When should you apply an elastic bandage to your knee?

The most active joint in the human body is the knee; it experiences large static and dynamic loads, and therefore is often subject to injuries and diseases. In these cases, elastic bandaging of the knee is a good help. It is used for bruises, dislocations, sprains, it is necessary in the treatment of inflammation in the joint, for fixing a sterile bandage on a wound.

Tight bandaging of the knee allows you to create peace for it, limit movement, as a result, pain and swelling of the tissues are reduced, and recovery time is reduced. It is widely used in strength sports to prevent damage to the ligaments and meniscus of the knee joint. The bandage is effective provided that it is correctly selected and applied correctly, which can be mastered by anyone without a medical education.

Types of elastic bandages

There are 3 types of elastic bandages depending on their degree of extensibility:

  • low elasticity, when stretching is possible only 1.5 times (up to 50-60% of the length);
  • medium elasticity, when it can be maximally stretched to 70-130% of its length;
  • high elasticity, stretching 2-3 times its length (200-300%).

The degree of elasticity is indicated on its packaging, and its choice must be agreed with your doctor.

A weakly stretchable bandage will not provide reliable immobilization of the joint, so it is suitable for dressing the wound - fixing it with a sterile napkin. For the same purpose, you can use bandages of medium elasticity, including bandaging the knee after surgery, in case of inflammation. But high elasticity is perfect for injuries or for sports, when you need to tightly bandage a joint.

Pharmacies offer a large selection of elastic bandages, the price for domestic products varies from 50-170 rubles, for foreign ones - from 250 to 400 rubles. However, the main criterion when choosing is the size (length, width) and the degree of elasticity, regardless of cost.

Advantages of purchasing goods through an online pharmacy

The main reason why you should use the Aptstore online pharmacy resource is, first of all, saving time and money on searching for the right product in such a big city as Moscow. Modern technologies allow you to learn about the latest medical equipment and accessories without leaving your home. There are also several other reasons why you should use the Aptstore online pharmacy:

  1. When making purchases through the Aptstore online store, you have the opportunity to purchase goods at a wholesale price from the manufacturer. If in retail stores prices for elastic bandages start from 100 rubles, then in an online pharmacy their cost starts from 33 rubles. As a result, the buyer immediately saves 35%.
  2. In the online store you can look through the catalogue, look at similar devices, read their characteristics and slowly choose the right product for yourself. And if you have any questions regarding the price, ordering or availability of goods in stock, you can discuss them with a consultant online.
  3. A retail store does not always have this or that product. The online pharmacy cooperates directly with the Aptstore pharmacy warehouse, which supplies goods throughout Moscow and Odintsovo, which gives the advantage of purchasing a drug or medical equipment before it reaches local stores.
  4. You can place an order for one or more of your favorite products within a few minutes, without wasting time on shopping trips.
  5. By registering on the Aptstore online pharmacy website, the client has the opportunity to track new products, receive notifications about similar products purchased previously, and view the history of their purchases.
  6. If it is not possible to buy a product right away, you can add it to your favorites, that is, to the “Basket”, which is displayed in the user’s “personal account”, reminding him of the planned purchase.

Overlay Types

Before bandaging the knee, you need to lay or sit the patient so that the leg is in a horizontal position, relaxed and slightly bent at the knee joint. Further, depending on the purpose, several methods of bandaging are used:

  • circular;
  • spiral;
  • "turtle".

Circular bandage

The simplest type of bandaging, in which the end of the bandage is fixed above the knee with one hand, and with the other, stretching it, they make several rounds around the joint. The end cannot be tied; it is secured with adhesive tape, a pin or the fastener included in the kit. This bandage is not very strong and can roll off when moving, especially in a child due to high mobility.

Spiral bandage

The peculiarities of a spiral or creeping bandage are that each subsequent revolution moves up or down by 1/3-½ the width of the previous one. In the first case, an ascending bandage is applied: the end of the bandage is fixed with the hand under the joint, and turns are made with the other hand, moving them upward. When applying downwards, the bandage is held with the hand above the joint, and the tours are applied with the other hand, moving downwards. This type of bandage is more reliable than a circular one, however, the rounds can move up or down with movement.

"Turtle" bandage

This type of bandaging is the most reliable for the knee; it covers a large area and holds well without slipping. The essence of the bandage is the sequential crossing of rounds in the area of ​​the popliteal fossa with a transition from bottom to top, or from top to bottom. Depending on this, the overlay can be of 2 types:

  • Criteria for choosing an elastic bandage for the knee, methods for wrapping it

A converging bandage is applied starting from the periphery to the center. The first round of the bandage is fixed 20 cm below the knee, behind it they go obliquely upward and make a round 20 cm above the knee. Afterwards, they again make a cross behind the knee and move the bandage down, make a tour higher by 1/3-½ of the width of the bandage, make a cross and go up. Similarly, each tour is shifted down from above. The bandaging ends at the level of the middle of the joint. This bandage with rolling crosses prevents the bandage from moving up and down.

