Fast-acting gel Horsepower for relieving joint pain

The “Horsepower” gel, intended for the treatment of joints and the elimination of some other pathologies associated with blood circulation and the musculoskeletal system, is most often provided with a characteristic picture.

Because of it, combined with the original name, people often think that the drug is intended for treating animals. However, this is not a completely correct assumption.

What is “Horsepower” gel, and why is it often associated with the treatment of animals?

The first drugs with the same name were actually produced for the treatment of animals. Now, modern developments have revised the composition of gels and made them optimal for use by people.

There are 2 theories according to which the product received this name:

  1. The first is based on the fact that horses are extremely sensitive to chemicals, and the “Horse Power” balm contains exclusively natural ingredients.
  2. The second theory is that the horse chestnut in the product gave its name to the drug, which was invented by Dr. Forster.

Companies in Russia and abroad produce gels of different spectrum of action under the name “Horse Power”. They have a similar method of action, but give different results depending on the individual characteristics of a particular person.

Gel “Horsepower” - general information

In medical practice, Horsepower gel is prescribed as an adjuvant in complex therapy.

The product has a positive effect:

  • Relaxes;
  • Calms;
  • Eliminates pain;
  • Restores skin appearance and metabolic processes.

According to doctors, the Horsepower gel is not an alternative to medications. Each diagnosis is individual and requires careful study and prescription of appropriate medications.

Contraindications and side effects

Medicines are generally well tolerated by people . But when using ZOOVIP or Alezan products, you should be careful. After all, the dosage of drugs is designed for animals much larger than humans, and they contain an increased concentration of active substances. Therefore, when starting to use drugs, it is necessary to carefully monitor how the body reacts.

Possible consequences:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Rash.
  • Itching.
  • Burning.
  • Edema.
  • Burn.
  • Allergic reaction.

Situations when the use of drugs is contraindicated:

  • Wounds.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Erysipelas diseases.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation (ZOOVIP, Alezan).
  • Age up to 12 years (Alezan), up to 18 years (ZOOVIP).

All of the above products should not be applied to mucous membranes.


The action of the drug is based on three active components:

  1. Vitamin E. A natural antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. The vitamin regulates the flow of oxygen into cells and normalizes blood circulation. The substance takes an active part in the synthesis of fibrin and collagen - without them, restoration of muscle tissue and ligaments is impossible. As a result of using the drug, the healing time of superficial wounds is reduced, and scars do not appear in their place. In addition, vitamin E slows down the aging process of the skin and maintains its attractive appearance.
  2. Peppermint essential oil. The substance restores the protective functions of joints and ligaments. Menthol has a cooling effect, normalizes blood flow and neutralizes excess tension in muscle tissue. Mint also has a vasodilating effect, as a result, discomfort in the joints disappears, and other components of the gel penetrate faster and deeper into the skin, directly to the site of pathological changes. In addition, mint has a calming effect and restores strength.
  3. Lavender essential oil. The main effect is to eliminate redness, swelling and signs of inflammation. Metabolic processes in cells are normalized, this minimizes the risk of scar formation. Lavender tones, thanks to which vascular spasm is neutralized. Lavender essential oil gives the product a pleasant aroma.

The following additional components are used:

  • Stabilizers and preservatives that prevent the spread of dangerous microorganisms;
  • Organic ingredients - glycerin or soybean oil - maintain the gel-like structure of the product.

Original products are presented only in the form of gels. There are no ointments or creams under the “Horsepower” brand.

Common analogues

Most analogues of “Horsepower” are produced in Russia, have many additional components in their composition and effectively fight the same diseases as the original product.

Gels and creams "Alezan"

The Russian brand produces pet care products. They are sold in zoological pharmacies and can also be used by people.

Here are their varieties:

  • warming horse gel;
  • cooling-warming horse gel in 0.5 and 0.25 l packaging;
  • cooling anti-traumatic gel 0.5 l;
  • joint cream in a tube of 100, 250 or 500 ml.

