Massage for disorders of the bone structure of the thumb

Many women know firsthand about this disease, which is popularly called very simply - “bone” or “bump”. The correct name is hallux valgus. Men are also susceptible to this pathology, but much less frequently. We would like to introduce you a little to one of the most popular treatment methods - massage.

A protruding bunion on the foot mainly appears in women after forty years of age. Patients often experience pain. The disease is difficult to treat. Patients most often have to follow doctor's recommendations throughout their lives. Long-term treatment involves weight control, load correction, exercise therapy, and massages.

Why does a bone appear near the thumb?

It is a mistaken belief that this formation is a salt deposit or a bone growth. In fact, this is a deformation of the joint of the first toe with its outward curvature.

A protruding bunion on the foot mainly appears in women after forty years of age.

In some situations, the lump is bursitis: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the joint. Heredity can also give a predisposition to this condition, but the main reasons are:

  • unfavorable working conditions. In particular, standing work or those that involve walking long distances;
  • obesity. Excess weight has a detrimental effect on the ligaments of the foot, weakening them;
  • narrow shoes or high heels. In this case, the curvature occurs due to improper position of the foot.

All these factors affect the ligamentous apparatus of the foot. Therefore, treatment will involve strengthening it. Manual therapy plays a leading role.

The method according to which the massage should be performed is selected based on what reason supposedly caused the deformation of the bone on the big toe (different options can be seen in the video). Anyone can massage their feet on their own; if all the exercises are performed correctly, the size of the foot can be significantly reduced.

Treatment of a protruding bunion near the big toe

Bunion on the big toe: treatment in Moscow

Hallux valgus deformity is characterized by gradual development. This disease requires an integrated approach to treatment, and therapy should begin when initial symptoms are detected. On a healthy leg, the location of the first and second toes relative to each other is parallel.

At first, a person experiences mild discomfort, burning, and occasionally painful symptoms after prolonged movement.

The appearance of a bone is observed if the disease has developed to stage 2-3, and the person ignores the symptoms and does not seek specialized help.

When the disease is at an advanced stage, the big toe moves relative to the axis of the foot at an angle of more than 30°. In such a situation, only surgical intervention will help to cope with the problem.

The development of hallux valgus is possible under the influence of numerous factors:

  • If the shoes are chosen incorrectly or are made from low-quality materials.
  • If a person eats incorrectly, the body receives the necessary microelements in insufficient or excess quantities.
  • If there is a genetic predisposition. If one of the parents suffered from a bulging big toe, the person may seek medical help for a similar condition.
  • Against the background of some pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • If there is no physical activity.

Women are much more likely to experience hallux valgus than men because their bodies are more affected by hormones. Often the ratio of cases of detection of such pathology between women and men is 10:1. In addition, the female body has a more flexible ligamentous apparatus, which is also important in such a situation.

Women, in comparison with men, more often have to walk in uncomfortable, although beautiful-looking shoes. Because of this, the likelihood of a bulge in the big toe area increases significantly. Currently, approximately 40% of all women suffer from this disease.

In addition, the cause of bunions near the big toe is often excess body weight, flat feet, prolonged walking, and cartilage pathologies. Hallux valgus often develops in gymnasts, dancers, and people who have to stand for long periods of time due to work. Some women have to face a similar problem after the birth of a baby and during menopause, since these processes are accompanied by hormonal imbalance. In some cases, the cause of protrusion lies in injury to the lower limb.

Children suffer from this pathology in rare cases. Most often, the disease manifests itself against the background of rickets, poliomyelitis, or excessive motor activity of the joint tissue. In some cases, the development of hallux valgus is observed as a concomitant disease against the background of gout or arthritis. Moreover, this disease is often mistaken for another disease. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, if characteristic signs are detected, you should consult a doctor.

The effectiveness of massage for hallux valgus

Massage is mandatory to treat bunion deformities. Unfortunately, it is only possible to completely correct the situation when the necessary assistance is provided at an early stage.

Benefits of big toe massage:

  • helps strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the foot;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • promotes relaxation and pain reduction;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation.

Only by massaging the protruding bones regularly can improvement be achieved. It is preferable that the procedure be carried out by a specialist, but, as a last resort, you can do it yourself.

When your big toe joint hurts, it could be a sign of injury.

Benefits of foot massage

Massage movements have a beneficial effect on hundreds of nerve endings, providing a powerful tonic effect. The benefits of foot massage are very noticeable:

  • relieving headaches and stress;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • improved blood circulation and mood;
  • activation of the outflow of lymph and venous blood;
  • prevention of colds;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • general strengthening of the body;
  • relieving depressive mood.

The stimulating effects have a beneficial effect on the spine and sacral region, which are closely connected with the lower limbs.

The recommended frequency of therapeutic massage is at least 10 sessions. For other purposes - a little less. Depending on the type of massage, its duration can be up to 40 minutes. The total number of courses and time are determined by the specialist himself.