A divergent bandage is applied starting from the middle of the joint, with each subsequent round of the bandage moving up and down with a cross at the back. The last round is wrapped around the shin 20 cm below the joint and fixed.

Rules for applying fixing bandages to the toes

1. Several rounds of the bandage are wrapped around the ankle (counterclockwise). 2. On the outer surface of the foot, the bandage is wrapped around the big toe, and 2-3 circular rounds of the bandage are made. 3. The bandage is passed between the big and second toe, crosses the bandage strip on the top of the foot and is wrapped around the ankle. If only the thumb needs to be fixed, the end of the bandage is secured to the wrist and the bandaging ends. 4. If you need to bandage all the toes, you should repeat the steps until the entire foot is bandaged.

Sprain bandage

Any sprain of the knee joint must be immobilized. To do this, you can bandage it in any of the following ways, depending on the severity of the injury. For mild cases, circular bandaging is sufficient; for severe injuries with severe swelling, it will be correct to bandage in a more reliable “turtle” way. In any case, the choice of the type of bandage is made by the traumatologist after examining the patient.

The question of how long you need to wear a bandage on your knee is decided individually.

For a mild injury, 1 week is enough, and for severe sprains and ligament ruptures, the bandage is worn for up to 1 month or longer.

Very important points that should not be forgotten:

  • the bandage should not overtighten the limb, as evidenced by pain, swelling and numbness of the leg below the knee;
  • The bandage must be removed at night to restore blood circulation;
  • do not tie the bandage in a knot, but use a special fastener or pin;
  • under the bandage there may be fogging and irritation of the skin; after removing it, be sure to wash the skin with soap and water or treat it with an antiseptic (alcohol, furatsilin solution, chlorhexidine);
  • do not use an old stretched bandage, it does not fulfill its function;
  • You should wash or change the bandage as it gets dirty, but at least 2 times a week.

In what cases should this remedy be used?

Dressing material is used in different situations. Typically, this material is a preventive measure for knee injury or impairment. However, there are other cases where elastic bandages are used. Of course, the decision about the need to apply a bandage is made by the doctor. This remedy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • orthopedic diseases;
  • swelling;
  • sports injuries;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • bruises and dislocations.

The doctor recommends applying bandages not only for injuries, but also for various diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, synovitis). They can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Bandages help relieve or reduce pain and reduce stress on the knees.

Where to buy medical supplies in Moscow and Odintsovo

As you can see on the map on the official website of the Aptstore pharmacy, dozens of branches have been opened in Moscow in different parts of the city, where you can purchase drugs and medical equipment. However, the most convenient option to make a purchase is to use the online ordering service without leaving your home.

The Aptstore pharmacy has an online store through which the buyer can find out the availability of goods, characteristics and cost of a particular drug and equipment. Moreover, you can communicate directly with a consultant by phone or online through written messages.

Types of elastic bandages

All bandages are different in length and width, as well as in the degree of stretch. They are divided into several groups according to the degree of extensibility and in accordance with the purposes for which they can be used. There are three types of bandages:

  • with low elongation - thirty to one hundred percent;
  • with average elongation - one hundred to one hundred and fifty percent;
  • with high elongation - from more than one hundred and fifty percent.

Bandages with 30-100% stretchability are used for various problems with veins. In addition, such knee bandages are used if you need urgent assistance, immediately apply a bandage and firmly fix the joint. This bandage helps reduce discomfort and pain for a while. However, in the future it is necessary to use other treatment methods.

Knee wraps with 100-150% stretchability are also used to treat vein diseases. Elastic knee wraps are also useful for supporting the joint and tissues after the cast is removed. They are also used for compression sclerotherapy. You can also use bandages with moderate stretch for knee injuries (if you need immediate help and relief). Such knee bandages help with arthrosis, as they reduce the load on the knee.

As for bandages with the highest elongation, they are used for severe varicose veins. Regarding knee problems, these high-stretch bandages are useful for post-surgery patients when swelling occurs.

Nuance! It is best to have a product with one hundred percent stretchability in your first aid kit. This is a universal size.

How to choose the right knee bandages?

  • Criteria for choosing an elastic bandage for the knee, methods for wrapping it

Of course, before buying a bandage, it is advisable to consult a specialist. He will select the appropriate remedy for the patient for a specific problem. In general, elastic bandages should be selected based on the stretchability of the specific problem.

How to bandage a knee?

How does the procedure itself work? How to bandage a knee? There are instructions that will help bandage the damaged area:

  1. The leg should not be tense.
  2. The roll should be held in one hand and the free edge in the other.
  3. The loose end must be placed behind the knee, below the cup.
  4. Bandage the leg along the fold under the joint, slightly covering the free end.
  5. All layers slightly cover the previous ones.
  6. Each time you need to slightly stretch the layer, but not too much.
  7. Then fix the end of the bandage, do this by tucking it under any layer.

