of using a compress:

  • With a wet cough, it allows you to cleanse the lungs and airways due to the gradual removal of sputum.

  • With a dry cough, it softens the mucus accumulated inside and further promotes its removal from the body.
  • It is possible to eliminate an allergic cough, but this point must be clarified with a specialist.
  • Kills microbes and partially destroys fungal spores.
  • Relieves inflammation, soothes and partially relieves spasms, eliminates sore throat.
  • Strengthens the immune system, promotes sustainable resistance against infectious diseases.

Cooking method:

  1. It is important to select fresh products. It is better to use white cabbage.
  2. We choose those leaves that have an area approximately the size of the palm of your hand, otherwise it will be inconvenient to make a compress.
  3. It is important to leave the leaves whole so that they do not tear when boiling.
  4. Honey must be of high quality and freshly collected.
  5. Cabbage leaves need to be softened; to do this, either scald them with boiling water or keep them in hot water for a while.

Do not overcook the leaves, you need their healing juice. Honey is needed in a liquid state, so it will be more convenient to spread it on the leaves.

You need to apply the compress warm, as it cools down quite quickly.:

  1. Apply the compress to the child and adult on the chest or back, avoiding the heart area.
  2. If your throat hurts, wrap a compress around your neck to warm it up.
  3. To retain heat for a longer period of time, wrap it in polyethylene and a warm scarf, and place a blanket on top.
  4. Keep it on for several hours, but if you have a severe cough, you can leave it on all night. Warm-up time for children is slightly shorter than for adults.

It is recommended to keep the compress from several hours to 8-9 hours if left overnight . If this is your first time using this method, do not leave the compress on for longer than 1-2 hours, since you do not know the body’s reaction.

For treatment with a compress, one time is enough, but in case of severe illness, you need to repeat the procedure again.

We invite you to watch a video about the use of cabbage leaves and honey against cough:

Cough for children

You need to choose only the freshest leaves. Do not use the very top layers, but those that are the size of an adult’s palm. Only the freshest honey is selected. Soften the cabbage leaves by either scalding them with boiling water or keeping them in hot water for a little while.

  1. Gently dry the leaves and spread with honey.
  2. Apply the side with honey to the body.
  3. Wrap the sheets in plastic, a warm scarf and cover the child with a warm blanket. You can leave it for several hours.

For joints

  1. To do this, you need to take a cabbage leaf and make small notches on it.
  2. Heat and then coat with a thin layer of honey.
  3. Apply a compress to the affected joint, place plastic on top, secure and cover with something warm.

A few uses will be enough to relieve or even forget about joint pain.

For migraine

The cause of a headache is always quite difficult to identify. Taking a large number of tablets can harm your body , so sometimes you can resort to traditional methods of treatment. To relieve a headache, you just need to take a cabbage leaf, mash it a little and apply it to the bothersome part of your head. Next, fix it with something warm to warm it up.

At a temperature

Cabbage and honey will help alleviate the condition of elevated body temperature. To do this, carefully scald the cabbage leaves with boiling water, wipe dry, brush with a little honey and apply to your back or chest, avoiding the heart area. Lock it in. Leave for several hours.

Do not use the compress at very high temperatures, as this may worsen the condition of the body!

For mastopathy

In parallel with the main treatment, you can support your body with cabbage leaves and honey. You need to smear the leaf with honey and apply it to your chest. This compress will help you delay the birth of malignant tumors . Self-treatment for this disease is inappropriate.

For burns and wounds

Burns and wounds are far from uncommon, especially in children. You can facilitate tissue healing using cabbage leaves and honey. You need to take fresh cabbage leaves, mash them a little (the juice should not drip, the leaves should be slightly damp) and scald (to eliminate the risk of infection), apply honey in a thin layer and apply to the healing part of the body, fix it.

This will relieve pain symptoms; in case of serious injuries, you should definitely go to the hospital.

For bruises

First aid for bruises can be provided with cabbage leaves and honey . Take fresh cabbage leaves, scald them, apply honey in a thin layer, apply the remaining leaves to the diseased part of the body and fix.

As you know, cabbage is used not only for external use. There are a large number of recipes with different types of this vegetable that allow you to use it in the diet. From our special publications you can find out how to properly start giving it to children, whether cabbage can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Recipe for cabbage decoction for cough and its use

To enhance the therapeutic effect for colds and viral diseases, a decoction of cabbage leaves is used.

Recipe: 3-4 small leaves are torn into small pieces and filled with 0.5 liters of water. It is not recommended to use a knife or blender, with the exception of kitchen knives with a plastic blade. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, covered, and leave until completely cool.

Strain the broth and take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day. To enhance the effect, you can add a little honey. Not everyone likes the smell and taste of the medicine, but the pills are rarely sweet.

The decoction saturates the body with essential minerals and relieves swelling of the nasopharynx. The product is also successfully used for such problems as the treatment of snoring.

How can you replace this compress if you don’t have the necessary ingredients at hand?

If you only have honey or only cabbage, you can still cure your cough. There are alternative recipes, the effectiveness of which, although lower, is still quite high.

  • You can make the same compress, but without honey. But in this case, you will have to grind the softened cabbage into pulp. It should be applied in the same way as a compress.

For this recipe, you can use not only white cabbage, but also Savoy cabbage.

  • You can also prepare a cabbage decoction. To do this, add water to the vegetable and bring to a boil. After this, you need to turn off the heat on the stove and leave the product for 30 minutes. This medicine should be drunk. Do this three times a day.
  • A warming cake is made from honey. It includes one spoon of flour, honey, mustard, vodka, and sunflower oil. From all this you need to make dough, and from it - a flatbread. It is applied to the chest or back for about an hour. This remedy will work after just a few treatments.

What else does a compress help with?

Honey-cabbage compresses effectively relieve joint pain due to arthrosis, but you should be patient. The disease depends on many factors, develops over years, sometimes unnoticed, and therefore it is hardly worth expecting relief from its symptoms even after 5-6 procedures.

Honey and cabbage compress is a real lifesaver at the initial stage of mastitis. The procedure perfectly resolves seals, eliminating the frightening consequences. Be sure to thoroughly clean your breasts before feeding.


It is not recommended to apply a cabbage compress with honey at temperatures above 37.2 degrees. Additional overheating can lead to an abrupt increase in temperature. This treatment method is used for infants with great care and under the supervision of a doctor.

To improve coughing, allergy sufferers should first test honey on delicate areas of the skin. Statistics show that allergic reactions occur to a product in the production of which antibiotics were uncontrolledly used to protect bees from diseases. If you buy honey from trusted sales outlets, allergies are practically excluded.

Cabbage broth should be used with great caution by people suffering from exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcers.

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