The composition also includes silver ions, herbal and plant extracts and chitosan, which is necessary for the restoration of joints. Depending on the chosen product, the composition also varies (additionally, various extracts, essential oils and other additives of plant origin are included).

Products "ZOOVIP"

300VIP is a Russian-made veterinary drug that can also be used by humans. There is a wide range: cooling-warming gel, the container of which can be 0.5, 0.25 and 0.1 liters, relaxing gel, cooling balm and warming balm. The brand also produces Meles cream in a tube, Api-PRO gel cream and a special cream-balm for joints.

There is also “Horsepower” cosmetics created for hair. It is produced on the basis of shampoos and conditioners for horses.

Indications for use and effect of the drug

The main indication for use of the balm:

  • Tendon injuries of various origins;
  • Various ligament injuries;
  • Joint pathologies – all forms of arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Pathologies such as myositis, osteochondrosis of all forms and degrees.

The product is often used by athletes as a massage product and to restore joints after damage and injury.

Also, “Horsepower” gel is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In order to prevent sprains and strains of muscles and ligaments;
  • To eliminate fatigue in muscle tissue;
  • To eliminate pain;
  • For swelling of the legs and for relaxation.

As a result of regular use:

  1. Pain arising from the musculoskeletal system disappears;
  2. Motor activity is restored;
  3. Swelling and cramps disappear;
  4. The muscular system relaxes;
  5. The load on the vein walls is reduced;
  6. Blood circulation and metabolic processes are normalized;
  7. The feeling of overstrain in muscles and ligaments after training disappears.

Products ZOOVIP

These are veterinary drugs produced in Russia by Veda LLC. Their action is based on the healing properties of plants. Medicines were developed exclusively for animals. They can be freely purchased at pet stores.

Release form and price

  • Double-action gel (cooling-warming): a 100 ml tube costs 98-156 rubles.
  • a 250 ml bottle can be purchased for 203-275 rubles.
  • for a 500 ml bottle the price ranges from 328-412 rubles.
  • 1000 ml bottle, you will find it in the zoological goods department for 563 rubles.
  • Relaxing gel:
      tube 100 ml, can be purchased for 102 rubles.
  • bottle 500 ml, cost from 394 to 356 rubles.
  • A 1000 ml bottle is practically not found in pet stores. But some sellers may agree to bring it to order.
  • Cooling gel:
      the cost of a 500 ml bottle is 309-361 rubles.
  • bottle 1000 ml – price from 426 to 485 rubles.
  • Warming gel:
      a 250 ml bottle can be purchased for 196-245 rubles.
  • bottle 500 ml, its price is 294-389 rubles.
  • bottle 1000 ml for 435 rub.
  • Meles cream tube 150 ml can be found for 156 rubles.
  • Gel-cream Api-PRO tube 150 ml 156 rub.
  • Cream-balm for joints:
      tube 100 ml – 124-167 rub.
  • 250 ml bottle priced at RUB 230.
  • bottle 500 ml, its average cost is 371 rubles.
  • You can purchase a 1000 ml bottle for 533-614 rubles.
  • Composition and effects

    Cooling-warming gel:

    • Eucalyptus extract – removes puffiness.
    • Menthol - relieves stress and calms.
    • Hot pepper – stimulates blood circulation.
    • Camphor – normalizes lymph movement.
    • A specially selected phytocomplex relieves pain and activates metabolic processes.

    Relaxing gel for feet:

    • Horse chestnut – strengthens the walls of capillaries, increases their elasticity.
    • Sweet clover – eliminates puffiness.
    • Cooling phytocomplex – has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Arnica – improves tissue nutrition.
    • Lavender – relaxes, relieves emotional stress.

    Cooling Gel:

    • Menthol – cools, having a tonic effect on blood vessels, increasing their tone.
    • Restoring phytocomplex - stimulating metabolism, accelerates the healing of microtraumas.