The procedure must be carried out first with the lower part, and then wrap the upper part of the knee in the same way. It is important that the bandage does not interfere or put pressure. To do this, bend your leg several times. Properly wrapping your knee with an elastic bandage is not very difficult. Of course, you won’t be able to do it quickly right away, but after some practice, applying an elastic bandage will be much easier.

Here are some tips on bandage technique:

  1. The bandage must be wound correctly and evenly, as microtrauma may occur.
  2. The bandage should be opened outward so that it does not stretch prematurely.
  3. Each level of dressing should overlap the next by no more than 50%.
  4. You need to bandage a slightly larger area than the injury itself - 10 cm.
  5. At the end of bandaging, it is necessary to slightly loosen the tightness.

How to buy goods through the online pharmacy “Aptstore”

In order to order one or more products on the pharmacy website, you need to go through a quick registration, select products from the catalog, place an order in your “personal account” and pick it up at the nearest store at your place of residence.

It will take a maximum of 1 minute to register on the site. In the upper right corner there is a “Login” button. By clicking on it, the site opens a window where you need to enter a login and password for already registered users. Beginners need to click on the “Register” button, enter their name, email address and come up with a password. There is also the option to log in through an existing social media account.

After registration, you need to find the product you need. This can be done through the site catalog, or using the search. You can enter the first few letters of the desired product into the search bar, and the system will return all products with a similar name. This is very convenient when you cannot remember the exact name of the drug.

When a product is found, it must be added to the “Cart”. You can manage your purchases from your “personal account”. The system will calculate the total amount of future purchases and offer to place an order. You will need to indicate the address of the pharmacy closest to your home. If the client does not know the address, you can use a map of the cities of Moscow and Odintsovo, where all the pharmacies in the city are marked.

Contraindications to applying a bandage

Is it always possible to do dressings? No, there are cases when applying a bandage is prohibited. The final decision on the possibility or impossibility of such a procedure is made by the doctor. But in the following cases you definitely can’t bandage:

  • diabetes;
  • obliteration of arteries, atherosclerosis;
  • infection at the site of application;
  • inflammation in the area where the bandage is applied.

Read about how to apply a compress here.

In addition, some side effects may occur during use. For example, in summer it is very hot in such headbands. Consequently, skin problems may arise. It is possible to be allergic to substances contained in the bandage. And the bandage exerts excessive pressure not only on the joint, but also on the surrounding tissues, which can also lead to negative consequences.

Such bandages are a fairly effective means of relieving knee pain and reducing stress. However, you should not get carried away with this method of treatment, and even more so, you should not use an elastic bandage as the main treatment. An integrated approach to the treatment of a disease or injury will lead to a quick cure and reduce the risk of complications.

What is arthrosis of the knee joint?

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a chronic disease that results in changes in the shape of the knee joint and pain when walking and playing sports. The knee joint is most vulnerable to arthrosis. This is due to the fact that the knee bears the weight of the entire body and bears the load when walking.

Mechanical impact destroys the menisci - cartilaginous “linings” between the bones of the pelvis and lower legs, shock-absorbing the joint and providing it with mobility. The menisci flatten and become thinner. The joint changes shape, the nutrition of the cartilage is disrupted, and the cartilage cells begin to die.

How does a compression bandage help with knee arthrosis?

By fixing the knee joint, the Intex compression bandage reduces the load on the ligaments and muscles that ensure the movement of the leg in the knee. As a result, the load on the joint is eased, the destruction of the menisci is slowed down and pain is reduced.

The elastic bandage stimulates the work of the blood vessels surrounding the joint, improving the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cartilage. At the same time, the compression bandage ensures the delivery of chondroprotectors - drugs that restore and protect the menisci.

How to properly apply a compression bandage for knee arthrosis?

To fix the knee with arthrosis, use a low-tensile bandage (stretches by 50% of the length at rest) 1.5-2 m long and 8-10 cm wide. 1. Apply the bandage in the morning, when swelling and inflammation are minimal. 2. Secure the bandage with 1-2 turns 20 cm below the knee. Apply the bandage so that the new wrap overlaps the previous one by 2/3 of the width. 3. Pass the bandage obliquely through the popliteal fossa, place it on the thigh, twenty centimeters above the joint. Secure the bandage with 1-2 turns. 4. Pass the bandage from top to bottom so that the new wrap of the bandage crosses the previous one obliquely. A cross of bandage strips should form in the popliteal area. Secure the bandage with 1-2 turns under the knee. 5. When you have completely bandaged your knee, secure the bandage with a turn of the bandage through the middle of the knee. Secure the bandage using the clip that is included with the Intex bandage.

Published in the Bandages sectionReferences:

  • https://travmoved.com/preparat/elastichnyj-bint-na-koleno/
  • https://prokoleni.ru/med/elastichnyiy-bint-na-koleno
  • https://bint.ru/blog/artroz-kolennogo-sustava-i-elastichnyj-bint/
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