Precautions and contraindications when performing foot massage

To ensure that the procedure is beneficial and does not aggravate the situation, observe the following precautions:

  1. If massage when curving the joint of the first finger causes severe pain, you should stop it. The foot of the affected limb should be lightly stroked, and when the pain stops, you can continue. Minor discomfort is also possible, but you should not attach much importance to it.
  2. In case of hallux valgus, massage is prohibited if the patient has dermatological diseases, eczema, or allergic reactions.
  3. You should not undertake the procedure if you have not prepared a cream or special oil in advance. In this case, there is a risk of skin injury.

Regarding contraindications, it should be noted that people with varicose veins and pregnant women cannot carry out the procedure on their own. In such cases, massage performed only by a specialist is allowed.

Precautions and contraindications when performing foot massage

Indications for foot massage

The technique of massaging the legs largely depends on medical indications. Thus, therapeutic massage in most cases is a mandatory part of rehabilitation measures for people who have suffered an injury, fracture or surgery. In this case, the main task of the specialist is to restore mobility to the lower limbs. Massage therapy is also used to correct flat feet.

However, foot massage is also useful for people with other indications and sensations. General recommendations for massage treatments:

  • increased physical and nervous stress;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic fatigue, depression;
  • decreased potency;
  • excess weight, cellulite;
  • blood flow disturbance;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • joint diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus;
  • flat feet, gonarthrosis, initial stage of varicose veins, etc.

Preparing for a massage

In order to remove the bump, as well as remove the unpleasant sensations that cause bunions, you need to prepare your feet before the massage. Baths work well. For their preparation, medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, pine needles and others) or a few drops of essential oil of your choice are usually used.

After the event, the skin of the feet is moisturized with a nourishing, regenerating or other special cream. Currently, you can buy many foot care products in pharmacies. Of course, you should not rely on them having a pronounced healing effect, but the components included in their composition will help restore the skin. Some components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and reduce pain.

You can choose from a product with a cooling, warming or neutral effect. It is positive if the composition contains bischofite, aloe, rocks, bile or bear fat.

To make the massage more convenient, place a soft cushion under your feet - it can be a small pillow or a folded bath towel.

When will the first result be noticeable?

Before going to a specialist, or finally deciding to individually deal with a bunion on the big toe, many people wonder when to expect noticeable results?

Of course, it is impossible to quickly cope with such deformation. This will take some time. But experts note that if you combine massage with other wellness procedures, the result will be noticeable within a month.

Complete relief will take three to five months. The duration of treatment depends on how deformed the foot is. If the bone has just begun to grow and you immediately begin treatment, then it will be much easier to get rid of it.

How to massage with hallux valgus

The first stage of massaging is preparing the skin and soft tissues for the procedure. This can be compared to warming up in gymnastic exercises. Warm up your legs:

  1. Lightly rub your thighs and calves. This will help improve blood circulation in your feet.
  2. Now let’s warm up the feet themselves. Here we need oil or cream for massage. Stroke the sole of your foot. Then lightly stretch your fingers and move from them towards the ankle.

Finally, we start massaging. There are many different techniques, their effectiveness is approximately the same. We start with the fingers - rub and knead each of them.

To make the massage more convenient, place a soft cushion under your feet.

Below are the most effective exercises:

  1. We pay attention to the thumb. We hold the cone with our hand and rotate it around its axis with a slight movement. Gently rotate your finger clockwise, and then, holding it by the nail, counterclockwise.
  2. Then it is necessary to develop the muscular frame of the foot and each toe. To do this, use massage, stretching movements to move through the ligaments and muscles. Pay special attention to your thumb.
  3. Another effective exercise is raising four fingers, with the thumb in a plane parallel to the floor. This exercise should be performed 10-15 times for each limb. This may seem very difficult at first, but be patient and try to repeat it again and again.
  4. Alternately move your thumb to the left and then to the right, while leaving the entire foot motionless. It may seem like there is no movement, but muscle tension is important in this exercise.
  5. Press your first finger to the floor with your hands, and with muscle effort, try to resist your hands for 2-5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Massage each finger.
  7. Using your hand, gently straighten the affected toe parallel to the other toes.

Foot massage techniques

With such deformation, massage is not particularly difficult. It will not get rid of the bump immediately, but it will help remove unwanted pain. It is better to massage every day using the following techniques:

  1. Use circular movements with varying intensity to treat the area around the bone. At first the pressure is light, and then its strength slowly increases. The main task here is to ensure blood flow to the area of ​​inflammation to relieve it;
  2. Treat the pad of the thumb, while slightly turning the joint in a circle. This must be done very carefully to prevent negative consequences;
  3. Massage the muscle fibers of the big toe for three to four minutes. To do this, use two fingers, using pressing movements, to move along the inside of the foot, next to the formed bone;
  4. Pull your thumb up and hold it with your fingers, and at the same time try to press your thumb down with muscle effort, but do not allow it to fall. You need to tense your muscles as follows: press for three seconds, just hold your finger for five. This massage should be carried out for three to four minutes on each leg, while avoiding overexertion.
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