    Warming gel:

    • Red pepper (capsicum) – improves blood circulation.
    • Propolis – has an analgesic effect and promotes rapid rehabilitation after injuries.
    • Gum turpentine – increases the elasticity of muscles and ligaments, prevents injuries.
    • Vanillin derivatives – relieve fatigue.
    • Cloves – stimulates nutrition in tissues, reduces pain.

    Article on the topic: What can cause pain in the back of the heel bone?

    Meles cream:

    • Badger fat is a powerful restorative agent; in addition, it reduces addiction to NSAID drugs.
    • Amaranth oil – helps saturate tissues with oxygen and improves immunity.
    • L-carnitine – increases endurance, stimulates muscle regeneration and growth.
    • Glucosamine – restores cartilage, promotes the production of synovial fluid.
    • Chaga is an adaptogen, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
    • Leuzea is a natural steroid that reduces pain, normalizes intercellular metabolism, and fills with new strength.

    Gel-cream api-PRO:

    • An analogue of glucosamine-chondroitin – promotes joint restoration and is fully digestible when used externally.
    • Perga - normalizes metabolism, improves nutrition of muscle tissue.
    • Phytocomplex of 16 medicinal plants - has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints, muscles and skin.
    • Antioxidant complex – removes toxins and breakdown products.

    Cream-balm for joints:

    • Sweet clover – relieves pain.
    • Arnica - normalizes well-being.
    • Larkspur – helps restore and strengthen bone and muscle tissue.
    • Wormwood – relieves pain, stops cramps.
    • Pine buds are a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
    • Hops – calms and has a strengthening effect.
    • Horse chestnut – removes swelling, increases joint mobility.
    • Glucosamine – protects cartilage from destruction.
    • Warming phytocomplex – prevents blood stagnation.
    • Chondroitin – stimulates the synthesis of connective tissue.
    • Aloe – enhances the effect of other components.

    The drugs are made from high-quality raw materials, so their use provides quick and sustainable results.

    Creams contain a higher concentration of beneficial substances than gels. Therefore, their use is more effective. But the therapeutic effect of chondroprotectors appears somewhat later.

    When to use

    ZOOVIP products are recommended for use in the following diseases:

    • Arthrosis.
    • Arthritis of various origins.
    • Bursitis.
    • Osteochondrosis.
    • Rheumatism.
    • Myositis.
    • Ligament inflammation.
    • Pinched nerve.
    • Neuralgia.
    • Stretching.
    • Muscle pain.
    • Sports injuries.

    Instructions for use

    1. Apply the product to clean, dry skin.
    2. Rub in with massaging movements.
    3. If the product has a warming effect, you can apply an insulated bandage.
    4. Stay at rest for 20-30 minutes.

    Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day, as needed. The course lasts approximately 3-6 weeks.

    Instructions for use

    Using a gel involves applying the product to the problem area. Then rub the product until it is absorbed. The maximum course of treatment is two weeks. The frequency of procedures is three times a day - morning, afternoon and evening.

    The gel is used in combination with other measures - drug therapy, massage, special physical therapy

    To normalize metabolic processes, eliminate tension and swelling, a course of wraps using the “Horsepower” gel is prescribed.

    The procedure is carried out as follows:

    • Apply the product in a thin, even layer in the area of ​​pain;
    • Wrap the area in plastic;
    • Cover the top with a woolen scarf or lie under a blanket for half an hour;
    • After 30 minutes, remove the woolen item and film, and rinse the gel with warm water.

    If the gel gets on the mucous membranes, the area should be washed with running water and soap.

    When using the product, different sensations arise - the skin may feel cold, or vice versa - a feeling of heat may arise. The active substances provide an analgesic effect after a quarter of an hour. Essential oils provide a relaxing effect and eliminate spasms. The duration of therapy is selected according to the complexity of the disease and the patient’s well-being.

    The traditional treatment regimen involves using the gel for 1.5-2 weeks, then a week break is required. If during this time the patient’s well-being does not improve, therapy is extended after an individual consultation with a doctor.

    The main mistake is stopping therapy before the end of the course when improvement occurs. In order for the effect of the drug to be maximum, it is necessary to complete the course. Do not apply the gel to the skin if it has abrasions, scratches or open lesions.

    Alezan products

    Produced by the domestic company AVZ (Agrovetzashchita), specializing in preparations for the care of domestic and farm animals. Products are sold through zoological departments and veterinary clinics. But people are increasingly using these drugs to treat human diseases.

    Release form and price

    • Warming horse gel , per bottle of 500 ml price 813-855 rub.
    • Cooling-warming gel 2 in 1: 100 ml tube 217-269 rubles, you can find it in a pet store for 256-320 rubles.
    • tube 250 ml, can be purchased for 384-452 rubles.
    • 500 ml bottle, its price ranges from 719 to 947 rubles.
  • Cooling, anti-traumatic gel 500 ml costs about 745-894 rubles.
  • Joint cream comes in the form:
      100 ml tube, in Moscow can be purchased for 208-235 rubles.
  • tube 250 ml, cost ranges from 465-590 rubles.
  • for a 500 ml bottle you will have to pay from 750 to 973 rubles.
  • Compound

    To make medicines, the manufacturer used the following natural substances:

    • Water with silver ions.
    • Eucalyptus and rosemary extract.
    • Lavender oil.
    • Horse chestnut.
    • Chitosan.
    • Glycerol.
    • Dimethyl sulfoxide.

    For a warming effect, the following was added to the gel:

    • Cedar extract.
    • Clove essential oil.
    • Fir extract.
    • Sabelnik.
    • Juniper.
    • Blooming Sally.
    • Elecampane.
    • Myrtle.
    • Gum turpentine.
    • Hot pepper extract.
    • Excipients.

    Cooling-warming gel 2 in 1 has a similar composition, but to ensure a refreshing effect the following was used:

    • Menthol.
    • Camphor.
    • Alatonin.

    In addition to the above cooling components, the anti-traumatic gel includes:

    • Kayaput.
    • Lemon.
    • Peppermint.
    • Horsetail.
    • Sage.
    • Fern.
    • Thyme.

    The joint cream has a completely different composition (with the exception of silver purified water) from other Alezan preparations. It contains the following components:

    • Glucosamine.
    • Pine buds.
    • Martini is fragrant.
    • Fennel.
    • Sagebrush.
    • Mint.
    • Licorice.
    • Thyme.
    • Yarrow.
    • Calendula.
    • Caraway.
    • Chamomile.
    • Rose hip.
    • Celandine.


    Gels have a similar effect. They quickly absorb into the skin. Their use gives almost instant results:

    • Reduces pain.
    • Normalizes blood circulation.
    • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Stimulates metabolism.
    • Removes swelling.
    • Relieves fatigue.
    • Warms or cools (depending on the type of drug used).

    In addition, the joint cream stimulates:

    • Restoration of cartilage tissue.
    • Production of synovial fluid.

    As a result of the effect they have, these drugs for the body and joints are recommended for use in the following diseases:

    • Radiculitis.
    • Tendinitis.
    • Myositis.
    • Neuritis.
    • Synovitis.
    • Coxarthrosis.
    • Osteoarthritis.
    • Tengovaginitis.
    • Arthrosis.
    • Sports injuries.
    • Stretches.

    In addition, a cooling gel is recommended for varicose veins.

    How to use

    1. Wash and pat dry the area where the pain is concentrated.
    2. Apply a small amount of product with a sponge.
    3. Rub the medicine in using massage movements.
    4. Lie down for 15-30 minutes.
    5. To improve the result, you can apply an airtight bandage over it.

    Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. Then a break for 14 days.

    Experts' opinion

    The opinion of doctors about the effectiveness of the drug is ambiguous.

    Despite the positive reviews from patients, doctors strongly recommend in the following cases:

    • For one-time relief;
    • To eliminate the feeling of fatigue and tension after physical activity.

    Horsepower gel is not prescribed for the treatment of serious pathological processes.

    Doctors' concerns are primarily due to the lack of clinical trials of the drug. In addition, the strong analgesic effect can harm the patient. The fact is that pain is one of the forms of the body’s protective reaction. If a person experiences pain, it is imperative to pay attention to it. While relieving discomfort with the help of a gel, a person continues to load the joints to the usual extent, and this only aggravates the patient’s condition. Weakened cartilage tissue cannot cope with loads, the pathological process develops faster, and the condition worsens.

    Horse balm

    Produced by German. The drug is certified for humans. It got its name from its main ingredient – ​​horse chestnut. You can purchase the product at a pharmacy or on the official website of a sales representative in Russia.

    A 250 ml jar of balm can be purchased in the range of 641-933 rubles.


    This drug contains the following main substances:

    • Horse chestnut - has analgesic, anti-edematous effect, strengthens blood vessels.
    • Fir needle extract reduces inflammation.
    • Peppermint – relaxes muscles.
    • Mountain arnica – relieves discomfort.
    • Rosemary officinalis – reduces inflammatory processes.
    • Camphor – stimulates blood flow.
    • Menthol – removes swelling.

    By using the balm, or as it is often called horse gel, you get the following effect:

    • The pain goes away.
    • Cartilage tissue is restored.
    • Calcium metabolism is normalized.
    • Joint mobility increases.
    • The restoration of muscle fibers is stimulated.
    • Fatigue goes away.

    Balm is recommended for diseases

    • Radiculitis.
    • Arthritis.
    • Osteochondrosis.
    • Arthrosis.
    • Gout.
    • Stretching.
    • Injuries after excessive physical exertion.

    The balm is applied several times a day, as needed, to the affected area and rubbed in until absorbed. The course of application is up to 3 weeks.

    Customer Reviews

    Olga “Periodically, I experience exacerbation of arthritis, the only salvation is the Horsepower gel.” Most often, discomfort is felt during sudden changes in weather conditions, as well as in spring and autumn. As soon as there is a change in the weather - a snowstorm, rain, severe temperature changes - severe pain is felt. But just rub in the gel and after 20-30 minutes everything returns to normal. I use the drug exclusively according to the instructions, because we are talking about a medicinal product.”

    Nastya “In addition to being highly effective, the gel has a pleasant herbal scent – ​​lavender and mint. I can note that after using the product, the discomfort in the joints disappears quite quickly. I apply the gel to the painful area and after 15-20 minutes I can go about my business and sleep peacefully.”

    Alla “During the gardening season, after working in the garden, my finger joints hurt very badly. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it is impossible to sleep at night. A friend recommended the Horsepower gel. At first I didn’t believe in the positive result, but after the first use I didn’t believe it - the pain went away and I slept peacefully all night. After application there was a pleasant warmth. Nevertheless, I still went to the doctor, because the drug only eliminates the symptoms, but does not treat the cause.”

    Tonya “I often use the gel after physical activity. I dance professionally, so after training I often feel pain in my knees. The discomfort is unpleasant; clicks appear in the knee during movements. I use the gel according to the instructions, the condition becomes noticeably better.”

    Sveta “I have been suffering from rheumatism for many years, so I am constantly looking for drugs that can effectively eliminate pain. The main thing is to follow the instructions; my sister made a compress for the first time and received a chemical burn. If you use the gel according to the instructions, the result will be positive and the pain will go away.”

    Natasha “I started doing fitness and felt discomfort in the hip joint. The trainer recommended using the Horsepower gel. There is an effect, but I still plan to go to a specialized doctor to understand the causes of the pain.”

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